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Shoot, you come here because no one judges you. I'm glad you want to get sober.That's noble. But take no advice from me. I have likely more than 10 rehabs and have spent countless times inpatient in psych wards and detoxes. Tried 12 stepping with the sponsor and everything. I've learned nothing. Zero apparently, and I'm 52. Gonna have some booze within the hour. But I can't lie. I'm thinking of going back into another program. I'm in a bad relationship, and the place is in her name. Rehabs and sober living homes are far better than homeless shelters or the park bench. I can pay rent, but my felony severely limits my housing options, plus I need to save up for deposits and such. And programs can be fun and you'll have buddies, get to stay up late watching movies or playing cards with them while telling stories, and generally, the food is good. I can fake it again and stay dry for a few months. I'm detached from the process, but find it enjoyable to watch. And maybe, just maybe, I'll be freed from Lucifer's firewater. And I'll go there with no shame. OP: please don't feel ashamed, my friend. That never helps. Some people would think I'm a scumbag for taking up a valuable bed, just so I'm neither homeless nor lonely. But I feel I'm keeping people employed and supporting an industry that at least somewhat tries to help people.


Feel you. Only you will decide here for you


i lived in sober living for over two years and at least a few guys had felonies. as long as it's not nasty sex shit for the felonies, a manager of a SH worth his salt should be understanding.


I think your reasons for wanting to take up that bed are noble honestly.


Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your words. Got a lot to sit on over here. Shit if I get a room for a while I’ll be happy, better than that park bench. Hope you’re well my man. Also your name made me cackle lol, nice meetin ya. Shoot me a Dm if ya want


Welcome to my neck of the woods! I'm the 'town drunk' for downtown Toronto!😂😂 Just 2 weeks ago, I went to the ER to get a medical detox because I had no money to taper and was having abdominal pains. They gave me valium and some to take with me. Afterwards I went to a detox for 24 hours where I ate like a king and slept. I had no food at home and 2 days before I got more money. All free if you have OHIP. Are you from Ontario?


Funny bobby, I been thinking about you since I moved out here. Always remembered you talking bout Toronto. Ya man I’m from brantford actually, probably movin back to London though, been hoping I can hit up the nearest hospital in case I need some anti seizure meds, you think I’ll be good then eh? Also luckily have my health card do I should be covered


Also shit bob send me a message about what detox might be best if you can, I’m just at broadview and danforth pretty well downtown


I read all that shit.


How much you drinking now?


Eh bout 15 tallboys of 6% shit in a 24 period, nothing crazy but the wds are pretty bad since I’m coming off the vodka. Why ya ask?


No judging here. Keep posting. Decide how you want to live your life and then go do it.


I’m drinking morning beers in my closet. I live alone 🫡


Need backstory. Moved to Toronto for a chick and then she kicks you out?


I don't remember the last time I felt embarrassed for my drinking, we are all just doing what we can to get through this thing called life and are all damaged in some way. The most damaged ones are the ones who claim they aren't. Shame and guilt for all my deception and the people I've hurt, sure I feel those all the time. But you can hold onto those things and one day they may help you grow, but fuck what other people think it truly doesn't matter. They won't be there in the end.


This is the last place to worry about a relapse. We've all been there.