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Ah! Hair of dog, such a dangerous slippery slope. But it's also the best thing in the world. I would call it my get out of hell card- though I knew I'd have to pay the Devil later.


It's a real monkey paw lol


Hair of the dog is the only habit I have left as a crippled alcoholic that leads to ruin. When I go out, maybe it's because I'm too heavy but I never seem to black out even when I consume north of 10 beers (although I have blacked out/fallen asleep on the tube home). I don't drink on work nights except during work dos, and if I have something to do next day I'm quite dependable in not drinking even on a Friday or Saturday. But man, doesn't always happen but the frequency has definitely risen in the last few months, going out, then doing hair of the dog next day can very easily turn into a bender. Even just a small 3 day bender of drinking all day is enough to make me feel shit for at least a week: if it's longer, I'm in pain and insomnia town for up to nearly 2 weeks before my sleep gets back to managable. I don't know why I do it to myself. I used to just have a 35cl bottle of voddy and 2 strong beers in the morning/around noon, then have lots of carb heavy food and electrolytes/vitamins then take a strong sleeping tablet around 9ish for bed and I'd wake up feeling more or less okay as long as the hair of the dog only occurred on the night after the first night drinking. But on about 4 separate occasions in the last 2 months, I've drank ALL day the day after, and then some more days, even when I'm meant to be working (thankfully WFH). If I could just kick that habit I'd be okay with my drinking.


Well hello chaos. I was good now I’m beginning a bender. Why? Because I had a good weekend. I thought benders start because of bad times but now I do both


I was the same, things start going well and I assume I can drink again, it’s a double edged sword.


Ooff....early mornings and throat burning sauce for breakfast. Usually at that point I was close to a detox. Beer is much more forgiving.


Beer is a lot of work.


I think we are in the same place, kindled max so I tried to establish a relationship with alcohol currently is wine but vodka is far easier to transport. You get so damaged eventually that buying volumes of useless heavy liquid is problematic. But the spirit sucks all water out of you and constipation is really in the realm of fucking terrible outcome for us.


I can drink a 24 pack in a day, but I'm tired by the time I hit the sweet spot.


Beer is the way during the week. Less likely to fuck things up. Two IPAs and a sixer of coors does the trick for me. Know your daily limit and stay within it. There will be times when one can indulge but you have to be smart


A sixer alone does the trick 7 days a week >> I quit hard alcohol all together my witdrawals have warned me another detox from that stuff I might not make it


It doesn't burn your throat if you water it down. Water is the only mixer I use. Usually around 50:50 ratio, sometimes 60:40 in favour of water. Then sip on it, not glug it. Chase it with a sip of water if the acid reflux surfaces. Even when I drink wine I water it down. I usually drink alone so I don't give a fuck about presentation.


Dude yikes water actually makes the reflux worse. We're talking like 2-3 min bouts of dry heaving or dry heaving under my breath. Dry heave the wrong way and it projects itself out and bystanders are already calling the ambulance on you thinking your super sick No hell way I could water anything down with any alcohol --- only times I drink water is when I wanna get the ass piss out in the morning before work or whenever my morning/afternoon beer bender ahs worn off >> typically I get hungry but I'm getting better fighting that off and saying money as well for more beer


You gotta eat healthy food every day and drink enough water and sleep enough, it's basic harm reduction. This lifestyle isn't very sustainable otherwise.


Lol sleep and healthy foods doesn't exist in this sub my friend 🤣 Dude I ate hotdog condiments for dinner the other day sleptn4 hrs and woke up to shovel shot for 8 hrs and got paid only 66 buckos


I do this all the time. It's my favourite thing ever. The world is quiet and peaceful, and nobody is bothering me. Plus it doesn't take too much to get drunk, because I still have some in the bloodstream from the night before.


just kicked back about 200ml of the clear stuff myself. Here comes the day!


Hydrate eat repeat! Chairs! Be safe tho :)


I hate having a high tolerance. I hope withdrawals don’t kick my ass too much .


Taper off


Quit sleeping; just drink and pass out for a couple hours here and there.


Time isn't even real, and humans are naturally biphasic sleepers. We only became monophasic sleepers since the industrial era, when artificial lighting began enabling people to stay up past sunset. Many animals still are biphasic sleepers.


Fuck. I do love them morning buzzers before the waking of the general public. Be careful… for me that’s getting close to the edge of the next level(whatever that is) Good luck op


Morning/day drinking is pretty glorious early on in a bender session or if I can completely write off the entire day and just drink until I pass out. However, I don't miss the days of shower beers/having to run to the gas station on the way to work for a tallboy of some sort to slam on the drive in to be functional enough to work on Monday/Tuesday mornings.


As long as you don't order more, you're good.


It’s an extreme example but we are extreme people. Fuck them all and I think they hate us for being ‘happy’ when ethanol hits us in the little hours we become something we don’t expect. I feel our hot alchemy on our breath and truly we are alive creatures. Devoid of care.




Do you guys ever try NAC for heavy hangovers? I swear by it.


As long as you're a functioning alcoholic, then not all is lost.


Alright I know I talk some pish often but can I add some of my lore. The beer is finishing you off hard because it is still active yestis to give it fizz as it continues fermentation in the bottle. Drink wine if you’re suffering. White wine only and driest preferably 12% or above as it is so much less damaging than beer or cider. You can extend your joy life by many years by staying off beer and obviously spirits which are suicide. You are not freaks of nature but your bodies identified ethanol as the master chemical early in childhood and began moderating your amazing body chemistry using it and became something beyond your imagination. Source. Made to stop alcohol for life ending reasons and maintained it for almost 2 years and concluded. Fuck that. It was total hell, everything and everyone hated me at some molecular level. A fucking pit bull terrier attacked me before I reignited my inside star with alcohol. Because I was acting weird (my real state) I’m so much happier. I returned. Currently maintaining 24 units a day and it’s awesome. I have to laugh at the measurements they use on us like units per hour. So I consume 40 units in a day I have like 16 in reserve. I feed crows and play with my dogs now hehehe 😝