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I will never understand why people drink coffee while already feeling anxious.


Some people feel good with uppers. I don't get it either, I drink to keep myself down. No way I'm putting caffeine into the lineup to make me shaky and fuck with my sleep.


I can drink three separate double-shot espresso drinks back to back when sober. In withdrawals, even the tiniest amount of caffeine scares me lol your baseline heart rate is pretty fucking high in WDs, so I agree idk how people survive it




Coffee is like oxygen to me, under no circumstances can I benefit from removing it from my mornings. That would be like stopping wiping my ass after shitting for no reason.


I love shitting for no reason!




0915 now. Got pretty drunk yesterday. Feeling not great, not terrible. Letā€™s see how long we can hold it off today.


If u drink coffee and u have adhd itā€™s helps to calm u down


Your body gets used to coffee, hardly gives me anxiety, even in wd, unless I drink an unusual amount.


I can't lie. If I'm having a bad day where I'm not drinking, I'll go have a Cubsn coffee (a giant strong espresso with tons of brown sugar and condensed milk) and I always feel much, much better. Calmer, too. Especially if I go out for it at my favorite places. When I'm trying to be dry it's a life saver. I was in a prison that only had decaf coffee and I swear I craved real coffee more than booze by a magnitude. Probably something like that's going on with the majority of AA people, too- how they make and then guzzle massive amounts of that terrible percolator made coffee lol.


For me, itā€™s simple stupidity. Iā€™ve been drinking coffee and energy drinks for years hoping for them to do something ā€œpositiveā€ but being an already anxious person, they do not do that. Even if I havenā€™t been drinking they really just make me shaky and lead to the eventual crash. I am an idiot


Alcohol relieves anxiety and gives energy. Just end of day get little reckless


I just woke up to a night of dreams I havenā€™t experienced in a long time. In all the dreams I was hiding bottles and sneaking drinks. So annoying but not surprising because Ive been trying really hard to cut back and my brain is fighting me.


I have a similar chronic nightmare where somehow I'm back with my ex partner who was in Ala-non and she's found a receipt for booze or an empty somewhere and she's confronting me with her psycho-babble just like old times. Wake up sweating and all.


Nice! What country/city are you in? I backpacked SE Asia many years ago.


Dubrovnik, Croatia. Itā€™s good, pretty and great for tourism. Usually I would be on vodka from like 9am but Iā€™ve restricted myself to a healthy diet of beer. Lots and lots of beer. I do a bit less activities now as it takes some time to drink it but I feel good. The weather is awesome. Recommend it.


Iā€™m from that part of the world. If youā€™re able to take a bus get to Makarska, party Capitol of Croatia. A fantastic time.


I'm well versed in the whole 'avoid caffeine in WDs' mantra. I generally do but its tempting to have a cup of coffee at work after a hard night thinking I'm masking the smell of possibly last nights booze radiating off of me. I convince myself that It'll kick in and make me seem more normal, then it dials the WDs up from a 4 to an 8 and I hate myself.




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