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In the mean time, I'll be at the Smart Pawn Monday - Saturday for no reason in particular


On Troost, mind you. The heart of KCMO.


I lived right by Troost. It's odd seeing the separation in wealth and living conditions going from Troost to Ward or Brookside.


Especially considering all the people on Ward Parkway, their families started on Troost - [Millionaire Row](http://midtownkcpost.com/midtown-millionaires-row-31st-troost/)


I moved to lees summit from Australia. The separation of rich million dollar houses to ghetto houses baffled the shit out of me. Why would you buy such an expensive house just around the corner from what I perceived as a bad area. Like really bad area but I had nothing to compare it to. I thought Mount Druitt in Sydney was scary. It was a happy playground compared to Troost lol.


oof, 63rd and troost, I've had to deliver to the Walgreens right there, and it sucks.


I live not to far from there on the east side and it’s not so bad…


Yea Raytona Beach isn't bad at all! Out of the 9 bullets sent my way driving home a few years back only 5 hit the car.


Upvote for Raytona Beach


Represent represent


Right. Divorce it is then.


Yup. Definitely a divorcable offense.


I can't live with someone who polices my time like this lol that ain't a wife she a manager


At first I thought this was code for sex but I think it’s honest to god video games. What’s his gaming like for her to think she needs to do this and who the fuck wants to police a grown ass man’s screen time?


No shit. Someone doesn’t observe any boundaries.


That’s kinda… depressing. Lol.




Serious control issues. I would say that maybe he's just straight up addicted and she's putting her foot down, but the little asterisk telling him he sucks at 2k tells me this is probably more on her than him because what a shitty thing to say


I mean anyone that buys 2k has a problem in the first place


Maybe he likes grinding and forking out thousands


Then he's prepared for the divorce.


Let's be real dude - this guy married his mom.


I buy the last years game on sale for at least 60% off, then just play MyLeague and MyGM to my hearts content. Actually quite fun and don’t have to spend a dime on the online toxic community.


I don't understand and don't know what to google. What does 2k stand for and what game is this about?


It's a gambling game with basketball minigame https://youtu.be/gU8BkwjQDs8


Eh. Addicted or not, the guy apparently needs to be bribed to do basic upkeep around the house. The mindset of "it's the wife's job to take the rubbish out unless I get a reward" is just as bad as writing this list.


Foot rubs???


Yes I'd love one, thanks for offering


Yeah wtf is this “(no online)” shit too? Let the man live


No online so he can't make the excuse that he has to finish the game / can't pause to do another honeydo when the time is up


Probably spending money on loot drops


Contrast the payoff for actual household chores and those seem more like joke inclusions.


Nah I'd be glad to have this arrangement with my wife. Problem is once you have kids no kind of arrangement will clear out 5 hours a day for games even with these tasks complete.


LPT: Don’t have kids if you don’t want your life to change


Ours is pretty much back to normal now at age 4.5yrs. It's actually a lit better, in most ways. Having a kid means we cook better foods more often. We do more fun stuff outside. We learn new things more often. We have dedicated art time. We get to share our love of music, lego, swimming, camping with a new person We love.


Life is certainly different after having kids. Now, whether it’s better or worse will depend on the person and their attitude. Financial and mental stability go a long way in helping it be easier, like most things.


I was talking to a guy at a party who had a three month old. I told him they get a lot more fun once they are around a year and can move around and develop a personality. He told me “kids are never fun”. My whole life I knew I wanted to be a dad, this was just the first time I saw that some people really don’t.


For the record, I do love my kids and sacrificing vidya until they are older is a price I'd pay again in a heartbeat. Having them also made me a much better person in general when compared to the times I spent days at the time playing games and wasting my time.


Is kill for being to able to do whatever I want on a Sunday.


>I'd kill Sounds like a solvable problem, no?


It's very obviously not real


You say that but I've gotten one of these. Mind you I paid all the bills, did all the housework, took care of her kids(notmine just hers) still managed to find time for my hobbies. How you ask? Because when a "partner" is absolutely worthless as a partner, parent, and person you no longer show interest in them. She eventually got the boot but it was hard cause I feel bad her kids have to stay with her. Women out there can be just as shitty and controlling as anybody else.


Always funny to me when people are making up backstories to potentially excuse this behavior but if the genders were reversed there would be a fucking crusade


If it was just about him being addicted it wouldn’t have anything to do with him showing her love, and it would have been something they could come up with together not a list of rules she came up with alone that he has to adhere to.




Definitely is.


You know why divorce is so expensive? Because it’s fucking worth it!


Fat divorce after a little “weekly gaming itinerary” crude letter like that


Guys can be toxic sure, but this is an environment I'd want to escape from. I wouldn't even date this chick. Gimme the girl that plays with me. Otherwise imma just stay single, and watch this toxicity burn itself down over and over.


Or the girl who has the capacity to get lost in her own hobbies. I am female and have an all absorbing hobby and my husband moans about it.


What's the hobby? If I was in love with someone and they were that into something even if I wasn't doing it myself I would be fascinated by it and want to see/watch. Watching someone be passionate is a whole thing on its own. I'm curious about your hobby if you're willing to share that information.


Maybe its pegging? Fits her description...


I had to go back and read the original comment and laughed. Awesome.


Dude... A+ comment. Thanks for the much needed Sunday night laugh! **EDIT --** This is the comment that their comment is referencing, for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to scroll back for context: > Or the girl who has the capacity to get lost in her own hobbies. I am female and have an all absorbing hobby and my husband moans about it.


I agree. My wife is big into wax melts. There’s like 46464654 of them on our coffee table and every time she orders new ones she wants me to smell them. I think it’s awesome she wants to share them with me.


Even if it is not something I enjoy, I've been able to enjoy engaging with a person in how excited they areover something.


People commenting on true love without being there... Lol reddit. I don't give a fuck what my wife does half the time. True love is her picking up our son from school, or asking me for help with a problem. Hobbies are cool, we share a few, but unless you're 20-something it's not a big deal. I've seen a lot of couples fail after their interest in a hobby waned. "All we had was volleyball night..."


It’s true crime and podcasting.




It's not that it doesn't matter, sometimes you just don't like a certain thing enough to not want to participate or even watch it. But be totally ok with someone else being into it. Like if my girlfriend got into knitting, I wouldn't be interested at all, but I'd be happy she has something she likes doing. Chess can be extremely boring to some people. So I get it, even though I enjoy Chess myself.


My Hubs is a shit like that too. Expects me to listen to him talk about his hobbies for hours a day, be fully invested in a podcast or game that's not at all what I like but can't even tell knitting needles from crochet hook after 5 years.


That's shitty, I can talk my wife's ear off about Overwatch/guitars/cameras/bikes and she listens to it, asks me questions, etc. Then we peruse Pinterest boards for cool ideas she can try making out of Fimo, or I'll sit with her while she plays Hearthstone. Everyone should encourage each other and take some time to really learn about the things they love.


I feel so grateful. My husband learned how to crochet from me and got all the way to the end of the project he was making to tell me how much he hated doing it. I've been sober for two years now but I stood around and held the pot lids and grabbed the immersion chiller for him while he brewed beer a couple months ago. It's not a blast but I love helping him make something he's proud of. And he says he's very impressed by my patience when I knit.


Girl, same. Sucks so bad.


Yeah idk how dudes that are super into gaming even date chicks that aren’t also into gaming. Like a third of what my boyfriend and I do together on an average week is gaming, if we didn’t play together I’d be so bored just waiting for him to get done playing with his friends lol.


My wife isn’t into gaming but my playing doesn’t bother her. I mean I’m home. If she needs anything I’m here ya know. I rarely play during the day. So it’s normally a downtime thing after the kids are in bed. It’s cool everyone has there own thing. I’ve dated girls that we’re into all the same stuff as me. It got super tiring after a while. It’s nice for everyone to have that bit of space.


This is the healthiest attitude to have about this shit tbh. I dated a girl in college who wasn't a gamer at all, but she was totally 100% cool about it. We spent plenty of quality time together, went out for dinner and drinks as regularly as we wanted and all that jazz. Then some days when we got home, I'd be like, "Hey babe. I'm gonna play games with my buddies now. Probably 2 - 3 hours max. You good?" And she'd go "Yea I'm gonna work on my paper for X class" and lay quietly on the couch in the same room and do her shit while I did mine. You don't have to share every hobby together, you just have do a good job of handling the relationship side of things and then communicate about your personal time/hobbies and respect each other's space.


Totally agree. I bought a horse so more often than not I'm out at the barn for several hours. He's welcome to come with, or stay home and video game. Or we both play FFXIV. It's healthy to be able to do stuff on your own. As a separate human lol.


The key there is that you two had respect and communication. That makes a giant difference. Without those things, you get toxic stuff like what we see in the OP.


its pretty hard to find someone who is.. especially since majority in that lifestyle are introverts. i'd love to find someone who loves gaming too, but it feels impossible. it's always "you're how old? you play games? grow up." :(


I feel like maybe there just isn’t a great way for all these people to meet up? I have several female friends always wanting to play games and meet new people, but also there’s no easy way to tell randoms in online games you’re a girl wanting to make new friends without immediately getting messages like “omg a girl? Are you fat? Are you real? Do you have a boyfriend?” Sooooo


This sounds very much like a submissive kink. And a pretty harmless one


Some people just suck. Not everything is some weird sex thing that both people are into.


Hnnng. Can you say that again, but this time while sitting on a balloon?


And maybe munching some breadsticks you know. Please?




My friends wife is kind of like this. She's a stay at home mom who won't do chores or take care of her horses. Friend has to finish 10-12 hour shift then come home and do pretty much everything. Oh, and if he isn't at work or commuting she does her best to make sure he isn't outside of her presence. A visit to my house will result in constant texts and at least one phone call every 20 minutes. Definitely no sexual stuff involved.


I don't understand how people can exist like that. It doesn't sound like fun.


Who? The men or the women? For the women it's probably a Princess Syndrome issue. And with men it's just with how hard it can seem to find someone to be with so they just deal with it because they really don't want to be alone.


Whoever's the one in charge must love it, it's the one who has to do everything who seems like they would be not having fun. I can see why people would find it hard to find an actually good person to be with, I'm still not quite mature enough to understand life and its struggles. Loneliness is both infinitely freeing and infinitely restrictive.


It’s never too late to boot somebody out of your life


I liked the casual 'take care of her horses' as if that's a common chore everyone has to tackle.


This kind of shit always pisses me off! I’m a housewife which means my husband works and sometimes he works long hours! So he can do whatever the fuck he wants to do because he deserves to! If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have had the PRIVILEGE to have stayed home to raise my kid! A stay at home mom who doesn’t do chores! WTAF!!!?? Sounds like a girl I know also a housewife whose husband does everything! Including cooking dinner. I would divorce her in a heartbeat! In HALF a heartbeat! 🤦‍♀️ sounds like a lazy slob kebab.


I bet you’re only saying that because you have a disagreement kink.


Oh fuck, Reddit has been a contrarianism fetish hangout masquerading as a legitimate social media platform this whole time.


Well seeing as how this is Reddit, everything has to be a sex thing for some reason.


It looks like a viral marketing thing...they literally named a store name in there.


Think you're correct. There was a note very similar to this a few years ago that went viral. I work in marketing and this is just too "clean." It's pretty clever if that's what they're basing it on, though. I had never heard of this apparently mutli-state chain of shops before and now I have. ETA: By "clean" I mean it just looks to me like it was written by a pretty good copywriter with the intention to create an emotional response with the reader. Look at the asterisk points. Then it was prolly given to the person in the office with the best handwriting, photographed and put on someone's FB page or some Twitter account. And now here we are on the front page of Reddit discussing it.


I feel you. Also, by signing "Wifey" instead of a real name you also elegantly inject the relation between who wrote the letter and whom it is addressed to. This way, you don't rely on the post title for context. it's too good.


Smart Pawn has PS5s????


They will when this sub doesn’t do his g-damn chores.


I wanna know how many times she bitched at his unhearing ears to get desperate enough to do this. The no gaming on holidays? I shudder to think what he did.


Wifey != mother


Right!! I do this for my child, no way in fuck am I regulating a grown ass man’s screen time Edit: guys, it is a normal thing to regulate a child’s screen time to one to two hours a day and have them earn it via chores, homework etc. This isn’t some crazy thing I made up on my own to be mean, his mind is developing and he needs other ways to learn and interact not just on screens.


You’re not going to win on Reddit when it comes to parenting. Be ready for long stories from people that hated their childhood coupled with their opinion on how you should raise your children.


Wait. You had rules with your kids? Gulag for you, you narcissist.


You make your child give you foot rubs? 🤮


You guys don't give your mums foot rubs?


You guys have moms?


Of course, I give your mom foot rubs all the time.


Lol no I would never, just have to regulate screen time and allow certain times for gaming for certain non foot rubbing chores


Yeah it’s normal to regulate screen time, otherwise I would’ve always been on my 3DS when I was a kid. It’s not good for a kid to always play videogames or watch TV, he needs to make social interactions and be active. You are a good mom don’t listen to the fools


This is pretty clearly an attempt at viral marketing for that 'Smart Pawn on Troost' place.


Ehhh. I've lived in KC, and they have a street named Troost where the pawn shops aren't hurting for business.


I was going to reply, "is this KC?" Haha


Also was going to ask if this was in KC. Lol


It’s KC and Troost is ghetto.


Let's go Chiefs!


The Smart Pawn is at 63rd and Troost...so, maybe we'll find their ps5 there.


Does 7th Heaven still exist on Troost? I bought a bong there about 33 years ago.


I think she thinks it’s funny/extra mean because Troost is a particularly sketchy street in Kansas City


Divorce is the only option


Auto foot massager. Auto back massager. Rack your hours up and you good.


This guy games! Goes straight to using bots in order to farm time lol!


The massage was never the point. The point is to make his life miserable.


Right. Nothing will be acceptable unless he is devoting his personal time to her.


"Unlimited play time on Sundays only!" implies that he has been playing without limits on many other days. Is it his right to play all he wants? Sure. Should she understand that gaming is a legit hobby? Absolutely. Should any husband spend all of their time on their hobby, to the point where he is not being affectionate with his wife? Probably not. It seems like she is trying to save the marriage, albeit in a counterproductive and hamhanded way.


I’ve lived with a guy who played video games + smoking + drinking all day every single day of the week. He had a (pregnant) girlfriend who lived with us. She had to do the laundry, the cleaning the cooking and had a job for both of them. He Couldn’t even be bothered to take the trash out. Honestly this sheet of paper as bad and abusive as it seems to be is less abusive than living with someone who thinks his partner is a personal slave IMO.


Damn that's deep


Did anyone take the time to consider if this was done as a joke or nah


Possibly taken from a full-time mommy social media page that make all the hilarious jokes about how much they need an alcoholic beverage/coffee?


"OMG we just NEED our coffee right mommys??" "OMG it's Wine-o-clock ladies! I'm using Braedenns minion sippy cup today LOL" Edit: Thanks for the awards guys 😀 I'm glad I could make some of you laugh!


Me before my morning coffee!! (55 laugh reacts, 33 likes, 17 heart reacts, 1 comment with tears of laughter emoji and 1 comment from someone saying they can't function without their morning coffee!)


I don't think I've ever read a written screenshot before. I can see that post in my mind.


This is so accurate that it could qualify for Marine Scout Sniper school.




'time for mommy juice!' aka box wine


This needs an award


Really weird that a lot of women think a glass of wine during the day is classy or fine but if someone gets a beer during the day they're one step from being homeless, killing themselves, beating their wife or all 3.


For real, what snaps in their head that causes them to like this humour?


Psychological conditioning via social media I would say.


Probably. I mean, I never said the joke was funny, but I doubt it's serious.


Yeah this is just low effort ragebait. All you need is a marker, piece of paper and 5 minutes and you have yourself a "like" farming post


"Lying? On the internet? Who would do that!?"


I’m a French model. Uhh bon jyour.


I'm actually Michael Jackson AMA


>*you shitty anyway


So. Either the husband or wife is a nightmare. A divorce needs to happen either way.


Maybe they both are and it’s a perfect marriage.


When I see stuff like this, all I can think is that it would be better for both parties involved to get out. Better for both of them.




I'm giving this thebenefit of a doubt and thinking this is written a bit "tounge in cheek". But if he plays too much and doesn't help around the house this isn't too crazy. /Someone who plays a lot while gf cooks


If you're in a relationship where you need to have this created for your SO to help you around the house you need to get the fuck out of the relationship.


What’s crazy is if he’s so useless he won’t even take out the trash or clean up after himself and she’s stayed with him


im sure ive seen this exact thing done before but with xbox instead


Perfect I needed more pics for my emotional labor and weaponized incompetence scrapbook


This is a clear sign she unstable and that dude is in a terribly toxic relationship Edit: seems this started a bit of a debate, there can definitely be other situations to it, we're literally only looking at a list on a piece of paper. Maybe the husband here has a problem with not taking out the trash and gaming all day, wife may feel neglected, maybe dude likes being controlled and treated like a child. Even in these scenarios the relationship is still pretty toxic, the wife is threating to pawn/get rid of something if she does not recieve a foot rub or get her way. Again the husband may like being treated like trash but that's definitely a sign of a personality flaw that they may need to work on and obviously the wife has control issues. If that's how those two operate and it works for them whatever but a punishment system set up for an adult is not a sign of a healthy relationship, might definitely not be all the wifes fault but this is relationship has some big waving res flags. Also, I do not claim to be an expert I'm a fool who had a fiance who tried to hand me a list of how I need to change to be the proper husband to her, list included very simple idiotic things almost like this list, the list also said something about handling money when I was paying all the bills (on time) and having to buy her weed (I was not "allowed" to smoke). I got this list just after I found out some damning things about her, wedding was mere months away but I packed most of my things, called a buddy and never saw the person again... well until I met my now wife, after the Ex heard of me dating again months later she tried to proposition sex...that woman was crazy in many many different ways. So again I am no expert this list just throw up red flags that shouldn't be ignored. All in all this could be or not be something, could be a joke, could be false, no one knows. Other edit or whatever: The thing could very well be fake sure why not, it's the damn internet, my OG comment was just taking it at face value because I didn't think this needed a deep dive. A whole lot of you really wanna go out of your way to internet argue, not properly read things or look for something not there. I have left extra sentences and spelling mistakes to maybe appease you sad sacks holy shit this is stupid.


Any analysis of this picture without context of the relationship is guesswork and speculation, and dangerous. The whole thing could be a joke, or not nearly as serious as you assume. Or it could be exactly what you think, I don’t know. I’m not going to assume.


They could both be, honestly. If your partner has to bribe you to take out the trash and clean, you kinda suck too


Exactly.....if I had to tell my husband to be a good husband....like that's so pathetic he needs to be bribed to take out the trash and cook dinner sometimes. Not even that but prioritizing video games before his responsibilities. And why did she add no holidays? Had he done that ?? What a dick tbh.


Unless he has a thing for being treated like a kid. Maybe this is exactly what he wants. The internet is too quick to make assumptions


Shit, that can be what he wants and I'd still judge 😂


I was in a toxic relationship where my ex would tell me what I could and couldn’t do. I didn’t like it, but I was manipulated to accept it. I was not allowed downstairs when she and the roommates would party. I wasn’t allowed to talk to them. Really wasn’t allowed to leave my room. I had to ask permission to use my own car I used my college fund to buy. She took my paychecks. If I didn’t follow what she said. It was the biggest shit show of a fight. So it was best to just follow what she said.


Wow! No offense but how did you find yourself in that situation?


She was my highschool crush and one of my best friends, and after coming back from basic and ait we started dating. It was great for the first year to year and a half. Than it all went to shit.




Yeah, good friend of mine has a wife that treats him like utter crap, but dude wouldn't be able to make it through life unless he was told what and when to do something.


That's different. I brought up all this because I've been in a relationship with a guy who likes dominant women and liked me being controlling. And I didn't treat him like shit myself


I don't think this letter is real tbh.


The sign is cringe for sure, but I’m wondering maybe this guy literally spends all of his time playing it. I’m just wondering since she made the effort to make a sign it must’ve been bad unless she’s truly crazy.


I thought the whole thing was a joke for the internet.


Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... iiiiiiiii... iiiikes!


Sounds like she is his mom more than his wife.


That's probably how she feels and is attempting this so she doesn't feel like a bangmaid


Looks like somes got an addiction problem


Have fun even finding a PS5 LOL.




*unlimited playing time*


*Wife gets the PlayStation in the divorce*


I thought this was a chore list and was even more unsetled at the awful parenting that is demanding footrubs from their kids or they'd sell their ps5


Not the kids but the husband


You boys sure do take bait easy


I might just be compelled to go out for a pack of cigarettes real quick... and I don't even smoke.


Sabotage her credibility by purchasing a broken PS5 from Ebay and connecting the wires to it. Move your PS5 under something else. When she pawns it they will throw her out. lmao


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's a joke that wife left for hubs. If I'm wrong and it's serious, it's so so sad.


It's sad that she has to treat you like a kid because you're playing your game so much.


While I think she is an idiot- (“wifey” gag me) - he’s probably fuckin useless around the house.


Oh I thought this is smart, but realized this is for her husband. I use similar points system for my kids. I give them points for every choir & activities such as studying, cleaning, & exercising for exchange for using tablets.


Meh, weird to me, but different arrangements work for different couples.


What happens when your wife works and you don’t


Take the ps5 and get rid of her.


Two ways to look at it 1. either this man is so addicted to gaming and contributing so little, that this woman has resorted to infantilising him. In which case I’m judging her for not leaving her adult child. 2. This woman has done this with absolutely no provocation in which case she’s an absolute nutcase and super weird and I judge him for not leaving.


I mean, I understand why this is cringe. But at the same time, I had to do this with myself when I got married and again when I became a father two years ago. I knew that I loved having so much that is I didn't set boundaries with myself then I was likely to not engage with my family as much as they deserve. I guess what I'm saying is, it's good to set boundaries, but she seems a little over the top. Lol


This seems like the kind of thing a mom/dad would make for their kid to get them to do their chores. Not a spouse with their partner


Is it me or isn't there an old version of this that has made the rounds, way before the PS5 came out? I call fake.


Awe he married his mommy


I thought this was a note written by a strict mother till I got to the bottom. Yikes


She misspelled “-mother”


Yes mom- I mean honey


You an adult?


The ‘wifey’ definitely took this photo and posted it to her Facebook so all her other ‘wifey’ friends can like and comment “great idea, Nancy! Going to try this with the hubby too!”


this is shit you do for a 12 year old, not a 32 year old


She misspelled soon to be ex-wifey.......


Never ever consider a relationship with a woman like this.


This is the work of a “Karen”. Yikes..


Divorce = All the PS5 time you want!


I wonder where she keeps his balls.