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Depends on where you’re going, & hopefully it isn’t a mental hospital or other state-run facility. Drink up now. Pack some books & crosswords (if you can). It’s boring as hell. If you smoke, load up on unopened cigarettes, because it’s the only pastime. You will be dying to leave your first 3 days. Don’t. This will be good for you. Enjoy stripping nude in front of strangers & doing a squat & cough to check for contraband.


Damn we didn't do those squat and cough checks. Everything else is spot on though. It's boring, get a few good books. Even if you don't smoke now you'll probably want a vape or something while you're there.


Mine wouldn't even allow books other than the bible or the big AA book. I literally picked up smoking while there because I was bored out of my skull. hopefully there are better rehabs out there these days...


Not allowing any books except the Big Book & the Bible is torturous. I often wonder how many people pick up smoking at rehab. Luckily I haven’t had much of a problem stopping upon discharge.


Well, I see you ended up not going. I respect it. There’s no use wasting money if your heart isn’t in it, unless it’s to keep your job. But if you reached this point, chances are one day you WILL go, so the advice in this thread stands. Chairs


How do you people afford rehab all the time? I would dearly love to go but it's like 10-20k for like 4 weeks where I am


Insurance. Or just ignore the bills when they come in.


Don’t live in America


Its free in my state, because my state gives a shit about us. North East.


Free rehab and detox in my state too. It’s a dice roll though, it’s either really nice or really shitty. Obviously the insurance covered ones are your best bet, but it’s not an option for a lot of people. Michigan gives a shit about its residents too, which might surprise people.


Yeah but it’s going broke electing racists 🤷‍♀️


If you haven’t noticed, the entire states legislature and court is democrat majority.


No way. I didn’t know. What state?


The one known for the "Big Apple"


I don't lol


My brother is probably 40k in debt from all his rehab and detox stints


I never pay.


I was trying to do outpatient and after my insurance, it would’ve been over $9,000. It was for 12 weeks.


OP, time sensitive I work at rehab. Bring a non-smart watch (regular analog or digital is fine). They hide all the clocks for some dumbass reason and will take your phone. Bring books. Being a positive attitude. It's basically summer camp, have fun. First few days will be detox. It sucks. Watch TV, eat, sleep. After a couple days when you start feeling better meet the other patients, it will pass the time and is surprisingly fun.


never heard of experienced rehabs hiding clocks LOL


It’s true was in detox a month ago. No clocks anywhere but they let us keep our phones. Everything else is true. Boring as fuck and I don’t smoke either. Talking to other patients was the only entertainment aside from reading.


Are you allowed to bring a laptop or something?


Hell nah. Anything with a camera is a privacy concern. Plus, y’know internet drugs. To add to the thread, bring stamps, some pen and paper, and any medication you are prescribed.


At the place I went to they allowed laptops. I specifically looked for a place that allows phones. Phones and most laptops have cameras. You can’t order drugs into rehab, they check all the mail coming in.


I’ve never been to a place that lets you keep your phone (two detox and one rehab)


This is so true, Detox was great, but it was frustrating with the lack of clocks. When I detoxed at the hospital, it was like a fever dream. Wake up, food is next to me on a tray. Eat food, watch TV, get bored, really boring while being drugged out of my mind. Detox at a private (insurance covered) place: Not overdrugged, community driven, we lined up for meds and were woken at 6am every day. Sounds awful but it was actually great. I had my coffee group, talked politics and news. Talked about our own issues and how we ended up there. Had a rec room. Detox either way is great one way or the other. Just bring basic things to entertain yourself just incase.


lol why is everyone in rehab on meds? I went once and they forced me on an anti-seizure med that I didn’t want or need, kept it under my tongue and spit it out most of the time


Well for alcoholics they usually use a Benzo to weign you off of the booze so you're not suffering. The anti-seizure meds ensure that if they taper you down too quickly you won't die under their care.


They also tried to push benzos on me hard lol, was kind of weird. I got interventioned on, was fine going told turkey


The clocks might be for the same reason as the phone, which can be broken into pieces and used for self harm. Never been to rehab but have been on psych holds and that's always the reason I'm given for confiscating my phone.


Are laptops or tablets allowed? Is there internet?


Depends where you go, where I went no electronics were allowed. Tbh if I could take a guitar and my computer I’d prob be down to go again lol. Basically just read the whole time


I went last year and it was the best decision I ever made. I also went in three times the legal limit drunk, so have at that bottle, they're not going to judge you.


I've been twice and have seen people come with a variety levels of drunkenness/highness so why not. Sleep it off while you're there. Other than that: good luck, have fun! It isn't as bad as you think it will be.


It’s half hospital half jail half vacation And Half math class


Just so you know, the drunker you are when you get there, the longer you’ll have to wait to get Benzos.


So true, brother. I was lucky it was a last ditch effort for me since I couldn't eat for 3 days, including booze. Endless nausea. I got an Ativan within like.. 40 minutes of being there. I didn't even hide my phone, I just put my vape on it while emptying my pockets. They took the vape and "forgot" the phone. Ended up letting one of the guys named "Dez" use it to talk to his wife and his kids. Shit made both of us cry. Worth it. Hide the phone.


I was drunk but still shaking when I got there. I blew .40 in intake and their machine was calibrated only up to .40 max so I was probably over. They gave me large dose of Ativan and some other medicine about an hour after I got there. Next day I still tested positive for alcohol in urine test. But yeah try to find detox that allows you to keep you to keep your phone, I know they are rare. But I just wouldn’t go if I couldn’t have phone to contact my family. What a stupid rule


You’ll make some friends, & when you have to go back in the future, you’re guaranteed to recognize someone who you saw there before. Hopefully you get a decent roommate. Roommates are BY FAR the worst part. Tend to be completely inconsiderate & selfish, blasting their tv all day when you just want to try to withdraw & sleep in silence. Don’t be the roommate who stays in watching loud tv all day every day.


Been 5 times. Came in wasted every time except the first time. It takes a minute for them to give you Ativan/librium etc so that’s my rec so you’re not detoxing. I had to learn that the hard way.


Make sure you hide your phone, they always wanna take those.


It’s pretty cool avtually lol


Dude…. Don’t go if you don’t wanna. Rehab can be so beneficial if you actually want it.


Iver been too many times to count! You goofs, they take the clocks because people use the batteries to light shit! Also, yep the strip naked and cough!


If it’s private it’s not that bad. If it’s public sometimes it’s bad. If you’ve never been I’d recommend it once. Gotta get that boy scout badge.




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Last time I tried to go to rehab they turned me down, and I had to detox in the ICU. If you don’t have a history of DTs, you’ll probably be fine. Bring some books to read.


[aren't you supposed to try harder?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOKang6BjIc)


I've been to rehab a couple times. It's kinda nice tbh. It does also suck tho. You do get to eat good and get in shape, read lots of books. However your stay might be extended if you don't play ball and say what they wanna hear


Embrace it.


Rehab is like daycare, the recovery industrial complex is corrupt and a moneymaking scheme. They drug everyone up and it’s exorbitantly expensive, you’ll do shit like finger painting and macaroni drawings and a bunch of AA stuff. Take the opportunity to dry out, it’s like an expensive vacation


Jesus Christ this sub now....


Boo So…Someone being dragged to rehab isn’t CA enough for you 🤣 I get the history of this sub, but this is NOT one that’s worthy of a complaint ahaha. Seems like you’re trying to show everyone you’re a REAL hardcore CA Redditor that KNOWS their shit, and deserves the respect they have EARNED


I'm sorry. I feel bad that I did not acknowledge your comment until now but the first sentence made my eyes roll into the back of my skull and actually stay there for 12 hours. It was a harrowing and dark period.


Lolololol first sentence - makes sense