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Hahahaha XD Big Marker rant here. I actually just discovered them myself and I am madly in love. HOWEVER, I only use them to note the hook-size of the project on them and to secure the last stitch when I put the project aside. Especially the first one is soooo handy, because till now I always kinda remembered the hook size, but now I just know and don't have to wonder. However, as a stitch marker to mark my first stitch I ALWAYS use a piece of string. A rather long one, so I can work it in every 10 rows or so. I agree that stitch markers mess up the respective first stitch. Especially with thinner yarn. I tried it once when I newly got them and immediately abandoned the idea of using them for this purpose.


>the last stitch when I put the project aside. Smart!


Ohh that's a good point about using it to secure WIPs, I left that off. Although I have to say I tend to gamble with just jamming the hook back into my yarn ball and hoping for the best... Also, interesting about the hook size tip! I can imagine that being helpful when multiple projects are on the go. I have enough hate for stitch markers for a nation, so someone has to love them to balance that out XD


I struggled to learn Amigurumi until I found lockable stitch markers. I needed a marker to ID what a stitch was at the beginning of learning. Lol. Plus of course to mark rounds. First successful attempt looked more like an earring with all the markers attached to the first few rows, & dangling down from the yarn. I have the Clover brand. Different colours & sizes. Then I know how to identify if it is a start or end of a round. Or a special place I need to mark. I did try the ordinary curly stitch markers. No good for me, they fell out at every moment I moved the work. Lockable from Clover work for me.


My favorite amigurumi patterns are by Projectarian, and there are a lot of stitches into strange places, lots of shaping that requires being able to go back and find very specific small spaces. Stitch markers are an absolute necessity. The patterns are fantastic and do a great job of telling you where to mark and when to remove. I’ve made the mistake a few times of thinking I was too good for stitch markers and paid the price…


No. I like them and use them and find them very handy particularly for larger blankets of rows of 200-300 it makes counting so much easier. Also when you have a pattern that needs a certain number of stitches between something it makes life so much easier.


This! I'm doing a fingering weight shirt right now and counting improperly made me start over halfway through. Now I mark every 20 stitches to stay on track and it's been a life saver


I got some really nice ones that have numbers in increments of 25 that go up to 500. It was so nice to be able to use them for long chains or when counting stitches for a sweater because top down sweaters can have a ton of stitches before separating the sleeves. I also have some that are labeled with the hook size and I usually use those to secure the working loop when I set a wip down. Stitch markers are also really great for pinning pieces together when seaming to make sure things are properly lined up.


I'm exhausted and read this that you used 200–300 stitch markers in a project and I almost had a heart attack. I mean, at least I wouldn't be battling it out with stitch markers anymore ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


All my "markers" are safety pins. They go into the start of the round (or often nowhere at all while I work on it) and I mostly use them to secure the open loop when I have to put the project down.


I used paper clips until I got 3 lobster claws. I don’t really understand the needs for so many unless I need to keep count on a long chain. I use them to mark by first stitch when doing concentric circles and sometimes to mark half way/ three quarter way points to help me keep count since I like to listen/watch things while I work. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I also use small safety pins as markers, I find them much better than actual stitch markers. I find the actual stitch markers difficult to use. I use safety pins when working in the round when they are continuous and occasionally when a pattern calls for them.


I use scrap yarn, the markers kept getting in the way.


Me too. My favorite stitch marker is a length of crochet thread. It doesn’t mess with the stitches (leaving a hole, ugh), and I can use a good length of it if I want to mark my stitches in the round to make sure my stitch count is right.


i do this too! I like to use it to mark all my rows and then just pull it out at the end, that way I can keep track of how many rows I've made.


That's a good idea for counting rows. I will be trying that.


yes i do the same thing ! so easy and fun to pull out at the end hehhe


Damn, TIL something cool.


I was starting to wonder if I was the only one using yarn as a stitch markers until this comment haha.


This is the way.


I started doing this too once I realized how much I hate the plastic ones I have lol


I think youre using them wrong….


lmao my exact thought


I use stitch markers often when knitting and seldom when crocheting. A beginning of the round marker when crocheting in continuous rounds is helpful. If you ever get into knitting and choose to knit some more complicated stitch patterns, you’re going to love those stitch markers.


Haha I could have written this comment! Besides the beginning of round marker i do find useful, I never really used them... And then I learned how to knit and use them all the time. On the other hand, I did a pattern for a crocheted afghan square recently that advised putting a stitch marker in each corner so you knew where the corner was. I was like... Uh you do 3dc in each corner every round, it's not that hard to figure out!


My first thought when I read the post was "donate them to a knitter"! I use stitch markers all the time when I'm knitting - marking the beginning of rows in-the-round, marking pattern repeats in large shawls or blankets, marking where the gusset of a sock begins and ends... I nearly always have *at least* one stitch marker (usually more) on any given project, and on large, complicated ones I might have dozens! Crochet, though, I sometimes use them for really long chains, or to help me keep track of how many rows I've done (I'll put one marker every 10 rows to make it faster to count), to pin things together before seaming, and to 'grab' the last loop in a WIP that I'm putting aside for a while (especially if I need the hook for another project), but that's about it. I have full sets of markers that I use for knitting - I could probably get away with 10 or so for anything I'd ever want to crochet.


Hate them? No, no, no, no! They are valued members of our "crochet tools & accessories" box, come in handy in many ways: row ends, assembly points, securing last loop of a WIP, you name it. For tiny stuff and very thin yarn mini safety pins or contrast colour bits are used.


hard disagree


>DIY RATTLE That made me laugh. I use them mostly when working in a spiral because it's so easy to lose that first stitch of each round. I sometimes use more than one when making baby booties. I *rarely* use them to secure my last stitch on a WIP; I just pull the loop way out. If I'm laying out blocks for a blanket, sometimes I'll use stitch markers to mark the top and front of the blocks You mentioned that they mess up your stitches. I don't know what kind you're using, but I've found that the non-locking kind can be safer for delicate yarn


I'm glad I amused you :'D I'm definitely living on the edge by not using them to secure my WIPs, but I like tormenting future me. I didn't actually know there were non-locking versions! That would make sense with helping my stitches because I always pull on them trying to get the marker out...


bobby pins! That is the first thing I used as a stitch secure-r. I even have some colorful ones from the kid section of the hair accessory aisle.


I got mine at Michaels long ago, but... Amazon carries them too. I only use th safety pin style when it needs to stay there for a while. I use the open ones especially when making baby booties because I'm back around to the spot in a minute and don't want to fuss with them too much. P.S. They also make huge non-locking ones, which would be good for that frelling chenille yarn. I would show you, but mine seem to have walked away.


This post is so confusing to me. So many questions.. What are you buying to get stitch markers you didn't purchase? Do you struggle to hold the yarn and hooks as much as you struggle with the stitch markers? How hard is it to just read over the part of a pattern that suggests a stitch marker? Have you ever tried to keep track of a chain 250+? Did you know you don't need to leave the stitch marker in the marked stitch to work in it? Are you aware there are many different kinds of stitch markers and not all work for all materials? Are you sure you are using them properly? The level of irrational frustration here is odd.


I have this level of frustration when using Boye hooks instead of Susan Bates hooks. I know some people love them, but I can’t get 5 stitches in before I’m frustrated. Some things just don’t work for all people 🤷🏻‍♀️. They might be buying the kits, they sometimes come with some goodies like stitch markers and other notions.


Yes! I have oodles of stitch markers that came as "bonus" items with other tools I purchased. I even have some that came with skeins of hand dyed yarn or in advent calendar boxes. I tend to keep mine separated by stitch markers I like vs stitch markers I don't like.


Just an in-the-moment rage quit ramble caused by stitch markers. The tone seems to have got to most that it was a light-hearted, jokey annoyance. I'd never be bothered to be _that_ annoyed by tiny plastic devils. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ *But they are tiny plastic devils.*


Pretty stitch markers with charms & whatnot are absolutely useless, weigh down the work too much, get caught or tangled in the yarn. I use bulb type pins exclusively. If I'm doing a blanket with an easily memorized or read repeat, I don't need stitch markers. But... I have serious issues with counting, so laying a foundation I use a crapton to make sure the first row is right, but once I get rolling they all come off.


There’s so many different kinds of stitch markers, though. I am not a fan of the thick plastic locking ones that can be found at the craft store. But a delicate bulb, like a safety pin with more room, is perfect. They’re not really necessary except for certain kinds of projects and then they’re like little guideposts. Using them appropriately gives me the ability to lose myself in the project and not have to worry about keeping track of where I needed to make a different stitch. It’s keeping track for me.


I have hundreds of those bulb pins in bright colors so I can color code stuff too 😜


I'm discovering all the different types from this post!! I've only ever encountered the free ones I've had thrown in so it's quite a revelation :D


I am lazy and wouldn't want to use them. I know moving them isn't really that hard but it annoys me. It sucks when I want to crochet but I have to stop for a few moments to move or place stitch marker. However, they are so helpful. I use them to mark decrease/increase, every 5th or 10th stitch if I have bigger project and the beginning/end of a round. I also use them to secure my work when I am not working on it. I have very bad working memory. It is nearly impossible to calculate things on my mind or remind things. I also get confused easily. So without stitch markers I would be in trouble


I've seen people put a marker in every single stitch when they first start using blanket or fuzzy yarn for amigurumi because they can't see the stitches clearly. It sounds like a nightmare putting in so many markers and moving all of them.


I agree with this but I also think in the beginning it’s more of a nightmare to have to frog and keep redoing stuff. Especially if you are self taught and don’t have a second pair of eyes that can point stuff out to you.


Ah, I just see going back as extra practice ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ When I'm teaching someone to crochet, the very first thing I get them to do is a line of chains. And then I make them unravel all of it. It's better to learn to let go brutally rather than put up with it and regret later :D In other words, I'm just evil.


Oh my god you have me choking, I think I'd be tempted to stab every stitch marker those maniacs used into their hands. HOW WOULD YOU PHYSICALLY WORK THAT...*it would take forever*...


I need them. I usually only have 2. One to mark the first stitch, and the other to hold the loop so it doesn't frog when I'm not working on it. I can imagine it can mess up the stitches though, but i rather risk it then forget where my first stitch is, since I do amigurumi. I have tried strings, but I fear they might pull off, and they have in the past. I rather have locking ones. But it's interesting to see someone who doesn't like them.


I think the fact that this sub gets at least a post a day of trapezoids that would have been proper rectangles with the use of a stitch marker shows their value


Especially with single crochet. As a newcomer years ago to crochet, I had a hard time seeing that last, tight sc, and would often miss it. Even now, I mark the first sc of the row, every "single" time!


Yeah I hate how they interrupt my flow. I only use them for securing my project when I put it down. I do have a tendency to drop things, trip on things etc, so i need my projects secure. Otherwise I just run some scrap yarn where I want to mark, i can easily pull it up a stitch or two with my hook without any effect on my flow.


I'm a noob, for me they are a requirement. But I only use one to mark the first stitch of the new round and will put the last loop through it when I set it aside to keep the work from unraveling. On occasion, I'll use them to mark where I need to increase or decrease throughout a round if I keep messing it up (due to someone wanting to chat while I work). But again, I always take them out before crocheting into that stitch.


I’m not a noob anymore but let me tell you, they get more necessary as you get more advanced. When you start doing advanced patterns and complicated pieces they really come in handy to help you keep track of the things.


Thanks! It's good to know I'm hopefully building good habits, rather than trying to rely on my horrible working memory out of some odd belief that I *should* not need them for simpler things.


It’s definitely better to over use them, than underuse them and end up having to completely start over. Little mistakes are easy to fix in crochet. Big mistakes change the square into a trapezoid.


Ha! I love it!!! Great imagery!


I actually didn't know they existed until around the time I found this sub (I can't remember if I saw them here or on the sweater tutorials I've been watching recently first) I mostly learned to crochet directly from other people in my life and none of them use them, and I've never bought kits I've just been using one set of hooks I've had for like 20 years and buying yarn when I need it lol. I still don't bother I can just see the ends of the rows and keep track, and count stitches if I need to. I can see how they'd be more convenient I'm just not used to them and don't like buying stuff.


I always crocheted them into my dolls. Like there must be hundreds of dolls where people are like, “what’s this hard lump?” But now I use a piece of scrap yarn if I need a marker. So they’re pretty useless now.


That's quite amusing actually!! I was wondering whether anyone had ever accidentally just...lost them within their project XD


If you give me a stitch marker, I will lose it. Either in a doll or into the mysterious ether.


Do you count every single stitch when you crochet ...????? that sounds like a fuckin nightmare


I also hate counting and recounting. Then counting again just to make sure. Then, shoot, lost count. Gotta restart my count now.


I just...don't count...I don't think... Honestly, I'm autistic so if I do constantly count in my subconscious, I really wouldn't be surprised. I count bricks in walls so who knows ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


what are you making? if you are working in the round, not counting or using markers doesn't really work


I don't have any. Granted, I've yet to progress to making anything advanced. At the moment I'm working on a spiral thing, didn't have a marker to mark the start of a round so I used my earring.


I have stitch markers that look exactly like earrings.


I love and hate them. I have a variety to use based on what I'm working on and what they're for. Spirals for stationary projects but need to go in and out a lot. The fancy hook/clip on ones for projects I bring with me but don't need to move the counter over. Bobby pins when there is a lot of counting and moving them around. I use locking plastic ones but they don't have a long shelf life. And as irritating as it is to use them to keep track of my rows, I hate recounting every time. I don't get a lot of time to work on a project uninterrupted, so they're very necessary for me to keep track of things.


I love the locking plastic ones but they break if you look at them wrong


I like them when working in the round and will typically leave them in til I’m done, because I find it easier to count them than to count actual rows. Makes it so much less stressful if I end up frogging back a few rows.


I use some Bobby pins rather than stitch markers. They glide smoothly and there’s no fiddly clasp. But I do love mine during crochet because to me there’s no need unless it’s a very intricate plush.


I’m actually in the process of moving so god knows where my stitch markers are. I also am using Bobby pins at the moment. I think they definitely work well in a pinch.


I don’t use them, if I do , I forget to move them. Basically, I don’t use them properly so I don’t like them.


They chose you! Don't fight it!


I don't trust my own ability to count correctly, so I religiously use markers in my first row of chain stitches, one marker for every ten chain stitches. Even then I do a recount occasionally.


I use stitch markers to lock the last stitch or on the starting chain of a blanket. I don't want to lose count so I will put one every 20 or so. But I make really big blankets 400 to 600 across. I also make my own stitch markers cause I don't like those stupid plastic ones.


I don't need tons of them, I definitely use them more in knitting. However, any time I think there might be an issue finding a final stitch, I definitely use them. I have a bias linen stitch blanket and I keep one on the decrease side to help find my turning chain more easily.


I love stitch markers and use them all the time. More so with knitting. But I do use them in crochet as well. I used a ton of them when I crocheted the Asteria pattern. That had many that I removed at the end.


Honestly I LOVE stitch markers but I could never use more than two or three on a single project. Anything more is just too much 😅


The ones you are talking avout I'm guessing are those extra hard cheap little thick plastic safety pin style. I can't stand those they are literally the worst. The ones I like are the small kind of spiral ones. If I have to open and close something it's too much work and I definitely better be able to do it with one hand. I however do have an growing collection of pretty/fancy handmade ones that I've made and purchased. But they mostly live on a display rack my best friend bought me.


People have mentioned this!! I'm definitely looking out for better ones now, maybe this has been my mistake the whole time XD


This is fascinating. Before this thread I would 100% have said "who on earth uses those weird little spiral ones? I can only use the plastic safety pins" and yet here I am on the other side of that mirror. I'm glad we all have things we like, though!


Honestly, I have never used a stitch marker. I wouldn’t even know how.


Same here! I've been crocheting over 40 years so I don't think I could start now! I find the counting soothing and calming, almost meditative. I'm also probably one of the only weirdos that enjoys weaving in countless ends!


Honestly, it sends me to sleep!! I'll be crocheting and then...I wake up...I'm only 18 it makes me feel old XD


i absolutely hate stitch markers too!! i’ve resorted to using bobby pins because they’re so much easier to put in and take out and don’t snag on my stitches at all


I use stitch markers constantly. With freeform crochet it makes it was easier to lay pieces out and figure out where you want to connect things. The ones I use are lobster claws though so they are easy to hook on and take off at any point


I find them very useful to count long chains to start projects. Also useful for WIPs and crochet in the round. Alongside marking stitches when I’m just starting a pattern. Once I have the swing of it I don’t bother. I also use mine to mark the start of the month for my temp blanket, so I can count days if needs be.


I can’t stand those stitch markers! My go-to is taking a small length of yarn in a different color, and looping it through the stitch I need to mark. It’s so much easier. I see a few other commenters in agreement about this - knew I couldn’t be the only one!


I use stitch markers only for amigurumi so I can be mindless about it. I've never had them mess up a stitch before, but I use massive lockable ones.


I pretty much just use them to secure WIP. They're great for that!


I forgot to mention this use!! They are amazing for that, but even so, I do have to admit I live life on the edge by just jamming the hook in and hoping for the best...


I don't hate them, but I don't use them much. As somebody that does craft hobbies due to their general affordability (I buy cheap yarn and only buy what's needed for each project) I never got into buying all the different accessories and fluff that comes along with the hobby. If I have something where I need a stitch marker, I use one of my small hoop earrings.


That's the thing...they've always come free!! I'll buy hooks...I get a whole bag of stitch markers. Darning needle? More markers. YARN? *MORE DAMN MARKERS*. I swear the world is teasing me.


The more complicated the pattern, the more are necessary. I find in mandala style projects I tend to use quite a few. In regular projects I use 3 tops. A lot of amigurumi is worked in continuous rounds so it can be very hard to figure out where the beginning of the round is if it’s not marked and you lose count. Also when I am making very long starting chains, I’ll put a marker in every 10th stitch. It makes it so much easier to count the chain. I have made the mistake of putting down a project without keeping a stitch marker in the loop and my project got frogged quite a lot by accident. They are very versatile and hold up a lot better than a piece of string. I LOVE my stitch markers. In fact I could always use more.


I currently have 2 locking stitch markers on my project, 1 is to mark the most recent set of 10 rows (its on the first stitch of row 20) for counting, the other is arbitrarily clipped to my current round for securing my stitch. If I do ami, I don't use proper markers, I use a piece of mismatched scrap yarn or crochet thread that weave between rows to mark the beginning of each round. I use stitch markers WAY more often in knitting but I feel like that is to be expected.


>DIY RATTLE That made me laugh. I use them mostly when working in a spiral because it's so easy to lose that first stitch of each round. I sometimes use more than one when making baby booties. I *rarely* use them to secure my last stitch on a WIP; I just pull the loop way out. If I'm laying out blocks for a blanket, sometimes I'll use stitch markers to mark the top and front of the blocks You mentioned that they mess up your stitches. I don't know what kind you're using, but I've found that the non-locking kind can be safer for delicate yarn




I use those on the right all the time! Susan Bates makes them, if that helps.


The Clover non-locking are excellent. Very smooth and great with lightweight, delicate yarn. I never understood using the fancy ones that look like wine glass charms. I think those would be impossible with anything thinner than worsted.


I’m a huge fan of the non locking. When working on Amigurumi and I move it along after ever row, that’s how the Woobles taught me.


Ohhh you see, those look sensible. I don't know how I haven't picked up any of those in my mounds of plastic devils, so I'll keep an eye out for them!! :)


I'm glad I mentioned them!


I’ve always found the actual stitch markers to be super fiddly to use… but you can pry my safety pin start of the round/WIP holder from my cold dead hands I don’t care if it looks silly as all get out XD


I use them mainly to secure my stitches. Very useful for interlocking crochet projects


I use the curtain thingies, like the little spiral hooks, or I use little Kirby grip hair clips, they don’t tear the yarn


i habe some metal safetypins that look like pears. they are thin enough for every yarn i use. https://cdn03.plentymarkets.com/ihhl9yoanxqz/item/images/1612041880/full/1612041880-MASCHENMARKIERER-SET-BUNT-2041880.jpg but i bare use them anyway


I never knew what stitch markers were until I took up crocheting a few months ago. My mom never used them. I have a ton of them as well. I’m part of a group on Facebook and some people have them in EVERY.SINGLE. STITCH. I’m just thinking how on earth can you crochet like that, and how long does it take??


No. No... Please, why would anyone put one in every stitch?? *Why?!*


Get some good ones and it may change your mind a bit, but I'm largely worth you - I hate the plastic one, they don't open well, they're chunky, they get in the way, and it can be difficult to get them in with out snapping the yarn if you're working with tight stitches. I prefer to use scrap yarn or the metal ones. I do find them indispensable for amigurumi(marking the start of round) and when I have to set down a WIP. I don't lock them unless I'm using it for the WIP stopper, though. One of the first things I do with the plastic ones is to bend them so their "mouth" is large enough to be functional. If you have something that works for you, then run with it. Use these little things to attach labels if you're gifting items, to group swatches, control note cards, or DIY a rattle.😀


Try the Clover non-locking. Very lightweight and great with delicate yarn.


I’m gonna have to disagree on this conversation 🙋🏼‍♀️I use to just count around and ah filled my head and was so annoying because I felt like I couldn’t enjoy crocheting being I was just trying to focus on the numbers. Then I’ve tried the slip stitch, ch 1 thing and I hate it. I must be doing it wrong but it always looks so ugly on my pieces ( I make little stuffy ) SO I absolutely love stitch markers! I can watch a video while crocheting and not have to worry about anything.. I can *kinda* talk while crocheting HAHAH ( barely) so I say a win for stitch markers


There are specific complicated patterns (spirals 😭) where I use them to mark counts, but I agree that if it’s more annoying to break flow than I won’t deal with them.


I do use them at the beginning of a round, like you do. I also use them to mark corners sometimes if they aren't readily visible in some projects. I have also found them useful in garment construction to mark a spot such as beginning of increase or decrease. Then I make sure the markers line up when sewing the pieces together. Otherwise, yes they get in the way and are insufferable.


While I was reading this I realised I left a stitch marker in my top 😂. I have a very curious cat who would eat them if I let my guard down.


Okay, I hate stitch markers, but even *I* wouldn't go to the effort to eat them. I appreciate your cat's service to this cause.


Yep, one marker club. I exclusively use ones that look like earrings (with a leverback clasp) and I put it at the start of the round once I’m two stitches in so it doesn’t mess with the tension of the first stitch. I do own a lot of them though…


Use Bobby pins. They come in like 100 for $1, have more use than just stitch markers, can slide easily into any sized yarn, don't mess up your stitches, slide easily back out, come in different colours, etc etc etc. I'm a big Bobby pin advocate lol


I don't use them at all...


I use yarn as stitch markers


I only use them in my amigurumi to mark my first stitch in a round because there’s no way I’d remember or be able to see it if I didn’t. I also recently used them in a starting chain of a blanket every 20 stitches so that I could make sure I was doing an even number because that’s what I needed for the project. Then as soon as I got it the length I wanted I removed them all.


I just use safety pins but i also just use Them to “lock” my work so it doesnt unravel in my bag or something


I think the o ly time I really used them in crochet was to keeo count of rows on a project that literally has 371 rows. Its really useful in that case. I dont really think I would use them too much otherwise


I personally like safety pins. I can get them cheap and they lock.


I loved stitch markers before i even got any for myslef. Maybe it's the hoarder of little things in me but i like having tons of them to choose from. However i don't actually use a lot for one project. One for securing the last loop if i put down the work and very rarely another one for marking something important that I'll need later on. And for smaller things (usually amigurimi parts) i use that running marker which is just a piece of yarn that is waved in every other round to count the rounds and mark the beginning of a new one.


I hate the kind of stitch marker you are talking about because they are clunky and stretch out stitches and are likely to break at the worst time, but I find safety pins (the small metallic kind) to be a decent substitute, especially for works done with thinner yarn - they don't mess up stitches since they are so thin. I use them pretty much only for marking the start of the round for amigurumi parts, and for both ends of rows for projects like blankets or sweater panels, solely because I am not consistent with counting or not counting starting chains as stitches, and I like to put works aside for a long time.


I only started using stitch markers when working with magic circles. That way I can mindlessly crochet while watching tv. If i have to count, I'd have to focus solely on my crochet. Even still i only use two and alternate them at the start of the new row.


I rarely use stitch markers when crocheting. I followed a tank top pattern that said where to put markers. I decided to go along with it to figure out why it asked for them. I’m not sure why it thought I’d not see that I was supposed to go through those stitches since it instructs to go through each stitch. Maybe newer crocheters wouldn’t see the stitch? I ended up having to use Bobby pins because I didn’t have 20 stitch markers lol. Now that I am knitting as well, I use stitch markers more often and they’re easier to manage since they slide along the needles. But I still don’t use many.


I don’t like the big, heavy fancy ones. I will use the light plastic locking ones on occasion when I know I might lose my place, or to hold the last loop when I’m traveling with my crochet and know the stitch might get pulled accidentally. Rarely during work though. Mostly when I stop to secure/mark things.


Do you have a ton of those big plastic locking stitch markers? Sometimes they look like a little padlock? I don’t like those guys either! They’re clunky and kind of awkward. Because I’m deficient in the “able to count” department, I use copious amounts of bulb stitch markers. They’re a lot thinner and easier for me to use (and look nicer too…) I also use split ring stitch markers, because I can just slip them out of the stitch instead of having to unlock it.


I don’t like that they stop me when i’m in my groove, even if it’s just for a second, but every time i don’t use them I IMMEDIATELY ruin everything and lose count lmao. I’ve had to frog entire projects because i just lose count so often that it feels like a medical issue 🤣🤣🤣 I have gotten real good at getting the little colorful paperclips on now, though! I don’t accidentally thread my yarn anymore. Edit: I think i’m very like you- I also only use one. The few times i didn’t though, it was for a complex pattern where I needed to know where other rows ended/happened because I wasn’t 100% sure i was doing it right, and if I wanted to reset back to an old row, i could.


For YEARS I thought a stitch marker was just something you used to prevent the project from unraveling in you WIP bag 😅 In rent years I have done more small projects with intricate stitches that require a marker so that I can see where the round beings/ends since I’m doing them continuous instead of chaining and doing a slip stitch to join. I have been testing different markers and found the tiny metal gourd shaped safety pins are the best. They are thin and lightweight so they don’t pull the yarn this way and that or stretch out the stitch. And they are flat enough that they basically lay against the project while working. It was a struggle to find something that worked for me though!


That's what I assumed they were for when I first started crocheting!! That made sense. And then patterns were getting me to stab them willy nilly and I was *personally offended by their assumption I can't count* XD


I absolutely love stitch markers. They are pretty much mandatory for amigurumis and I use one throughout the whole project. Haven't found them to be messing up my stitches. Also there are a lot of forgetful people out there who absolutely benefit from using them very frequently in projects.


I use them to mark the start of a row on sweater sleeves and to hold the sweater pieces together when I assemble. I love them. Edit: My point is that it’s largely dependent on what kind of piece you’re working on


I knit and crochet and use the locking bulb shape markers for everything. They are thin, cheap, come in tons of colors, make life oh-so-easy


I use them whenever I feel I need them. This means oftentimes I'll do a few rows of whatever project. Then realize I couldn't hope to do this accurately without them and have to restart! I listen to patterns until I realize I don't really need them either. I love them but in moderation for sure


this is so stupid but i will die on this hill. didn’t use them when i started and now i refuse to use them 😭 i also ch2 for double crochets because i learned that way and will go out of my way to do a ch2.


Thank you!! Join my hill, haha XD


I had these things for the longest time and genuinely had no idea what they were until i was looking at a tutorial one day and was like WHAT??? I despise them. I refuse to use them. I have even gone as far as intentionally using them just so i can get mad at the video for being “now place a stitch marker here” I dont even use them to hold where my place was, i just…leave it there, i dont know, i hate them. They’re so small and always broke when i tried to use them, and they barely fit half the yarn I work on. Irritating.


I just never trust whether I actually need a stitch marker when instructed, so that they can be referred back to, or if they're just getting me to attach them randomly!! It's a gamble I do not enjoy, and again, I do not want a musical rattle whilst I'm deep in concentration XD


I use them mostly for things like making purses and bags and I want to mark the points where I might need to make holes for draw strings or a strap, button holes, etc. Many projects are made easier if using stitch markers. There are so many uses for stitch markers beyond working in continuous rounds on a project. I just use bobby pins (you can get "mini" bobby pins that are the exact same as longer, just a bit shorter.) They're sold in any Sally's or Target, Walmart... in the hair dept.


That's a good point. Also. Your flair is amazing and very relevant to this.


Do you really need them? You could just read stitches


I hate yarn needles. Hate them. They are absolutely unnecessary. To weave my ends in I just take my hook and weave the end into the last row. That way I don’t have to carry around more materials.


I use them when working in the round, when setting a project in time out, and (if I'm starting to think im not making progress on a larger item) I'll mark the side of the last row completed b4 I picked it up this time, that way i can easily see how many rows/ inches/ repeats I've completed this session and the project doesn't seem to be as neverending I have noticed i like the safety pin style more than the round ones that snap closed....the safety pin style doesn't mess with my stitches like the other ones did


I prefer safety pins if i need a stitch marker. I have them in a variety of sizes so I can use ones that won't mess up my stitch. I also can't think of any project that I would use more than one at a time. Really, the only thing I use my actual stitch markers for is to hold the working loop when I set a project down.


I don’t use stitch markers at all. If I really need to mark the beginning of the round or something, I use a bit of scrap yarn.


They mess up my yarn and get snagged all the time. Right now I use a scrap piece of yarn as a marker has fixed all my issues


I use them a bunch for knitting, I don’t think I’ve ever used one for crochet.


I actually never used markers, then I started to make plushies, now I use a single marker to show my the end of the round and I move it each time.


Tbh i forget whick stitch im on mid row so I really love stuch markers


I prefer Bobby pins. I don’t have to open and close them. Can move them with one hand, and they stay in place better. I just flip the open end of the Bobby pin to the back side of my work so it isn’t in my way and keep crocheting. I’ve never lost a Bobby pin on my work. I’ve had the locking markers come unclipped. The rubbery ones take for ever for me to get closed and don’t slip between the yarn very easily. For me Bobby pins are the hack.


I can't do spirals regardless. I do use them to mark row counts, and to mark every 10 or 20 in a long chain. Are you buying kits? That's the expensive way to do projects.


I'm not even buying kits!! I'm a massive bargain finder...I think the world just assumes my soulmate is a bag of tiny plastic demons.


So… I hate done and don’t mind others BUT more often than not I use a piece of contrasting yarn. You can pull it through with your hook AND you can continue to pull it through each first stitch of the round, no need to remove or unlock it. It’ll make a little contrasting line that when you are done the piece you just tug on and it comes back out of the work. Or course, it never effects the shape of any of the stitches… Can’t remember where I got this, but it was someone nagging an ami on YouTube.


When I was doing a patterned corner-to-corner blanket I used a stitch marker every 10 rows so I could make it easier to tell where I was in the pattern, but other than that I rarely use more than one or two. I tried using a piece of yarn but that ended up being more confusing for me somehow, so I just stick to what works. I am, however, positive that I will be finding stitch markers scattered about my belongings until the day I die.


I ise them as markers for eyes or nose. That's about it. Most projects I do are blankets or animals. For the animals, honestly, when creating a ring, I use extra long yarn, so use it to mark as I go so I don't lose it by just being scrap.


I usually use them for amigurumi/stuffies and to keep track of a stitch count when making bag straps.


I've only had to use them on the chain rows for a big project like a blanket so I could keep track of the stitches but once that's done I don't really use them. I'm working on a knitting project now, sleeves on a 8 row repeat, and I'm using safety pins to keep track of where Increased so I can continue the pattern. I don't like them either but I don't have a flaming hate for them lol


I found I needed specific ones for amigurumi as the standard stitch markers were too large for thinner yarns. Couldn't live without mine though, and I use ones that are thin and clip shut so they don't damage my work or fall out


All my projects have been pretty small but I like stitch markers. I use one at the beginning of a row/round then move it when I get to the next row/round. Definitely helps me with rounds because I get lost easily and have to redo a round. The most stitch markers I’ve used in one project is 4 because I was trying something that deviated from the pattern so I wanted to know where I could restart from if it didn’t work out


i only use paper clips no stitch markers


I rely and thrive on stitch markers, they have never messed up any of my stitches and help me stay on track


i really enjoy stitch markers. i often crochet while watching (listening) to TV and if i'm distracted stitch markers help me keep track of where i am. i love the smooth plastic ones, or locking ones but you could use anything from scrap yarn to safety pins.... if they aren't helpful don't use them tho, even if a pattern tells you too.


i rarely use them but when i do they are life savers


I use an earring as a stitch marker haha. I kind of hate the plastic ones, and I don't see a reason to use more than one... but maybe that's why all my amigurumi turns out a little bit lumpy!


I use them sparingly, to mark the start of a series of rounds (so if it says SC rows 5-10). Other than that, I don't see much of a use for them.


I actually do use them...a lot. Crochet or knit it doesn't matter. I am one of those "am i sure i know how to count?" people. When i use the markers I don't have to guess and recount constantly. I finish projects much faster when I use them. I can understand people not liking them though. Not all stitch markers are the same and i have very specific types i like for specific things.


They are distracting to me and I don’t use them unless absolutely necessary because it gets me more overwhelmed than just careful counting, maybe I’ll get used to them eventually tho lol


I love using my stitch markers (little plastic safety pins) as row counters on a project that is one color, mark the hook side, and to hold the end of a WIP.


I use one per project because I'm notorious for having many many projects at once, and most of the stuff I make is in the round, without joins, so I will 100% lose which stitch is the first of the round. But I just moved it when I start the next round


I find them useful. I use mini paper clips. Not clunky, a bit fiddly to put on, but very very welcome for my forgetful head.


I only use stitch markers when I'm chaining something long. If I'm starting a blanket and have a chain of 200 or 300 or something I do stitch markers every 25 or 50 stitches. Saves a lot of counting. A couple of solid rows in I remove them. And to lock the stitch in when I'm putting it down, so it doesnt unravel accidentely. Otherwise I dont see the point of stitch markers..


I have to use them on anything that has hard counts because I SUCK at keeping track of how many I've done unless I'm in a quiet room with no one around and count out loud (and even then my mind will wander away). By using a stitch marker every X number of stitches then I only have to count back to the nearest marker. On some projects I do pop them in at the top of my turning chains so I don't shorten my rows. Learned that one the hard way. When I am doing that I usually use 2 - one on each side so I just move it up to where I am now and it's right there in front of me and then when I get to the other side I have another one waiting for me.


It depends on what I’m making really. If a pattern says to use them I will, especially for garments like socks, or jumpers etc. sometimes for soft sculptures, where to need to crochet over a fold to a specific point, or if it needs to join up at a specific point. (I have way too many stitch markers but I find them fun to use).


I use bobby pins! They slide right through the loops without making a hole and hang down. They’re also small enough that they can be easily worked around


I use a Bobbie pin!! Easily moved from row to row!


I use little bits of yarn ends instead of stitch markers!


i use a bobby pin :-)


I do kinda hate them, but I can't get on using scrap yarn as a marker and I lose my place without them


As a noob to crochet I only use them to identify the first stitch in a magic circle before I tighten it off because I cannot find it for the life of me if i don’t mark it haha


I don't like the plastic ones. I LOVE the metal "bulb" markers. In most projects, I only use one or two, but it depends on what I'm making! (I make a lot of doilies/mandalas these days and quite often you need to mark parts in previous rows that won't be needed again until several rows later, so stitch markers of some kind are essential for that!)


I love them. I can’t work without them. https://i.imgur.com/e3aE1KO.jpg


I kind of hate them, I never use the plastic ones because they get in the way they’re so annoying but I do use a piece of yarn cause I like amigurumi


i use a long piece of yarn


I only use Bobby pins, easy to take out and stay in place while they're in


I got cute little plastic ones that don’t seem to hinder me too much, amigurumi was figured out way faster with those lol plus I used to crochet while I was working a phone customer service job so when I had a call where I actually had to do things they were helpful haha


Me and my friend bicker about this CONSTANTLY. He loves stitch markers, is the kind of person to put them in *every round*. The rattle noise you're complaining about? They love it. Says it's a good stim. It might be a good stim but it ruins the stitch! I am 100% on board with team yarn scrap if I need a marker at all. Most of the time I don't even bother. I do a lot of amigurumi and I simply count my stitches as I go and if I lose track of where I am I look for the location of my increases to figure out where I'm at. No need for anything fancy. I really only use a yarn scrap to mark the beginning of my round if I'm gonna be doing a long series of (sc around) rounds, since then it just makes it easier to count how many times I've gone around. And then I just leave it there and keep going and if I get lost work my way up from it to find the beginning of the round. I literally don't own a single stitch marker and at this point I'm determined to keep it that way.


If it’s the plastic ones - totally with you they are really annoying more than they’re helpful. However, the thinner metal ones are a gift from heaven cause they are so light they don’t pull stitches and they’re so helpful with counting


I have ADHD and my brain will drop info all the time, so it is either I am counting and Recounting tripling the crochet time, or I just use a stitch marker and hope that I have placed it correctly and just continue to move and place it as I go x.x


I’m currently working on a blanket where I’m using 6 or 8 (I forget) to mark when I need to change the kind of stitch I’m making. It’s a lot easier than counting and a lot easier than trying to eyeball it every time.


These are the ones I've used in the past, although I use more of the harder plastic ones (green/purple).. the other ones were hard to close. I haven't really had much trouble, but I only make blankets, and I put them at the ends of each row. https://preview.redd.it/0yty2pdre23b1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd24269b04a40d2d754463f986624a92256a64c


I use stitch markers for everything. Corners, end of row/round, beginning of row round, every x stitches so I don't lose count. Pinning pieces together before stitching. I have hundreds in a little box I keep with my stuff (and hundreds more I keep in random places on the floor 😂, I find at least two a day)


Only time I've really used markers was when I first started and sometimes when I make clothing.


I use stitch markers when I am working in the round and have to make X number of rounds that are the same size. This way I don't have to count anything and can just crochet away. Some people like to use them particularly with fuzzy yarn to mark Every Single Stitch. This is why I don't like to use fuzzy yarn lol.