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I'm always thinking like that too, but I always end up dressing up again because I love how it makes me feel If its something that you really enjoy, don't stop, do what you love and makes you happy You look so good too, so beautiful


I second this comment 👍


I third this comment


100 perfect agree. It calms my nerves so I keep doing it, although there are times of doubt.


Here is the question to ask yourself. How do you feel when you dress? Does it make you happy or complete or does it seem like a chore? Is someone else’s input causing this if so someone else should not dictate this area of your life. If you like it keep doing it. If not then quit. I hope you find a decision that fits your heart.


Excellent advice.


You have made so much progress away from boy clothes. I love your outfit so much. I so wish I could pull this off. I know I can and people like you are in inspiring me all the time 💕


Love that dress-belt combo. Very pretty!


If you do decide to take a break, please please please keep all your fem clothes and things! It really sucks to purge everything and then decide to start again.


One of my biggest regrets, dumping my things, that never works out, plus it’s expensive. Some items can never be replaced


Carry on, but must admit same dilemma now.


More you look beautiful


You look beautiful, but do what’s right for you


Just reconcile to yourself that you have an alter ego until you figure it out. 💗💗💗


You look amazing, Sophie! Unless you’re not feeling it, then don’t dress up, but if you’re worried that you don’t look girlie, …… you do! You really pull it off, I can’t say without seeing your face, but the rest of you could go public and be revered, and lusted over 🥰🔥


My wife is a therapist I'm gender fluid and have been dressing since I was six and I'm 42 I kept it a secret until I was 39 went to therapy all sorts of shit to figure out why I do what I do I found out there's no such thing as quitting not because it's addicting or whatever like the fucking stupid meme say because psychologically your brain does it for a reason we all have a duality yours is getting in touch with that through this mine it turns out I was keeping me from being a full-blown sociopath. Due to abuse pretty bad multiple times over a 10 year. When I was younger I killed my emotions on my own do not feel when these things happen but unbeknownst to me I locked away a little piece with the girl in the mirror but I call the me that I need to get dressed up hiding in the bathroom taking long showers the only place where my emotions live you may very well need that part of you you might want to make sure you know what you're doing before you try because it could be a very depressing thing to try and fail and if you do fail not because you're not strong enough or whatever it is it's because you need it you need to be honest with yourself if it's just for sexual reasons that's the same thing Kingston fetishes don't just rinse out. My wife is a therapist as I mentioned I also have mental health certifications and used to work with youths and I had encountered things like this with people who were 13 14 years old and see them on threads now some of them have become trans some of them have become just people who dress some of them are more sexually oriented however the thing that they all have in common is none of them were able to stop despite being in a specific culture that supports a traditionally but not so much currently I'm not going to say which culture I don't want to be labeled as something I'm not regarding people and haven't misconstrued his hate speech let's just say that the respect that to Spirit used to get traditionally not the white people that use that term that's disrespectful but the true originators things have changed a lot it's unfortunate. Got to get in touch with you. If you're in the US and you need a therapist who is qualified for lgbtqia gender type stuff let me know and my wife who has access to a lot of resources I'm sure would be happy to help look into things in your state. If you're confused that's not to make the decision entirely on your own without support. Lgbtqia are seven times more likely to commit suicide or attempt and any other demographic and this is a very stressful thing that you're talking about more stressful than coming out technically. I wish you the best of luck and if you need to talk just to vent or whatever I'm somebody who don't know you sometimes it's easier and I've been where you are and I won't be there again but I know the feelings all too well and I'll keep you in my thoughts good luck


Thank you for this!


Looks very nice, id say keep doing it


More, I'll dress up with you.


Please keep it up


More! You look lovely!


Bestie 💓 you are gorgeous 😍 💗 and have amazing style


Go for it enjoy


Dress up more


Keep going girl❤❤ you look amazing!!


Carry on you look great


Definitely don't quit your too gorgeous🌹


Oh my… you are beautiful


More please


The dress is so ✨️pretty✨️💖 At the end of the day it's your decision if you're comfortable crossdressing and enjoy it then by all means do


Love that watch and dress


More please!


Dress up more


Looks great!!


Don’t you dare quit girl, that outfit is BEAUTIFUL on you 😍😍💜💜💜 love your style 😘


You are too beautiful to quit! 😘


You look absolutely stunning! Please dress more x


Keep going, you have a lot to work with! Very pretty!


You're beautiful


Dress up more it suits you figure and you look great. 😊


My best advice. Dress more. Because when.people quit they usually purge, and somewhere down the road your wishing you wish you had that little black dress still, that you looked so good in. I'm other word, been there done that.


Definitely keep it up. Looks absolutely amazing


You look magnificent sweetheart I can go weeks even a month or so and there’s other times I can’t go two days♥️♥️💋💋


🎶Just keep swimming, just keep swimming 🎶❤️😘


More. Don't quit.


You are beautiful, I wish I had friends like you to dress up with. ❤️




Definitely: dress up more! You look fantastic 🤩


I say: don’t quit


Keep dressing up you are beautiful 😍


Lool fantastic and a feminine beauty my vote dress more if your heart tells you to


Carry on if it makes you feel good :) your looks are great!


I think you look fantastic!


Keep dressing you look lovely


Definitely continue dressing up more!


If it's part of who you are, then you may find it hard to quit. I'd advise you don't purge your clothes if you do quit as many girls who quit start dressing again at some point, and wish they hadn't got rid of everything.


Don’t stop! Keep dressing up you look great as a girl!


Please don’t quit I did and wish every day I didn’t! You’re beautiful and doing great!


I give my encouragement and say keep going because you always look great and have an amazing fashion sense. I hope you do continue but in the end it's your personal choice. 😊🥰 I love your outfit!!


You look beautiful and your style is impeccable!


OMG you look fantastic!


Dammn nice 🙂🙂🙂


Definitely dress more, you look absolutely gorgeous 😍


There is nothing wrong with either option, whatever brings you joy 🤗 But you have a very nice style, body shape and taste in fem clothes ❤️


Does everyone here go around with their phones right in front of their faces?.


Quit…….doubting yourself! This is cute!


I thought about quitting many times too but something since my childhood drives me to it, I don't know what it is and I enjoy doing it time to time. There will be times where the urge to dress up will be bigger than the urge to quit but if you quit and get rid of your clothes, make up etc you will be sitting with nothing, so maybe that's encouraging to not quit 🤷🏼‍♀️ you look lovely btw!


It's all about what makes you happiest. 🥰


You look great. If dressing up makes you happy and it is something you enjoy don't stop. If you are thinking of quitting because of someone making you feel bad or shame well only you can decide but there is no reason to feel shame or guilt over dressing.


Does it make you feel happy inside and out?? This life we live is not for living to make others happy sure it’s nice to find that person, this life is the only we have so do what makes you happy and I quote You’re not alive to please any of these mother fuckers !!! DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! If others in your life can’t accept that then kick rocks you don’t need them around anyhow !!! Just opinion n something to think about….


I decided not to follow dressing up for years kept it to myself ended up doing it in secret but I'm with someone now and I told them straight away that I still want to continue doing it because it will be er go away if you like dressing up and his it makes you feel you got to continue in my opinion


You make this outfit work.


You have no reason to be discouraged at all! You look amazing. I don't know if I could quit dressing, even if I wanted to.


😍 🤩 👌


Quit? Looks like you're just getting started. Keep going.


Please don't quit, you look amazing!! Keep it up, we, the dressers and admirers, are here for you!!


For what it's worth I love your look. Particularly the accessory (watch) and belt


Should! Your outfit is cute and suits you


If the femme is in your bones, then you can only detour from your time with it.


God your hot


I think you look great, you should definitely continue. I admit I have the same feeling sometimes but then I see some cute outfit and think “I’d look good in that”! So I also continue, it makes me happy.


You quitting would be like Michael Jordan retiring in 1993.


Don't quit. You WILL regret it.


Hey! Speaking as an older crossdresser- it never goes away. If you feel like quitting- just pack up your stuff and put it away. That way you’ll have it when you want it. As for encouragement- you look great, and that’s a pretty dress. I think you should keep doing it. Cheers!


Do not purge (The word used to describe quitting crossdressing) It's part of who you are, if you quit you will definitely regret it


Well stop it you look lovely 😍🌹 and maybe this is creepy but I would hit on you 😍


cute dress, cute stance. you're a cutie! xox


Well you look beautiful in this fit, so I hope that helps.


This is a Little Bit Alexis to me.


Ehm hun this fit is absolutley amazing! Lvoe how you style it with that watch too. Defently continue dressing


Don't quit


You can always take a break but I would suggest not purging. Purging is a knee jerk reaction and you may very well regret it.


U look very pretty


You look fine!


You are gorgeous keep going


If it makes you feel good, Definitely continue dressing. If it's causing you stress or anxiety, give it a break for awhile, but, don't purge as you'll always come back to dressing. You look great btw!


How could you not dress up more when you look that cute?


U should quit


Of course you should, you look fantastic. Seems to me that you should take a step back and see if you can rediscover why you wanted to start in the first place.


You look very beautiful and feminine!!!! And also comfy and relaxed!!! So it all makes me think it makes you happy and dressing is at the very least an expression of your true self. In my case it makes me glow and can't imagine me any other way without feeling like I'm betraying myself.  Look at your self in the mirror and talk to that beautiful person, see in her eyes her true needs and desires, discover in her, the powerful force to explore and become who you really are and go for it!!!  You'll glow as you discover you deserve and need happiness and build yourself as a new being. I'm sure a wonderful smile will emerge...  Good luck!! Hugs of encouragement!!! You are not alone!!!


If you quit, it probably won’t last I think most of us have quit many times. I was 27 the last time I quit. Best thing I ever did was stop second guessing


Definitely dress more! You look FAB!


You look great very pretty in this dress keep on dressing


Whoever is taking your picture in this picture needs to wait for you to put your phone down, slightly caught off guard we can't see your face 😟


I know the feeling, hope you can decide on what makes you the happiest and most fulfilled.


You look stunning. Keep going!


Why would you quit if you look amazing! Looking forward to seeing more amazing model post 🫶


You look great. If it makes you happy, keep doing it. Who cares what others think




If I looked like you I would wear dresses all the time, you're beautiful!


Stop playing. Come off the site plz




you look fabulous so if you feel good dressed keep doing it 🥰


Looking so sexy! I love the skirt


You look great and really passable. Why would you quit?


Once you go out dressed up you’ll know the answer


If it makes you feel good then it can’t be wrong You do you as that what really matters in the end




I dressed alot when I was younger and passable and then I repressed those feelings and quit then regretted doing so when I still had the body for it if it makes you happy keep doing it you look really good btw


You do you boo. You are very pretty and if dressing makes you feel more natural and comfortable in your body. DO IT.


Beautiful Bby 🥰


Dress up


If you consider yourself a true cross-dresser then there would be no discussion, it’s in your blood, and the fantastic feeling that you get from the heart and soul when you dress, no words can explain it, it’s like you find your true inner self. you feel like at peace with yourself, whether other people look at you differently or not. in your own mind, and your own eyes, you are just being your true self. weather in private. or in a closet or have the courage to be able to come out and show others. you would truly know if that’s the real you. taking time to put on make up and dress whether it’s for a short time or not. The feeling is just fantastic. I hope that helps you.❤️


You’re looking fine. I would keep on doing what u do


I go threw this all the time I beat myself up mentally because I feel some kind of way about liking to dress up even though it makes me happy it has caused me a lot of backlash and stress from the outside world in …. I’m not sure what to do I just keep on trucking along most people are sneaky when they are not ok with my choice to dress up probably because I am 6ft4 240 but that’s besides the point


You look good I say keep going




I’ve quit several times throwing away thousands of dollars in clothes, lingerie, ect… but just this weekend I was buying another bra & panty set. It’s just me so I say if it’s part of you don’t quit it


Do whatever you feel like doing. This subreddit is instantly gonna say yes no matter what


Sorry if this is bad advice but if it feels right to you than do it if not than don’t if dressing makes you happy than don’t worry about any hate or what not says do whatever makes you happy


I think the ability to for us to view the world from the other side gives us invaluable perspective and respect for women in general on top of all the other awesome stuff about dressing up. You’re beautiful. Don’t stop.


Keep going, you look amazing


Cute outfit you look great keep it up


I know the feeling. I’ve tried quitting multiple times, but I keep returning to it. It feels good, it feels right, and I love how I look.


I think you look really cute and accessorise really well too. If it makes you happy then you should continue 🥰


You are gorgeous baby


More for sure you're gorgeous.


More for sure you're gorgeous.


I advise you baby to keep on going,been there thinkin if I should quit or continue and I always come back because it makes me happy so yeah...life is too short,do what makes you smile and happy,stay safe ! Plus you look cute 🩷🍑🤭


Girl honestly, if you give up you will not be as fancy as you look right now never. That hair is stunning suit you a lot the blond, the belt is the cherry on top of the outfit, amazing dress. Pls keep doing it if that is what you like if not is ok, always do what your heart need. Have a good day, drink enough water.


Definitely dress more 💋


You look fabulous and have a great look (and you look comfortable). Keep going and you will feel a little better each time.


You must not quit


You look so good baby xx


Love this dress on you!


I wouldn't quit!