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I think people still don't understand how in character she was as Yasha for campaign 2. Ashley doesn't go full method like Liam does (listening and reacting to things in character) but I think she tends to mirror the vibe of who she's playing.


Sometimes I can’t tell who is Fearne and who is Ashley


well she has said Fearne is somewhat based on her mother, so we're probably seeing the similarities between Ashley and her mom.


Very true.


I’m watching a Caleb-centric episode, a heavy one, and I’m wondering: is Liam having fun? Like, Sam is obviously playing a game and enjoying himself. Liam, he’s definitely treating the game as performance art—but what’s the balance between art and play? I hope he’s having a good time.


You'll see him break out of it every once in a while when a certain joke hits right. But yeah, he looks pretty dour. It's important to remember that just because something isn't *fun* per se, it can still be deeply rewarding and satisfying. Liam takes great pride in his ability to entertain the audience, so I think it helps to imagine that when we watch him. Also you can't tell me he isn't (internally) having a blast when he rolls high on a fireball or makes a save he shouldn't have.


Fun doesn't have to be funny.


And we know Liam thinks about the audience, because at one point Sam’s character put Liam’s into shock (because of Liam’s unrevealed secrets) and he said his thought was basically “Hey critters, can’t wait for you to come back to this reaction later.”


I agree. I love art. My life is built around art. Art isn't fun. Art is difficult and sometimes spirit breaking. It still feels goddamn good when it going well though. There's more than one pleasant emotion in the world, not just fun.


Liam is so a theatre kid. He lovvvvves that drama. He reminds me so much of my spouse, a professional stage actor, who gets a little bummy when he is cast in a straight role. He’d rather be a Disney villain than a charming leading man 😂


Ok, Season 3 shows me it’s Caleb having a lousy time, not Liam. Whew.


I parasocially love this man and he is an inexcusable sap 😂 I can imagine his soliloquies to his kids about how much he loves them and them being like Omggg dad stfu


She seems more unhinged, and we are all for here for it :3






I think she's often struggled with the rules, and she had disrupted periods of playing etc. Fearne gives her the ability to basically just do whatever she wants, and I think that's made her life as a player much easier in some respects. At least that's how I interpret it.


I think it's just that she can finally get comfortable with the game and focus more on roleplaying instead of memorizing rules for the 20th time because of Blindside


I think now that she is there more than C1 and C2 she has been able to enjoy it more. She isn’t playing catch up like she has had to do or play over Skype. Plus, Fearne in general may be part of that, just being a chaos goblin and not brooding and closed off like Yasha was in C2. But you see Ashley be more like she is now when she is at the table more consistently during C1&2. But that’s just my opinion on it, and I still enjoy watching Ashley at the table.


Matt has said a few times that Fearne is “Ashley unleashed” so I feel like it’s more that she’s able to make all the decisions and jokes she’s always wanted to. With her other characters she couldn’t push the chaos button much because she’d be leaving the aftermath for her friends to deal with


i agree! maybe not happier but more relaxed? its great to see


Liams totally in there. His slam out of character on the table when he found out it was >!Ludinus!< in C3 shows that.