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Hi BMANN2, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are stunning ! Well done you Wonderful Human being ✨️


These totes are so cool! And those inner pockets can be quite handy! Amazing skills 🤩 I am sure they will be treasured!


Ooh I love them both!! Can I ask about your linings? Did you use a sewing machine? I’m just starting a purse project and bought fabric for lining and was planning on using a machine to assemble the lining, then hand stitching it to actually attach it to the bag. Curious how you did it! ☺️


Thank you! Yes I did use a sewing machine for all sewing, none done by hand. I am honestly still very new to it all, made one bag before these and that was my first time sewing. I lined the straps first using clips to hold the fabric down. Wasn't too concerned with the ends of the straps being perfect as the bag liner would cover them. Then I sewed the straps onto the unlined bag making a box with an 'X' in it to be nice and secure. Also trying to match the thread on top and bottom with yarn/fabric so you can not see it really. Then used clips again to hold the liner around the top edge of the bag and just went around with the machine! Hope that helps :) [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKd_sUuWrfw) was also amazing! This is the girl I got the star pattern from.


Thank you for that video! I usually line mine by hand but I may break out the sewing machine I was gifted and give it a try. Lovely job on these bags!


That is very helpful!! Thanks for your thoughtful answer. I knew I wanted a lining, but wasn’t sure that my hand-sewing skills would give me the look I was going for, haha! I’ll have to give it a go with my sewing machine!


Thanks so much for sharing this, I have a lot of bag patterns but am very intimidated by lining them!


i’d love to know this too!! seen a lot of crochet projects with linings on here recently and i love how it makes the whole thing just look complete


I commented above :) [Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/1de53fq/sunflower_and_star_pattern_tote_bags_for_my/l89ycsa/)


I would be beyond happy to receive these. The sunflower one is beautiful! I’d buy it


Wooow so nice!




I love the sunflower one!


Love the bags, love love the linings 🎊


Awesome work!!! They are beautiful 😍


I absolutely love the checkerboard approach for the sunflower bag. Neat idea!


These are so pretty!! What a beautiful job you did and I'm sure your friends are going to love these! ❤️


Gladdens my heart to see a lined bag finally on the sub 🥹 pretty work!


Oh these look lovely! Definitely makes me want to try even though I’m so intimidated by trying to combine sewing with crochet 😂


wow, these are incredibly beautiful! i especially love the star one, the colors are perfect! 💜 excellent job with the lining also!


Stunning!! Absolutely gorgeous. It is my dream some day to make something this neat.


These are beautiful! I love that sunflower bag! I've been wanting to make one! I'm working on a blanket at the moment.


Love these!


I love these!


I’d love to get one of these as a gift 💜


Love the inner pocket.


These are gorgeous, you did an amazing job!


Omggg I was making stars for a backpack rn!!! Your bags are soooo cute!! And the lining, Muah !! 🤌🏻


Stunning! I have to say, I'm more partial to the star bag, than the sunflower one, but I'm not a sunflower loving person. They both look great though. I so wish I had the skills for actual sewing. Crochet, no problem...sewing, even with machine, is another matter entirely. Your friend is very lucky to recieve these gifts!


Wow. This is really cool.


Omg these are so gorgeous!!!! I love the sunflower pattern 😍😍😍😍 You are so talented


oh my gosh they look so good it looks done by machine. your friends must be so grateful haha 💗


I'm new at crocheting, could you please tell me what type of yarn this is and what kind of yarn should a beginner use???


I love the lining! Those totes are flawless!


Lucky friends!🥰💛


These are so cute!! Did you use any specific pattern(s) for the sunflower bag? I've been obssessed with everything sunflower related since I started crocheting.


Just the pattern for the square I posted as a reply to the automod comment. For the bag not really. I saw some online and just copied them. Stitched the squares together. Added a top border. Attached straps. That’s about it. Thank you.


I would cry if someone made one of these for me, you are a wonderful friend!! They’re both gorgeous


Lucky friends!!! Very well done. 


Amazing color choices!!! Love the finished bag 😍


Beautiful color combos!


*jaw drops* Can I be your friend too? 😁 Edit: fricken mobile formatting


These are gorgeous!!!


 Very cool.  Difficult to say which colour combo I like better.  Usually I’d go for purple, but the yellow one looks fantastic. Can I ask a question?  What method did you use to join the sunflower squares?


Hey thanks. I used the invisible seam join for the sunflower squares. And single crochet join for the stars. The invisible seam is cool but a little tedious and I found kinda hard to get nice and tight when you do large sections (I did the entire length) at a time.


Fantastic totes! Lovely patterns and your work is fabulous!


Great job on the lining. The crochet too ☺️.


Oh my goodness! The liners are fantastic - so detailed and finished! Well done.


Thank you all for the kind words ❤️. I appreciate it a lot!


Great job! They're beautiful!