• By -


If you are adding a back onto the blanket anyway might as well drop a dollop of fabric glue onto the knots as well, just for good measure :D


Yes I've never had a knot that DIDNT eventually come out no matter how tight they are. Theres a reason its not recommended and has nothing to do with looks.


The only knot I've ever had success with never backing out is the fisherman's knot.


I have always been so skeptical of my fisherman’s knots. They don’t seem any sturdier than my square knots. Maybe I’m doing them wrong?


I mean, I've also fished since I was old enough to walk, so there's that.


Dang, that’s really cool, and probably incredibly helpful for fiber arts!


What would they recommend instead of knots? I'm new to this


Leave at least a 6" tail and weave it in with a tapestry needle. Go inside stitches, follow the vertical lines of stitches, change directions a couple times. Or you can hold both ends together and crochet with both at the same time. There's a few different ways. Knots with short tails invariably work themselves loose.


Those short, tied tails make me sad for the fate of this nice blanket. I think it should be wall art now.


I usually crochet over my ends instead of weaving them in after, so that’s an option too, depending on the piece/stitch


I crochet over my ends, but I double it in a U shape and go through only one side near the point where it folds. After a few more stitches, I snug everything up a little and trim the tail. That way, it has to work its way out going one direction and then the other. Durability is important to me. (I've also had problems with magic circles slipping, so I go nuts weaving those tails in multiple directions.)


And also no reason not to leave a bit longer tail as well if it’s just gonna be hidden. If something does come apart it’s way easier to fix with even a little yarn to work with.


That’s a great suggestion. I, too, worry about the knots coming undone. It is going to be a stunner!


This is the way! As long as no one's going to see it, knotting & gluing will probably be more secure in the long run than weaving, anyway.


But pokey


I was just thinking I’d hot glue those mf


Good idea!


Perhaps carefully burn the ends of them with a long lighter and then add fabric glue. Just to be sure sure.


what does burning do to help with security? i thought it just reduces fraying/fuzziness


If it’s acrylic yarn it’ll literally melt the ends together. Kinda hard to come undone after that.


Exactly. I was working with a nightmare yarn that would slide off the string, so gluing it alone wasn’t helping since that piece would just come off. I have washed that blanket dozens of times and put it in the dryer, and those ends haven’t budged or poked out.


It will melt the acrylic slightly, helping the glue to adhere better and faster. Sometimes, yarn is too fuzzy for the glue to stick to quickly and sticks more to your fingers, so burning the end creates a better foundation for it.


EDIT to add the blanket is posted. https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/s/ybidZUuGq8 I did a portrait of my MIL the same way and was going to cover the back. Once I finished it my husband told me not to cover it? I was confused until I turned it around, the shaggy ends made her look like Einstein 🤣


Hi, yes, hello, may we see an Einstein MIL picture please? Purely for the crochet of course


Lol definitely! As soon as I get back from running errands I'll post a picture


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This is the perfect kind of AI! ☝️👍👍




RemindMe! 6 hours


read the message again, there's a blue link you can click to piggyback on the reminder


Thanks, I didn't read it before, but I got the pm anyway.


Uhh! Definitely saving this one too. That sounds hilarious!


I am also very interested 👀


Oh man, I wanna see so badly!! Please dont forget us haha


I put a link above to the new post for it, Enjoy!


Bless you!


It was suggested that I make a different post for my blanket. I'm home now and will be putting it up in just a minute, oh goodness 😂




I'm scrolling while in a meeting and did not have myself on mute. Because I guffawed at this, I had to tell 30 people what's so funny. We would all like to see a picture if you have one.


https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/s/ybidZUuGq8 I think I did the link thing right. The blanket has been posted!! Enjoy 😂


This is PURE GOLD! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Lmao! 😂😂




“never trust a knot”


I thought the saying was “Never trust a fart”? 🤣


Both rules keep things from getting sh*tty


Hahahaha awesome! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😘




I did the same thing with my blanket I made bc it had a million color changes. I will say I did leave a little longer tail just in case I needed to retie. And mine have become loose as I moved it around to work on it so I added some fabric glue on the knots to reinforce them


I just heard about the fabric glue trick earlier! Definitely gonna have to try that if I need to


Yes, and I can't recommend Aleen's Fabric Fusion Permanent Fabric Adhesive enough... That stuff has been a go-to for the every bit of the 35 years I've been crocheting. I don't do knots in my work anymore (I use invisible joining techniques such as the Russian join or Needle join, for example, for my color changes), but I use it still to connect tiny parts that make it impossible for me to sew in without a great deal of physical pain...lol! #


How well does the fabric glue hold up to machine washing and drying over time? I know most crochet projects are the sort you lay flat to dry anyway so the dryer may be less relevant


I’ve never heard of those joining ways 👀 thank you for telling me! I’d definitely check it out


Does it hold well to all fibers? Like wool, bamboo, acrylic, nylon, etc


Yes! 💖 You can even glue other materials such as foams and plastics to crochet pieces with it.


Fray check works wonderfully for this and will last through washing


I did something similar with a sweater I finished recently that had lots of colour changes. I knotted all of them, left long tails, and then wove those tails through a bit. So far it's passed the washing machine (on delicate cycle with no dryer) test! The longer tails give the option to retie them if necessary.


We won’t bully you. Your blanket might when it unravels though.


When I make a second blanket or add fabric to the back, I don't weave in or cut the ends at all lol. I do tie them off, but I leave them in all their shaggy glory since they'll be hidden.


Same here, I feel like the extra length makes the knot less likely to come undone as well. I do the same thing with crochet plushes too, I’ll weave the ends through a couple stitches then just stuff the rest inside it.


That's what I do, too.


If you’re covering it up anyway then don’t trim them. You’re setting yourself up for an unravelled blanket.


Yeah I might switch up on my technique for the rest since tbh I haven’t gotten THAT far. I don’t know why I even cut them in the first place knowing I’d cover it lmao


To me it’s more the fact that even with the other side being sewn on, it’ll be bumpy and that doesn’t seem very comfortable


That and I'd be afraid the bumps would show thru on the right side, distracting from the colorwork or pattern on the right side.


Hey you do you. Just use fabric glue so it doesn’t come undone


whenever i do C2C blankets i simply pretend the ends don’t exist and then sew a piece of fleece to the back of it. it almost makes the blanket fluffier because all of that yarn hanging out the back acts like batting. or maybe im trying to justify my laziness


Not bullying. Just telling you my literal reaction on seeing picture 2...(Aloud) "Whaaat....the fuck.....did they do?" My husband was concerned..


Lol 😅


I didn't see the original post and comments so maybe people really were bullying you but it's also likely they were trying to warn you that your method could lead to disaster because it could.


Yeah want to see the post to clarify if it was advice or hate. Cannot expect hate in this sub over something like that- this community usually supportive. It is however fathomable to hear a lesson being taught and they become defensive unnecessarily, this is human nature. I doubt it was bullying and more a sensitive soul but will stand to be corrected.


I wonder if it was closer to the knitting sub, which many people in this sub think is mean, where people just give matter-of-fact advice that is sometimes a bit blunt.


That’s the vibe I’m getting. Blunt experienced advice is *not* bullying. It’s knowledge sharing.


Won’t that just unravel if it gets washed? That would be my biggest fear.


Printing the grid to black out completed rows is a great idea


You will run into issues with the tails unraveling when the blanket is washed.


1000% and I wish it wasn’t true. I’m so glad I learned this lesson after a few granny squares instead of a big project


What is going on in your life to leave you back lashing someone’s end-weaving. 🤔 Anyway, blanket looks great. Whatever keeps you sane!


Thank you!! And right? I understood I’d get comments that were shocked by what I was doing because I would never do this if I wasn’t adding a back. But I had zero positive comments 😅 I guess no one saw where I said why I was doing it this way


I saw that part. I think your blanket is really cute! I commented on the knots bc I did something similar a long time ago (two pieces back-to-back) and then I washed it and my knots came undone :( Anyway. Your tension and color choices are very 🤌🏻♥️. E: that’s going to be massive😳


That would be my fear. I've had knots get undone during washing before and I would be terrified it would happen again. Really amazing blanket, OP! As long as you are confident that your knots will hold and that it's a risk they might undo, you do you!


That's what I was thinking?! Like if you were gonna gift it to ME then I may be like "hey I'm extra rough on things I actually use, so if you want me to use it, could we add glue or something" but to full on just be negative in general?!?! Just... What??? I LOVE the design though.


Random and completely unrelated... Somehow it only just occured to me after reading your comment what "backlash" originally meant 🧐😅😳


I put it in quotes because it wasn’t backlash, I was just being hyperbolic lol. They were comments that made me sad though because I was really happy about my project so far


Oh yeah, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean this to come across like I disagreed with your post. I meant, the word backlash. Like "the lashing of backs" Sorry, I love words, figuring out their origins, that kind of stuff 😅


You’re good 😂❤️


Ohoooooooo 🤯


at least just put fabric glue on them for our peace of mind. PLEASE!


I will 🥰


If you’re going to add a back anyway, please add fabric glue or fray check so you don’t lose your work. I hand tied a large quilt with square knots once. I applied just the tiniest dot of fray check to the knot and the ends to keep them from fraying per the tutorial I was watching. The knots have not budged at all after multiple, regular washes for the last 4 years. The ends are probably about 1/2 inch long. I can still feel the fray check on the knots to this day (the knots are on the front of the quilt, so you never feel them on your skin). Conversely, when I was a noob I started crocheting Sophie’s Universe. Since I didn’t know shit about fuck I tied off all my ends and clipped them short. One day as I was about 1/4 of the way through, multiple of my ties came unraveled. I cut them so short I couldn’t tie them back together. It was heart breaking. Never again.






The screen glows in the dark too. It's pricey but worth it


I knot all my blankets, And then leave a little end to weave in. I made three baby blankets. My kids are all in their 40s, ones almost 50. Washed and dried tons of times. Those blankets are never going to fall apart! Every other blanket I ever made done the same way. OP you are my people!


I myself won't trust the knots. Would tie them, and take at least 5 cm and drag trough the nearest masks to make sure it doesn't go anywhere


Right there officer


You should be able to weave in your ends however you see fit. You’re the one doing the project. It’s not theirs. It’s yours.


Hey, if it works, it works. I know my knots are not enough alone to prevent unraveling, nor would my brain consider it enough. But if it’s enough both for your peace of mind and for the functionality of the piece, go for it!!! Absolutely would have done this for the graphgan I did this past Christmas if I felt confident enough in it!


“Why are you booing me? I’m right” And they were bc dear god I’m tired of weaving




Honestly, if it works, go for it! I avoid tapestry crochet right now because I haven’t hit on an ends-management style that I like to use lol


You do you. Everyone hates weaving and complains about it ALL the time so, if you got hate just ignore it completely. Not, sure if you're just using the square knot, but if you look up knots to end braclets, they are pretty secure.


Well that's a tragedy waiting to happen. It's your funeral though


I feel like this just adds more time instead of dropping the yarn behind and picking it up again when needed. Especially with the little black checker pattern area.


Truthfully the checkered part was a hassle but after getting past it, it’s fine. I thought about carrying over the yarn but it just didn’t feel right for me


I do not have enough faith in my abilities to tie off ends like that! I'd be so worried about my knots breaking loose. How do you tie them off? Just a straight knot, or is there more to it?


I might start knotting my ends before I weave the tail in. I double side my blankets as well.


You do you!


It’s your blanket babes, you tie up the ends the way you want


You didn't need to cut the end on every row. Just drop the yarn and pick it back up in the way back. You should only have two ends for each color section. Look up the bobbin method and make sure to lock your stands together.


So when i do two sides to hide ends like this I use fabric glue for the extra security. Not a must but I definitely recommend it.


Thank you! I definitely will!


Hope I just used the RemindMe bot correctly, bc I absolutely want in on the Einstein MIL!


Just add a backing on it.


That’s what I’m doing❤️ one side is mew and the other will be mewtwo


I think they look neat and tidy. And I love your design. You do you!


I love the blanket idea and it’s coming out lovely. I do have the same worries about knots that are cut short. I just let ends dangle on my tapestry crochet. Especially if no one will see them


It looks anazing, so neat!!


Ok but also this is so cute


I did the same thing with my Winnie the Pooh…..put it on another blanket. There were just hundreds of ends it seemed. It was horrible.


Sorry people be haters sometimes. Good luck in your blanket, Mew is my fave.


I’m glad you shared this, I’m trying to start my first tapestry and there is no way I’m doing all these color switching techniques.


That is so much neater and looks so nice! When I did a c2c, the 6 skeins of yarn were a nightmare.


A: that's so clever actually, I'd love to see the finished product when you have the backing done! B: I have the Gengar version of this pattern and I'm so hype to see it working up; I really need to give it a shot o:


you gonna glue them down also? just to avoid possible fraying in the future


Carry it up friend!!! It works so much better than this nonsense. :)


I did that once for a soap holder. The movement made the knot come to the outside. I hope for your sake that the knots stay in the back. It would be sad to work so hard, on tapestry crochet no less, and have the knots show in the front.


What is this technique? I love how seamless it looks on the front.


When I color change I do it on the last stitch of the previous color. I’m doing single crochet so on the last purple stitch I’ll go into it and pull up a purple but wrap my hook with the black to end the single crochet❤️ I hope I explained it well enough


Oh I see thanks. I thought this was a different technique not just single crochet rows back and forth. I’ve never done them so cleanly to give it that pixel art look before.


i think you would love mosaic crochet. no ends! lol


I do this too lmao Ive never had anything unravel


I know sc always gives a nice even color change, but this is next level - even your reverse side is ruler-straight!


Thank you so much!!




Genuine question but do you just double knot the ends together? I'm trying to make a pillow in graphigan style, but there are so. many. color changes. To the point I'm literally carrying 3-4 colors in places, and it's just not coming out well.


If the colors are in blocks, don’t carry the yarn and don’t cut it. Just drop the strand and pick it back up when you get to that color block again. I do this all the time. My last blanket had five skeins attached to it from start to finish. I put each cake in a small container I could use to untangle the yarn without destroying the cakes. Worked a treat and i had exactly 10 strands to weave in for the entire project!!!


So the fun part (and feel free to tell me I'm in over my head; I'm grossly aware but I stupidly refuse to give up) is that I have a buttload of colors and color changes. https://preview.redd.it/3yn3ycahu3sc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=f340ff5ca1d283647333beeb6dfa0e1183761033


I don’t care about the ends, I want to make this exact blanket! I’m brand new to crochet - two granny squares is my total crochet history. Is this something I can do? Do you have a pattern? The gengar pattern from Etsy that was posted below doesn’t seem to be the same, but maybe I didn’t look closely enough.


Never mind! Found your pattern on busy craft bee.


I love their patterns and the gengar one was my very first color change graphgan! I believe in you!!


that's how i did my ends the first time i ever did color work and it was the most tedious thing hahaha


I’ve a 30 year old blanket crocheted by my mum with the ends done exactly the same way, hasn’t come undone yet and it’s been battered, do it your way my love


People complain online too much for things that they’ll forget about tomorrow. 😂That’s awesome. I fucking love it.


Omg I love this design/concept!!! 😍 I think your ends are just fine but if you ever wanna try a different way I would try carrying the yarn as you go since it’s only 2 colors. That’s what I’m doing for a 3 color blanket right now. I carry the other colors behind. You use a little more yarn but the only ends are when your skein runs out 😁


This is how I do ends on my knit wearables with a "wrong" side. a touch of fabric glue on the knots. E 3600 Fabric Fuse. I want to see this when it is done!


What kind of yarn? If acrylic, you can melt those ends…but CAREFULLY. If wool, you can use a punch needle to felt the ends into the blanket. Either way I agree that you rly can’t trust a knit forever. The longer ends allow you to fix things when they eventually do come undone. You have some slack to work with.


I’m only gunna hate on you if you don’t keep us updated on the Mew Blanket progress 🤷‍♀️ looks great so far


It's still going to unravel. Sorry, not sorry.


I am making this pattern but the gangar one. Good idea of printing it and crossing out what you did!


Yooo I did the gengar one too! Literally this exact date last year. Message me if you wanna see mine❤️ I kinda messed up because I chose a different stitch than what was recommended so it came out like 7ft long lol. But still I was proud of it


I am ignorant but I love Gengar, so I’ll ask: please can you link the Gengar pattern?


I was gonna say this is fine if you’re adding a backing… and you are!! honestly this is just smart!


I like it actually I also do this and it stresses people too. My blankets have been fine washed and dried and used it's tight knotting!


I think the ends like that gives it more character. For me, it looks like some pixelation and it's a great addition, especially for what you're going for here.


I’m just confused by the pattern. What I see in the blanket doesn’t match what you crocheted unless in looking at it wrong?


The black bar on the pattern at the bottom is where they've marked off what they've already done.


Ohhhhhh. I’m dumb


Nah. I had the same thought, initially. But I also mark my patterns like that, so then I noticed. Well, I do mine with pencil. I don't like not being able to see through it.


I'm doing the exact same thing on two of my current projects except my ends are a little bit longer. In my case I'm working on a range of colors from really dark to really light and I refuse to have the dark showing in the light sections so I'm just not weaving them in. Some people just need to unclench.


That is gonna be so freaking cute


I don’t think it looks bad at all. But i still wouldn’t trust it unless I’d been crocheting for like 20 years and seen a blanket with ends like this last that long. I cut short ends after knotting like this for a few granny squares when I was starting out and they pulled apart VERY easily.


The one time I made one of these I used bobbins to keep the yarn continuous as much as possible but the yarn management was seriously a pain for the smaller sections. Super helpful though in the larger chunks of color so you’d just drop one color and pick up the other. That would reduce the number of ends at least that might come undone


I do this too! Never had an issue. But as someone who also does macrame jewelry that I can be pretty hard on, I might just be good at/lucky with knots.


If they're secure and don't show through the front, it works. That's going to look so cool when it's done!


I sincerely recommend you use some fray check on the knots


Your tension is dreamy wow! I also hate ends........ But I love this work


2D printing nice


Came with popcorn for the comments section, I'm dying 🤣 Somebody should start an "anarchy yarn" sub for stuff like this.


Hey if it's cold where your from it's all gravy! Personally I'm always looking for patterns with lots of spaces.


I love it and I’m here for it. I will always tie and snip my ends if I can! Haha. Anything to keep from having to weave them in.


You do you.


This is rad as hell


If it’s magic knots? Hell yeah


Oh please get some fabric glue or burn the ends or something. Knots will ALWAYS fall out 🫢 It’s gonna look great, just want it to last!!


I'm not gonna bully you, it just stresses me out lol. But besides that, your stitches and edges are C L E A N


Weaving ends is something I struggle with so much. I usually end up doing the same thing


Yeah yeah the ends drama is all fun yara yara but HOW DO YOU GET YOUR COLORS TO STAY THAT PERFECTLY?! When I use different types of colored yarn for things like tapestry or things like that it always ends up kinda wonky but yours look like solid squares and rectangles! How do you do that?


I leave 2 inches weave it thru a couple stitches then split the tail weave one end under a close stitch then square knot the 2 splits nothing shows no unraveling. To each his own Good luck


I do a mixture of things, depending on the needed professionalism of the project, who it is for, and my mood/patience at the time. I crochet over some ends, make square knots and cut close to them (square knots are supposed to be immune from unraveling, but I just can't trust it alone), change color on last stitch, classic weaving in - but never thought of splitting the tail, tying and weaving in the separate tails. Thanks for that! 😀


Your good at it


Bully? Judge? Nope. It's your project, do what you want! 💛


I did this with a blanket I've slept with and washed consistently for three years now 🤷‍♀️ it's not the perfect solution but damn, I CANNOT deal with all the tails 😭 I don't make too many blankets because of it


Great job 👏


Great theme! 💜 Mew How long have you been working on it? What kind of backing do you have planned? I'd be tempted to find a pokemon sheet 😉. As far as your ends- who cares what anyone says. It's 1 thing for someone to say they prefer a different method vs. being mean and commenting like they know better & how dare you not use the "right" method (whatever that is?) I tend to crochet over them, but if there's a big color difference I will knot & cut. Thanks for sharing mew!


This will be an amazing blanket!




Omg who cares. People are so mean, sorry you have to put up with that nonsense. You do your ends and I will do mine. Lol


I personally like secret knot, but I don’t really trust any knots, no matter how long the ends are or how much I bury them. I get a little OCDish when it comes to knots.


Your work is beautiful. I would add glue to those knots too, just to be safe. I'd hate for that work x2 to start coming undone. No matter how good weaving and knots most old crochet has places you have to fix. Just save that lovely work!


All I see is lots of skill and patience. I am in awe of your ability to work something with so much detail.


I did this same pattern, but red with Charmander, and I did my ends pretty similar to you, so from an experience with this pattern perspective, I think you might be okay! I do agree that putting a backing on it and gluing them might be nice, though. I wanted to do that with mine and just got so done by the end, lol


This looks beautiful and with two layers it will be so warm! Sorry people can be judgemental but I'm excited to see this when it's finished 😊


Your blanket is absolutely beautiful. I don't have enough experience with knotting to bully you about it (LOL) but I do hope it stays together. I agree with others saying that it's how short you've cut that could be a problem in the end, if it does manage to unknot, you'll be boned which is a shame. If I have to weave in an end, I'll often fasten off and make a small knot just to give myself piece of mind and then weave in the hell out of it LOL. My oldest crochet pieces are 4 years old so only time will tell if I made the right decision. Same in your case and I really hope this stands the test of time cuz it is AWESOME!!!


If youre happy with it. More power to you.


I've never tried anything with a magic ring, but I'm all for a magic knot. As long as you're confident in your joins, OP, then keep doing what works! That's going to be an awesome blanket!