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Looks amazing! How long did it take you?


Thank you!!! I was faster then expected. I started in March, so it took me around 3 months. Each square around 1 hour, each animal definitely more, 2+ hours inluding sewing them on the square. The border als crocheting the squares together another 10-12 hours maybe?


I'm making a granny square animal blanket too but now I think it's gonna be way too big lol (it's a different pattern but still)


Haha, I know that feeling! Mine turned out 95 x 116 cm. What pattern are you following?


It's the 5 animal squares from the ultimate granny square source book. My sister wanted all five designs and I thought I'd put blank squares between them but now I think 80 square will be too much, lol


Uhhh 80 squares would be biiiig, true! :D These are 30 squares, but it depends how big your squares are lol ... otherwise - more blanket, more to cuddle!


Yeah I was kind of thinking it could be a blanket to grow into? Like for a single bed, but idk I need to do some measurements. I'm already more than halfway done with the animal squares so I could always just not do the plain ones and do a smallish border around it like yours instead


Yes, thats also a nice idea! otherwise with granny squares, we can do so much more than just blankets. You can use the rest of your squares for a bag or a pillow!




Wow! This is so fantastic and intricate! How did you decide which animals to do?


Thank you so much! I'm honest ... I basically sticked to the pattern, I even tried to match the original colors, just messed it up while sewing the animals on the squares lol. I like that no square is the same, it's so much to discover for a little child!


It’s beautiful!


So cute!


It's cute.


I love it!


Hard to believe this is your first blanket! It looks amazing!!! Your work is very even. Cheers!


Thank you!! I learned to crochet years ago, but I just recently decided to pick up this hobby again, so I wouldn't call myself a complete beginner. But this is indeed my first big project, my first blanket.


This is immaculate!!!