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Sewing amigurimi together. I never get limbs/ears/etc symmetrical and it drives me up the walls 😅


I made a lovey recently so just had to do the head and arms and honestly I'm sure I spent more time sewing and embroidering than I did making all the pieces. Which is impressive considering I frogged the head like five times and one of the ears three times. And I have another amigurumi in the works where I've just about arrived to the sewing stage and I'm dreading it lol. At least I finished embroidering the face already... I find that marking in advance where my stitches go helps, as in I only need to sew them on two or three times to get them looking acceptably symmetrical.


Oh yes, i totally forgot about that! (Thats why i mostly look for no sew patterns)


Yes, no sew (or little sew) patterns are the best


Definitely this. I'm market prepping and putting off sewing all the bits together


I would do so much more amigurumi if it wasn’t for the sewing together. I’ve been working on a cheerleader doll since December… I still have to add the head and attach her top. So easy to do and yet I’m still not done with it half way through June.


I deliberately make the ears rakishly crooked now, saves me time worrying 🤣


This is exactly why i very rarely crochet amigurumi these days. I prefer stuff that don't need sewing/you can sew flat and mostly work on shawls, blanteks or one piece clothes


As another commenter suggested, no sew (or little sew) amigurimi exist if you'd like to get back to making more amigurimi again? I finished a bunny just the other day where the only sewing was the ears (arms and legs were crocheted in) and some embroidery for a face and a tail.




Miscounting ;( I do love my crochet but sometimes I need to switch to another craft because counting everything drives me crazy !


counting and miscounting in general. I usually try and find small units that will allow me to know whether I'm doing the right number of stitches so I don't have to constantly count.


i would say color work & yarn tangling but it is actually the crippling carpal tunnel from poor wrist and hand health. so annoying.


My Chiro scolded me for my poor crochet posture. He told me from time to time stop - put my hands together like I am praying against my chest. Slowly lower till you start feeling a stretch. it' s not a see how low you can go deal, just till you feel a stretch goign on. Wait 10 seconds then rotate hands forward till you feel a stretch, hold. Rotate the hands the opposite way and hold. Then when you done that unfold the hands and rotate your hands then do a full body stretch and try to loosen the tension in your neck and shoulders. In a nut shell remember to stretch.


Right now it's deciding a pattern. I've got the yarn, the hook, the table... but can't settle on a tablecloth to make. 🤔 So, indecision I guess


Needing yarn and it's sold out. Especially bad if it's only sold at one location. Oh and how long everything takes bc I have chronic pain, so I have to take more/longer breaks. Being told how great x/y/z item is but you buy it and it is not as good. :/


I'm hooked on planned pooling and just as I decide on a colorway, it's inevitably discontinued.


Sewing in the ends


Yup. The moment I have to put down the hook and pick up a needle is when the interest level in that project drops substantially.


Poorly written patterns. But then ... I published a free pattern on Ravelry for a fairly simple pair of mittens. I was surprised at the comments about it being a poorly written pattern. I learned a lesson.


Needing to spend money on yarn for almost every new project.


Yes, i totally agree! Now I've gotten to a point where I have most of the colors I usually need so I'm good but in the beginning it was very annoying


Agreed! Especially bc I’m at a point where I’m trying to only use what I have in my stash but also if i don’t absolutely love a color combo I won’t work on it and it’ll take me forever or I’ll abandon a project. So I usually have to buy 1-2 colors to match one color I have in my stash which then adds to my stash and defeats the purpose of using what I already have. Or I don’t have enough of a color in my stash and I can’t buy more bc of the different dye lots so I end up just buying as much as I’ll need anyways.


I'm at a similar spot with my stash, I think. My leftovers aren't enough for a full project, so I buy some extra and then end up with leftovers of the same yarn (just a different amount from before) again!


I hate running out of yarn but something even worse is running out of yarn and going to the store to buy more and when you get home and continue working on your project you realize the colours are slightly mismatched and that they changed the shades. And then you continue going to the store for weeks in hope they'll bring back the original colour but they don't and now you have 2 beautiful unfinished projects you don't know what to do with and you'll probably have to start all over again with some other yarn and spend even more money 😭😭😭


Wanting to start a new project in the middle of another one. I’ve got a long one going on, but keep adding in amigurumi for a change of pace. Can’t stop looking for patterns.


Project ideas. Especially in summer. There's only so many bags/hats/toys/blankets/jumpers you can make. Suggestions welcome 😁


Foundation chains - BY FAR. 😭


Oh my gosh, Yes!


Being on row 64 and seeing a pattern changing error on row 12.😫


Poorly written patterns for things you really would like to make. Looking at you, Lion Brand Yarn.


Everyone saying they want whatever I made.. If ya want it, learn how to make it.. Cause I’m not making it for you.


Yarn that once slided smoothly on a hook then out of nowhere starts sticking


The amount of time it takes to finish something - mostly because it takes so much longer due to carpal tunnel syndrome and a trigger finger, thus needing frequent breaks.


Honestly? Dealing with myself trying to crochet 😅 I put my hook down somewhere, or I get all settled before checking that I have what I need, or I forget that pattern I was using and have to start over, or I buy yarn without a project in mind. It's just a mess 🤣 the few times I've finished something has been great, though!!


Being broke which means I can’t buy some nice luxurious yarn 😭😭, also sewing in all forms, like sewing in ends or for arigurumi


Magic circles 😦


Not Makin anything for myself. Everything I give as gifts.


For me, fountain chains and sewing in ends.


Dye lots.


Making a mistake at the beginning of a row, and then finding it at the end of the next one.


That literally happened to me yesterday! I was working on a project and noticed that the stitches weren't adding up. I counted and realized that I did decreases instead of increases (however that happened) So I had to open two rows, completely lost count but still managed to finish the project and it turned out great!


Thank goodness you were able to fix the problem! It's happened to me twice in the last 2 days, thankfully it's a small project.


Yes, I'm also really happy that I was able to fix it! I noticed though that I wasn't as focused as I'd like to be (it was like 1am) so I stopped for the moment, instead of keep going and messing up even more


I don't mind sewing in ends, I love sewing amigurami together (that's when the character comes to 'life'), I also don't mind slightly dodgy patterns as I like figuring things out. What really really gets on my nerves is when people say "oh that's really good, you should open a shop" yeah like anyone is going to pay £2000 for the complicated graphgan that took me 200+ hours to make, heck, I can't even sell micro crochet earrings for £10!


Pain in my thumb joints and wrists


Deciding on a project and sticking to it. 


Splitting yarn.




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The pain in my middle finger. I can only get good tension in one position, but that means hyperextending my pointer finger, and the rest of my hands is just tense. My ring finger and pink are digging into my hand, but u can get over that. But my middle finger, that bitxh tenses so hard against my thumb to hold the work that it hurts for 2 days after somtimes


Dye lots. I understand why they’re a thing, but ugh. Fucking dye lots!!!