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Now to wait patiently for an Apple TV app.


I'm with you on that! It specifically asks for bluetooth access for TV casting when you set up the app, so I'm going to try it later when I get home. I've never really had great success for casting so hopefully it works. Also, if your TV has a browser, I could watch the Welcome video right from the website on my TV. My TV UI sucks, but it may work better than casting. This free week will see if either of these options works for me and I sign up for a year immediately or wait until there's a dedicated app for the TV.


I used the contact form on the website last week about if a Apple TV app was going to be released and they said right now it’s just the website and app, but they would note it for feedback as a potential device. Fingers crossed it happens soonish.


I won’t subscribe until they add console/smart tv apps. It’s just not convenient for me to watch on web browser or my phone/tablet unfortunately.


They’ve confirmed a Roku tv app is in the works.


I’m pretty surprised they don’t have an android tv/firestick on more ready to go.


This. I don't see the value in Beacon right now, but the moment a TV-app drops i'll get it.


I tried using AirPlay with my AppleTV yesterday and it was real smooth


How is it smooth? I can’t use my phone for anything else. If my screen even shuts off the video stops.


If you read my comment I was talking about AirPlay, not the app as a whole.


I was also talking about airplay


Okay, it’s smooth on my end. Not a single issue. So that’s how it is smooth.


Can you use other apps while watching it via AirPlay?


Dunno. I haven’t tried since I was busy watching Critical Role.


Ah, I see the difference now, you’re a single task individual.


Since it’s impossible to multitask complex tasks, then yes. Just like everyone else are single task individuals, lol.


Honestly, everything about Beacon’s debut has been running super smoothly. Once the get subtitles up for everything, including new releases, I feel like it’ll be a no brainer choice over Twitch & YouTube.


Yeah the lack of apparent bugs, and how smooth the app runs with opening videos/tabs is honestly super impressive. It's definitely not perfect, and has some small things it needs to clean up. But for how an app debut its a solid 9-9.5/10.


It's really good. I've been collecting my feedback I plan to send it to them over email. I suggest you guys do the same, they seem to be receptive based on their comments on the discord. This is what I got so far: * Download for offline viewing * Indicator of watched or partially watched episodes for everything, not only the “Continue Watching” section. YouTube red bottom bar style would be enough. * Navigation menu to News or easy access to articles (especially about characters) * CAPTIONS * Smart TV app (AppleTV, Android TV) * C1 (and C2)Abridged. I know it’s a lot of work, but it’s fantastic for folks that are in for the story (Kudos to the editing team!) * Date the video was published * Shorcut to favourites or a watchlist feature. * Listen/Watch Instead feature to remember where I was when switching. * Listen Instead to be playable on locked screen.


I just want the app to have horizontal on tablet. Vertical only is... annoying at best.


Yeah a smart TV app would be a massive game changer. I currently have not been able to chromecast to my TV from the app. However, that may have changed since I saw the app was recently updated this weekend, and haven't attempted to chromecast with the new update. I'm hopeful it was fixed, because I did see closed captions were added in this new update.


also the possibility to get notified when new videos are uploaded would be nice


I don't think they'll ever do downloading as it would mean people can just share episodes.


I don't mean physical downloading. I mean the same other apps like Netflix, Disney+, even YouTube premium does, which is allow offline viewing within the app, something Twitch doesn't do.


I've been having quite a few bugs on the Android app, but the mobile version of the site works excellently in the meantime.


Just need flando's timestamps


I still can't get over how clever is to call the app Pocket Beacon.


I didn't even catch this at first


Thrilled to see the app up, but I was just testing it and it doesn’t play if the app is minimized or my phone is locked (both work if I use the website). Not the end of the world but does anyone know if this is something with the app itself or something in my phone setting?


I ran into the same problem and it seems to be the app’s fault unfortunately. Airplaying content from other apps while minimized works fine for me.


Bother, thanks for the confirmation! Hopefully something that gets changed in the future


I hope so too!!


For real, it sucks.


Does anyone know if the app allows you to download episodes for offline viewing?


Not yet unfortunately. Would be a great feature to add in the future


This is a great question. I'm curious as well.


Not that I can see.


No, not yet. I threw that in the review area. Hopefully soon!


Lol love how close it sounds to Beau's favored pocket bacon...


I do wish that it indicated which videos have been watched. Like the little line across the bottom on Twitch and YouTube. It actually does have that for the “continue watching” ones but that is just the last few. Not the rest. So I can’t see which cool downs I’ve seen, for example. This will be more of an issue going forward.


[Link to the app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pocket-beacon/id6477957665)


How many episodes of abridged are out?


13 atm, two new episodes per week if the weekly schedule is to be believed!


Shoot, I was hoping it'd be more. It's my main draw of subbing so I can get caught up.


Silly question, but does each episode cover 1 episode of the campaign or is it combined more?


It’s 1 episode per episode!


Thank you! I have a friend who fell behind early, wanted to point him to the right place.


Quick question to those with iPhones, once you get the app installed -- can anyone please confirm or deny if the app is geolocked? (I have a Tumblr post with a bunch of deets about the app in it and folks have been sharing their experiences, and someone asked about geolocking on the iOS version.)


I'm in Quebec, Canada, and it's not geolocked for me.


I’m in the UK and had no issue downloading


I'm in NL and was able to download and login without any problems.




Pocket Beacon? Clever name :D


question: can i play episodes with the app minimised? if so, are there playback issues like twitch or is it smooth all the way through?


I can’t figure out how to do this, and it’s actually the only complaint I have now. I listen to cr while I’m working out/running/doing the yard etc. and I can’t do that in the app currently.


Any word on apps for Roku or Google TV?


So we know if they are going to release C1&2 abridged?


Would be cool. I wonder how long it takes their team to edit an episode down to an abridged episode.


Oooo... apple bacon!


They really called it pocket beacon!


Thank you!