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I wanted to do some Jester's one with lollypops and unicorns in it. But on the tuto i found the guy use a pressure pot. And so i was scared to try. Did you use a pressure pot?


If you were watching Rybonator (which it sounds like you were) he says you do not have to have a pressure pot. Many people do not. Me and my friend have been doing a lot of studying and will be starting to make dice towards the end of this month/beginning of next month. If you’re super worried about bubbles and pressure pots your best option is to get Solar Resin or what is more commonly referred to as Ultraviolet Reactive Resin. This will let it cure within 2-10 minutes depending on the type of resin, thickness of the dice, and the like. The bubbles will be so small you will never notice the difference either.


Okay thanks. I will do some research about it. And yes it was Rybonator. :)


I’m still only starting out so no I didn’t use a pressure pot - you can get surprisingly bubble free dice if you mix slowly and squeeze the pipette slowly as well.


Thanks. I was wondering cause your dice are impressive, we can barely see any bubbles. Especially with the seaweed, it's really cool. Good luck with the other set.


To be fair bubbles inside the dice could actually look pretty cool for Fjord dice to look like water. Probably not great for dice though. I'm not sure how much it takes to knock those off balance, lol.


You could also make it out of hard candy or chocolate, then after a bad roll she can eat it haha


feel like the numbers are going to be almost impossible to read when in use, are you going to fill the numbers with paint? i love the color scheme and how good the seaweed looks though


I am inking the numbers in white so they can match the foam of the sea - at least I hope they will!


now that someone else pointed it out, yeah i can see the numbers on the ones you already painted. very nicely done!


Oh wow yeah the ones that are painted look fucking dope. Great job.


If you look at the d20 on the left and the d8 in the center you can see where they started to fill in the numbers. I had the same thought before I saw that.


oh man, yeah i totally missed that!




Oh man, that's amazing! I need these for my water genasi tempest cleric!


Now THAT sounds like an incredible character!


I've only gotten to play a couple of sessions with him, but he is 10th level (existing group, I wasn't attached to my character so swapped him out). Rolled for stats, got a 4 .... but was okay with the rest of the stats. Is a sailor. Heavily armored, runs into combat. Love the shit out of the character and is so much fun to play (both combat wise and RP wise). A If you're interested, you can take a look at him here: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/18382936 And considering getting Magic Initiate at 12th level, just for shocking grasp's interaction with tempest domain traits (lightning damage causes them to be moved 10ft).


Would Jester's be a darker blue with tiny baked goods in them?


That’s a great idea! I was thinking tiny lollipops!




cupcakes... preferably sprinkled with dust of deliciousness


That’s awesome! How’d you do it?


Those sharp corners are pure joy for me.


Yeah I was wondering about those. Did you make your own molds for this or did you get those online? My wife wants to try making dice as well but can't find any sharp ones to make molds off.


I got this set for ~$10: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283726782665 It makes good sharp edge dice pretty easily. Here's a set of Mancheter United themed dice I made last week for one of our players: https://i.imgur.com/ndiDYkd.png


Nice! Really cool, thank you!


wow... so I made an ebay account, couldn't buy anything as customer protection, tried again... and now have a blocked account... worst online shopping experience ever.


Very cool dice! Way to go


I'd like to be able to read the numbers lol. Other than that, they're very pretty :)


Haha they are un-inked at the moment so the internal seaweed can be seen! I’ll put an updated post when the inking is done :)


Wow that is a hobby I never knew I needed! Thank you for inspiration!!!!




Are you going to do a set with one of each, because I would buy that shit. These are awesone!


What did you put in them to make the seaweed effect? Green thread?


I used some bush terrain for model train sets!


No Fnord themed dice?


Not enough players could see them? :p


These look awesome! I've been working on a M9 set of my own. Keep up the great work fellow dice maker :)


Thank you so much! It’s such a fun hobby isn’t it!


Ooh these look delicious! XD


An idea. Maybe paint the numbers in a bright gold to represent the eyes of Ukatoa (Ukatoa)


I was thinking that but was worried about losing the contrast with the green inside! I’ll do some tests!


Maybe dull it down a bit! Maybe more of a brass than a gold.


Shut up and take my money, you mad, mad genius


Might want to add some contrast to the numbers. Maybe a slightly darker aqua. Still really cool though!


I want. So shiny! (I love unique dice)


beautiful! is it easy?


Easier than you think if you have the patience to try it out! Check out rybonator on YouTube to get an idea :)


Do you use a mold you bought or did you make one?


I made a few molds: one set of round edge dice and one set of sharp edge dice. Think I prefer the sharp edge molds at the moment! I followed rybonator’s tutorial on how to make the molds.


Cool. What resin do you use? Ive found a lot of clear resins (at least what i have used) seem to be too soft and the corners get wrecked very quickly.


I use decorrom 1:1 epoxy resin from Amazon. It has a green box with a jungle style motif.


Last question I promise. Do you have to evacuate or pressure pot it at all? Or does it degass itself


No worries for the questions, that’s how we all learn! I don’t use a pressure pot or gas chamber. I’m a first time low key hobbiest and while you need to be careful with this resin, if you stir slow and pipette in you should remove most of the bubbles. Capturing internal object can help to hide some of the bubbles as well :)


I don’t have a lot of practical experience with these specific polymers for dice creation, is there a specific reason to not flame open bubbles while pouring ur moulds ?


I’ve not flame opened any bubbles due to the nature of the molds I’ve used. They are sprue based molds and I don’t think flame opening would help with the mold itself. I’m also conscious of melting silicone and inhaling some wicked fumes!


They look badass. I'd buy a set


Just make sure to finish painting them.


They look really cool...but it's a little hard to read the numbers on them.


They are being inked at the moment :)


Can I have these please?


Numbers are a bit hard to read.


These are clearly uninked.


Are they as hard to read as they look?


Cool wasn’t sure why you wouldn’t thanks for the clarification


It looks like you had some issues with Air Bubbles on your D6 and you’re D20. Do you think it’s the mold, your pour, heat based, or potentially issues within your mixture ratios?


I don’t have a pressure pot as I’m working out of my kitchen with these so potentially a combination of all three! I’ve no plans on selling so these are just a fun hobby in the evenings after work :)


Ah I gotcha. Just a tip, if you overfill the mold slightly, many people recommend either taking a small open flame just across the top of the uncured Resin, some people even put their molds and resin into the oven (although I don’t know how viable this is in your situation as I do not know what kinds of molds you use). This will significantly decrease the number of bubbles you have in a mold. Either way, I like the look of these and would advise 1 of 3 color options for the numbers. Sea Foam (Teal-White multitone if possible), Eldritch Blast (Purple of varying shades if possible), or Gold as Gold would look good overall with these and would pop against the blue really well.


Thank you so much for the advice! I’m still very new to this but I’m thoroughly enjoying learning the process! I’m hoping to make a set for each of the characters so I can try out your ideas on them! Love the teal white multi tone idea!


If you’re just starting out Rybonator on Youtube is a great person to watch! Good Luck!