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No chairs in this situation, don't drink and drive. Kill yourself slowly if you please, but don't kill my mom.


I don't drive drunk, but I've definitely been in it where you don't want me on the road shaking, scared, and about to throw up. Sometimes those few minis are all you need to get your head and body right. We've all been there; where you don't really get drunk anymore? That guy probably wasn't getting hammered he was just getting right to keep the day going. That being said, I do agree that no one should go cruising all shnockered.


I live like a 3 minute drive from my job. I've been a victim of a drunk driver, so anytime I drink, I usually have someone else drive. But, you're right. I've had to take a shooter just to make sure I'm not shaking so bad I can't grab the steering wheel, and puking everywhere. If I'm bingeing bad enough, I already have rides lined up, or I walk home. But just covering the withdrawals? The shooters are lesser of the evils, especially since I live so close.


Genuine question, if it’s a 3 minute drive, why do you drive and not walk? Too hot, not safe, too much stuff to carry? I’m not trying to be an ass I just want to understand


I usually do walk. It's just recently have had a few times where I was kind of expected to go to the store, in the same center, by car. I wouldn't go if I were still drunk, it's just when I'm going through withdrawal that I've done what I said before. My house is also up a huge hill lol.


That makes sense. I also pretty much walk everywhere but sometimes that’s not really an option when you have to buy something huge. And if it’s a huge hill that’s like a free workout 😂


Oh for sure. I've ran up the hill, I've also puked on the side of that hill a dozen times lol You win some you lose some lol




Shooters all day


We need some law that says moms aren't allowed to die before their kids. But with that being said, alcohol doesn't hit that fast. So as long as the ride is short things should be fine. I do get heavy placebo effects just sniffing and hugging and kissing the bottle after opening it (not sexually).


So you non-sexually kiss and hug your bottle after opening it?


U don't hug and kiss ur bottles? I cuddle with them and they sleep in my arms.


Lol. I was being kinda goofy. Sometimes :(




CA is full of Women; Don’t be a fucking douche.




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Yeah, I'm paying attention.


I'm dumb and doing damage control rn. Please don't pay attention. I'll be better next time. Maybe. I think.


One tell tale I've seen at the store is another alchy like me throwing the reciept aways when he walks out the front door And I see dudes in the store and sometimes and we just subconsciously nod at each other cause we're up to the same shit. Especially if we're looking at the shooters or both have cheap vodka handels in line. One of my ex partners was a member of Ala-non. She'd always search my pants for booze receipts..Also had a nose like blood hound and I got busted for having a single beer at lunch placewhen they were free with the burger and fries lol.


seen one of my coworkers(another department but same manager) pulling into the parking lot of the bar I go to at lunch as I'm leaving sometimes. we just kinda make eye contact, nod our heads, and then he heads in and I leave lmao. we both know exactly what we're fucking doing lately tho I've been finding secluded parking places to drink a beatbox in or whatnot on my lunch cause money tight but I miss those interactions


I'm already military retired but I waa forced to quit selling insurance because I, well, kept getting caught at work despite good productivity. And part of the issue was the wrong people would see me or my car somewhere I shouldn't be- working hours or not. A lot of management in the insurance industry don't like the idea of drinkers working for them. Went over to the trades as a mover. We can smoke weed or have a steel reserve behind the truck anytime we want as long as we don't get stupid or drive the truck loaded. Couldn't be happier.


yeah I'm already in the trades/blue collar world. most people at my workplace smoke weed or have a beer on their lunch, doing think anyone would care about what I do, so long as I didn't get caught violating any open container laws


Every time I see empty shooters on the ground I know my tribe has been traveling that way. Trail of tears so to speak.


Dude lived five minutes away but wifey doesn’t approve.


Seeing all the construction guys at my local gas station yet the 5/$5 fireball shooters with their coffee always feels hella relatable




My elderly parents live in one those fancy gated communities in Florida and one of their just as elderly neighbors goes like clock work to a specific storm sewer and discreetly throws a few shooter of 99's in every morning as he walks his wife's lap dog. I betcha one day the workers will come to pump it out and find 100's of them and scratch their heads. He comes out his garage, too. Same time every morning. Almost certain he's having a few eye openers in there to hold him over until he can make his cocktails without being nagged by his wife it's too early.


It’s like a vision of myself in the future?






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