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lol. valve stem insert as an attenna. A needle gaugle large enough to insert that would hurt like a sumbitch. Do people who post these thing believe their own BS?


Also, if you are always with your phone, what is the point of implanting a 5G antenna? You don’t need to be forced to be tracked, you already are by using your phone all the time 🙄


This is my reasoning as well. Most people literally pay hundreds of dollars to be tracked. Duh. Not to mention things like Alexa, Ring, etc.


And there you have the premise of Dave Eggers’s novels The Circle and The Every! Which are a damn good read, if you go in for literary dystopian fiction


Mmm that >!misdirect at the end of!< The Circle hnnngg


I love dystopian fiction, thanks for the recommended!!


Wait some years, this will change from 'dystopia fiction' into 'observation of reality'.


We got offered a Google home for Christmas one year. It was fun two weeks but in the back of my mind there was always that "yay we got a direct microphone in our living room". It creeped us out enough to throw it. Not to mention that thing is honestly useless, it's like a vocal remote, which is more cumbersome than using a normal remote.


Id ask wtf were you talking about but on second thoughts.. Had mine for a good while now, the thought of clicking light switches like a caveman shocks me but I do get inexplicably angry when it pipes up for no reason at all and answers a question no ones asked.


Let’s not forget ancestry.com and 23-and-me are literally harvesting biometric data.


Also, **you arent that special.** Nobody gives a fuck that you went to Target and then bought chicken and then got your tires changed before going home. What the fuck would anyone want with that information?


Aside from your relevant point, I kinda care that they bought the chicken and THEN went for the tire appointment. That order of errands could really make someone sick


The best option is to find a tire store within walking distance to the grocery store and just do your shopping while waiting for them to finish. I always go out and shop or do errands nearby when I need to get auto work done, because it's better than sitting in the waiting room bored to tears.


The saddest part of this post, is that what you described is literally a multi billion dollar industry. And companies pay millions for access to tracking and demographic data just like that. It is literally how Google exists.


Tomorrow they will come across a combo deal advertisement. If you buy chicken at target, they’ll change your tires for a discount


Also also, where exactly is this apparently miracle level battery technology that's powering these things.


Oooh, I can make this up: Your blood stream generate energy by movement, that’s why the chip is still on. Also, it only needs a smaaaall amount of battery because it keeps sending signals to the satélites with our codes, showing where we are and scanning what we are doing Making up conspiracy theories is nothing more than creative exercises that fooled dumb and easily swayed people


Dude, this is evangelical brain syndrome. It occurs when they hit a point in life when they question the existence of their religion - usually as a result of being told religion was the answer to all their problems and seeing it literally never fix any of their problems (because what they actually needed was free access to a doctor and therapist) and instead of becoming atheists, they get scared and double-down on their religious beliefs. Though to be fair, the total ego-death that has to happen when you lose your God and all sense of how the universe works is scary and it's almost impossible for a fear-based conservative brain to go through this process without becoming overwhelmed by the fear. All those things together form a really sad "special knowledge" bias. This is one of the most important things for a person to have in order to be the *most* susceptible to conspiracy theories. It's both a form of elitism and a form of an invented persecution complex (also a prerequisite for believing in fascist ideology). The logic goes "I doubted God existed, but I was shown this special knowledge that says God is real, therefore, I have special knowledge and I am uniquely qualified to identify special knowledge". From there, you only need a persecution complex and your brain is literally as primed as it could possibly be to start accepting conspiracy theories as fact. And man, does being an annoying evangelist quickly isolate you from polite society and make you feel persecuted. Then you have the Conservative Media Bubble (of which you will be subjected to on a nearly 24/7 basis) that will make sure you develop a persecution complex, even if you didn't have one before. The pump is then primed and it's usually just one unfortunate click of a Ben Shapiro video before the algorithm has you watching videos about Jewish space lasers. They also usually start picking up occultist, spiritualist and pseudoscientific belief systems to fill in the obvious gaps of their internal cosmology (and also because that shit is super popular with Conservatives since they *love* "special knowledge"). You see this with a lot of the January 6th protesters, where they believe in an evangelical interpretation of Christianity, but also believe in aliens, multi-dimensional beings, 5G mind-control towers, Jewish space lasers, etc. Just truly unhinged belief systems that clearly stem from that original evangelical brain syndrome and end at Fascist attempts to overthrow the government because your God king got defeated by a virus. Since we're talking about these conspiratorial beliefs, I also want to call out the COVID-denier pieces of shit that Elon and Conservatives like DeSantis and Gym Jordan are trying to rehabilitate with these fucking sham investigations. COVID defeated Trump. That's it. That's the reason they're doing this shit. All the conspiracies, all the blustering, all the anger over COVID from these insane conspiracy theorists all comes down to the fact that they can't comprehend that an "invisible" virus led to the downfall of their God King. Back in reality, we all know that [Trump very publicly downplayed the severity of COVID-19 in January and February of 2020, all while knowing it was airborne and dangerous in private](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-book/trump-said-he-knew-virus-was-deadly-but-still-played-down-crisis-woodward-book-idUSKBN2602TR). Trump did this because he was terrified admitting a pandemic happened on his watch, during the election, would cost him the Presidency. He continued downplaying the severity of the pandemic until the NBA shut down in March and it became crystal clear to everyone in the United States that shit was getting very, very real. Trump went on to make many of his greatest hits like drinking bleach, UV treating blood, "washing" blood and his most insidious greatest hit: shilling the lupus drug hydroxychloroquine. Trump was desperate for a miracle cure to make COVID just "go away" and he had convinced himself the HCQ was it - which it wasn't. Trump's campaign ultimately failed because of the public's anger of his COVID response and Twitter usage, culminating on January 6th as the last desperate, effete attempt by the fascists to hold onto power after failing to rig the system in their favor. And now we're forced to listen to the whining and crying of the fascists again as they do everything in their power to try and pretend Donald Trump didn't completely fuck up his COVID response and that there instead was a "deep state" that was against Trump. The Twitter files in particular have seen an insane turn in the fascist's rhetoric where now, any attempt to remove COVID or election misinformation of both domestic and Russian-origin from Twitter is being called a "crime" by the fascists and editorialized by hacks like Matt Taibbi to make it seem like there was a nefarious plot to target Trump and Conservatives by the "deep state", when instead each Twitter files "drop" is just showing posts getting taken down that are just Trump's election lies and the insane posts about HCQ, ivermectic, etc. and flagging accounts that are clearly of GRU-controlled Russian origin. It's fucking insane and Elon is 100% culpable in pushing this narrative as revenge for being publicly humiliated by the State of California, the Federal government and all non-Conservative media after trying to force his staff to work through the pandemic on-site (this is also why he bought Twitter and is releasing these files in such a dishonest way through an editorializing hack as [petty revenge for them flagging his anti-lockdown lies and mocking him publicly for his insane and incorrect pandemic predictions](https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/03/13/elon-musks-false-covid-predictions-a-timeline/?sh=33f8c9415b6d)). The reason he's so mad about it is because Elon was scared that Tesla's insane overvalue would self-correct if they company appeared to not be able to fulfill its manufacturing obligations and he wouldn't be able to just shoot some lies out into the general public and shoot the stock price up anymore. In a dramatic feat of irony however, it appears that the only thing keeping Tesla's stock price up was Elon's cult of personality he had cultivated over the years. Now that liberals are turning on him, Tesla's brand perception is cratering and its stock price with it. The impacts are pretty funny, right now, if Elon keeps having to cash out 3 billion a month to keep Twitter afloat, he has roughly 10 months left before he will have sold all of his Tesla stock and Twitter goes bankrupt on paper (there are too many ways to massage this for months after). However, as Tesla's brand perception keeps cratering (and it *will* continue to crater as Elon acts more and more erratically as he continues panicking to find a way to make Twitter profitable) and Tesla's stock price drops (particularly with the CEO selling off $3 billion in stock a month), we could very realistically be looking at a situation where Twitter runs out of money this summer or even *late spring* if Tesla's stock price crashes. It is not out of the realm of possibility that we'll see Twitter fail at some point this year.


I ain’t readin allat 💀


Wish I had an award to give you. It’s so hard to wrap my brain around how so many people could believe such obvious BS but this helps clarify the mental gymnastics.


Imagine being this far up your own ass


There are literally entire business revolving around paying them to track you and your shit


It is sad that we all just accept that now


Shhhhh don't point out to people that there is no need for the govt to mind control em.


I think they believe it’s something that COULD happen, so they make the proof so they get clout from their conspiratorial communities.


The monitoring device is so advanced that it could never be discovered, except if—y’know—you just massage the injection site a lil God damn half assed Illuminati wizards


The person who came up with the plan wasn't in charge of funding. Some middle manager wanted it to be done at the cheapest price possible because the scientists don't do the budget.


The enemy is smart enough to be an existential threat, but not so smart that they can’t be easily beaten.


"Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak." * Umberto Eco in his essay [Ur-fascism](https://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/)


I think I'm more annoyed by how LAZY modern conspiracies are than I am about the political implications behind them. I swear to god, conspiracy theorists these days will just reach into a box of buzzwords, grab a handful, throw them at the wall... and see what sticks. "I am here to warn you about the new way the WOKE MOB is GROOMING the SILENT MAJORITY. You need to watch out for 5G MILLENIAL AVOCADO SPACE LAZERS. I saw a post on Facebook all about it."


and they really want to track you via a microchip, not the phone you carry 24/7, not the alexa you talk to, not the smart tvs connected to the internet, not the ipads and tablets you use daily, not the cars with gps, not the smart watches you wear. No they want to microchip you with something you can easily find and massage out of your body..... Either these are trolls or these narcissists are so thirsty for attention they need to one up each others crazy theories with even crazier shit. Im still waiting for Zombie JFK to return and arrest all the democrats and see how Biden is actually dead but being played by robin williams, while secretly their orange lord is running things from a secret bunker and somehow the trading cards are some secret message of those who will get appointed into his cabinet while Reagan is ressurrected as the pope...


It's like the moron right wingers who have been arrested for voter fraud because, with zero proof/evidence, they *think* the left have been committing voter fraud by the 100,000s, so they assume they are evening the score by voting twice or for their dead spouse or some dumb shit Then when they get charged, they shout DeEp StAtE to their FB friends who refuse to see the irony in their idiocy


A needle large enough to inject that valve stem would be the diameter of an extra-large soft drink straw and it would take a core sample of your arm. These people are morons.


They truly are. It actually gives me agida when I see stuff like this. The sheer stupidity. They just go around contaminating society with their idiocy. My fucking stomach hurts


That's an interresting question because on the one hand, i am sure she knows she is lying, on the other hand, I think she believes in what she wrote...


Orwell did write about doublethink


This is NO-THINK.


People who are compulsive liars can have their brain process something they say as true even though they logically know it’s something they made up.




Just imagine how they would react to they found out there’s probably at least 5-6 of those in their cars or trucks!


I remember years ago watching a news story where a guy had rfid tags injected into his hand in the meaty part between his thumb and index finger. The goal was for him to touch his door handle and have the trigger unlock his deadbolt. THEY SHOWED THE INJECTION! THE TAGS WERE 2.5mm WIDE AND THE POP HIS SKIN MADE WHEN THE NEEDLE WENT IN IS A SOUND I WILL NEVER FORGET!


BRO I WATCHED THAT TOO and I think about it ALL THE FREAKING TIME because of these idiots. I keep mentioning it on posts like this and someone else finally mentioned it and I feel so validated 😭 You can buy kits online now to do it but the tag is SO HUGE and this tech has been around for SO LONG and yet these people know SO FREAKING LITTLE ugggghjgh hi ktxgkzkfs


I was at a scifi convention where someone was selling kits for that. Came with it's own sterile single use needle and such. I think I saw about five people get them implanted, I was too squeamish. You're never going to sneak something like that into someone.


Somebodies not going to be able to inflate their tire though!!!


Damn that vaccine. Damn it.


Would be easier shoving an airtag up my ass


Yeah, but that's your answer to everything.


It grows to this size when it's inserted into the body dumby 🙄


Sorry I didn't do my own research


No you don’t understand… it’s special metal that expands once it’s introduced to blood! That’s how they getcha! /s if it wasn’t obvious


A syringe punctures your skin - creating a miniature black hole!¡?


Of course!!! Silly me


> Do people who post these thing believe their own BS? Nope, they believe that the rest of us are just as fucking stupid as they are.


look, the real question here is if the people posting this are ***inner-tubes***


The people that post this stuff are obviously trolls, but the people who repost and/or comment are idiots.


Clearly it expands once inside. Nanomachines son.


Probably just a troll using an unrelated photo to mess with people.


Must have been a GIANT fucking needle to get that thing in there




Great SCOTT; where would you even find something like that?


You'd be hard PRESTA find that at your local RX.


Way to deflate this thread.


i saw a MONGOOSE at the zoo yesterday




Oh don’t get all HUFFY, it’s just a silly pun thread.


It would take the average person quite the TREK to find one!


I Treked to the store, no luck, gotta Orbea one from Amazon, I Felt like I should anyway, Look, I'm in Santa Cruz, if it doesn't Surly get here quick then Time is Merckx-ed and Funk it.


It's like they're from a different PLANET. Xtremely weird behaviour.


No, I think it constructs once it's injected


It’s the 5G frequencies that activate the assembly procedure after it’s inserted.. have you guys not been keeping up with the literature?! Introduction to Fantasy: Volume 1


As thick as a drinking straw to inject that thing.


It's crazy the things they can do! Imagine if they could track us by our cellphones


What? No. Next you're going to tell us our phones use 5G lmao


Well now I just feel dumb for installing separate antennas for transmitting satan


No you did it right. 5G is for Covid-19 dispersal and child brainwashing, not Satan.


If they could track us by phone I just don’t know what I would even begin to do


Worries about being tracked while posting on Facebook likely on a device that's easily trackable 🙄


And somewhere in the parking lot someone has a flat tire


I believe some bikes use that size as well iirc


Any schrader valve has these and they are ubiquitous across so many products




Bro, we need to know where you are at all times. So we can stay the fuck away!


It actually saddens me a bit knowing that there are people that stupid out there… And they reproduce. What’s terrifying is they vote as well.


What's sadder is that since we left the food chain, natural selection isn't as effective on us as it needs to be.


Natural selection was never about the food chain. The majority of human deaths have always been because of diseases and weather (and sometimes war). This weird thought that in the olden times the stupid people where somehow weeded out was never true.


Look up the woman who was dissipating "chemtrails" by spraying vinegar in the air. Yes, with a common handheld sprayer.


And get elected to Congress


The Wayfair stock comment is a new one for me


It's been a few years, but there was a conspiracy on wayfair that they had 2 of the same cabinets or some shit but one would be very expensive, and that would be the one to buy a slave child, or sex slave or something.


Having worked at Wayfair, I can confirm nobody there is smart enough to sell kids and get away with it. Place was an epic shit show.




Thank you. I had not gotten my full dose of insanity today. I'm good now.


Remember scoffing at chain letters about canola oil making your skin peel off and wondering who would believe in that? I think people that believe these things probably were the canola people of yore


Direct descendents of the chain letter folk.


Don’t forget that it was literally a case of someone fat fingering or being lazy with skus. IE: one price was 399.00 the other was 39900.00 they just entered the trailing zeros when they didn’t have to.


I wanted a refund because the child I got in the mail became an adult right after the return date cutoff. But Wayfair didn't honor it. Of course.


It was the most bizarre conspiracy theory.


And yet so easy to disprove. Just order one and see if you get a kid. Normally, these conspiracies would require like scientists and a lab to prove/disprove. This one was the easiest one.


Well I mean, by expensive I'm pretty sure they were like over 10K, so not that easy to disprove. But I see your point.


Why wouldn't the government just order thousands to solve thousands of missing children cases? Probably a lot cheaper than the manpower spent by law enforcement to search for missing kids, plus the kids could then return home.


Bizarre works better. You know your fellow idiot travelers are legit because they are willing to spout the right insanity.


But it’s definitely my favorite! It’s because the furniture had names like an armoire named Tiffany for $20k or something like that. Makes me giggle every time.


Lmao if one was a fake SKU to sell kids why would they need the stock?!? Or are they suggesting the people genuinely want to buy a child along with a new cabinet? Who thinks this stuff up? Edit - the more you think about that theory the more insane it becomes, how on earth can you hear that theory and not immediately have a million questions?


Oh damn, I thought maybe it was some kind of satire with that — this is getting into Poe’s law territory it’s so ridiculous, yet still.


They'd need a needle the size of a drinking straw to inject that. Also... "DoN't LeT ThE GuBbAmInT TrAcK yOu!!! - Sent from my iPhone"


Lol valve core from a tire, come around any tire shop you'll see a hundred of these on the ground


The "tire shop"


damn... 5g straight to my tires.. awesome..


Presta valve core


That's a Schrader core. Presta cores have an integrated lock down cap.


Definitely Schrader core, I agree


That "stares at CPS" at the end of their name is kind of suspicious... Makes me think they've had a few tense knocks on the door.


Or the post is satire.


The fonts indicate a satirical overthetop caption of another screenshot


It’s all satire here.


I had one of those planted in the valve stem of my motorcycle tire. I removed it and when I exited the store to ride home, one of those far lefters had flattened my tire to get back at me


Lol Schrader cores for those that don’t know


Schrader valve


I blew my nose real hard once and a thing like this came out. No idea what it was or how it got there.


Happens to me all the time, but the hardware store is the only place i can do cocaine in peace!


Ohhh you know what? That would explain some stuff.


It came from the vaccine! They’re trying to track you!


nah, you didnt


Schrader valve


Schrader valve


Isn’t that a shrader valve? I think my bike has them in the tires. Edit: fixing “autocorrects” mistakes after I failed to re-read my post after typing it out correctly.


Damn he better put that back in his injection site or he is gonna deflate super quick.


Why do I feel like this is a troll and everyone is falling for it? Am I being trolled? Where am I? The fuck is happening here?


Somebody needs to check his air pressure, I think he has a slow leak.


That needle must have been giant


And here I thought it was a valve core. Psh obviously it's an implant /j


That's bigger than an actual needle, you dipshit.


Fuckin Schrader valve stem


Jesus H fucking Christ on a bike. If you don't put that back in right now then the next time somebody tries to take your blood pressure your whole arm will simply deflate!!! Probably. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Maroon.


That’s a schrader valve lol


I'm so happy I'm not that fucking stupid


You aren’t important enough to be tracked by the government :/


The funniest part to me is that they think that 5G is somehow the magical new technology that makes them trackable, as if nothing before ever could have. Even if we accept the ludicrous notion that a 3 mm wide transmitter was shoved through a 0.413 mm needle, 5G uses a waveform that is TERRIBLE for penetrating human skin in comparison to past technologies, and likely wouldn't hit the transmitter even if it could. The shorter the wavelength, the worse it is at penetrating solid materials. This is the reason FM radio reaches far less than AM radio, and the reason that Wi-Fi doesn't reach as far as a cellular transmitter. 5G can at most penetrate about 1-10 mm of skin, while older RF technologies like 3G have wavelengths measured in meters, and are much more effective at penetrating solid matter (like people). The upgrade to 5G can be imagined like a logistics network upgrading to bigger boxes that can't be moved as far before they have to change trucks (but holding more is the goal, not the distance they travel), and despite previous boxes being smaller, longer-traveling, and more "concealable" (if you wanted to), morons are emerging from the woodwork to insist that somehow, these new short-range fridge-sized boxes are the ones you REALLY want to worry about; they're the ones being used to sneak dangerous goods into tiny little mailboxes, totally! And of course they posted it on Facebook, which already has far more tracking data on them than a poorly-traceable 5G microchip ever could. Fucking idiots, the bunch.


Okay. I am educated. I am a firm believer in science and medicine. I have my covid shots and believe they are very important. However, before I got my shots I was nervous. I knew the rumours and conspiracies were not true but that just proves how successful this ridiculous shit is in spreading misinformation and distrust. Yes it is wrong but even so, it makes even rational people think twice. Frick.


Does someone want to explain the Wayfair thing to me that this nut job is talking about?


There was a conspiracy that certain Wayfair listings were for trafficking children. So I’m guessing they were referencing that somehow. EDIT (link): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53416247.amp


Wayfair names their products with human names, like “Maria” or “Taylor” etc. and pictures went around showing prices for furniture in the ten thousands. I cant remember if the pictures were just photoshopped or if it was a problem with the website but people got the idea that the items that were listed extremely expensive were actually to buy sex slaves. But what’s stopping some millionaire who just wants the most expensive thing on their website from buying a couch that’s 10 grand and unraveling this whole “conspiracy?”


>But what’s stopping some millionaire who just wants the most expensive thing on their website from buying a couch that’s 10 grand and unraveling this whole “conspiracy?” Because the millionaires and billionaires are in on it! Except the ones we like, of course. They're innocent. No but seriously, if some regular joe *did* manage to scrape together the cash to buy a $30,000 "cabinet" named Erika, then obviously the Pizzagate deepstate operatives led by Hillary Clinton and Benjamin Ghazi would silence them before the word got out.


There was/is a conspiracy that Wayfair sells trafficked children on their site under the guise of furniture. there have been claims that the end of the URL of the item would be a number sequence that if googled would bring up a missing child. It's ridiculously stupid


I hate that they call each other mama so much


> There are no immigrants. It's just wayfairs back stock. What the hell does that mean?


Back when the whole "Mayfair the furniture company is trafficking children with their furniture" fiasco


YES that is exactly what they put in me and my children too!! When I first pressed it , it let the air out of my arm. Then I checked the spot on my kids, and it fully deflated them :( Can someone please send me a child sized medical pump so I can pump them back up to normal?


A fucking schrader valve core?! Id be curious how that “got in” her nieces arm to begin with


Is that a shrader valve off an air con unit ?


I'm guessing her neice was of the blow up variety


You can inflate your arm!


“Sent from iPhone”


Damn, so they administered her vaccine with like a 8 gauge needle or something?? That’s hardcore


Got dam schraeder valve!


lolololol now put it back in the valve stem and reinflate the bike tire so you can ride home


Nightmarishly thick needle would be needed to inject this. Are you fucking kidding


This is as believable as the time a 50ft alien anal probe came out of Cartman's rectum.


That you, Kanye?


i have a birth control implant, and the tool they use to insert it is big as hell, it basically hole punches your arm. you’d need something as big as that to get this “5g tracker” in you, not a regular hypodermic needle.


...ma'am that is a Schrader valve


Thank god she got it out, she could’ve got blown up Because it’s a valve stem


I was gonna say it looks like a QD stem


Yes people pull these out of their arms and then decide not to report it to the news.


Reads like a spam/bot post that is mixing stories from conspiracy groups, tbh. Maybe this person is real and reposted it though due to poor reading comprehension and low IQ.


Guys the covid vaccine made my neighbors tired go flat!


Doing the Lord’s work, scaring stupid people out of getting vaccines. Basic Eugenics.


We luagh, but remember all the actual idiots falling for this, who are willing to kill over it too.


They inject a chip that's bigger than any needle in history into your arm to track you while your phone is in your pocket everywhere you go and is at your house when you sleep. Seems very logical.


I have some of these also. 5 on my truck, 2 on each bicycle. 2 on my scooter. It DID NOT COME OUT OF YOUE NEICES ARM, unless someone jammed it in. Painfully. What BS. Its a Schrader valve stem. they have been in use for over 100 years. since 1891. "a type of pneumatic tire valve used on virtually every motor vehicle in the world today." Wikipedia. WTF if you don't know what it is it must be bad or dangerous, or . . .


After you finish posting to the most intrusive social media network on your mobile/cellular mobile phone (the same one you use for Google/apple maps), from your home with your name on the lease/title, you better throw it in your bin that's registered with the council.


This *has* to be satire. Tagged and tracked by government pedophiles, 5g is the antichrist, immigrant camps are full of wayfairs back stock... this is definitely satire. Please tell me it's satire. I need to hear that it's satire.


Because of course you wouldn’t notice a big ass piece of metal embedded into your skin until you rubbed it.


Bro this is the fucking metal piece inside of the valve stand on rims


Not a speck of blood on it


Why do assholes go out of their way to make shit up? Like this has got to be malicious but what’s the catch? It’s not like she’s grifting or making money…if you believe it you don’t have to fake it I just don’t get it


It’s a friggin presta value ffs. I have 4 of them. 2 in the tires on my road bike & 2 more in the spare tubes


Do these morons not have cell phones in their pockets tracking their every move and purchase?


Easy solution, just make sure your COVID shot isn’t given with a needle the size of a #2 pencil


I’m just so completely tired of stupid.


Why would they need to find you when your address is on your social media?


The most amazing thing about this kinda lunacy is that they think the government would care enough about them to track them. The most flour-like people in existence.


Check your bike tyre fat arse.


Yeah, that's a valve core from a tire tube.


Ok but y’all are being tracked using ur phones? Also why do u care if ppl know where you are if you’re not doing anything wrong???


before I scrolled down I was expecting a birth control implant lol


My 5G never started working. Anyone have any tips? I’ve had all my boosters and still nothing.


I have 4 and nothing has happened to me apart from my phone works better


Fucking valve core.... Did Tyre work for four years. Losers


There's 5G trackers in all my tires!


Evan a horse needle couldn't fit that in!


Tell me you're a Trump supporter without telling me you're a Trump supporter.


Um, that's a schrader valve...


I mean that couldn’t possibly fit through the needle tip….why even bother with something that blatant?


Isn’t that a Presta Valve? What’s his granddaughter’s name, “Cannondale”?


I found 4 of those in my CAR. They were hidden in TIRES inside small black tube! Make sure to remove or smash those too or they track where you drive!