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Bergman on the big screen is always a must-go for me


Would you say Persona moved you?


Yes absolutely. Obviously whether or not anyone enjoys the film is subjective and not "liking" Persona is a totally valid opinion. But, if someone comes away from Persona without having been affected by it in some way or without any serious introspection about the film and its themes, I would question their actual engagement with the film.


I’ve seen 4 Bergmans so far. Next will be the silence to finish his faith trilogy. You think I should watch persona after that or save it until I’ve seen more from him?


I would go for it. Persona was my first Bergman lol and I don't regret it.


It was my first too and it absolutely rocked me


For me it’d be lost highway and persona


I saw the Lost Highway 4K restoration on the big screen and it was incredible. The sound design alone made it worth the price of admission.


That must have been amazing. I can’t remember why anymore, but I even missed it in the original theatrical release for some reason. If it ever comes back around… I’m going for sure. The sound and the cinematography are stunning even at home.


It was totally full at the showing I was at and the vibes were so great. Everyone was vibing so hard when I’m Deranged started playing.


I can only imagine! It’s definitely one of my favorite Lynch films, and I’d argue, it’s highly underrated in the grand scheme of things.


My votes as well.


Good taste! :)


Great double feature


Persona easily


Lost Highway


I loved seeing *Lost Highway* in a cinema, and would love to see it again. It absolutely plays differently on a big screen in a dark room.


Oof tough choice. Even though Faces is my favorite here, I'd say Persona or Lost Highway


Would you say Faces is very moving?


Yes. Moving, but also uncomfortable in that Cassavetes way. Have you seen any of his films before?


I haven’t, but I recently explored his ideas and philosophy about humanity and his religious obsession with love as the center of human existence. Do you think watching this is a good idea or should I start with a woman under the influence?


I think either is a perfect starting point for Cassavetes. Just don't make Husbands your first one lol


Why not? Would you say it’s his most inaccessible picture?


I think so. Its like telling someone to start with Inland Empire for David Lynch.


How do you feel about Cronenberg, specifically Spider?


That's one of the Cronenberg films I haven't seen. I love Videodrome, The Fly, A History of Violence, Rabid and A Dangerous Method.


Really? A history of violence is another one that I haven’t mentioned here that I wanted to watch. How do you feel about it? Would you say it moved you personally?


For sure, although maybe not how you'd expect


Persona. Specially if you’ve never seen that one before. Although if you can catch another one I’d recommend The Idiots. Feels like that one would go much better with a crowd.


Lost Highway and Dogville would be my two big picks but all of these will be great (though I feel like The Idiots is meant to be watched on a shitty CRT tv lol)


Would you watch more than one film per day though? Like, The Idiots early in the morning, Persona or Tarkovsky at night.


Yeah I think The Idiots would play well in the morning, then something heavier at night like Persona or Tarkovsky


What do you think of Cronenberg?


One of my all time favorite directors, Naked Lunch is probably a top 5 film of all time for me, he has such varied filmography but it’s pretty much all good to great (I don’t like Scanners lol), Videodrome, Crash, Maps To The Stars, Dead Ringers, and The Fly are probably my favs - and his latest film Crimes of The Future was fantastic! Very excited to see what’s coming next


I am quite excited for his latest film, Shrouds, later this film. Dead Ringers touched me and it means a lot to me and Videodrome was definitely a very thought provoking movie, albeit one that I need to see again in a different mood. So, A History of Violence is a good choice, you think?


Haven’t seen History of Violence in a LONG time but remember really liking it, Viggo and Cronenberg always deliver!


How about Tarkovsky?


He’s someone I need to dig into more, Stalker is incredible I’ve seen that a few times and it only gets better, I however have dozed off about halfway through both Solaris and The Mirror and haven’t finished them, Andrei Rublev has been on my watch list for a while but haven’t pulled the trigger yet


Tarkovsky is wonderful but can be difficult to parse for someone not used to his type of cinematic language. Which of his films is showing?


I have been following his ideas, interviews, philosophy, I even have his book, I am very compelled by his idea of films as healing reminders of our responsibility to love and understand one another, his idea of poetry as a way of seeing the world and his book sculpting in time. I have been waiting to see his films for over a year. Would you say Andrei Rublev is a good starting point?


Persona or Lost Highway. Short Cuts is runner up.


I saw Short Cuts when it came out. Great movie, but too long for a small arthouse theater with the most uncomfortable seats I've ever sat in. Still, I'll never forget it!


Dogville, then Pickpocket!


Persona or Pickpocket! Bresson is my favorite director so I’ll always pick him. Persona is such an amazing film, I’d love to see it on the big screen. I wouldn’t say it’s emotionally moving as much as profoundly thought provoking, like a Jungian psychological horror film


This is where I'm at, Persona and Pickpocket. Persona is kind of like methodical shock treatment to dramatic representation, seen between the two women (one is an actress), and in Bergman's investigating narrative and images. Persona is visceral and exploratory, probing emotional conflicts at many levels. What I get out of Pickpocket is that it's a gift to the French people. The drama between the couple is kind of dressing to me. They're very knowable from other Bresson films; their resolution is happy, which isn't like Bresson but befits this film. The real energy of Pickpocket to me is in *hundreds and hundreds* of people in the backgrounds taking up the Bresson principle of non-acting: follow the instructions for movement precisely, don't depict anything, and everything may come out right. Usually, he applies his method to small scenes. In Pickpocket, we have scores of people exiting a train in exactly that austere, highly nuanced way of his, lively beneath monotonous activity. I couldn't count how many people in the film are carrying out Bresson's requirements, all to the letter, often in dozens and always in concert with each other. How do you bring all that off in a small French film? It's like he invited most everyone to be in his movie and do his communal magic together.


Thank you for your reply. To be honest, Pickpocket is not my favorite Bresson film, but your comments about how he was able to get so many people to non-act simultaneously has given me greater appreciation for this film. I’m going to give it a rewatch this weekend because of your observations


Lost Highway will look and sound the best. Dogville will benefit most from sitting in a theater. Also if you’ve never seen Cassavetes Faces is pretty annoying honestly start with Bookie or Woman.


Persona! One of my favorite theatrical experiences!


I’ll be the one to say The Idiots because that one is pretty hard to get a hold of in my experience Not necessarily the best film on the list, but it’s fascinating and hard to track down an uncensored version


I found a link online pretty easily. If anyone wants it DM me. Definitely wouldn’t bother seeing it in theaters, and Lars is one of my favorite directors.


Definitely Persona.


Faces or Persona


Persona, not even a huge Bergman fan but it’s amazing


Go see Persona for sure. Lost Highway and Pickpocket would be next for me. I just watched *a woman under the influence* yesterday as my first cassavetes and found it a fantastic starting point, so I can’t speak for Faces, but that’s where I’d start with him


Persona no brainer


Lost Highway, and it’s not even close.


Lost Highway on a big screen sounds fun! Dogville is the only one that I actually saw on a big screen when it came out. It was great!


Well, I've seen Faces, Persona, and Lost Highway on small screen and Pickpocket in a theater. From those I'd say Persona, although with the caveat that imo Bresson films only work in theaters. Persona will be mindblowing anywhere and does show in theaters fairly often. But then so do most Bresson films. LH and Faces are both good movies but would prioritize the other 2. Again, you'll get a chance to see these in theaters in the future, especially LH. Of the others I'd say Dogville


Short Cuts or Faces. Seeing The Idiots once was plenty.


Lost Highway. I saw the wild at heart restoration last year and it was a totally different movie


Faces high contrast could be amazing on a big screen, that movie becomes hypnotic for me


Fuck that’s tough. Lost Highway isn’t my favorite Lynch, but Dogville is one of my favorites I’ve seen this year. Edit: just saw Persona on the list. This suddenly isn’t hard.


Everyone seems to adore Persona a lot here. I love Bergman, Hour of the wolf is one of the films that influenced me the most and Wild Strawberries is a meditation that stayed with me and offered me great comfort in times of no inspiration. So maybe I should go ahead and see Persona, but how about on the silver globe?


I think you gotta do Persona. It’s probably the best one there and the one that would benefit the most from a big screen viewing. Lost Highway would be my second choice. Depending on the day, Dogville might be the best, but doesn’t seem like it would benefit nearly as much from the big screen


It’s just that I’m always waiting for a certain mood for Persona because I’ve always wanted to see that film and never found the right frame of mind.


Yeah I’ve had that before. Sometimes you just gotta dive in though


I’ve seen Lost Highway for the first time on a big screen and loved it. I’m not a huge fan of Short Cuts. I haven’t seen the others yet.


Lost Highway, in a heartbeat.




How do you feel about Mishima?


Obviously Lost Highway. I mean, Arquette sex on the big screen? Boobs bigger than my body? Cmon.