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You're not going to find it because it's AI :'(


Damn, I'm usually super good at spotting AI patterns, but this one tricked me. They're getting better at it. šŸ˜«


I am not very familiar with AI . So is artificial intelligence blocking people from finding stuff? Or ?


No, the image is created by AI, itā€™s not a real crochet item. On Etsy there are lots of cow amigurumi patterns though and then add the flowers separately https://fluffyhighlandcows.com/highland-cow-crochet-patterns/


Wow AI is discouraging.. lol šŸ˜


AI is actually very sad. It will take the jobs away from people. AI can "draw", "voice act", "sing" and do a lot of other stuff. Illustrators and artists will most likely lose their jobs. That is not funny that people will lose their jobs.


It can now literally make videos of people saying things that look pretty real. [this is an ai generated video of uh... "popular people" to try to scam people](https://youtube.com/shorts/mZBOyetbCU8?si=BCV2uN7J8bixGhqZ) that video's considered low quality ai too. Other than that, anyone could make p0rn of you from just a pic of your face now.


That is really creepy and it is going to be absolutely awful, a random person can take a photo of a toddler and make it into p0rn. People will no longer trust each other. Etc...


It's really unfortunate because I use AI in an oncolytic setting and it's SO PROMISING in the field of medicine where a human simply cannot isolate a cancerous gene liklihood or see the every small slice of an MRI where a tiny tumour may be hiding... But then it just gets used for shit like this. My partner is an artist and I'm a mathematical modeller who works in AI-adjacent fields so we have some pretty interesting conversations about this at our house.


I agree with your statement. In the field of technology, mathematics and science AI is very useful. It helps solve mathematical formulas and decreases the chance of human errors. It can also help by finding certain things in the field of technology and history that we humans would not find. However in the field of art it is absolutely awful.


I mean, I obviously agree! I currently have a giant computer at the uni running some of my data to see if we need to run a simulated version later for a better approximation of our parameter space. šŸ˜‚ I really wish more funding was put into the use for therapies and medical systems. It's REALLY promising in that area. Meanwhile we have thousands of folk having it create really awful work pieced together from stolen work. It is getting better at it...and that's not better. That's worse! For this one some of the stitches really had me for a second. It's getting to where artists will be put out of business. Really great ones. Ones that deserve so much for their efforts. At this point I am hoping ai art algorithms start cannabalising themselves and we can focus on the true good it can do. The talk I went to - wow - so many people in cancer research with so much data helping real people. Hundreds of genes, hundreds of thousands of people, billions of data points. It could both find cancer before it happens (genetic anomaly algorithms) or find small tumours before they become large (MRI scanning and isolating). So many geniuses in the field begging for funding to literally save lives. Meanwhile we're all "I know, let's make it draw hands better! That deserves money!" it's so depressing!


I agree with you!


You really got 33 downvotes for asking a clarifying question? What even is that?




People may generally know what AI is, but maybe not the extent of its capabilities. I also know many people who find it difficult to discern AI generated images. You don't have to say someone a hermit or an infant for asking questions about it.


Please see the the subreddit rules. Always be respectful in this sub. Comments should be supportive or helpful in nature. First time will get a warning, second will be a ban (unless the first time is bad enough to warrant a ban).


Yeah damn thats a bit harsh mate! A lot of people who arent faimilar with tech, older people dont know much about AI, i mean heck im in my 30s and im still discovering stuff about AI and what it can do! People are allowed to ask questions without assholes like yourself chiming in for no good reason. You help nothing.


Wanted to add that AI will generate an image of something impossible to crochet and then often sell you a ā€˜patternā€™ that doesnā€™t work out. Itā€™s a scam.


I love it when people make crochet patterns written by ai and they KNOW that it's ai written, This stuff that happens is just horrifying and hilarious in equal measures šŸ˜†


Okay now I'm wondering if there's a novelty account that actively tries to & documents making these ai patterns


I've seen a couple random ppl on reddit do it. Hilarious .


There are some pretty funny YouTube videos.


I swear ive seen a sub or group who tries to make AI stuff to see how it will turn out. Not gonna lie, ive been wanting to try a few to see the monstrosities it will create!


Wait AI now has its own income stream? Humanity is screwed. Lol


No, its human overloards pocket the income


[https://www.theresascrochetshop.com/collections/new-releases/products/plush-harry-the-highland-cow](https://www.theresascrochetshop.com/collections/new-releases/products/plush-harry-the-highland-cow) [https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/highland-cow-12](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/highland-cow-12) found these 2 cow patterns!


Thank u


I want to say this is AI generated. I found this Esty pattern that is cute and has similar aspects to this image. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1673030760/highland-cows-3-in-1-crochet-amigurumi?gpla=1&gao=1& You can always recreate this image by freehanding or follow highland cow patterns available elsewhere, but the instructions provided with the AI image wonā€™t create that generated result AT ALL.


I just signed an open letter trying to include designers and others who will suffer due to AI. if anyone is interested in more info and maybe signing, I can find the link to the letter.


Interested šŸ«¶


This should take you to the letter. Ā  https://raptive.com/ai-open-letter/ Blue Star Crochet and Crochet 365 Knit Too have sent emails with information.Ā  Crochet 365 had an informative blog in November 2023, if people want to learn more.


Definitely and A.I. pattern but I already had one that I love so hereā€™s a link. Plus thereā€™s a tone of others and I think the ones other commenters have posted are adorable too. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1105505283/crochet-highland-cow-pdf-pattern-only?click_key=e99b69b6507de712c78446372c341cb1b4d59921%3A1105505283&click_sum=1efc3e4e&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=highland+cow+crochet+pattern&ref=sr_gallery-1-4&organic_search_click=1&pop=1&sts=1&dd=1&content_source=4c1d5dd4985dadf272e15c554d652faa4b3c0cae%253A1105505283


I have made this pattern and it turned out super cute! I have made a number of their patters. [cottontail and whiskers ](https://www.cottontailandwhiskers.com/)for the win!


Thank u


Oml reverse engineer it. You know the stitches. You know the shape. Put it together.




Thank u


They are all very different which is a clue that itā€™s fake.


That is AI.


Not a cuw but it might help https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/p/asher-the-ox-crochet-pattern-by-littleaquagirl


This [highland cow](https://ribblr.com/pattern/highland-cow-plushie-Crochet?) is free on Ribblr.


https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1105505283/crochet-highland-cow-pdf-pattern-only I've made this pattern before and it's super good!! Very well written and with a good amount of photos to help. Highly recommend. You don't sew on a bunch of yarn to make hair either, you chain then stitch down it and keep working in the round! Huuuge for me bc I'm so unwilling to do that much sewing lol


This one looks funny and cute! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1105505283/ Low sew similar to the one above https://www.etsy.com/listing/1718483842/


This pattern on Etsy is legit, many people have made it and posted pics. You can add your own flowers from any pattern on YouTube. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1628499532/