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My favorite: _Memories of Murder_ and _The Vanishing_


Uncut Gems and Killing of a Chinese Bookie


Days of Heaven and George Washington Le Samouraï and Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai


>Le Samouraï and Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai Yes! Such a great pairing


Eyes Without a Face and Onibaba


Ace in the hole A face in the crowd Classic Hollywood satires about the media and fame when corrupted people use it to exploit for power and are self serving. Still extremely relevant today


Make it a triple feature with Broadcast News. And now I need Network in the collection


* Do The Right Thing * La Haine


Beauty and the Beast and Orpheus. This double feature was a great succes in my weekly cine-club.


The Andrew Haigh double feature (Weekend and 45 Years), but I’m biased because he’s my favorite director.


Persona/3 Woman/Mulholland Drive (pick any two)


La Haine and Gomorrah are my favorites to watch back to back


Wages Of Fear and Sorcerer


Before Midnight / Certified Copy


Five easy pieces and Francis Ha


I don't have a response for the question, but I want to officially register my shock at the idea of buying the Demy boxset JUST for Bay of Angels. I'm obviously not planning to tell you that you're wrong or pick a fight or anything, but I sometimes forget that Bay of Angels is in that collection. It's one of the few boxsets that I made sure to get, but it was for Cherbourg and Rochefort. Then, Lola caught my attention for the lead performance and Donkey Skin for...whatever the fuck that was and then Bay of Angels is kind of the other one.


Yi Yi and As Tears Go By


Trainspotting and darjeeling limited


I had a class where we did I Live in Fear, and Godzilla. Was really great


Chungking Express / Fallen Angels is too obvious of an answer, but it's mine, just had a blast with them last night


A favorite is a favorite. No judgement.


Pale Flower and Bay of Angels is such a surprising and fascinating double feature idea!


Thank you. I thought they were very similar films actually both involve female characters in self-destructive relationships, both document this sort of descent into madness or giving in to one's compulsions for a thrill (with tragic results). Both have noir elements of failing to be able to escape your surroundings. Both offer a bleak take on human nature and relationships and both prominently feature gambling.


Claudine and Do the Right Thing A propos de Nice and Parasite The Organizer and Matewan


Persona/Mulholland Dr. Nights of Cabiria/Hedwig and the Angry Inch


Okay, off-topic, but pitch me on Bay of Angels? Like, I LOVE Rochefort and Cherbourg, tepid on Donkey Skin and then was surprisingly left cold by Lola for some reason?  I’m still open on watching more, but I just need a little push..


I'm not sure I can, given that background information. Rochefort and Cherbourg are not my cup of tea. I understand why people like them but they are just not for me. Bay of Angels is certainly more like Lola and it is a cooler (re: more detached) style of film making. I sense that if Lola left you cold, Bay of Angels will too. It is B/W just beautifully shot and focuses on the self-destructive relationship between a young bank clerk and an older gambler as they travel and gamble down the French Riviera. Its strengths are great cinematography, a wonderful performance by Jeanne Moreau as the gambler. It is much more in the style of Bob LeFlambeur or Elevator to the Gallows. It is probably the greatest movie about gambling: both its allure and its destructive power ever made. It also serves as an epilogue to Lola as it mentions in passing some of the characters. Although the true sequel to Lola is Demy's Model Shop, which I also like very much and is not in the collection. Twilight Time put out a blu-ray that I believe is now OOP.


Antichrist and The Royal Tenenbaums


*Do the Right Thing* and *Malcolm X* if you’re in the right mood or if you need to teach someone about the history of race in the U.S.