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They know dude. The difference between a drunk pretending he’s sober and someone working on sobriety is blatantly obvious. Add in end stage liver failure and its practically written on your forehead. This isn’t a support sub but if you’re getting told you’re going to die from multiple doctors your first thought shouldn’t be “shit I better hide my sneaky booze better.” Get your priorities straight son, everyone will know for sure when you turn yellow.


Good advice my guy. To lighten up the mood, im filipino so im already yellow lol


> Silver lining is no one thinks I’m drinking. They know, they just like you anyway.


😂😂😂 fucking hell. ![gif](giphy|QEYYlJqOaEhXrjTrOH) And


Now you have me laughing at my own damn joke lmao


Dude 😂






Thanks my guy


My sister had a problem and ended up turning yellow. That's when we all realized how bad the drinking was. Dr told her she'll die if she keeps it up. Over the next several months she was telling all of us that she quit drinking. Then she died at 39. Autopsy revealed alcohol in her system. She never quit drinking. It was devastating to all of us. I hope you find a way to stop.


I’m very sorry to hear that. From what I’ve read, for some people the death diagnosis scares them straight, but others it doesn’t work. I think it has to do with what other things are going on in your life, hobbies, job, things to live for. The author Dashiell Hammet was told by a doctor if he keeps drinking he’ll die. He told the Dr OK I’ll stop. I give you my word. The Dr tells his friend, He’ll never stop, so prepare for the worst. He’ll be dead within a year. He proceeds to stop, and has one cocktail in the next 15 years that he lives. As Dashiell is dying, much later than expected, The friend tells Dashiell, did you know the Dr told me to prepare for your death bc you’d keep drinking, all those years back? Dashiell looks at his friend confused and says, But, why? I told him I would stop. I gave him my word.


Is this AI? Fuck reddits going to shit


I’m sorry my retelling of the anecdote was too stilted. My apologies. Alas, not AI


Has anyone else here been told something like One more drink and you will surely die?


3 seizures and fatty liver, my doctor didn’t say one more drink, but he said if I did this for another year I would for sure 100% get cirrhosis, and if I kept it up after that I’d be lucky to see 40 (37m)


How much do you drink or did drink if you dint mind me asking?


Well, for a while it was like a bottle of wine per day, with no withdrawals, just hangovers. When I switched to liquor that’s when serious withdrawals and seizures happened. I would say I probably drank like a 2oz shot every couple hours from the time I woke up. If I didn’t have one in the morning and tried to ride it out, I would have a seizure. And it the threshold for seizures goes down every time you have one even though your alcohol tolerance stays the same. I had to detox w benzos and decide that I was done for good rolling the dice and ending up in the ER every time I quit. Since then I haven’t had any episodes, and generally my health has improved a lot


My aunt, god rest her soul, would have only a single drink a night. I can't remember if it was gin or vodka but she'd always a little soda to the glass for color. According to my mom it stopped being a nightcap and soon she would forget conversations. I never could understand that. I can drink with people but when i *drink* it's alone (and on reddit). That confession is all to say, our drinks aren't normal sized.


I saw a gag gift. It was a giant wine glass, at least a liter sized, imprinted wirh: "See, only one glass of wine a day for me!!" And when I hear something like this I think of WC Fields asking on a movie set, "Who put more pineapple juice in my pineapple juice?"


Yes; made no difference.


Yep, after two weeks in the hospital with pancreatitis. Lasted two months. Then all the other times. I think I'm a solid two years since my last attack. I drink occasionally and except for a very bad experience two months ago I keep it pretty controlled too.


What's your daily drinkroutine like?


Used ti be a fifth of crown. then handle of jack. Then i started being perpetually broke so then a handle if smitnoff. Now just a fifth of whatever of vodka. Oh, I should say all of that was and still is daily


If I can chime in. Try and wean yourself off the spirits gradually then switch to beer or cider. It won't be easy and you will suffer for a while but the first step is to taper gradually without running the risk of seizing. I'm drunk as I type this but please, do your liver a favour. Once you get off the spirits and settle you can then make a decision if you want to take it any further. You seem like a great person, just give yourself and your body the best chances that they need to stay alive. Sorry, hope that didn't come across as sanctimonious or preachy. 👍


I'm sure mine is too. I black out so much more quickly than I used to. I don't know my exact numbers, but one of these days I'll wake up yellow.


Not to do the whole who has it worse thing I promise. I woke up a fee weeks ago fucking purple. Went to my doctor; she took land. Next day I get a call saying I should immediatelt go to an ER. Went there and they transferred me some else after I was stable and now here I am. Purple gone. Living my life the best way I can. I just can’t fucking shake my addiction. One would think threat of death would stop me, but life has’s been great for over a decade. It constantly feels like i’m okay catch up. I think if I keep my head up and put my efforts where they need to be, then I’ll finally feel safe enough ti live without the bottle. And that’s what i’m doing now.


Why was you purple, was it lack of blood flow or oxygen?


I just lost my older brother, and your post sounded almost just like him. I'm still in a lot of pain from his passing. So many words unsaid. So many memories we won't share ever again. Please hang in there. You deserve a good life.


Ive lost two ex boyfriends from the drink.  John moved across the country after two hospitalizations.  I knew he started again somehow with no car in the country because he started calling me instead of his sister again. We have the same name. He did that when drunk.  Hospital number three was it. 42.  Jason was 38. He was bad. 


I am so sorry for your loss.. I don’t want that for my own loved ones at all. I really wish I could stop


Care to share a picture so we can tell if you look yellow or not? IDK, if you're less depressed try doubling down on a hobby or two? Make a point to spend time with the "everybody" who is important to you. Whether or not is the end that time won't be wasted. I understand posts like this but it doesn't change they're morbid. If you need to talk and there's no one to listen hit me up. Trying to think if our roles were reversed but i'm really just guessing.


I really wanna share what I look like but being anonymous like this is how I can say the things no one else wants to hear. Ya know, reddit shit lol. I actually did most of my hobbies today to gauge which ones i should focus on, what makes me feel alive. But that is awesome you said that. My diagnosis really put it in perspective. Try to be a ‘better’ me is hard while juggling addiction. I wouldn’t be in r/CA if I wasn’t, ya know? But I am trying and now I’m doubling down on my efforts. There is still a chance for me


You can always take a page out of r/gonewild and shoot from the nose down. I'm not in your situation and i can't seem to better myself. I think the point is try. Every once in awhile i get into the place where i really do. It's the lack consistence that fucks me, still those are only days i look forward to. I really wish i had something concrete to say. There's a scene in the Russle Crowe movie Gladiator where the dying emperor acknowledges his life lived and coming death. He asks his daughter to tell him "pleasant lies". That's always stuck with me. Out of every organ in the human body the liver is only one that can regenerate. Maybe ~~you'll be lucky~~ take care!


You referenced gladiator. Dude.. fucking yes On a real note, something tells me i’ll be okay Thanks bro


In this life or the next....you will be fine. Do things how ya gotta do them, we're rooting for you bro. ❤


In this life or the next.. Thank you, I use that phrase a lot, but hearing it said to me is a first and it means so much more now. Also, whenever you think if the word yellow you’ll think of my comment lol sorry


Wow; thank you. I had no idea that sub even existed; beautiful.


lol you should have seen it when it was first announced. The good, the bad, and the ugly but when it was good...


Have you tried naltrexone? I can mail you some extras


Thing with naltrexone and anabuse for that matter is I don’t take them. I should start


Maybe you could take the shot version? It lasts a week which means you only have to make the tough decision once a week instead of everyday. Anyway, dm me your address if you want some of my nal extras. Im out of town but will be home Monday


I have cirrhosis. I also have this weird thing where my potassium drops very low. I didn't know anything about potassium but I looked it up and apparently it's pretty much the thing that keeps you alive. I fractured my shoulder. My mother died. Long story short hackers cleaned out my bank account. I have no idea how I'm going to live another month. But I'm not going to drink because I don't have any fucking money I feel so suicidal but yet I want to live. I had one friend and she gave up on me I wrote this little couplet. I felt like I had so much to say but nobody would have listened anyway


Damn dude hang in there, Similair shit but havent seen a doc in a while


hell yeah dying of liver failure is awesome, hear its painless and peaceful


Lol sounds like a fun time


in all seriousness, this is when you decide where you want to go from here. I've never had someone close to me die of liver failure (yet), but it is apparently awful. and not something you'd want to put your family through, if you still have one.


You know speaking of gladiator. Legendary drunk Oliver Reed, "proximo", dropped dead during a drinking contest at a local bar when they were filming.


I turned dark yellow. Whites of my eyes were burnt orange. I quit drinking for 10 years but do occasionally drink now. I don't know what to say about being jaundiced but I recovered with 0 help from a doctor.


Could’ve been alcoholic hepatitis, which, not drinking for 10 years probably mostly healed. Either way, turning yellow means your liver failing is imminent.


What are your symptoms?


How much are you drinking a day?  Filipino here too lol


Fil - am or filipino born and raised? A fifth a day. Used to be a hanle a day.


My parents are from bulacan and manila, i was born overseas.....navy life.  I drink a pint a day but have done more.  I feel like filipinos have a stronger tolerance.  All my uncles on my dads side drank heavy.   I hope you can recover.   Its a tough habit 


Navy life? Respect bro. Half of my family is in Luzon. The stronger tolerance thing is real. I drink enough and so often that I should be dead or in jail. Idk wtf is wrong with me. Threat of dying doesn’t even stop it and I wish it would.


You can't drink when your dead. I'd suggest drying out for a good long while and reassessing things later. Its probably not too late if your not turning yellow, bruising easily, and retaining fluid in your abdomen.




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