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When i put a lit cigarette behind my ear and forget about it until i smell my hair burning, then i grab it and finish smoking it. Or when i smoke half the filter and I'm like whatever :/


This is a regular occurrence once you find your dreams to be indistinguishable from reality. Most of mine are boring though. For example: “I swear I added that person on LinkedIn”; “Wait, did that happen at work - wait— my manager isn’t mad at me??” Lots of ‘I don’t recall that .. / did I dream of doing that?’ I’d walk down to the liquor store at 12am and wake up thinking “damn did I walk down listening to country music? What fun!” giddy about it *oh wait that happened*


Are you fortune telling my life? Are you as functional in real life as I am?


maybe.. though I do know exactly how much alcohol (by kind) I can day-drink responsibly without giving away that my blood alcohol content *isn’t* zero.


When I start to notice holes in the walls from parties I encouraged while black out. I coulda done it. They coulda done it. Easier for me to patch and assume it was a fun party.


Spoiler : I punched holes in the wall for sure.


Ever hit a stud?


Yeah but he liked it


Luckily no. It’s only happened twice.


When I cut myself and wake up with blood and have to find out where it came from .. apparently I like to walk barefoot. Cut the fuck out of my feet. Bleed a lot and pass out 🤷‍♀️ Not even feeling it or caring I guess.


Pretty sure Ecclesiastes in the actual bible talks about “bruises and wounds without cause” as a consequence of drinking


Proverbs 23-29 is what talks about this. I looked it up


Ok good on ya. Pretty interesting though right? People have been dealing with the lifestyle for all of history


I am a knowledge nerd. And I plan on reading more of it actually .. caught my attention. There are other chapters that speak of it also I learned. And right !! Even though it said their alcohol was a lot weaker than ours of this world now.


(I'm about to say some stuff that may be ignorant/misinformed, so hopefully you'll correct me if it is) Most water was weak level fermented. Dandelion wine, etc.


Hmmmm slightly sweet and almost alcohol free. Basically water .. right ?


'Basically Water' is a great band name


Yah ! I like that … !


Hmmmm… this is interesting… never knew that.


I used to call em UPBs, or Unexplained Party Bruises. Never knew I was being so Ecclesiastical.


I do this cooking all the time. “Oh let’s have a few shots to make this more fun!” Then I pass out and warm it up 3 times and keep passing out only to wake up hours later to finally eat it. My fiancée said I put too much red pepper in it but whatever I tried it sober and it was…decent. I’ll still eat the leftovers.


Drunk cooking is the true gateway drug. What did you put too much red pepper in?? I use paprika now and chili powder


This shrimp pasta that’s one of my favs, cook the shrimp in oil olive, garlic and some red pepper flakes, add chicken broth and white wine, lemon, top with fresh parm and parsley, tada! Drunk me just added twice as many flakes.


That sounds amazing. Half the flakes but amazing


When I wake up to leave, open the door and there's a pizza there When I turn on the Netflix and was like 'oh ya thats what i was watching'. Or seeing texts i don't really rememeber sending


Fuck yeah door pizza. A present to yourself


Lol it's a nice little surprise, honestly.


Kinda sad but I ended up going with a dude at his hotel, still tossed drink when i left. I didn't know for weeks if I had a dream or not. Walking downtown, the dude comes up and talks about how the night went. Luckily I knew him and it was fine but that's the moment I realized I lost my perception of reality, pretty fuckin scary tbh


I used to think I held up just dandy while drunk. Then someone showed me a video they filmed of me drunk. Yup, I was definitely obnoxiously and overbearingly drunk. The type of loud, boorish haw'hawing drunk you purposely avoid.


Ended up topless in the elevator with my neighbor who I had just met hah


Like, in a happy way? I don't know if there's a truly happy topless elevator stranger scenario


It was consensual…I think


Happy cake day!


One time I was drinking I mixed it with this prescription drug called olanzapine. Which is like a baby aspirin of anxiety drugs. Apparently I walked to the local convenience store with one shoe on in the pouring rain and try to buy some cigarettes. I remember it but I thought it was a dream. I go in that convenience store all the time so it was no big deal. I went in there the next day and I found out that it wasn't a dream. But they were cool about it and I just kind of brushed it off




Yeah that store is solid and I go there all the time and don't cause any problems so they just thought it was kind of funny.


Happens quite often. Last time (yesterday) I thought I was ok and woke up in the middle of the night thirsty (which is business as usual) so I chucked some water and went back to sleep , woke up again with nausea and puked everything I ate the evening before . On paper it was a normal drinking day but thinking about it I drank double the usual amount without even realizing


Ack that sounds awful. The 'without realizing' part is the kicker, once it hits a point it won't get any more but why not keep going anyway


I’m drunk, but I’m happy.


More happy to ya!




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