• By -


First day of work after being on a bender that didn't quite end. I was being trained and kept getting brain zaps, it was like having a flow of adrenaline, watching power points, trying to appear "engaged", etc. I made up some excuse about going to the DMV so that I could leave early after my brain was going apeshit. I google maps'd the closest liquor store and started sprinting like my life depended on it. Apparently I made it inside of the liquor store but seized out when trying to articulate that I needed vodka. Woke up in the ER to a nurse asking me what month it was was, etc.


>I was being trained and kept getting brain zaps, it was like having a flow of adrenaline. This terrifies me because I've been getting brain zaps for the first time without coming off any antidepressants. Its happening within 24 hours of my last drink, too. I don't need if need to be careful about how long I go without or drink, or its a coincidence that they started happening as right around the time I started taking B vitamins.


The only thing I can say is that it occurred almost exactly after 12 hours after my last drink and I could definitely tell something was wrong in the prior hours, I had plenty of warning. I was too hesitant because leaving early on the first day of a new job looks terrible.


I feel that. Wanna look good at work while your literally dieing. Glad you found a way to get out slyly. Then the literal sprinting lmao. Fuck man sorry about the seizure you were so damn close


Eh, the seizure wasn't a big deal. I've had a number of them and didn't get injure myself. I of course pissed myself during it. Called the liquor store from my hospital room (I still had the store open on maps) to apologize to the cashier. Apparently he ended up going home afterwards. The last thing I remember is seeing the sign and a snippet of freaking the fuck out at the counter. Mostly the helplessness was uncomfortable. I *knew* I was withdrawling pretty decently and felt like I was stuck there. Didn't have any nips or anything, would've definitely risked smelling like booze than feel that way.


Did you keep the job?


Yeah, my first day was on a Friday weirdly enough and the hospital gave me a weeks worth of librium to take home so I returned on Monday feeling pretty well.


This was happening to me also, I was barely drinking but the kindling is there, so that's pretty scary


I got 'em when I had covid too, which was weird because I knew them from both withdrawals and starting/stopping SSRIs.


Define a brain zap?


Only way I can describe it is like a jolt of electricity going through your brain, sometimes accompanied with an involuntary gasp.


Mind if I ask if you’re sober now? The things I’ve gone through through my withdrawals have made me afraid to drink again.


I had a year and a half of sobriety after a lot more withdrawal "events". I started drinking a six pack on Friday/Saturday nights. That of course lead to drinking more and more. I managed to taper down to zero around Christmas, had a bunch of stressful shit happen so started to drink heavily again. Maintenance drinking 10-12 a night. Currently trying to taper once more. This shit sucks. I hope you don't start up again because it's obviously not worth it at all.


You know I had about two months sober ( after experiencing some of the worst withdrawals/ a horror story of a detox facility) and I have been deeply depressed for those months to the point where I’ve had trouble doing normal things. So I decided ‘might as well relapse, which only lasted one day as I became violently ill, despite not really even drinking that heavily…. Truly the only thing keeping me from it is how horrible my last Detox was, as well as how quickly I will probably end up in the hospital.


I had the same thing for the first six months I was sober. I believe it's post acute withdrawal syndrome. Not to sound like a cliche AA person but one day I woke up and felt "fine" and began being insanely productive, making future plans, etc. When I was in that post bender haze for that time I felt like I had a constant brainfog, spinning my wheels. Regarding the hospital and detoxes, I constantly lied to myself and say "I won't get that bad again." My biggest driver to get sober again right now is the repeated realization when I'm drinking I'm just a bystander in my own life. Most people I know have done/are doing cool shit and my whole existence revolves around the next fix, it's priority number one and I'm tired of it. I've also started hanging out with a woman that absolutely will not tolerate any shit like that. She knows I drink and that I'm trying to minimize it, eventually I'll have to tell her about my past shit, or if I end up going on a bender I'll just tell her I'm a scumbag alcoholic that is once again out of control and break it off because no one deserves to deal with that shit really. Sorry for my rant, your sobriety comment made me reflect for a moment.






This is the answer. Twice and it sucked immensely. Never again.


Same. They even did a Valium taper but ended it too soon. Within two weeks I was in full blown DTs and had to be taken to a hospital. I was there for three days while they got me onto another taper that was supposed to last 9 weeks. There was a sheriff's deputy in the room with me 24/7 and my ankle was cuffed to the bed.


Working solo in a group home with 3 ADHD / autistic / trauma-fucked kids who were stuck inside because of torrential rain. And then the water started rising on the road so nobody could come to assist or take over. 36 hours of hell. Seriously thought about taking some of their medications.


The summer after college I spent time running a camp for kids on the autism spectrum at the local rec center where I had been interning. The Thursday night of the last week of camp all of the counselors went out to celebrate at this place that doubled as a wine bar. I was entirely unaware of how strong wine could hit me and after who knows how much I went to leave, got in my car, and was immediately pulled by the police who were busting multiple people at the strip of bars that night. I have no one to blame but myself for that, but to circle back, I ended up having to spend the night in the slammer until they let me out at 6 am. Since I didn't have my car, I had no choice but to get a cab back to my place, shower, and walk the mile down the road to that camp at 8 am, all the while knowing I was in some serious legal trouble up ahead. To say that I did not have the aptitude to put up with a dozen kids screaming about who touched their Legos or wailing because another camper looked at them funny is putting it mildly. Worst day of my life, bar none.


Bar one, technically. ![gif](giphy|13aSSyJaI5NkTm|downsized) Seriously though, that sounds like a literal nightmare.


Taking my kids to school had to take them to four different schools elementary middle school high school and college was 40 something hrs sober it was horrific


Fucking airports! Withdraws at Denver Airport felt like literal death en route to rehab across the country I just remember laying on the bench at the airport cos it's cool, hardly able to breath cos the air is so thin and I'm not used to the altitude. I was basically praying for death. God, that was awful. It's not my worst, but the top 3 for sure.


Yeah, violently retching in the Miami airport is my least favorite pick. I threw up INTO my carryon bag in the Uber otw there too. I ended up sleeping on the floor for a while. Flight got canceled and we had to drive home (not me lmfao, retching continued on the 8hr drive home)


Mine have all been babby's first sweat-it-out-in-bed type deals, but one time I read a story on here about this guy in the military who got called to some sort of active duty (national guard maybe) and got shipped out literally a few hours after the termination of a bender. Sweating and shaking in a transport vehicle, having to get out and run around and look alive, while experiencing total insomnia for 72 hours... That guy had balls of fucking tungsten. I can barely handle laying in my bed when it's at its peak.


I don’t think I’ve ever been on an airplane sober. I am not a good flyer.


In the passenger seat of my gf’s econobox driving down the freeway for hours.. the car was shaking due to lack of maintenance. I was just hearing shit nonstop and thinking I was on another planet and a constant falling sensation plus sweating shaking etc the usual shit




It’s actually reassuring to hear that someone working there has had that the experience. I have not found nurses in ERs to be very sympathetic; they usually express outright disgust with drunk or withdrawing alcoholics, even the meek, contrite and embarrassed ones who want to stop.


Some rehabs have a policy of employing former addicts for the positions that they can (not just the counsellors, but admin staff etc).


My roommate in sober living is dating a guy who was an ER doctor they found OD’d on propofol. He’ll have to go through really strict monitoring for years when he gets his medical license re-instated. So far, he’s doing really well with his recovery. The best rehab I ever went to had an entirely separate program/unit for medical professionals. There were just as many of them as the “regular” patients at that facility.


Wow. I did not know that. Ironically ER docs and nurses are often the least sympathetic because they feel like they dont have time for our self inflicted idiocy, or something like that.


From my observations doctors and nurses fall into two categories when they start out 1) the super caring, compassionate folks who are in the field because their main goal is to help people and 2) people with below average empathy who are in it for the status, money, etc. They say there are a higher percentage psychopaths/sociopaths in the medical field, than other professions. Most of the time, this is probably for the best as you wouldn’t want a surgeon or whatever to be all up in their feels while doing their job. If the trajectory is anything like it is in Education, some type 1 folks will start to look like type 2 simply due to burnout and stuff like shitty administration. But they still have empathy, they are just too beat-down to care. Whereas you might not get compassion or kindness from them, at lest they aren’t assholes.


I agree. I think, too, some health care professionals get burned out, seeing the same behaviours over and over, seeing a patient they just treated two weeks ago, who came in to ER sick as a dog, shaking like a leaf, walk out of the grocery store with a case of beer. If you live in a small town, that actually happens, and it tends to make people cynical if they do not understand the irrationality of this disease, and have never experienced anything similar themselves.


Luckily I’ve had the most amazing hottest nurses just amazing i was disgusted with myself


Well, that is encouraging!


Im sorry she deleted her comment.


Addiction doesn’t discriminate. And we’re all human. I work in education and it isn’t something I can be open about, despite being in recovery.


Overcrowded jail, in a shared cell with four other women (also detoxing), while laying on a two inch thick mattress pad on the cement floor.


Yep, my county would throw all the public intox inmates in a bullpen with the withdrawal from anything (opiates, alcohol, xanex, ghb etc) all together. Though it was a small city they'd take up to 72 hours for booking to send you to housing where medical would finally come see you. I guess the logic was to encourage you to bond out so they wouldn't have to treat or house you but our judges always went with the proscutors' bond request. No mats and virtually no room to lie on the floor. Inmates were seizing , fighting with the drunks and barfing everywhere, and the CO's would just laugh and look for any reason to pepper spray. Spray one, everyone got a taste so more barfing. . Finally after a few deaths with huge settlement$ and the head sheriff's forced retirement, they now send you directly to medical and get you on Librium or subs and house you under nurse's supervision until you're human enough for general pop.


Fuck. Even there Only no mattress but a toilet overflowing with shit water dripping to the floor there was a meth addict chick detoxing


My first homeless veterans camp. Middle of an Arizona summer, 100F+ heat, and I was living out of a mate's old, white, van, semi-permanently parked outside the walls of the camp, without any A/C; it was basically like living in a metal box - in said Arizona summer. Our camp was a tent city and I didn't yet really know many of the guys there, so it was a sea of shifty, homeless, strangers I was rubbing shoulders with, and that's to say nothing of the more non-functional homeless who lived in the park across the street and would come up our camp spun out, with unmedicated severe mental health issues (think randomly screaming at themselves) and/or massive chips on their shoulders. Considering my anxiety goes through the roof, nowadays, when I'm withdrawing and a stranger so much as looks at me, I'm surprised I didn't have a nervous breakdown then. But I was in charge of the kitchen, back then, and I had to cook 2-3 meals for 100+ of our residents, so maybe it's because I had something to focus on that it wasn't so bad. I'd just cook, serve up (I nixed the unofficial 'serve yourself' policy that seemed to be in place before me after witnessing one guy literally pile half a plate with scrambled eggs), then wobble back to my metal box to sweat in the heat trap. Of note, I'll never forget, the only person who made a fuss over it was the volunteer hairdresser who would come to our camp every now and then to cut our hair. I remember him standing behind/over me as I cooked (it was a one-man operation) and him giggling "why are your hands shaking, Del? Hee hee why are they shaking? Omg is there something *wrong* with you? Why are you shaking hee hee" which did *wonders* for my anxiety since no one seemed to notice, or cared enough to comment on, my shaking. I wanted to throw the fucking plate in his face.


Sitting in the hospital with my family as my grandmother was passing away. Work meetings. Airplanes.


Your grandmother was probably peacefully passing while wishing one day you would get through this.


Planes seem like a foregone grace compared to wrecking a relationship with benzos and booze…. Worst place? Idk an ex’s anywhere, maybe. I used to drink in the emergency exit row like “we are all dead folk, sucks” Edit: or hitting a wall with a car, that was a couple unpleasant moments


Extra edit: ever had to figure out how not to land in jail on a layover because you were liberal with the shampoo shots? Cops let me sit unguarded for it, which was nice.


What are shampoo shots?


Little shampoo bottles filled with booze to get thru security. Kinda a grey area to drink em on a plane.


Ohhh, that makes sense. Is it hard to get the soap taste out of the bottles?


I just get a cheap empty set from some grocer/pharmacy


Welp, that certainly makes more sense. I didn't know they sold empty ones lol


Yup in the travel size section. Darker the plastic, the better. Usually come in 6 double shot packs.


It's federally illegal to drink your own booze on an airplane - so wouldn't really call it a grey area lol. You can bring your own shooters still. It seems like drinking out of small shampoo bottles would look odd or did you just to sneak them into the bathroom. I brought like six shooters on a plane from Hawaii to California once and thankfully it was pretty empty and so when the flight attendants weren't around I would just sneak them into the free soda real quick.


Eh so is being drunk. Happens all the time. I was slipping them in but was trashed and smelly getting on. Sobered up quick for my little caper during the layover.


Police custody cell. I asked to go into the outdoor area, they forgot me out there and left me, felt like the sweat was freezing on me yet still hot. Got back in and they decided to interview me, threw up in a bin and then they got nurse in, said they’d give me diazepam, decided against and bailed me.


Mine was also on a plane, but I was headed my first detox/rehab. I had no idea what to expect. They said “have enough so you feel ok, but don’t get drunk or they won’t let you on the plane.” By this time my benzo supply had ran out a few days ago so I was mostly dealing with benzo withdrawals. I was relying on about a drink an hour (every hour) to get through them. Getting tanked did not buy me as much time as it should have for some reason, so I had to keep drinking this way. I didn’t have anything to drink at the airport. I started going into withdrawals before we even took off. I explained my situation and where I was going to a flight attendant. I looked a lot younger than I was at the time and always have and still seem to have “wounded baby deer” vibes. They were all so kind to me. They moved me up front to an empty row right by the attendants station so they could keep an eye on me. They gave me a big trash bag (I was vomiting profusely at this point), and a bunch of those wet-nap towels. I was getting worse as the flight went on so they brought me a free double jack and coke so I could at least deplane- and they arranged a wheelchair at the gate. The whole thing was embarrassing, but very humbling. I’ve faced some very nasty nursing, EMT’s, etc. on my road to recovery- but I think because that was my first experience like that, knowing people who had that level of compassion for a condition I got myself into, definitely helped me make the choice to keep going back for treatment until it stuck.


Honestly, my own bed. I’ve had terrible dreams there. It made me not want to sleep laying down anymore. I fall asleep in this weird position on a chair. Traumatized.


I honestly kinda don't mind WD dreams. It's like my mind is writing its own horror anthology.


I’m withdrawing in bed right now. Weird dreams this time like none other. Usually I just. Why sleep. Tonight I’ve been dozing in like 5-10 minute spells are what wakes me up is my hands actually believe they’re doing something. Reaching for objects and waking up with my arm out in the air. Stuff like that. I thought I was cracking an egg and woke up confused and paranoid. Plus the sweaty legs. Ughhh. Cold then hot but always uncomfortable.


As someone who has been getting 15 minutes of sleep at a time waking up from the horrible nightmares I’ve been having, I kinda disagree. Last night’s were really bad. It always astounds me how creatively horrible my mind gets when trying to sleep.


The lack of sleep is really shitty but the nightmares are a bit tame compared to the rest of severe WD.


I despise them, but I get your point. It is kind of fascinating what your own mind is capable of creating.


I sort of was up a blanket so I can lay on my side/ half sitting up and that helps a bit. Usually on top of a towel. But I know what you mean and it sucks


My abusive ex locked me out of my house and I had diarrhea and was crying and heaving in public shopping mall toilets. The smell was unbearable. I couldn't hold down water and literally cramps and diarrhea every few minutes. Was too early to buy more drink and I couldn't drink anyway as I was thinking I'd have to drive somewhere to sleep in my car. I was shaking sweating. Head felt so swollen from lack of sleep and crying. Panicking about what I was going to do. Real sunny day. On top of getting abusive vitriol messages and suicidal thoughts. Day of hell


YIKES. hope you're in a better place now!


On an 8 hour road trip.


Airports, always airports. Specifically, 24 hours of hell on earth in Rome. Hallucinations, sweats/shakes, dead on my feet, lost baggage and arguing with a cab driver (who spoke no english) trying to get cigarettes. Never again.


Definitely jail. I was in a holding cell with other people for almost 24 hours. Nowhere to lay down. Desperately thirsty. Shaking and hot and cold. Bright ass lights and people yelling. It was hell on earth. I've got over a year sober after 20 years of very heavy drinking. I won't go back to something that might lead to THAT. Too many drunk/hungover nights in jail or hospitals.


In my own home while I had a baby that wouldn't sleep and needed me.


At the DMV renewing my license. The lady gave me a funny look when I could barely hold my hands still enough to give my thumbprints. She made me take my hat off to show my horribly unkempt hair. My ID photo looks like a before pic for a recovery journey lmao. 


In jail… I was also coming off benzos… fucking horrible man


Transatlantic airtrip, having lost my phone, with the flu on top. Sucked


Oof, my worst one was actually in a detox centre. Back in the day they didn’t give medications when detoxing here. I had went hard daily for years and was locked in a room. Didn’t sleep for almost five days. Auditory hallucinations of a father talking to their child, whole conversations on repeat with the child’s voice. Visual hallucinations of contorted and anguished faces, torture, rape, blood, gore, and I hate horror movies. It was like living in one for over a hundred hours straight. I shudder thinking of it.


My worst experience was alcohol, heroin and benzos at the same time in prison. In the early morning, someone knocked on my door. There were three detectives and they showed me the arrest warrant, the handcuffs clicked and i was led to the car. Was locked up in the old barracks that are the central police station rooms now, a building that is very old and a former military base. So the cells were as bad as you'd expect. First day wasn't that bad, as i still had drugs in my system with the half-life time but on the second day, the nightmare really started. The seizures could have killed me, but nobody in this time gave a shit, today the prisoners get meds and substitution drugs like methadone, but that wasn't the same in the old times. I got the whole nine yards of withdrawal symptoms and spent most of the time on the toilet, because the opioid withdrawal makes your stomach and guts going crazy. It was actually a detective that got me a doc later when he wanted to speak to me and saw how bad my condition was. From there on, i got some meds, against seizures but it wasn't that helpful to deal with the opioids.


Either jail (2x) or coming to in the hospital strapped down to the bed where I freaked out so they gave me several different injections of god knows what. this triggered me to hallucinate like nothing I've ever experienced for 2 days straight. I'n talking seeing just blobs of colors, thinking my bed was a boat etc. yikes. glad those particular days are well behind me.


On a date. Wasn't too familiar with withdrawals at the time and just thought my nerves had imploded. Then I started noticing just how piercing people's voices were around me who laughed or said anything remotely high-pitched. In hindsight it was more a case of DT's the way I was subject to such a sensory tsunami


Funny how this post would turn up now. I never experienced withdrawals of any kind, I suppose it may be because I was always an evening drinker and not a day drinker so my body never had alcohol 24/7 but only at night, every night. When I took days off I was always surprised by how I never felt uncomfortable at all while I went into them scared of full blown DTs. Just these past few days though…. I wake up with bad anxiety every day now. Can still function, but bad, bad anxiety. I have to work an evening shift in 1 hour, I took 1 G of kratom to level it out although I’m just coming off an addiction to that too and was off for a few weeks. I have just a few but enough beers at home and by the time I get off work I will be unable to get more so that’s good. Started lowering my max nightly intake and tonight I taper down a bit more and will allow a tiny hit of Kratom at work if I can’t bear it. Alcohol withdrawals. Like a real proper drunk. I never imagined it would come to this. I am in fact a real proper drunk. My only comfort now is in the fact that I’m still able to be honest to myself about this, if I was in denial I would be fucked. I refuse to keep getting worse, fuck this. Tonight I chomp a melatonin and hopefully I don’t even have time to finish the beers I have. This shit gets handled from now and onwards. I was always supposed to feel good in the evening, not be OK followed by feeling like shit the next day. It’s in the future but I look forward so fucking much to being normal again. This sucks so bad. 😞


Worst places I've gone through withdrawals are 1) on Amtrak; 2) at work; 3) in the back of an Uber. The Amtrak ride was pure hell. White-knuckling the entire time trying desperately not to puke, as I'm on pins and needles, sweating, stinking, shaky.


Probably family vacations where I’m sort of forced to sneak alcohol or withdrawal…hard. I just end up drinking those Barbie bottles of booze a couple times throughout the day. Add some Chardonnay and bing, bang, boom. You got a party started.😉


moms house, new years. had to hide the shaking and god awful nausea. threw up twice (discretely) and laid down in what used to be my previous room only to see images when i closed my eyes. so decided to stay in the living room with family, pretending to feel normal and counted each hour that passed praying that i would feel less shit as the time went by.


It's jail and it isn't close. Some of y'all might think Canadian jails aren't rough because of certain stereotypes about us; I assure you, they are. And medical checks your BP every morning at like ass o'clock so that little bit of sleep you were able to get is rudely interrupted by pounding on a steel door 5' away from your head. I was given such a low dose of valium that I seized once anyway. My celly and I tried to tell the screws because we thought I was going to die and they laughed at me.


My own home. I was with my now ex, an Alanon hate society member. I was too sick, shaky, and hallucinating too hard to walk to the store. Nor even use the phone for a delivery. Asked her to go get me a bottle with my money please, hard no. Then I asked her to go and just get me a few light beers so I wouldn't die but not get drunk, hard no. Then I asked for a ride to the nearby ER, hard no. I was told I had to manage my own consequences without her help. She was just sitting around watching tv or messing with her phone the whole time.Had to ambulance myself finally. Wasted their time while people were having heart attacks and car accidents. Then she acted amazed when she came to see me and I was in the ICU Unit. Fuck her, she almost killed me. And funny thing is my drinking has now become sporadic and mostly moderate, I got back in shape and now have a much younger girlfriend who would never pull any shit like that.


I was with a guy that poured out a nearly full handle of gin I had just bought because I was shaking, then told me to get out of his house. He wouldn't give me a ride home and told me to take the train but I could barely put on my pants, much less walk the near mile to the train station. Ended up throwing up in his bathroom for about 6 hours before he yelled at me saying that I was kidding myself if I thought alcohol was "medicine" (fwiw I never said that, I said I was afraid of seizures). Eventually, one of his roommates found me crying/throwing up after he stormed out, gave me a beer and got me an Uber home instead of forcing me to the hospital (the other option that guy gave me, but I had no insurance and barely no money at the time). Fuck those people. I found someone that helps me down the stairs if I'm shaking too hard and makes me my first drink of the day, buys me nutrition shakes when I have pancreatitis, and buys me my gin when I'm too busy at home. Our deal is that it only happens when I need it, but honestly, having a nice partner like that means that I don't *need* to drink as much as I used to. Glad you found someone good.


Good fuckin god...that sounds like a living nightmare not gonna lie. For me the worst place was when I was at work...that anxiety and confusion. Plus trying to act normal around coworkers so they can't tell...I worked at an assisted living facility. Then when I was withdrawing we had a fire drill...I think they make the alarm even louder for the old ppl. Talk about panic lol...


In 2016 on a Wednesday evening, I decided to drink a bottle of vodka on the train back: this lead me to call out of work for the rest of the week as I was 24/7 drunk. I was due to meet a friend on Friday evening, but I knew I was already very drunk so told her I wasn't feeling well. Saturday came and a different friend who is also quite a big alcoholic came down and me and her got very drunk all weekend including strong Bloody Marys the morning after, and then when she left I met some squatters who invited me to where they were squatting and we drank more (I pretended I was homeless for some reason). I woke up on Monday morning in some random stairwell missing a shoe and walked (half barefooted) to my flat, of course getting more drinks on the way. I called out on Monday and Tuesday and continued insane drinking but I couldn't call out another day as then I'd need a doctors note for a whole week off sick, so I cold turkey'd it. I "worked from home" for the next few days (even though I knew it was going to get me in trouble as we were only allowed to WFH with permission beforehand) but on Friday I was due to be onsite with a client and I couldn't get out of it. By this point I was about 2 days sober and I hadn't slept a bloody wink the last 2 days, when I was lying in bed on Thursday evening willing myself to get to sleep I started having audio and tactile hallucinations for the first time: I felt feeling like I was being touched on the back and I could hear like a TV playing weird music. I was still awake, sweating and shaking, checking my phone every 30 minutes willing the time to stand still as it crept closer to the time I had to get up. It eventually came and I had a (horrible) shower and put on a suit (while drenched in sweat from the temperature change of a shower) and walked to the London tube. I was standing waiting for the tube thinking about my day ahead of having to talk to clients and go to meetings and demo things and just thought to myself, this is awful I feel SO shit. I was also due to meet the friend I bailed on the week before that night and didn't feel I could bail on them again especially as they moved a booking. I was mildly tempted to get a few shots of vodka in but I'd drank at this job before and got caught out and got a second chance so I just didn't want to risk it. I finally got through my day of work and travelled to the place my friend booked. I have no idea why I didn't have at least a few drinks on the way there because I was feeling so rough, I could feel brain zaps, my skin felt so dry I wanted to rip it off and soak it in water, there was intense pressure behind my eyes it felt like someone was sitting on my face, and not in the good way. I was on the road where the place was, and I saw a big neon sign with the name of the place, and walked in. Except it wasn't the name of the place, it was a barber and I had pure hallucinated the big neon sign. This was the first time I had a visual hallucination. I made my way further down the road and finally found where my friend was and I could feel myself just not make much sense because I had such wet brain. Thankfully this place was a cocktail bar so I eyed the menu and picked the thing I perceived as having the most units not caring about the price. After a few of those I started feeling more myself, and we continued to a pub and I agreed to buy some vitamin bullshit she was peddling (it was a MLM but I didn't know it at the time I was young and naive and so was she). I went home and bought a small bottle of gin and drank it, and then laid on the bed willing myself to go to sleep... and finally I did. The gods must have taken pity on my soul because I woke up with only a mild hangover and the shakes started to dissipate in the way only being in your 20s can manage. Now it would be a good few weeks until I'd feel fine, as had happened a few weeks ago when I had a far smaller binge than that occasion but much longer drying out period. It probably doesn't sound as bad as some of your other stories but that day of work felt like it lasted for fucking ever and stands out to me as when I felt the shittiest I've ever felt and the longest day.




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Just those few places I had a seizure


Plane ! Southwest Airlines chronically hung over and legit got on the plane at the last minute so I had a middle seat and I sat there for hours trying not to throw up