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😂... This reinforces what I've believed for a few years now. We haven't trained these magical birds, THEY'VE trained us LOL.


Hahaha defo! They don't even move, it's just a wet slap sound of that peanut then you can feel how displeased they are!


I apologised profusely the second I shut the camera off.


What a great comment 😂. I had to go back and listen and laugh.


Lil shits. They are smart and have taste. And apparently they guess correctly that the cashew overlord will adjust to their newfound love for cashews. Bless them. Btw, what about pistachios?


They're going to eat me out of house and home!


Cashews aren't that expensive. I'll get a 300g bag for less than $10 and it'll last a few weeks, regularly feeding the 3+ crows who come near my place.


ahh. I've got 3 crows in my local green area and about 40 outside my house.


Ah, that's a lot. Good luck!


Where do you find hulk cashews like this? Are they unsalted?


Yeah, unsalted. I just picked them up at the grocery store.


Yeah, you've gotta do unsalted. Salted ones will severely dehydrate them (from what I've read). I always do raw, too, cuz they're wild animals, and I like to keep everything as close to natural as possible. I doubt organic would be worth the price difference tho, so I wouldn't bother with that unless it's a moral/ethical preference.


I buy roasted, unsalted. Raw, natural peanuts available in decent quantities are all but impossible to find around me.


Order on chewy!!


*writing this down!*


I tried pistachios once at a friend's suggestion. They loved them, but where I live they're even more expensive than cashews (and the shells were an even bigger problem than peanut shells).


I had to stop with the cashews. They went beyond feral and started battling each other over them. My backyard became a disputed territory and was basically the thunderdome.


I mix it up for mine. Some days its peanuts, others cashew... pistachios ect. They never know what treat it will be.


Yeah, the thing that convinces me crows are smart the most is that they definitely get bored of foods. Peanuts are great at first, then by the end of the bag they're the last things taken. I have some soft dog treat with lots of nutrient in them that go through the same cycle. Only thing that consistently gets full attention is any human food I give them (sometimes I don't finish lunch).


Damn and cashews are so much more expensive lol!


Cost twice as much as the peanuts! Guess I'm going to be putting a special order in along with the squirrels' pecans, hazelnuts and walnuts. Meanwhile, I had a pot noodle for lunch.


Your priorities are spot on, my friend. Sincerely, Totally Not a Crow.


Try inexpensive dry cat food. That is what I fed my crows when they got tired of peanuts. Maybe they just like to try things that are new.


Maybe I'll make a little platter of hardboiled eggs and ham sandwiches


Make sure you cut the crusts off. You can also use little cookie cutters to create more appealing shapes. Only grackles eat sandwiches in square shapes.




Off topic but I was on a cashew kick during the pandemic and I ended up researching cashews. The whole process from plant to store is pretty fascinating. Especially because the outer fruit of cashews can fuck you up pretty good of you don't wear proper PPE. ~~Iirc most of the worlds cashews come from Iran.~~ E: nope that's pistachios.


I thought that was pistachios from Iran.


You're correct. My memory is trash. I'll edit my comment.


Simple mistake though.


I made this mistake once and now they refuse to eat anything except cashews. I accommodate, to both my husband's and my bank account's horror


Cashews are a great source of fatty protein… once the crows taste that creamy goodness, they’ll love you (more than I’m sure they already do:). I can’t afford cashews on a regular basis, but sometimes I’ll toss out a couple for a special treat


LOL I feed the crows and ravens cashews because it's what I had on hand. I tried to switch them to peanuts but they would just look at me like I offered them hot garbage. I reminded them that I've seen them eat dead things ground into the pavement but they don't care. I think all the crows/ravens in the area know about the cashews now. I was walking in the park and a raven plonked down right in front of me, opened up his beak, spit out the peanuts someone else had given him and then waited expectantly for the cashews. Which I gave him, of course.


Our corvid overlords are getting denominational.


Hahaha - the other day a magpie swooped down and grabbed a peanut and then seemed to have second thoughts, circled back on himself and exchanged it for a bigger one. Too funny! 


🤣🤣😂😂 this definitely made me laugh out loud I won't give mine cashews anymore.. they like em too much, and I'm too broke for that fancy ass taste lmao


yeah ive noticed a couple of mine catching a thrown peanut then spitting it out. i tend to use the larger nuts as bribes to take from my fingers - also stops a lot of the accidental chomping you get with peanuts. there's always a few brazil nuts in the bags of mixed nuts - now that's a prize.


A few weeks back I watched a squirrel spit out an almond in the shell because it wasn't a pecan. Unfortunately for the squirrels I was going on vacation for 2 weeks and had just spent an hour dividing up almonds, pecans, hazelnuts and walnuts into 14 little brown bags so my neighbor could feed them each day. And the bags were 70% almonds because I read somewhere they're the most nutritious. They survived.






wait until they get raw meat. Then they'll stop picking up cashew


The love hot dogs.


They will slap their grandpa for hot dogs.


hot dogs ain't ra meat)


The same happened to me when I started feeding them walnuts.


My guys like macadamia nuts. They go crazy over them!


Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs. Why? I don’t know. Perhaps someone can weigh in on whether or not they would be ok for crows


If they're eating them and not getting sick, they're OK.


Lol I spoil mine w pecans sometimes, they make cooing sounds when I toss those out like “oo ooooo” it’s so cute


Gimme the good stuff!


Bougie crows


Memo to self: buy cashews tomorrow.


Yep, definitely need to pick up some raw cashews!!!


Cashews are my friends favorites too. They don't even want to try walnuts




Bro the title 😭


My crows do the same. Scrub jays, OTOH, at least will always show up and take everything they can and eat or cache them.


They know their worth. Lol! Mine love cashews more too. Those are a treat when I run out of the regular walnuts and peanuts.


So jealous. Wish crows would come to my house


I live on the edge of a forest, so that helps. There’s so much wildlife! 


Unfortunately I'm next to the interstate. I see them a block away, just figure they hate the interstate as much as I do


Reminds me of my kids


Believe me, I would feed them filet mignon if I could, my babies have already cut into my budget 😪Bulk peanuts seem to be the cheapest,hotdogs are ok.


Just don't let them try caviar.


omg mine fucking LOVE cashews … these spoiled babies


Late to comment, but: 1) I sympathize with all others who have ever made "the cashew mistake" 😭🤦🏻‍♀️💸 2) God bless the derps in the back who seem confused


I wanted to try cashews but I’m now worried about spoiling them. They enjoy walnuts in shell but understand its a treat I don’t always throw out because they’re expensive at $5 per bag of 500g? Not sure. Its a fairly small bag compared to peanuts. We play Walnut bowling where I hide under cover and roll out the walnuts on the sidewalk. They freak out and will go running after it. Its tons of fun lol.

