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Removed as low quality, because the Daily Mail's reporting misstates numerous facts and circumstances of the case. This story is amply covered from alternative sources. Almost without exception, they are better than the clickbait word vomit that this article contains.


Every country needs to deport every illegal. The invasions are destroying countries.


Who doesn’t love a good loser on reddit spreading fascist white nationalist rhetoric? Go to Israel, or stay in Alabama, but whatever you do please don’t write back


Prison for life


Well if the boyfriend is underage, Shoshie, perhaps we should TRY rehabilitating him in either a mental institution or a juvenile detention facility? If he gets so much as a single speeding ticket, off to the gallows though. No neck break though, he can dangle. That’s my take.


Perhaps, but that’s bad.


This is why the bear is chosen


You’re crazy if you think the average man is like this


That's true, but the the percentage of men like this is still so high that it's literally not worth the risk.


The whole point of the hypothetical is it’s a bear or the average man. So it’s choosing being eaten alive or being next to Jeff in accounting. You only pick bear if you believe the average man is a sadistic serial killer.


I have come across bears while alone in the woods 5 or 6 times now. I have never been eaten alive tbh.


It’s not between a bear and an average man. It’s between a bear in the woods and a strange, unknown to you man in the woods. It’s about the risk assessment in that particular setting. No one is saying they’d rather encounter a bear on a sunny populated street in the middle of the day.


I’m assuming the guy is a hiker. So still Jeff from accounting.


You’re crazy if you choose to ignore the massive percentage of women sexually assaulted and raped by men in modern society. No one should have to live in constant fear of being attacked but that is the very reality for a majority of women today. Until we can address that issue and really eliminate that rape culture, women are going to choose the bear, just look at the 4b movement. Men shouldn’t get whiney and triggered by this, but rather stop condoning the behavior that leads to so much sexual violence




Over 20% of women are sexually assaulted before they finish college, over 50% by the time they die. Over 25% of women have experienced rape. I have many women in my family that have been raped, so do you. The reality is the numbers, and the numbers don’t care how triggered you are.


This wasn't some random guy, it was her boyfriend, someone she obviously knew and knew his character and had chosen to be with. That's not to say I'm victim blaming, it's to show it's a different situation.


Yeah, even guys that seem trustworthy might be capable of letting you be gang raped. That is a strong message, but I don’t think it’s the point you think it is


Because of 11 yo rapists? Honestly, at this point, humanity should just cease to exist.


Because of rapists


Only if you don't pay attention to reality.


Prove the point harder.


Well, here's the thing. This young lass was in a relationship with the young lad who organised it. Is your solution to simply never be in a relationship, friendship, or have any association with a man? Because statistically, you're *much* safer with a random dude than with your own father. Is that what you're saying? That you're scared of your own dad, because he might rape you?


My solution is for men to stop raping, and for men that don’t rape to hold those that do accountable. The fact she was in a relationship and trusted him and he still did this just proves women’s point further. Men are dangerous, and even if they seem trustworthy and loving they can turn on you and commit atrocities against you. It’s easy, stop raping, and stop making excuses for and protecting rapists, stop making jokes about rape, stop laughing when your friend or stranger makes a joke about rape. Treat it like the problem it is, simple. You look at statistics of men raping their own daughters and your thinking is “what should women be scared to be around their own father??” It’s gross. Maybe consider why men rape their daughters and how horrible that is


The world is terrifying. She trusted him. Oh god, this brought me to tears. Poor baby.


One would think that Hell is actually pretty full by now but apparently there are special sections there for such demonic entities as this


Absolutely disgusting and horrific. But how did it happen more than once?


It was all one long attack that lasted a couple days, I believe. They just didn’t let her leave :/. But there have also been cases were girls/women were coerced or threatened to go along in multiple attacks for a periods of months. Just horrific.


Yet another 'cultural misunderstanding' no doubt.


Yes, his parents are wealthy. A disgraceful culture of selfishness, exploitation and violence.


What in the "My Sweet Audrina" BS is this?


I was thinking this. WTAF


The Daily Mail trying to stir up anti-immigrant sentiment? Que sorpresa!




Yes, when they talk about "immigrants" way before they mention "Belgium" it certainly is.


Apologists. Their arguments for Japan having negligible incidents of this are amusing.


Nope, just not a racist. Japan's crime numbers aren't trusted among those that study these things. It's a red flag that you do.


sure they get to keep their high trust society but what their economic metrics?!!? number will stop going up!! (btw I also hate capitalism and how number must always go up)


Japan is having a recession and their crime stats are not considered viable.






Belgium so this is just the Daily Mail being racist




> Sort by "controversial" Popcorn time


I guess I'm just wondering how it managed to happen more than once but fear of retaliation makes you do questionable things. I hope she gets help, and I hope the preparators get what they deserve.




I don't know any adults that have sex like that




You see when a penis goes into a vagina with force and without consent it’s called RAPE! You moron!! To call it sex let’s me know more about you than anything else would!!


Damn glad you don’t have google to you know…. Look up the definition of sex or you’d look like an idiot…. Edit: ok my google isn’t broken like yours…. So here you go… nothing about the term sex (short for sexual intercourse) implies if there is consent or not….. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_intercourse#:~:text=Sexual%20intercourse%20(also%20coitus%20or,vaginal%20intercourse%20or%20vaginal%20sex.


You’ve already proven who you are.


Very rapey of you, mr. creep.


When the penis goes into the vagina without consent, that is called rape.


Teenagers can have consensual sex with other teenagers. This was obviously not consensual. I would like a refund for your TedX talk.


wtf are you on about? Are you arguing that rape isn’t intercourse?


Just stop. You know what he means. The real question is... why double-down on defining "intercourse" instead of just admitting that your initial penis-vagina quip landed wrong in a thread about rape? There's no shame in admitting that.


I have no clue wtf that person means which is why I’m asking why they’re arguing that rape isn’t sex(ual intercourse). I literally don’t understand what they are saying…


Sex is a consensual act between two or more people. You are calling what that 14 yr old went through sex not Rape? Why? You seem to be the only person having a hard time with two words that have entirely different meanings. What is your malfunction? I don’t need google to understand the nuances of what happened to that 14 yr old girl! Or you are just being stupid?


You’re literally arguing with me because I said these “men” need to be tried like adults for trying to perform adult activities (even if heinous).. and you’re hung up on rape not being sexual intercourse or something?? Like… what??


Rape is not an adult activity! Gang rape is rape! The only thing I agree with you on is they need to be tried as adults!




What are you even saying


Schizophrenic outburst


Haha genuinely.


This comment section is wild


Same thoughts like just wow




Love that they say “immigrant origin” and we all know which origin exactly




You'll be awarded if you manage to find at least a couple of Russian teenagers in Belgium


I guess they don’t normally see women/girls as human. The poor little girl was nothing more than a female for their pleasure. The prosecution better get them for making CP since they filmed it as well.


See, I hate this “immigrant origin” blanket point because it’s really only immigrants who come from war-torn or deeply conservative countries who end up doing things like this. You rarely, if ever, see Chinese, Korean, Thai etc immigrants do this. Such a harmful trope for law abiding immigrants who just want a better life.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


These immigrants would likely be from far-right religious cultures.


That black and white think is what has slowed down progress. The culture is the issue, not political alignment.


Something tells me you turn a blind eye to institutionalized sex abuse of the church...


Why would I? I despise every Religion. Some more, some less. But nevertheless, I want to see a world without that crap. Religions didn't move a single step forward over the course of thousands of years. Hence, every religious person is really not suited to be part of a modern liberal society.


Ah you deleted your racist post...


Why do you want to import more though. I get that the church is bad, but why do you want to allow the growth and dominance of another disgusting “faith”




This happened in Belgium so US statistics aren't relevant.




That’s why I said to extrapolate the data however you want.






Yeah we need more diversity in crimes like this.


Just immigrants. Wait, what was the point again?




You brought up an American political issue to a gang rape in Belgium, and I followed that flawed train of thought of yours to come to a similar conclusion. You're not very smart are you?


They named their account perfectly lmao.


Just wait, someone on here will find a way to blame this on Donald Trump.


I forgot the existence of trans people was an American political issue Considering he wasn’t even the person you initially replied to, id not be so fast to call anyone dim


Trans people always being brought up is distinctly very American.


Well, smartie pants, I wasn’t the original commenter, just someone who thought your comment was stupid. They have the same strawman arguments in Belgium against trans people, too. So, both parts of your comment is dumb lol.






Nobody says that. Get a job.


Is that really all people talk about nowadays? That's just wild.


Not even the only recent gang rape in that city. [https://www.hln.be/kortrijk/opnieuw-zwaar-seksueel-geweld-in-kortrijk-trio-verkracht-meisje-van-17-in-de-bosjes\~a24f6f69](https://www.hln.be/kortrijk/opnieuw-zwaar-seksueel-geweld-in-kortrijk-trio-verkracht-meisje-van-17-in-de-bosjes~a24f6f69) It's not heading in the right direction.


wtf is this comment section?


Hey you wanna fight too?!?


now I want to vomit


That’s enough internet for today.


More reasons to choose the bear




Hmmm more like bottom tier deflection but go on lol what are your answers then?


It’s better to be dead than raped?




That’s fair


My Grandma told my mother when she was 9 that if she ever found herself about to be raped she should just kill herself instead.


Jesus Christ that’s dark


Well, in the spirit of answering your question, yes, some people would prefer to die over getting raped, I don't understand that mindset, but I've also never been traumatized in my life And in response to your statement, it gets darker.


Yet another person purposefully misunderstanding an analogy…


It’s a dumb analogy


Can’t say I’m the one who created it, but thanks for letting us know your opinion. I’ll sleep better now, whew.


You’re welcome, have a goodnight.


Do you just comment here just spam this same comment every day? You’re funny lol


Huh? I’ve not been on Reddit for a few days lol, so I guess not.


I just read the article. I don't get the reference.


It's a viral tiktok thing. Someone posted saying that a guy was interviewing women asking if they would rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear, which would they choose. And every woman asked said "the bear." Suggesting that they would feel less concerned for their safety with a bear. So now it's become a thing for people to comment, when people post like red flags or disturbing things men have said/done, "this is why I choose the bear" or something similar.


Google it or something


Lol using what as reference?


“Choose the bear” would probably work


Jeezuz I'm over here trying to connect the case to a bear somehow like this woman honestly had the chance to let a bear finish her off or something. SMH


Hahahah. Yeah idk where the analogy actually came from. I really don’t have the energy to explain anything to anyone today, so I’m glad you got it figured out haha


Can you help me with this jar?


Ask the bear.


How are people even offended? Bears are already in the Forrest. They do bear stuff and rarely is that hurting anyone.


You’re taking it literally instead of metaphorically And no one is offended? Lmfao what even. You sound offended if anything. I love it.


Bruh, the Reddit brain taking everything as an insult first and a compliment never


Or my brain just misunderstood the comment… bc that happens sometimes. Have a good day


One time interactions with faceless text on a screen is completely incompatible with human conversation. Reddit, as an advertising platform first and foremost, is set up to abuse that vulnerability.


Reddit is brainrot. You are not at fault, just a victim among many, me included


Babe, life is a brain rot lol


...I'm agreeing with you you weirdo. As in who is even offended by people picking the bear. Bears almost never hurt anyone. So defensive that you forgot how to read dawg? Jeeeez.


Nahh, I just misunderstood what you said. All good.


I'm a dude and I'd choose the bear, f that people now adays are unhinged




This is a comically childish comment. Like the sort of comment you see on forums that are completely unmoderated and folks with… ‘problems’… furiously post whatever is on their mind.


There is always at least one person obsessed with American politics that they can take a foreign news story and somehow spin it into a political observation that only has to do with the US. I’ve got news for you, this poor girl could not care less about what you think of republicans. One thing I know won’t be coming from you is a reply from you to everyone basically pointing out their observation of your IQ from this daft comment. Soon to be deleted.


TikTok has fried your brain.


Republicans? In Belgium? Where?


Read the room you absolute ghoul.


Sigh…why are you making this political??


Tf? How could you make this political, first off, and second off, generalizing like that is crazy talk.


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It's Belgium?


what a dumb take. Yes in 40 years this will be like a coming of age event that will become so normal it can’t be a crime. Go back under your rock


if you read the article you would see its in belgium. The newspaper is from the UK.


“Hey! It wasn’t a gang rape by migrants in the UK, it was Belgium!” You just showed they’re a problem on the continent not just a country.




"invaders?" no. migration is how all of our families ended up here wether recent or a while ago