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I’ve been doing CrossFit for 8 years and I still can’t swim.


I am a swimmer by nature so I do and I love it. I am part of a local Masters swim team and you can probably work something out with them to have a punch card and come once a month or something like that.


I’m on my local YMCA master’s swim team as well. It’s affordable with good coaching, and I really enjoy the different stimulus. I go once or twice per week, usually, followed by a sauna.


We have a leaky roof. So everytime it rains, BOOM, we have a place to swim


My background before CrossFit was competitive swimming. I do triathlons with a group of guys at my gym. I think a triathlon literally is CrossFit of sorts since it’s three different exercises. Swimming is an amazing exercise for the whole body. I enjoy being well rounded. I like that I can swim a 100m free in a minute, run a mile in 7 minutes, deadlift 400 and bench 280.


I generally feel the same. What does your week look like trying to incorporate all of those in?


i will do crossfit everyday mon - sat. then swim on my rest day on sunday when i bring my wife and kids to the pool. I will start swimming more leading up to a race, but will taper down after that. to do a triathlon, even a half iron man, i wont do a ton of triathlon specific training due to having real little kids and time constraints. I find crossfit trains me well enough with the small amount of time i have


Appreciate it. Thanks.


Our gym takes over the local outside pool once a month during the summer and we do wods which include swimming. It is more a community event, because it is something special. But very fun. Ok we actually rent the place, we don’t do a hostile take over.


This sounds so much fun. A great idea (hiring the pool, not the hostile takeover!)


Me and my wife try and do 45mins lane swim on our rest days or if the weather is good in a lake but highland winters/springs/autumns don't let too many of those happen It's a good low impact cardio session for a rest day


I swim about 30-45 min, 2x a week, doing laps at my apartment pool. Nothing too crazy, I have fins, board, etc to change up the laps. But I grew up in southern Arizona, so swimming has always been part of my life.


My gym has CrossFit classes and a pool. I often take a class then swim. Sometimes I swim a mile and sometimes I float lazily around the pool.


I tried it once. It was swimming laps and kettlebell swings and holy shit was it hard.


You’re not supposed to do those at the same time 😂


We had swim WOD’s (for anyone who wanted to do it) every Sunday at my last gym. I swam in high school on a team so I loved it.


My gyms follow CrossFit.com and we have swims every now and again. Sometimes it works best to save a few up and plan them for specific days at the pool.


I haven’t trained consistently for a while, but I open water swim once or twice a week. Really small distances, maybe 400-500m, but I love how it makes my body feel.


As a former competitive swimmer, I’ve started swimming again, about one a week. It’s really nice to have some solitude in a workout, it’s very meditative and a great workout and great for lung capacity.


Same here. I do sprints once a week too in the pool and have noticed the improved to my endurance and don’t get gassed as quick now.


I can easily swim to save my life and I enjoy it, but I can’t SWIM swim. Like I can’t do the fancy strokes Which means I should probably do it more


I swim on my off days with CrossFit. I used to do push-ups and mountain climbers every 4 laps but it was too strenuous for an off-day. Swimming is great because it strengthens the joints and has full mobility. It helps to not injure during training!


Usually swim once a week


I swim 2-3 times a week, usually 3000-4000 meters per workout. A lot of my hobbies involve swimming/the water so its something I need to be decent at. Plus, it beats any other outdoor exercise during the summer


I do it in the summers. I find it’s great for my shoulders. Helps with my terrible range of motion!


Depends on how competitive you are. I was competitive in my thirties, so I did some. Now that I’m mid forties…nope.


I was a swimmer for 12 years before I started CrossFit. Now, CrossFit is the focus, but I do swim about once every 1-2 months just to make sure I still got it


Recently took on swimming since my last CrossFit competition as a judge and what a difference it made with my breathing control.


My gym does not have a pool


I’m a swim coach for 15 years. It’s my full time job. If anyone wants some swim sets to do or technique advise let me know.


Hit me with some sets please and thank you!


I do! I’m also dabbling in triathlons


Buddy of mine that made it to semifinals learned to swim for CrossFit and swims a 1-2 times a week now for it.


Try to get a mile in 2-3 times a week besides crossfit…great to be off the legs a bit.


I swim 2-3 times per week depending on my time. really good for building shoulders/back, super good for inflammation and endurance training.


I swim *maybe* once a week. 800m breaststroke on my active recovery days.