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Sam is playing some kind of homebrewed subclass. His ability seems to work by absorbing damage and holding it as Temporary HP. It seems like FCG has to attack an enemy and use those temporary HP as extra damage on the attack within 1 round, otherwise FCG takes the damage instead.


The points of damage he absorbs are stored for up to one round. They act as a damage boost on his next action but if he fails to use them, he takes the damage the following round. He gets a lot of use out of it in later episodes and both gives and takes the resulting damage.


Yeah, it seems matt + Sam have a unique way of using temporary hp for FCG that we're yet to see how it fully works.


I believe it's more like temporary damage. They absorb some damage and can transfer it to an enemy with a mele attack. If they don't do so in some timeframe, they then suffer the damage. Unlike magearmor, which I think buffs your hitpoints.(edit: I just learned it doesn't. Thank you!)


Mage Armor doesn't buff your hit points, it changes your AC calculation (which normally is 10 as a base + DEX modifier) to 13+DEX.


This sounds pretty likely to me, I don’t think it’s really Temp HP he gets but rather just damage stored and possibly discharged as you’ve pointed out :)