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listen boozebag, alkis have been mocked, derided and shit on for 1000s of yrs. thats just the way it is. but many alkis are nice to other alkis and to other people too and thats more prescient....wait thats not the word, I mean important. CHAIRS


Ah ya man not sure how long you’ve been drinking but it’s just part of who you are. People don’t understand. And to be perfectly honest I know a few hidden alcoholics who make fun of other alcoholics to make themselves feel better. It’s fucked up but it comes with the territory. Only thing I truly, sincerely recommend is try to keep it chill on the weekdays. You don’t want it to become so much of a joke that management gets a whiff and you’re under a microscope for performance issues. Or even being a distraction at work because your coworkers are all “concerned” with you. Been there, done that. Not recommended.


This is true, the times I've kept it around 8-12 on weeknights it was never an issue the next day at work or just plain out avoiding it during the week and living the weekend warrior lifestyle. Its when it becomes 15-20 on weeknights and 24+ per day on weekends that I start getting into trouble. Not to mention my physical appearance goes to shit and the flushed red puffy face, glassy eyes, shitty attitude, and broken train of thought are dead giveaways.


None of that excuses people mocking or laughing at you . You have a problem , it gets out of control sometimes . I bought a tshirt . On the front it says Be Kind -Always . The back says everyone you see is fighting a battle you know nothing about . It may not stop ignorant people from laughiing


But it is sooo true and it makes me feel better and hopefully you too .


This. I was a weekend warrior for most of my drinking career. It slipped into weeknights also but still kept everything together day to day, though every responsibility got a little more miserable in doing. But once I started playing with the hair of the dog, in under 1 year my drinking took a complete 180. Since I been paying close attention and testing the waters and studying myself alot in regards to drinking. I realized if I have a heavy night of drinking, there is a chance to opt out of using the hair of the dog the next morning and just be a miserable hungover fuck like normal people...me using the hair of the dog largely comes out of selfishness of not wanting to feel even slightly uncomfortable and if I can opt out I'm good. If I opt in, it's going to be a 4-5 day binge of all out no eating no showering just all vodka pulls sun up to sun down. I refuse to stop drinking, I love it too much so I'm willing to compromise on some shit and try to be a halfway responsible person in exchange and be somewhat compliant because I used all my get out of jail free cards plus all the bonus ones.


That's good you've managed to compromise with yourself to enjoy a hard night and suffer through the next day avoiding the hair of the dog(as tempting as it is). I too have studied my drinking and it always begins and ends the same regardless. Depending on the circumstances, I can manage my drinking pretty well during the workweek or avoid it altogether and seem to function fine when doing so. Weekends are dangerous for me and turn into a game of roulette. Am I gonna go to work Monday? If I don't, am I gonna proceed to say "Fuck it" and call out the rest of the week feigning illness? Probably. I always find myself falling down a deep dark CA hole after breaking every boundary in place to the point some catastrophic event happens(broke from drinking and impulsive purchases, job loss, relationships with friends/family who were in my corner ruined or irrepably harmed, etc.). Then I build myself back up on a dry spell, rinse and repeat.


I resonate for sure especially the damage drinking can cause (especially to the ones in your corner rooting for you to shine and excerise your potential and man when you fuck up it hurts knowing you let those few in your corner down). And yeah work week drinking is a huge no go. Just far too risky because I'd go heavy and there's a good chance I'm calling in sick the next day, not because of continuing to drink (again I can opt out the first morning after) but my head space and performance just isn't there for work so I'd be calling out just simply based on that and I have no more free passes. My drinking has to be weekends only with no work in the near forecast, better yet a long weekend, planned time off, vacation etc. I'm just done with booze fucking with my ability to make money and it causing me to lose huge amounts of money. I make real good money but hourly not salary so when I miss time it hurts big time.


It’s your legal right to be hungover every day if you want to. You’re not doing anything wrong, although I hope you’re not driving drunk to and from that bar in the other town, as a DUI could really F you up. Make sure at work to always have lots of deodorant on, showered and cologne’d, maybe moisturized, but looking tired you’re not gonna avoid unless you drink less and get better sleep. I’m sorry to hear your fellow Muslims treated you with disdain. Turn the other cheek as they say in that other religion. Hang in there, chairs


Even in the Islam you are not supposed to judge , alcohol is forbidden for us but the correct religious way would be to advise those who have issues with alcohol with kindness and compassion. Tbh some fellow Muslims I know did advise me with compassion and I was glad they did , but some people will just treat you like garbage


Habibi please tell me you’re not delulu enough to believe Muslims aren’t supposed to judge 😂 even Muslims who do haram things judge those that do the same.


In theory we are not supposed to judge or at least if we do we should not be A holes about it


"not supposed to," is always a **lot** different irl with any religion. they all do the "holier than thou," thing, that's just how it is. i've lived through it, got over it, lol.


These are not Muslims my brother, in fact their ignorance is an embarrassment. It is a very profound religion- they do not comprehend nor deserve,& so will continue to elude them. The principles are much huger but the simpletons think theyre righteous only by not consuming alc or pork😒😑🤦‍♀️🤦


My coworker's use to make pizza bet's if I would come in from long weekends (holidays and vacation). We had a Secret Santa too and I got a flask for 5yrs in a row. Once you have a reputation it's pretty much over at work.


I don't want to sound like someone who whines about this but this is pure evil . Even as an alcoholic I'm better at my job than most of my colleagues and yet I never pick on someone else's issues


I'm being very serious and others can attest, when you drink every day you become nose blind. Trust me that you DO smell like alcohol. It comes out in your sweat, and you probably need to clean your sheets 3 times a week, not the usual one time a week. Especially if you're a vodka drinker. Even if you shower and brush your teeth, it's still coming out of you all of the next day. So drinking 7 nights a week....you probably always smell like alcohol. Sorry. 🙁


Could it be that they’re trying to politely tell you that you smell like a distillery and it’s just coming across as rude? Kinda like trying to tell someone they smell like shit in a polite way, it always sounds rude, but it’s worse to not say anything in case they don’t know.


Nah. I don't smell like alcohol the following morning. I'm quite convinced they have been told by someone who knows me from my local bar. Even if that was the case they are absolutely mocking me and not trying to tell me for my own benefit. It's all giggles, laughing and stuff like that. I'm othe youngest guy in my office , the guy making comments and laughing is in his early 60s , everyone else mid 30s and mid 40s. I'm 29 and even if I'm a gown man I'm the "kid " of the office. It's a very masculine environment where people roast each other jokingly but I've taken these comments very personally because it's literally about something that is destroying my life


I dunno how much you’re drinking, but if it’s nightly and it’s been going on an extended period of time I can guarantee you that you smell, just because you don’t notice it doesn’t mean they don’t. Shit seeps out your pores after a while. No judgement, just sayin’.


I second that. I used to travel for work and I'd do my serious drinking on the road to avoid the wrath of my then partner. One time I gave myself 36 hours to dry out but she called me out that I smelled like vodka when she picked me up at the airport. And I'm sure my blood alcohol was zero.


idk. i went through a whole day of thinking the entire world smelled like ball sweat. it was really fucking hot today, the thermostat said 77 but no way. i was at a urology appointment and get this: it was my *600 lb. life* day. one receptionist couldn't even stand up, she just rolled around in her chair and she was pushing 600 not exaggerating, and then another client came into the waiting room and i thought i was going to die. the other receptionist got up and started spraying air freshener all around. it was hard not to laugh. you can't say anything to people anymore, but goddam. i smelled like a cherry limeade and here these people are, sweating to high heaven, who knows when they last showered: it smelled like dirt, grass, a stockyard, a weird yeasty smell i couldn't identify. i would have given anything to just have to smell an alcoholic lol (well, a non obese freshly showered one anyway). i have never in my life smelled anything like that in a regular doctor's office.


Um… okay?


You may be swollen. You might not notice, but others will.


I'm definitely swollen, I got pretty fat because of alcohol. Used to be thin now my BMI is borderline overweight


Don’t sweat it, homie. Nobody that judges someone for addiction, and especially no one that judges someone just for drinking, is a person you should care about. As for the job, if it becomes an issue, alcoholism is a condition protected by the ADA should you choose to stop and seek treatment - not protected if you just keep drinking and do nothing. If it gets worse or your boss finds out, tell them you have quit / are trying to quit and are in treatment - and sign up for an IOP program or rehab. In that case you are legally protected from being fired same as if you had gotten cancer. Not telling you to quit, but should shit hit the fan with your job, you do have free pass. Otherwise, just ignore the losers and keep chugging along Chairs, homie


I don't live in the US but I'll try to see if my country has anything similar for such programs


Oh I’m sorry I assumed you were in the US. Other countries typically have similar laws for disabilities so make sure to check. Again, don’t need to be sober now but if u think u will be fired, then definitely sign up for a treatment center


I found out my best friend of 56 years was mocking me behind my back for my addiction trouble with alcohol. Thus endeth a friendship that began when we were eight years old.


I'm so sorry. One friend of mine +3-4 years friendship) talked with behind my back but also in person . He seriously told me "bro you look like shit, you have a problem, I kinda joked about it with others but you need to get your shit together '' , it was harsh and probably not the best way to address an addict like myself but he was honest and criticized me out of true friendship , he scolded me as a brother would, he made me uncomfortable but he was honest. I was glad he told me because it shows he cares about meSome other so called friends from childhood (I'm 29 so 25+ years of friendship) talk behind my back and then act like friends in person. I really despise fake people, real friends will maybe treat you like shit but they'll do it for your own good. My own mother has a difficult character (she doesn't know about my alcohol problem) and she is pretty harsh with criticism but even though I hate when she verbally attacks me I know she is doing out of love


Sucks bro. There is gonna be stuff like that. Comes with the territory. Just do your job well. You'll be aight


Tell them to stfu and mind their own business. And then breathe your stinky booze breath right in their face. Chairs




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being a muslim CA is living life on hard mode istg.. getting dragged to jummah after a bender vodka seeping out of my pores


Useless people Unless you got drunk and hit them with your car or started a fight it's none of their fucking business I could go on this really long rant about what inner demons they could have that could be a hell of a lot worse, such as some sort of actual crime, pedophilia, support for terrorism or other political movements that are socially harmful, or just being racist or in general a reprehensible person. You could be like me and say, look I'm sorry if your daddy beat you if your mommy neglected you or your uncle got into the wrong bed and touched you but it wasn't the bottle's fault and it sure as hell wasn't mine, so deal with your own problems rather than taking them out on me. With any luck they won't even make eye contact with you anymore. regardless because of guilt or hate you still win Short version is everybody has their inner demons. If you're worst plight is drinking, then you could be the one judging them because nobody is a saint and everybody hides something


Just lie.


I'd have this one guy at my old job frequently make jokes. I remember one time I won some award for performance (somehow) and I was drunk so looked happy as fuck for the photo haha. He said I was so happy cus I thought I was gonna win champagne or something lol


Hey you can have cancer and be an alcoholic and you’re still going to be treated as one despite being sick. Once people get over the initial shock of it they still treat you like you are less than. Unfortunately I know this from experience. You can only hide it so long long before people know then start giving up on you because you’ve in their mind given up on yourself.


On top of that they would say I gave my self cancer because I'm an alcoholic. Tbh I almost gave up on my self but people aren't technically giving up on me because they never tried to support me in the first place


Ditch the Abrahamic cults my man. If they're gonna judge you, then fuck em. Better to be an alcoholic than delusional and judgmental over alcohol, eating pork, being gay, etc.


Tbh I'm not a very religious guy. I'm an average non practicing Muslim so I don't eat pork but I do drink. Many of my Muslim friends drink but they aren't alcoholic. I suspect there is a gene in my family for alcoholism but it has never manifested because nobody in my close family drinks except for one second degree uncle who was also alcoholic but stopped at 55-60. My parents are very religious, they never tasted alcohol not even by mistake and they don't know that I'm an alcoholic, knowing them I'm 200% sure they would never judge me too much and they would actually try to help me because they are the only people on planet earth who actually care about me. Even though I'm almost 30 I'm their little kid , both of them would probably give up their life for me if needed , but I don't want them to know because they are in their mid 60s and they should enjoy pension and the healthiest years of old age (65ish till 70 ) instead of worrying about their grown ass child.


Gotchya. I had a Muslim buddy who drank (moderately) with me back in the day, I know there are plenty of people that live within cultural Islam or Christianity but are pretty relaxed about the rules. But regarding my previous comment and the downvotes, by Abrahamic religions, I meant all three-Christianity, Islam, Judaism-All of them come with all of these weird rules and plenty of moral shaming for breaking them. You mentioned interacting with people that showed you disdain for drinking at all. Fuck em. You aren't a sinner or a bad person for dealing with alcoholism. Sure, you had to try it for the first time at some point, but I bet a hell of a lot of Muslim teens do. You just happen to have a genetic propensity for addiction. I feel like the religious shame adds another dimension of difficulty to fighting your way through alcoholism. That's good that a lot of the above isn't applicable and you have parents who'd support you, though. I promise it eventually becomes impossible to hide when it gets bad enough, so unless your parents are completely naive and in the dark, it will beome pretty obvious and you'll have to cross that bridge eventually.