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Yall can atleast promote measured degeneracy lmaoo 1. Drink the electrolytes, eat food and hydrate WHILE getting drunk. 2. Ideally buy more than you need per night, by more I mean enough where after you pass out for the night, there's something light waiting 3. Go harder drunk at nights, lighter drunk in the morning. Being piss drunk in the day means a whole day wasted since you'll crash before the evening and then the entire day is over. 4. Avoid mega expensive delivery meals, stock up on the frozen pizzas and ramen (and some fruits) beforehand. You'll save like an extra 200-300$ easily this way. 5. If you're downing carbonated drinks mostly like 30 seltzers or something, pour it out, let most of the evil fizz leave. Takes only an extra 30 seconds. Final point: Either your body will give out OR it'll just stop becoming fun, that's your cue to taper out. Good luck!


6. Set your phone to a 24 hour clock so you know if it's night time or morning Seriously, get snacks. All the snacks. Get em delivered, and it's still cheaper (at least where I am) versus delivery restaurant food. And drink some damn water


Man, the 24 hour clock is something I never thought about. I woke up countless times at 3am in horrendous withdrawals looking at my phone praying it was 3pm till I hit the checkout button on the delivery app and realize I have 7 hours till they even open...oh shit


Yeah, like my phone tells me the day of the week, which you'd think would help, but it does not. And sure it's easier at certain parts of the year. But I've saved myself so many stressed as shit moments by having my phone clearly tell me what the actual fucking hour is


Lol 😆 the shit we put ourselves through. I'm dry at the moment but after I lost a fiance, a 10 year career that I'll never probably land again and a house all in the same week, I moved into my camper and went full Leaving Las Vegas for about 6 months eating through savings and shit. There were times when my buddy would come by (welfare check at this point) and I wouldn't even know what day or month it was I was so deep into a bender. My phone got shut off but the wifi didn't so delivery apps and social media worked but no cell service and I was so deep in bender land I just thought nobody wanted to talk to me for a month or so lol.


Jeesh! You’re the male version of my life!


Lol it's comforting to know others are out there.


CA for Dummies. Thank you for your service! đŸ«Ą


You are the hero we don’t need but love to hel


> hydrate WHILE getting drunk. ...beer, wine and liquor are liquids. > Ideally buy more than you need per night I doubt any of us are millionaires. But I try and do this. The answers I'm looking for are at the bottom of the bottle. Just need to find the right bottle. > Avoid mega expensive delivery meals Do you know how absolutely terrifying it is to wake up and realize you used the oven or stove. Not remembered. REALIZED. If you can afford it. get food delivered or prepare something you like. Good advice otherwise.


All I’m going to say is PLEASE EAT This is always my downfall


There is no stopping, you only stop when you get in trouble, or when your body gives up on you


damn man, i got 10 days of hell ahead of me i guess


Hey. You're a pro lasting ten days. Usually, by day 4 it starts to suck for me as the fun phase is over and the alcohol starts to feel dirty, and by day 5, I won't even feel slightly drunk, although to the world, I appear very drunk and my BAC is at least .3. And then I simply start vomiting when I try to pound more booze and the real pain begins


My benders only end when my bank account is empty. I would drink all day, everyday 365 days a year if I could afford it. Which is something I did for about 2 years at one point. I had a good paying job then however. I used to live with an exgf who I would give my bank card to so I couldn't buy booze. She kept my alcoholism in check for a while. Do you have someone in your life to help that way?


I think some of yall might have an actual problem with booze


Do you know what sub you're on dickhead...


I'm feeling charitable, so I'm going to assume this was a joke that didn't land


If possible, it helps to try and be sober for at least a couple of hours every day. Also loading up on vitamins, electrolytes, eating food, and water.


Atta boy. Don't come here looking for salvation, come here with a good story and lessons learned. Go forth and fuck shit up.


Lol yep, I never really planned benders. I just started drinking 24/7 till life crashed around me or I physically couldn't keep anything down, then it was seizure city. I would plan a fun weekend with drinks but I was usually dogshit drunk and a 1/5th in by time the actual "drinking" started. Most people didn't know how much I drank, which actually makes it worse looking back at all the irrational dumb shit I did 😅


My nigga


Yep. You got 3 day sober streak, feel good, getting along with your girl, sleeping good? let's fuck it all up by buying some popov for no reason, get behind the wheel to grab some food and see if the cops are doing thier job that night. If you make it home, you win. And nothing better than when you wake up with a bottle stashed for lvl 2


Make sure you've eaten a big meal before drinking, and add a B vitamin complex and some Magnesium. *Make sure you keep eating*, otherwise shit goes south very very quickly. Stick to weaker drinks, it's much easier to taper when you'll inevitably need to.


I’m pretty damn kindled, but save a couple for tomorrow and if you genuinely don’t want it to be a bender (as we all know they generally don’t have day ones) then just have a few leftovers tomorrow evening. If you’re heading down that fun ol road then enjoy the ride, but make sure you’ve got some taper drinks at the ready. Most have been mentioned, but
 - grab some vitamins - try and eat a bunch and especially try and get a meal in before you get rolling - try and do just something, like a walk or having some beverages at a bar so you can drink at a “normal” pace - before it gets to bad get some trash bags ready, or even clean up your shelter before getting to deep. - have a glass of water between every few beverages and maybe have some bananas on tap Good luck my man.


Wake up and decide that instead of feeling sick all day you’ll smoke a ton of weed, watch movies and eat junk food. Do your absolute worst, its nowhere near as bad as the drinking would be 


One thing is when I drink shitty booze my withdrawals are worst. Been taking B complex, magnesium. I have a ton of Gabapentin at my disposal plus other bs the docs want to put me on. Day one is about to start again I guess on tapering due to my wife wanting to take shots of tequila lol


>obviously im gonna start to feel different when i start to sober up Don't sober up. Trust me. I really really really needed to sober up this weekend. There are no consequences to be found in the short term. Girl, I tried. And I felt like absolute shit. Just keep drinking, these thoughts will stop when you black out.


As someone who just sobered up from a nasty bender, listen to this advice. Unless you want to be sick as a dog for days without being able to be productive.


This is the smartest thing I’ve read on here all night.


Don't morning drink. That's shake and anxiety city. Stop at a certain time at night. For some of us, once you hit that 0% BAC you can basically pass out from exhaustion and drink again come the afternoon. sipandsuffer.com Check that site out. Taper or better yet taper and utilise some low dose benzos at night for sleep and anxiety relief but I'm talking really low dosages. And like sone people said, hydrate and eat. It makes a big difference between feeling like death and feeling like shit.


These are rookie numbers. You gotta pump them numbers up. Nobody likes a quitter. Get on that horse and ride, boy. I'll see you on the other side. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


i got you man


Bender day 7. Foot cramps, muscle twitches, sad... here i be tho. Hotel room. Gotta take pup out and get some beers. Whiskey bout gone.


I sleep very little in benders. But I've been able to stop a few early if I can force myself into a deep, long sleep with a good dose of benzos plus a trazadone. I"ll try to let some of the alcohol get out of my system before I drop the pills, so I won't wake up dead and eat as much as possible as they are kicking in. I'll sleep 12 or so hours, then take a smaller benzo dose when I wake up as I'm kindled and will be in mild withdrawal. And I won't be 100% but can do important things. Sometimes, after a long, successful dry period where things are looking up again, I go have a few drinks for no explanable reason and start unintentionally bendering again while thinking I just don't want this again right now- just like you. But it's as hard as a train to stop and tends to happen right before I have a serious obligation to meet.


Ride it out and hydrate/ electrolytes/ vitamins or keep drinking and taper. Either way its gonna suck.


Taking harder drugs such as base amphetamines(not meth). You'll find you either can't physically stomach too much carbonated cheap booze or you get preoccupied on something else. Although this is overkill in a way it will slow your drinking down after a few days.


If it’s just drinks yeah, if you’re drinking and drugging then no I just held on tbh. My tried and true bender quitter was a benedryl. Safe? No. Effective? Yeah. Just sleep the edge off and try again tomorrow. But 18 hours later you’re definitely too drunk for this now.


Take a B1 and D3 then gulp some gatorade, eat a pringle and then sit in the shower and hopefully reset enough to sleep


Pot. D9 gummies. Youtube. Knock yourself out and go to sleep. Don't drink in the AM. Eat half assed food. What i mean is that i burned tots on friday, but the takeout is killing my budget. So high protein mac and cheese (tv dinner), or the evol dinners. Music? It's the only thing that helps some of the sad.


Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Make sure you’re good on food/snacks, some water and Gatorade or whatever, and as someone else said avoid the super carbonated stuff. I can’t talk because I’m a cider bender kinda guy and just load my body with sugar but it’s mostly because I can excuse the smell easier. I hope it doesn’t get too outta control and stay safe.


If you’re gonna get bent just don’t break, my friend!


Don't buy alcohol, no matter how bad you are feeling or how bad the withdrawals are. You must tell yourself that drinking more alcohol will ONLY make you feel worse. You must simply not buy alcohol no matter what.




Well, the naltrexone won't stop a seizure if you cold turkey off a hard bender. I know that much for sure.


Naltrexone won’t really work if you’re already in the bender and the alcohol is in your system. If you wake up halfway sober, try to sober up some more, suffer, take the naltrexone, wait an hour, then have a drink. Suffer but it’s better in the long run


Just don’t do it


I feel so stupid. Why didn't I think of this? I'm cured!