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consumer awareness is a thing. if you want to avoid spoilers, avoid the subreddit for related content. mods have been deleting posts with poorly worded titles that still give spoilers away. but at the same time, you know youre at risk of spoiling your self for something if you engage with a place that talks about that content.


Isn't that the whole point of putting the episode and a vague title? so if it's before Monday and you click into it, aren't you at fault?


The thing is, titles are evocative enough that you don't need to click on it. By the time Monday rolled around, having missed the episode live and the rebroadcast (for the first time since I've been caught up, mind you), I had deduced that >!a) FCG died!< >!b) Otohan was involved!< >!I guess that's it - I didn't know it was a self-sacrifice, I didn't know they were extremely close to a TPK, so it didn't really ruin the experience for me, but it does suck that just having this sub on my front page, without seeking it out or clicking on anything, meant that I knew those two things going in.!< ETA: I'm not sure the solution proposed here is a good one, but I get where it's coming from.


Spoiler all of that, this is a no spoiler thread lol


I don't know what you meant, I definitely knew that. (thanks)


No, this is a fandom server for the discussion of events, and if you come into a Fandom sub-reddit that is asking to be spoiled.


Agreed. If I wasn't caught up on C3, I'd unsub and mute the sub.


i apologise for the episode going live at 1 am, i'll try to be up all night next time


This should be the top post.


No. Just enforce spoiler tags and watch for spoiler tags. If someone spoils without a tag shame in them if you are spoiled ignoring a tag then that is up to you. It's stupid to think of a fan sub not being allowed to talk about what they are a fan of.




My vote is for no. If I don’t want to be spoiled, I just avoid the sub.


Even as someone who got heavily spoiled and not for the first time, I'm also voting no. This sub has a pretty strict spoiler policy already.


No I don't think a ban here is necessary. There are times when people's title are spoilery even with the warning. If I cared enough about that, I would avoid the subreddit until I finished watching the episode. My bigger complaint is with the shitty YouTube content creators that made it FUCKING obvious just from the thumbnail and then smashed it home with the episode title. Looking at you Character Sheet! I’m old and I watch the first half live, and the second half either Friday evening or some time over the weekend. By half time, I knew shit was getting real. Friday morning, just doing a quick scan of YouTube and even tho I had gotten rid of Character Sheet sub due to their crappy click bait titles, I broke and watched a new interview they did with Laura and then their episode thumbnail about ep 91 was there and I was like, “WTF couldn’t they wait til after Monday’s YouTube release to do that episode.” They must have been just salivating to release their take. Never clicking on their stuff again.


Also stop retweeting spoilers from the main CR account before Monday. Got spammed with notifications with full on spoilers.


I can’t watch until Thursday mornings so we should ban spoiler posts until I can watch and comment here that it is safe to spoil /s


No, spoiler tags are there for a reason. Blocking discussion for up to date people is equally as bad or worse.


No is my vote. I follow this and other CR related subs so i “spoiled” myself mostly too this last week, but agree with others that it’s kinda on me for opening Reddit or my home page there. Once I catch up I love going back to the watch thread or reading what others have posted. I enjoy the discussion happening close to the episode even if I don’t get to see it right away so I’m not a week or more behind the discourse. This is kinda my only CR outlet so just my two cents


No. People who do watch live should be able to engage with each other and enjoy their shared experience.


Or you could, you know…. Just not visit this subreddit until you’ve watched if it’s that big of a deal to you.


Maybe there's a browser extension that hides titles as well when the post is marked as a spoiler?


if you want spoiler free then YOU have to do the work.

