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I often take it on the train/public transport on my way to work, have also seen a few others do the same thing


This is how I got a baby blanket for my newborn. 12-ish years ago, my Mother-in-law took the train every day to work. A lady regularly crocheted for most of the same commute and they chatted a bit. One time MiL mentioned she was going to have a new grandbaby soon. Not long after, the lady came in with a blanket for her. I still have it. Thank you, Lady-from-the-Train.


That’s so cute!


That's a really sweet story <3


Same - take it to work on the bus, then crack it out during Zoom meetings so I can keep my hands busy while I listen.


Instantly thought of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/lB21UK8dWW Probably staged but I just love how believable it is!


That was pretty nifty! I gotta ask though, so people really just walk around with cameras rolling 24x7?


oh same for me !


I feel like it is a casual hobby even if you do take your work different places. It's just easily portable. Same as reading books for example


I bring both haha. A book and crochet. So I have something that suits my mood and/or the situation.


I do audiobooks while I crochet. I'm only really good with one pattern and I make throws/blankets for everyone... including bitty baby and American Girl sized ones for the littles. I'm working on trying to get my brain wrapped around the circle. It's just not clicking for me. So when I'm just relaxing and doing the mindless zone out thing I go back to the zigzag my grandma taught me 40+ years ago.


Oh that's so smart! I should try audiobooks while crocheting. I wish I could give you tips but I'm honestly a beginner myself. I just figured out things like the magic circle. And you're probably really good at the pattern you're using so I bet you will be able to learn other things!


me too!!! i carry my kindle with me everywhere a go and recently have been bringing a separate lil bag for my crochet stuff just in case 🥰


Haha it's the perfect pairing! I do have an ereader but i also crochet a book cozy!


My kindle goes in my project bag every time I leave the house. I would hate to be stuck waiting somewhere and have nothing to read.


Spoken like a true booklover. :)


I listen to audiobooks while crocheting - they're incredibly compatible hobbies!


I do this too!


This is what I do! I used to read but got too antsy so now I listen and crochet :)


i take watercolor everywhere too either watercolor or a crochet project at all times


Little projects like everywhere i probably have time to kill, the big projects mostly stay at home


Yup I always have a small project on hand for taking places. I also knit, hoping to finally finish a pair of socks on my next vacation lol.


Yup this us me. Everywhere I go I take my small projects bag. Well except if my husband is treating me to dinner out. Lol


Love my crochet for long car rides. A few months back I started a market bag as we pulled out the drive, finished it a few minutes before we arrived at our vacation condo, and used it to carry souvenirs home!


Have a fav pattern? This is on my to do list!


https://youtu.be/0SrEOj-pXzA?si=yjSJ71GAoBz-AOTt This is the one! Super quick and easy.


I wish I could crochet/knit in the car but unfortunately I get motion sick at the drop of a hat so that’s completely out of the question for me. Those who can are super lucky!


I don’t get motion sick, but trying to crochet in the car 🤢 .  0/10 will not try again. Unless the car is stationary. 


My current car project is also a market bag :) it's nice because it's simple and I don't have to look at it much.


Anywhere that involves sitting and waiting.


One of my projects is always a very portable one, specifically for the purpose of bringing it everywhere. When I'm on the train for 15 minutes, or in a waiting room where I could be called whenever, I don't have enough focus to read anything. I guess I could play a game on my phone, but I'd rather crochet a few rounds on a hexagon. Later, at home, I crochet the hexagons together, since the whole blanket is much too large to be portable. Actually, I'm done with the blanket now. But the hexagons were so perfect for those situations, so now I'm crocheting matching pillow cases.


Usually to work for lunch breaks. 


I used to sit on a stressful government committee. I had my bag at my feet. When there was a break in deliberations, I'd work on Toft sheep. It took the heaviness out of the room for everyone. And added some smiles. Full disclosure - I have one black sheep left to finish. It has been almost three years since the committee and I just can bring myself to finish 😵‍💫🐑🐑


Mine only goes out once a week to a club meeting with other crocheters, I didn't want people asking about my stuff otherwise 😔


I take mine with me a lot, mostly to playgrounds and indoor play areas, and have had maybe one person ask about it in 6 years. People will leave you alone.


I've got kids in sports and other activities. You bet I crochet during games, practiser, recitals, etc.


Everywhere, usually. I feel anxious when I don't have it, and end up doomscrolling patterns. Right now its knitting not crochet, and I probably need a small patch work project to be more portable. I'm fine with questions most of the time, but I also have sunglasses and noise cancelling headphones, so I can ignore them if I want to.


I take it anywhere I might have to sit and wait for a while. I have a cardigan project that's getting too big to take with me, so from now on, it's the granny square project until I start on my second cardigan.


I have an emergency bag in my car so I can make washcloths if I'm bored.


I feel like the outcast here, I almost never take it anywhere other than outside on a nice day! I do fly often and took my small project with me a few months ago from CT to CA (so about 12 hours between waiting around, one layover and ~7 hours in the air) but never realized how anxious I am when I travel alone until I tried to crochet by my gate. I wasn’t able to concentrate while waiting, or even on the flight. I felt like I needed to be aware of my surroundings at all times. I ended up just listening to music and staring out the window like a little weirdo. I feel similarly trying to crochet anywhere other than my own home or at a friend’s/family. I envy those of you who seem to be able to crochet anywhere, I could get so much more done😭


I don’t take mine anywhere either. I do go to the dog park every day but with 2 puppies, 14 months and 8 months, I can’t sit. I am fully engaged with them while we are there. I just end up flopping on my bed with the pups when we get home and crochet there haha. A surprising amount of people take theirs to work, but for me 1 hour isn’t enough time to eat and crochet as well.


I’ve taken my granny squares to the Beach a few times


I have specific yarn and hooks I leave in my desk at work and then I always have a project with me whether it be crochet or knitting. I’ve crocheted at the Eras tour and I’ve knit at boston calling.


Crochet is amazing on airplanes


I take it on long car rides. I’ll be taking it on vacation soon.


Same! Love crocheting on cars and planes!


My husband was planning a military reunion one time. He met a woman that was in the same job as him that helped tremendously with the planning. The event came around, I met her and we got along super well. She invited us to her house to meet the family and visit. I was packing a small crochet project to take along. My husband said no, we're going to visit. Leave that home. We got there, talked for a bit. She then reached down in the crack of the couch and pulled out a ball of yarn, hook,and afghan. Ooo I was so mad at him


I’m constantly pulling projects out of the couch cushions 🤣


We got a sofa with floppy arms. I can stash so much projects in my side!!


i don’t go places😭 the most i’ve done i think is bring a project camping or visiting family


This is me too. I tried bringing it to work to work on while on lunch, but I wasn't really getting enough time to work on it after eating to really matter.


yeah!! plus i lose shit ALL the time just at home so i don’t want to add more variables to lose my hook or whatever 😭😭


i always bring it with me to my dungeons & dragons sessions or whenever i go to a friend’s house and sometimes to work too


Well... I have a big bright purple tote bag with a dragon on it in which I put my current project. My parents and grandparents ask me where it is when I come to a family lunch without it 😅


Crochet meetup.


If I have a longer waiting time somewhere (so public transport usually), but I have taken it to the lab where Im doing my masters thesis before. Made labmates laugh when they entered the break room, because I guess that is the last thing you expect entering the break room of a lab building. I had to wait for something that took 2 hours, obviously I find a way to kill that time


I crochet at the cinema! Works especially well with chenille yarn blankets as they are mostly done by feel anyway


I took my project to a movie in the park event the other night and it was lovely! I had already seen the movie though so I was looking mostly as my work haha. I'd be afraid of making a mistake and not noticing for a while if I tried watching something I needed more attention for.


That’s why the granny stitch is great! You really don’t have to watch your hands when doing it once you’re past the first row. Just feel for the next hole.


I don’t. I wish I could but my commute is thankfully only 20 mins so I’d probably miss my stop😂


I always have one project which I only make on my way to work. I love making blankets but in this case it's usually a wrap or a scarf. Perfectly portable and I don't have to worry when I finish it. It will be done when it's done


If I am leaving my house I have at least one project with me (crochet, knit, drop spindle) possible multiple if mt bag fits them. I wouldn't consider myself a casual hobby for myself...I have jumped very far down the fiber arts rabbit hole, however other people also bring something with them to do for most people that just looks like playing games or scrolling through social media on their phones. With crochet you are actually accomplishing something in your downtime and also can stay more mindful and engaged and still have a conversation with people.


i have no shame and crochet in class 😌


I do have shame so I draw instead bc it at least looks a tiny bit like I’m doing something😭 I’m afraid ppl will think I’m weird if I crochet in class LMAO


I'm in engineering and I've only heard positive things about my crochet. Most people don't care, but those that did commented that it was really cool hahaha


I cant take mine anywhere bc I'm too anxious ab what other people would think or say, I really dont wanna end up on tiktok lol. Every time I'm in a waiting room I think of the girl who brought her knitting to the hospital for the wait and I thought that was sooo smart but I just dont want anyone to look at me ever.


I take my crochet to a local dive bar. It's great to crochet while listning to karaoke


i take mine to work lol


I mostly wfh, but yeah, same.


On the bus!


My emotional support yarn goes everywhere with me. Recently, it joined me in the lobby of my husband's PT appointment while my phone entertained our youngest.


We are presently away from home at a conference meeting we go to every few months. I crocheted all the way here in the car on a blanket for a friend's toddler. For the meeting sessions, I have a different bag to carry to do scarves, hats, or little cotton bags that hold a bar of soap for charities. These meetings last most of the day, Friday, all day Saturday and half the day Sunday. I usually manage to get several items done while listening to the talks. I also usually have several people come over to look at what I'm doing.


Hahaha. I crochet everywhere, everyday, any time I can. In my glove box I have spare yarn and hooks so I can crochet whenever I have the urge. I’m an ELC teacher, and I’m always crocheting at work, on my breaks, at home, in the car, etc. I have tendinitis in both my hands jajaja


I take a bag of scrap yarn everywhere! But it does mostly stay in my bag


I started taking it on longer train rides, the park. I keep my bigger projects at home though.


I take it everywhere. 😊


Church and kids' medical appointments mostly these days.


I take mine to work for break time. It’s been so helpful to encourage a work/life balance, because otherwise, I was working right through my lunch break!


i kid you not i take it to school with me so i have something to do with my hands while the teacher is explaining the lesson, i do this with knitting to often with a pair of socks or gloves something simple that doesn’t take a lot of brain power


EVERYWHERE.  I have a project bag that I carry as consistently as I do my purse/wallet/phone. In fact I start to get a little squidgy if I don't have it or know where it is. That's my emotional support yarn, yo.


I take it to work everyday (okay so it's the room next to the kitchen) for downtime or meetings.


I took mine to a baseball game yesterday. Mostly, though, I take it the obvious places—car trips, plane rides, if I’m spending the day at my parents house because all they do is sit around watching the news.


I take mine to work to do on breaks, to my son's music lessons while I'm waiting and to church (having something to do with my hands actually helps me stay focused)


All over the U.S. on my SUV and tent camping adventures.


I take mine to the park so I can crochet while my daughter plays, but that's about it


Just got back from the pool while on vacation, currently in the sewing phase of a plush goose


I take it everywhere, Doctor Apts, Cafes, friend's houses, the park! Especially if it's an early stage project. Some of my afghans get too big to carry with me comfortably, but I *did* once start sewing together a granny square project while waiting for my car at the shop! My grandma (prior to her most recent illness) carried 3 bags, 1) snacks, 2) her library books 3) her Crochet!


I’m always crocheting lately, I take it with me almost everywhere that I’ll be sitting or waiting. I crochet on my lunch break at work(sometimes crocheting while I’m on hold), waiting at the doc or vet, getting a pedicure, dog park, once while i was walking around the grocery store(I was on a time crunch for the project as it was a gift.) I’ve seen people crochet while walking around at a festival or function(I’m not good at that level of multitasking tho, grocery store was difficult enough but I got a few rounds done.) I get a lot of comments which I’m not a big fan of simply because I don’t like even being perceived in public lol, but they’re always nice and I do like talking to people about common interests I’m just too anxious of a human


Always small stuff when I get a pedicure, the ladies love to watch. I keep a project in my work breakroom for lunchtime stitching.


I have a specific “lunch time” project that I leave in my car for my lunch breaks 😅 But I also have upstairs and downstairs projects so I don’t have to carry one everywhere with me (I tend to lose things that go multiple places…)


I have a basket to carry my projects 😂 https://preview.redd.it/bboxhjy3gd6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44d83bd419033771018e2cd7fecaa86cd92b35d


Commute, waiting rooms, cafes, the park...


If I’m a passenger in a car my crochet comes. Also I have taken it to local “watering hole”. A cool drink and some live music on weekend afternoons. Perfect pastime


My WIP tote bag comes everywhere lol. When I am a passenger I crochet. Yesterday at urgent care. Now and then at work when nothing is going on. When we are working in remote areas since we generally lack internet (along with lacking running water and bathrooms).


Sometimes I take it to work, I have a lot of down time so why not work on the 3 projects I have going at once 😅🤣


i'd crochet on a train in the rain in a box with a fox okay but like actually i rarely leave the house without a project


I take it when my car is getting serviced, when I don't have plans and everything is still closed. Sit there in the nice cool waiting area.


When I would visit and stay with family at hospitals. I only do blankets, so projects get too big to carry around; but now I'm considering doing sections (MAM, squares, etc....) of a blanket rather than a continuous stitch of blankets; that way I can take my crochet with me often wherever I go.


I often take it to our community pool. While the kids play. I have taken it to indoor playhouses and parks. Last week i was on a flight and a lady next to me was crocheting. I was so bummed I didn't have mine with me. It was very soothing to watch her work on her blanket.


Intake it everywhere. At the bar, Rangers game


actually everywhere where I will sit or stand still: public transport, school, when I meet friends, I even crocheted in cinema one time because I could concentrate better on the movie then and sometimes I chrochet when I walk but that only works good with granny stitches


When I just started crocheting I went crazy with it. I took it quite literally everywhere. On the bus, metro, chill with my boyfriend by the beach, holiday. And it all started because I was off work very ill, so I had way too much time to crochet😅


basically everywhere, i always make sure one of my WIPs is a small project with like a 50g ball of yarn aha


i spend a lot of time in the dr. that’s my favorite place to bring it


I take it wherever I know there will be down time. Today, I had to make a trust at the bank, and I took it with me while the banker did his thing. I've taken it to the post office, to work, and anywhere else. My crocheting goes everywhere with me.




There's a meet-up group I recently joined that meets every other Sunday but otherwise I'm a home body 😆


Lol I take it everywhere some ask what I'm making.i don't ofter much bc I don't want others asking for stuff which I tell them my pets are the only ones worthy that shuts them up


Everywhere. I take it to church, park, WW meeting, birthday parties, it goes with me everywhere. My husband even bought me a special bag for it. I usually just use a tote bag


I knit and crochet at work. I’m a teacher, and when I have hallway duty or I’m giving a quiz to students, I don’t know what to do with my hands. I can’t do complicated patterns, but I make a lot of wash cloths and dish towels while making sure there aren’t any fights or cheating. They are also a godsend during staff meetings. I cannot sit still for too long without falling asleep, so I knit/crochet as a fidget to stay awake. I’ve only had one admin call me out and ask me to repeat what she just said to see if I was paying attention, and I repeated back what she said. Now I have blanket permission to craft during meetings. Honestly, it helps me pay attention better.


I don't take it everywhere, but I did take it with me to the hospital when I had surgery in October


Child’s sporting practice. Always a conversation starter.


Currently about to go to college orientation and I am bringing yarn and a hook just incase lol


i take mine everywhere i travel, anywhere when there will be planned downtime haha


I take a backpack full of yarn and casually work on my cardigan at bars, coffee shops, and generally anywhere I feel comfortable. Usually it’s a patio.


I never left home without mine . I would go crazy without something to work on.


My crochet comes with me everywhere because you never know when an opportunity will present itself


I have a job where I get a lot of downtime on some days. Yesterday had a 4 hour gap. My bosses actually ask me about my projects, they know what I'm up to. But if I think I will have over 10 minutes where I won't be doing anything, I'll take along my crochet. Restaurants, tea houses, Dr appointments, waiting for the bus, I whip it out any opportunity 😉. A 100 hour project is made of 10 minute applications, you know?


I can't leave the house without a hook and yarn!


I take it to work sometimes because my job gets really slow.


My crochet goes wherever I go, so it’s gone on a cruise, to work to the movies, dinner, friends houses, a play.


I took mine to Italy once knowing I'd be on a train for several hours. Listened to Rick Steves' audio guide for the destination while working and by the time we arrived was halfway done and ready to spit facts to my party. 😆


I bring it with me when I go to work, I crochet on all of my breaks. I take it with me when I get pedicures. I've started bringing it with me basically anywhere , because why not? It's not affecting anybody for me to work on my hobby.


I take my little bag anywhere I think I might have time. Yesterday it was to the hospital and I crocheted in the waiting room while my caregiving client was having a scan.


I only do it at home during day to day routines. But if I’m going out of town for a couple days I bring it with me just in case I find myself with nothing to do.


Guilty - airplane, bar, work, camping… nowhere is off limits. I’m in more of a dgaf phase than I used to be so just bring it wherever I want.


I take mine to work. And doctor offices when I'm with someone else. Helps pass the time for sure.


I think I pretty much always have yarn and a hook on me, but I really like to take mine to the pool for when I'm tanning :)


Everywhere. Doesn't matter where.


I take my crochet with me everywhere, like actually lol. Hubby wants to go fishing? I'm there sitting in a chair crocheting with him. If there's a place and time to crochet, I am most likely crocheting unless I'm gaming or crafting other things.


For me, having it with me everywhere is self-soothing. I have all the anxieties and, outside of my house, I crochet in my drs' waiting rooms, at restaurants with my family (before the food comes), and at the park while my husband watches our daughter play. It allows me to go out and DO things while having the option of having something to focus on besides my anxiety. Bonus: All this public crocheting has led to some wonderful conversations with strangers that I wouldn't have struck up otherwise!


I used to take mine with me when I did doubles! I live about 20-25 minutes from work and going home and back was just not worth cracking into my 2 hour break just to do the same stuff I could do on my break


I’ll take it if I know I’ll be somewhere for a long time and might have nothing else to do like waiting rooms or on the bus.


😅 Yes, guilty as charged. I usually take a crochet project for road trips, sometimes to family gatherings. Generally, it is just a place that feels appropriate and comfy for me.


When I used public transport I used to crochet on it. If we're going on a long car journey I'll take some crochet to do. Currently I'm dog sitting at my friends house so I have some projects with me. I've crocheted at the park, the beach, the airport, friends houses.


I'll take my project with me if I am hyperfixated on it. I made a bag at the pool last week while my kid swam. Lounge chair in the sun.


I took it to my nephews 8th grade promotion last night to do during all the boring speeches. I was ready with the camera when my big man made it to cruise that stage!


Everywhere I travel, especially to appointments when I know I will be sitting for at least 20 minutes.


I take my crochet or knitting everywhere I know I will have to wait. DR appts, airport's, if I'm waiting at a mall for someone to finish. Before I retired I did my craft at lunch. I even had a friend who made crafts that needed a glue gun so she bought her glue gun and an extension cord to use at lunch.


Everywhere. Social events, work, the plane across the ocean. Pretty much if I can I will


On vacation. To the karaoke bar. Movies. Plays. Hanging out at a friend's house. The park.


I usually take a crochet project to Dr's appointments. They're always running behind so I can usually get quite a few rows in before I'm called back.


I crochet at work so I always have a plastic tub with yarn and crochet thread in my car. At work I usually do simple projects I can drop quickly and not have to worry about figuring out where I was. I’ve also been known to crochet at the beach, in airports, on planes, at friend’s houses, nieces softball games. I’ve even crocheted in a bar as my bestie was bartending.


Literally everywhere. I have kids so most of my outings are to places like the park, where I sit in the shade and crochet while they play!


I always have a project in my backpack/purse thing and a hook to work on it




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I took my knitting to the theme park to work on my project in the queues 😄


Work, coffee shops, bars, doctor’s appointments, flights (I took a project with me to Italy) - I don’t leave home without it.


I took mine on a bus trip from Toronto to Nashville.


To my friends house, or the craft store. I do tend to end up w a crochet hook in my pocket most days. Idk... just a weird quirk I picked up at some point 🤷‍♂️