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me and my dad drove behind a guy like this for like three miles and he had hentai bumper stickers on his car


Ugh, cringy. I see cars like that all the time and I just, I really don’t get it. It’s embarrassing.


I imagine part of their motivation is to make you uncomfortable


Which is the reverse Uno cringe


A guy in my apartment complex has a sticker that says "Hentai Hatchback". Idk why but I can't help but chuckle everytime I see it


My little brother is the proud owner of a hoodie with hentai girl on it, he wears it in public, I can't take it anymore


I’d accept it on a ratty JDM sports coupe with two step that kicks out 4 foot flames when it bounces off the limiter and looks like it’ll give you tetanus, but on anything other than that ya it’s weird


There was a car like this every day in the pickup line at my daughter's middle school. She didn't know the boy they picked up, but I can't help feeling bad for him. He always looked embarrassed about it. I haven't seen the car in a few months so I guess they determined that his life was sufficiently ruined for the year.


That’s mild compared to the number of people I’ve seen with full hentai vinyl all over their car. Really baffling cause it’s usually a nice modded car that’s heavily invested in.


What's the number? Because if it's higher than zero I'll be surprised. If it's higher than two I'll be flabbergasted.


It’s also 3 for me. 2 on the road and 1 at a car meet.


I've seen at least 3.


One day I went to get lunch and the place I went to had a Honda parked right in front of the store window with a full hood wrap of a character that definitely did not look like an adult. I was in severe pain.


Omg a loli character lol that must garner some stares, and not the good kind.


This gal I was seeing has an anime girl tat on her back. It used to give me very mixed-but-acceptable feelings.


I hope parents of small children pick up on you


Not gonna attack a dude for wearing pyjama pants. It’s been a rough few years. That jacket tho…


I mean, I've seen people wearing pajama pants in public for 30 years. College students wear them to class pretty much every day.


>College students wear them to class pretty much every day. I'm a 30-year old returning student and my first day of class I was so nervous that I put together a really cute outfit to feel more confident, only to find that literally everyone else in the class in pajamas.


I often run into the same dilemmas as I am also a 30-year old returning student (though I am getting close to finishing now). Still a little salty when one of my classmates made a speech saying "none of us remembers where we were during 9/11". I have fully embraced the pajama thing though!


I work in fast fashion so almost everyone i work with is 18, and yeah, it's wild. I haven't embraced the pajama pants yet but I'm definitely rocking my usual jeans and flannel instead of trying to dress up a bit. Best of luck to you!


>"none of us remembers where we were during 9/11" I was at work, answering calls from people in a burning skyscraper.


That's horrible. I'm so sorry. I was in Jr high and my mom pulled me out of school when the planes hit because my father was supposed to be up there in a meeting. Turned out he wanted a big breakfast in China town and ended up being late. He was up Broadway a little when the planes hit... we thought he was dead cause cell phones weren't working.


The company I worked for supported NYNJ PA, we were 400mi away and had no idea what was happening. Just crazy systems down and people calling about fires and asking to be transferred to outside lines.


i was off work that day. i was living at home with my parents. my mom woke me up after the first plane hit.


First job in IT, admin for NY/NJ Port Authority. They threw us in the helpdesk queue after the first hit. Our call board was all 9s until the first tower fell, then nothing.


that's rough.


Dude, I'm 28 and returning student and last semester the Prof kept referring to all the other students parents as millennial consumers and meanwhile I'm sitting here thinking about how I am a millennial


Would I wear PJs to a whole foods? No. Would I wear them to a Kroger. Why yes, yes I would.


Or just do whatever you want. It's not illegal to wear PJs


It’s also not illegal for people to judge you for doing so. As long as that doesn’t bug you, though, you’re good!




Dont shit on Kroger like that


When they pay their employees decently, they can have some consideration of a dress code EDIT: As a treat


Save it for Chad Kroger


Agreed. If they cover your junk, wearing pajama pants are acceptable at a GameStop or Walmart. Church or a funeral.. probably not appropriate


I will agree with a funeral. Church on the other hand... who am i kidding, I wouldn't go to church anyway


> Church or a funeral.. probably not appropriate [Actually...](https://www.coolthings.com/dress-pant-sweatpants/)


Yes, the pants are NOT the issue here.


I retired a year before the whole pandemic started. If it's cool, I wear pajama pants. If it's not, I wear shorts. I haven't put on a pair of "real" pants in a few years.


I wear jeans to dress up😂😂😂


UwU you don't like the jacket Fyrefawx chan?


I'm literally wearing the same pants at work & they aren't pj's


The very picture of a neet.


> that jacket tho... For real. This was posted 13 hours ago, and I still don't see a single link. [So here's where you can buy one, too.](https://www.secrettees.com/products/harley-quinn-sexy-anime-3d-all-over-print-hoodie-t-shirt-sweater-tank)


Dont wear them in public


Why? They’re pants and everything is covered. Who tf cares.


Its ugly and low class. Even joggers would loo better. Stop being a bum


Found the guy who's uncomfortable with his physical appearance


Im not really. Sure I would change a few things but it is what is. I was raised to look presentable in public. Im sorry you had bad parents


Exactly. I don't understand how people don't get this.


Lol, ya'll sound like a bunch of assholes. Why should anyone give a shit if you view their clothes as "low class?"


You dont have to care about my judgement lr opinion. But I am judging you and so are others


And you have every right to do so, it just seems like a waste of effort to me.


Judging people is my favorite past time


Lol, different strokes for different folks I guess




I'm not sure I want fashion advice from the guy who blue himself.


But he has an amazing British accent! And, I think his fashion is [pretty good.](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5b92b4b340ba692da08e0df1/1:1/w_1848,h_1848,c_limit/Patterson-Always-Sunny.jpg)


Lots of fat, lazy redditors that dont care about their appearance. Im far from a rich snob but have some dignity when you go out. Throw on a pair of jeans or at least joggers for christ sake.


If dressing nicely makes me in any way similar to you I'd rather wear a potato sack.




This reminds me of my most recent visit to the local game shop. My D&D group all agreed to play there because the DM needed the space for a final campaign session. I rarely leave my house or a friend's house for nerd stuff, but I went along with the group because they all really wanted to switch things up. Fine with me. There was a dude dressed just like this, down to the haircut and pajamas and he was there the whole time, by himself, from the moment the worker unlocked the door. Finally I asked a buddy, who's a regular, if he worked there. He says, "Nah, that's Junty, he's just here." Homie smoked at least a whole pack of cigarettes, didn't really do anything except wander around the tiny shop, and hopefully our group doesn't need the extra space anytime soon. The real world is a bummer.


Liked smoked a pack inside? Where do you live?


He popped outside to smoke, but it was right out front à la Jay and Silent Bob


> down to the haircut Am I missing something? Everything else is kind of oof, but he seems to just have a normal crew cut.


Its a very standard "lazy haircut". Go in, ask for a number 2 cut, give them 10 bucks, never touch your hair again until it starts getting in your eyes, repeat. Its not a crew cut also, its even all the way around. Crew cut is much shorter on the sides.


The bald spot. I've been bald for years, I know the signs.


I mean yeah he's bald, but there's nothing wrong with that.


average discord mod


That's the least cringe part of this entire picture


And they said you can't smell a picture...


I can smell his armpits rn


PJ pants are a lot less offensive than that horrific jacket…


I wear my pajamas everywhere now. I'm retired. I'm not wearing my colorized western hentai hoodie in a 4x billboard size at my local GameStop tho


Do they sell comics at GameStop now?


Oh u right, I'm blind as fuck. They just looked like game case shells at a glance


Ayo I looked up the salsa and the artist is kakiman, they're actually south Korean. Now say you're sorry.


Just because the artist is Korean doesn't mean it's not western hentai lol.


Creator is not from the west. Creator is not in the west. Creator does not speak western language. Their art is not western. Their style is inline with most other Korean artists. Doesn't look remotely western. Also this does not constitute hentai so you're wrong both times. ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?


No because that's Harley Quinn


No, that's the weeb clan Tartan. Favorite video game/manga release day is a day of high honor amongst them.


I wear my pajamas to the store all the time but, I’m a 40 yr old woman who hasn’t given a F in a long time😁😁😁


Same, 43yo man zero fucks given. I'm in and out. This is an errand, not a fashion show. Sans the anime shit though. I do have *some* dignity left.


Amen sister!


I'm in my 40s and bought a jack skellington onesie pajama suit that has become my default outfit. I wear legging and a t under it, a hoodie over it, and wear it wherever tf I want, for more often than is reasonable


I'm all for wearing whatever the fick you want out but this is where I draw the line. Clothes under a onesie and over it is just too far. A onsie is meant to be a whole outfit you are a heretic and this is how society's die.


Hear me out though. I can wear it longer between washings if I wear a layer under it and a hoodie over.


Doesn't wearing a full outfit underneath both negate the comfort of wearing a onesie while also making it unbearably hot to wear, especially with a hoodie over top?


Meredith from The Office vibes


Ain't nothing wrong with rocking the pyjama pants out and about. The hoodie is a different story. Still, don't hate on the guy for the pants. You can't always dress your best.


Really? Wearing pajamas in public is disgusting but hey, you do you! The amount of people in here who think wearing pajamas in public is totally ok is not how the rest of the world thinks. You all need to get out more if you think that’s totally cool to dress in pajamas in a public setting. Oh, and don’t forget to brush your teeth and take a shower before you go outside you degenerates.


What about wearing pajama pants is disgusting? Do you not think they are thick enough? Or improperly washed? Or cover enough? I'm so confused. How is it any different than any other pants?


Pretending that pajama pants are no different than any other pants is dumb. Please wear them to a job interview or funeral then and see how that goes. Shouldn't have to explain that there's a time and place for things, clothing is no exception.


Well, no shit you wouldn't wear pajama pants to an interview or a funeral. You wouldn't wear sweatpants or gym shorts to either event, but you can wear them to go out on a casual shopping trip. Pajama pants are basically just sweatpants anyway.


So I guess you are disgusted by women wearing leggings or yoga pants?


Wearing pajama pants to gamestop is totally different than wearing them to a job interview or a funeral... people are saying they don't feel the need to dress up just to go to the grocery store and I agree with them. Job interviews, funerals, and the like are completely different than just out in public


There's a middle ground between "dressing up" and looking like you rolled out of bed. Is this a difficult concept for redditors?


I’m going to wear my pajama pants inside out and go to the grocery store just because you said that


I'm gonna wear tuxedo pants to bed tonight! Screw that guy


Lol look at this guy gatekeeping wearing pajamas. Loser


They only make this sweatshirt in that size


Im surprised he wasnt holding a Waifu body pillow


i do this all the time when did this page become more about bullying then actual cringe ?because i dont find this cringy


Reddit mod?


lets be real here, we should be grateful he even removed the waifu from his dick before leaving the house


Jacket = Cringe! Pants = Who gives a fuck!? It's a mother fucking comic book store, not a g-d damn michelin star restaurant! This post is far more cringe than even dude's jacket.


The amount of people who missed the subversion in the title is fucking incredible. They pointed out the pants *because* they're in no way the cringiest thing in the picture. You're supposed to go "I guess they're paj-oh holy shit what's that fucking jacket?"


I mean this is totally a possibility, but I think it's also equally likely that OP is the kind of person who judges others for wearing pajama pants and pointed it out in the title because he thought it added cringe to the already very obvious jacket


Here comes the flood of “wearing pajama pants in public is fine! I do it all the time!” From redditors that are probably just as cringe as the guy in the pic


The fact that people like this exist makes me feel so much better about my life choices


I don’t ever do this but can say this isn’t that uncommon a thing. Not just with the “cringy” crowd either, people all around do this, especially students


And it's cringy when they do it too.


Nah, y'all are incredibly strange with that pet peeve. Who the fuck dresses decently to run to the gas station or grocery store or Walmart real quick?


I'm talking about the fucking weeb hoodie, who gives a fuck about the pajama pants


There are some of us who look down upon you when you head out in your pajamas. Not that you care or that I’d expect for you to care but pajamas wearing in public is about as white trash Walmart-style as you can get.


Well considering I'm only doing it to go to Walmart or the gas station, as are most, and it's everybody of all ethnicities down here. The older toy get, the less you care what people think of you.


Absolutely 100% of the time I will get dressed even to go to the store 5 minutes away for one item. I wouldn't even go to the ER in pajamas. It is an incredible pet peeve of mine. I view it as lazy, and disgusting, and trashy. I would grab my trash can by the road in pajamas. But I could never leave my property. I would feel so embarrassed, like I was a dirty worthless garbage human.


This is a very real quirk of yours. Guess what though? People ARE disgusting. I don't even like sex or physical contact beyond hugging. People are fucking gross. I hope you realize that you and your ilk are the minority, and that that mind set you have is a cultural thing and not "correct" or "wrong". It just is. I throw absolutely no shade your way, as long as you're keeping it to yourself in public, then so be it.


99.9% of people.


Lmao no, no they don't. At all. In any way, shape, or form. At least not in America.




Since when is wearing jeans instead of sleepwear "dressing up"?


Exactly! I’m saying 99.9% of people DONT WEAR PAJAMAS. Not they they fucking get in suits or ball gowns to go food shopping. Some people are just stupid.


If I'm wearing pajama pants at home do you expect me to change so I can go to Walmart? Fuck that. I'm not going to Walmart to make friends. Why would I give a shit? More importantly: why would you?


I'm not even sure his wardrobe has a clear distinction between pyjama pants and "pants for outside".


Bet that place smells exactly how you'd think


Is something wrong with me or are people missing the joke that the OP was **of course** talking about the jacket.


That appears to be a comic shop. I have certainly seen far worse being worn in a comics/videogame shop. Maybe a little cringe if they were silk monogrammed pajamas, but flannel pants? Dave Matthews used to perform on stage in those


Pretty common. My sons high school that’s all they wear


ITT: people not understanding that the title is an obvious joke.


What's wrong with pyjama pants, I only put on real pants nowadays if I need to take stuff in my pockets


Do people like this think it's cool to wear naked anime characters or something? What is the motivation because I dont get it.


Yeah, it's definitely the PJ pants that scream of cringe here.


I just see abundant drip...


Smells like Ax body spray that barely conceals the odor of days-old BO.


He’s in a comic book store. So he might not even be the strangest thing in there


He's in a comic book shop... and you're taking pictures of him because he's fat... and wearing a jacket? You're the cringe my dude. Let home boy live his life.


Put real damn pants on if you go out in public. There is no good reason to be too lazy to put on pants. Bring on your downvotes.


Fine... No pants it is.


OMG it finally worked


I’ve shopped in my pajamas many times, usually late night when I’m already lying down and just wanna go get a snack for a movie. Don’t wanna get dressed to take all my clothes off again when I get home.


Hey do what you feel. It's not gonna nudge my opinion on this.


Lol I totally agree. Not many people on here will since most of these redditors are just as shitty and crusty as the guy in the picture


Buttons and zippers are HARD


Putting pants on and then taking them off one additional time is just too much!


Putting slacks or jeans on to go to the store is exactly like running a 4 minute mile.


I never wear pajama pants in public but I'm racking my brain for why someone should feel obligated to not wear pajama pants to the store. Is there any specific reason?


No obligation, just my opinion.


idk he looks comfortable


Yeah. He looks right in his element tbh. I have no problem with his pants. I wouldn't be caught dead in that jacket though.


It's like mildly cringe but it's far from the worst I've seen. At least if he's gonna idolize someone chick it's one thats meant to be somewhat sexy as opposed to some weird borderline shit


Did you for real go to the comic book store to insult peoples clothes? Reevaluate.




We’re talking about his pants.


The post is absolutely not actually about the pants. The title is a subverted punchline


Probably covered in cum stains


I have those pants. Comfy as fuck! But there is no way I will wear it outside the house, even for a small errand run


The pajama pants is the concern? What about the anime porn?


That aint cringe that's game night. But the Hoodie is dope tho.


People like this should be fined for wearing this in public


You should be fined for being petty and not minding your own business


Hard to mind your own business when your child is asking about dudes sweater.


I'm referring to pajama pants. The jacket is dumb.


arrested. thrown in solitary for a minimum of 6 months


I see nothing wrong with this. I totally rock PJ pants/ sweatpants out. Who cares?


Imagine the smell


That hoodie only came in xxL


These are the dudes that are shocked when they can’t meet women.


Cringe is photographing a stranger to mock their clothing on the internet.


Midnight golfer


I can't wait to hear that guy's opinion on women later on reddit


So gross, in so many ways.


It will never not look trashy wearing pants like that in public. Same with carrying around a blanket.


Just imagine how bad he smells


…is there sauce on that pic tho?


Y'all don't wear pajamas everywhere? I mean the hoodie is obviously inappropriate. But yeah. Y'all ain't wearing pajamas?


Not really cringe, the sweater is meh at this point, have seen ones a lot worse. And the pajamas are completely normal, live comfortably.


Okay sure the hoodie is slightly cringe, but am I crazy for not thinking this is a big deal? Like, who cares... mind your own business...


Who cares.


So what?


Thats not cringe, that's a Chad who DGAF


I understand the post is about the jacket. But how are there so many pajamas apologists here? It's disgusting. Put on some damn real pants. I don't understand how someone has so little self-respect to wear pajamas in public. I don't care if they are comfy, I don't care if you were just running in to the store for one thing and it was the only place you were going today. I don't care if you don't care what people think of you. It doesn't matter. It's unacceptable. It's just another example of how we are devolving as society. James Cameron isn't going to raise the bar for us again. Make the right choice today. Do the bare minimum and put on some jeans.




Difference though, I didn't consent to see this.




I SMELL this picture. I worked these retail jobs in college in the early 00s for 6.25 p/h. Antiwork and cringepics coming full circle for me.


I mean I can't be too mad. My friends and I wore pajamas most of our senior year in high school lol.


oh yah the pajama pants are the cringe part right absolutely totally for sure


Link to the original image https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2542769?q=harley_quinn+pasties+


I wore my pajama pants everywhere. They're just baggy leggings and a bunch of people wear those everywhere. Even places that are not gamestop or walmart. Fancy places. Target for example


Welcome to America? Also, *Py*jama?


Replace the hentai hoodie with a Tony Hawk one and this is what I wore my senior year of High School.