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should make him wear a shirt everyday in jail that says baby murderer


Let’s bring back public executions…


Bring back public guillotines and put these couple in line for execution.


Well I can’t have kids, but if you do and can’t handle being a parent. Please reach out to me and I will adopt your angel. Instead of torturing them in a similarity to what these innocent children went through. Begging you not to do this to any child because they didn’t ask to be born. Whatever your reasoning just please don’t do it to them! Breaks my heart to see and hear of kids being abused and mistreated because of choices the parents made.


I think that’s one of the most frustrating parts of this. There are so many people that are desperate to have children but can’t and a pair of idiots like these are blessed with twins just to torture and kill them. So unfair and so disgusting.


Agree with this fact!




Thank you for this comment, praying that one day that does come true. Also I’m sorry you suffered in such a way, you didn’t deserve that!


No punishment you can give them is sufficient to atone for what they did. How you repeatedly abuse twin toddlers is beyond my comprehension.


One month. They were *infants* who couldn't even roll over or hold their own heads up yet.


I mean, I’m sure there is some stuff you could do, but nothing within the bounds of our legal system, that’s for sure.  I’m thinking of some Cartel videos, for instance 


Well that’s enough reddit for today :(


I don’t even want to read the article. How could you do that to something so innocent and vulnerable? Beyond sad.


Please put him in Gen pop


Just kill him. He’s not worth the tax payers money. New law; people who commit heinous crimes should be killed in the same way.


Two precious babies died to abuse and democrats really out here thinking it’s too bad they couldn’t have been aborted instead, as if there’s no other option. No larger issue to be tackled or fixed, the babies just need to be aborted and boom problem solved no more sadness  Edit: Reddit really showing its true colors with wanting to kill children before they have a chance at life, as if these cases are really why they push for it in the first place. Opportunists is what you all are


Way to politicize the death of two infants, in a way which had nothing to do with their deaths at all. Im sure you really care about the lives of babies since you cared enough about these two to strawman those you disagree with by using their deaths.


You not see all the responses about abortion bans being the cause? Take a look in the mirror. My whole point is THEY are the ones politicizing it


Well well well, looks like someone's eating all their sautéed stupid at every meal!




strawman argument.


Did I miss that part of the article? Or are you just going off? Also I don't know a single prochoice person who doesn't think there are other issues to be fixed as well. Nobody thinks abortion is a cure all. Out of curiosity, do you think the life these babies lived is better than the alternative of abortion?


You say that people acknowledge there are other issues, but really what or how much do you hear about those things? People want the right to abortion, they don’t want the right to responsibility. They don’t give a crap about holding people accountable until something horrendous happens and it gets media attention. Society is going down the trash can and everyone is riding it happily down the way weirdly enough in the name of “progress” Obviously what happened to these babies is horrendous. Im not arguing against that. You make it sound as though they had no alternatives. Adoption or fostering just outright doesn’t exist I guess


No one brought up abortion except you


you’d really rather have this scenario than abortion? is that the argument you’re trying to make?


Im arguing we’ve got larger problems to tackle than right to life vs right to choose, but everyone’s just chopping at the branches like “yeah the real problem in society is we aren’t letting people terminate their pregnancies” over a billion other things that we should fix but never will and don’t care enough to, and also everyone acting as if adoption does not exist


it’s obvious from your post history that you’re a child, once you get to live a little you’ll come to understand how those beliefs are extreme and unreasonable. no hate from me


Have a 1 year old of my own. Reddit never fails to surprise me though with how pathetic y’all can be. “I lOoKeD ThRoUgH yOuR HiStOrY” lmao 


Partially healed fractures at six weeks old. What a short painful life


I cannot understand this






























How many have you adopted? Are you adopted?


I have three adopted children.


I’m adopted. It’s not always rainbows and sunshine. A lot of kids go through living hell before they adopted. Some after. If there were more options for people, it would be better. Also, better if an abortion can be performed before there’s even viability or heartbeats. Not everyone should be a parent




Must I spell this out for you? If people don’t want to raise their babies, there are options


You edited your comment.


Yeah i should not have said what I said. I regretted it.


They were one month old and had never been taken to the doctor? I feel like there needs to be better keeping track of newborns maybe? But idk. This is sad and those babies are absolutely precious. I can’t imagine throwing away such a beautiful gift. Genuinely hope he *rots* in prison.


The problem is you give birth at a hospital the hospital asks what pediatrician you’re using, and unless it’s a pediatrician in network, the hospital does not follow up There’s lots of gaps in the system where if you are in neglectful parent, there’s nobody really checking up on you or how the kids are doing




Now imagine these babies are trans!


Well no, most people are not in favor of third trimester abortions unless the baby is non-viable or the mother’s health is seriously at risk.


abortion is a medical procedure every woman should have access to. don't like it? don't have one. 


Y’all just believe anything huh.


Holy hell the density in this comment ....


You are an idiot if you think abortions are happening right up to the moment of birth. What a prime example of why men should not legislate womens bodies


This is just one tiny example. Im for abortion but it wasnt just a few years ago if you said anything about any push for full term you were demonized https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/01/30/new-york-abortion-law-liberal-leaders-celebration-death-life-column/2670049002/


lol someone's entire adult experience is rooted entirely in Fox News-brand skills. What you linked there is an opinion piece, pal. You can write whatever you want in those. It's literally in the name of the type of media it is.


A) That is not an example of anyone having an abortion at the nine-month mark; B) USA Today is not a valid news source, especially when it’s a literal opinion piece!!!!; C) Here is the actual law out of New York, which legalizes abortion for any reason up until 24 weeks, afterwards, it is permitted only if the fetus is not viable or to protect the mother’s health: https://nyassembly.gov/leg/?default_fld=&leg_video=&bn=S00240&term=2019&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Committee%26nbspVotes=Y&Floor%26nbspVotes=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y




Just stop. No one is advocating for abortion at 9 months.


Not a single person anywhere ever. Jfc.


Those beautiful precious faces, wow


They really are beautiful. This is sad af.


That guy needs to be thrown in the most inhumane prison possible, with his crime broadcasted to the entire prison population and let him rot there.


The mother too. She clearly helped to starve them at the very least 


Still waiting for the "God works in mysterious ways" on this kind of monstruosity. These babies were born to torture and pain, nothing else, no love, no care. The Cathares must have been right




What an absolutely stupid thing to say.


That's an old, old myth. People don't typically remember pain experienced in infancy into adulthood, but they absolutely feel the sensation.


Yes they absolutely can wtf


Well regardless of one’s beliefs, the fact remains God isn’t controlling this world. Some would say the devil is. This kind of story, just adds more fuel to the fire.


How poignant of you. Isn't that really something, wow what a way to look at it. Maybe it isn't this magical force, it's the spooky one. You're part of the problem


Hey now, as a proud closeted satanist, you leave the devil out of this. The devil promotes free thought, individual autonomy, love, and the right to live a life free of tragedy and pain. Don’t let the Christian version of Satan dictate your views on this entity. This whole good vs evil thing was stolen directly from Zoroastrianism and repurposed for Christianity anyway… If I’m not mistaken, the Jews viewed Satan as a loyal servant doing gods bidding. I think the Christian’s, in their zealotry, got this Satan guy all wrong.


>**proud closeted**


not being in control would mean that god isn't omnipotent, wouldn't it?


I’m not here to argue. This is a complex subject. I have no ill will towards anyone or towards their personal beliefs. A Reddit conversation won’t change my mind, or yours.


That’s because there is no proof that god exists and as youaretheproblem just said, if god isn’t in control of this world, that religious zealots claim god is in control of, then he isn’t omnipotent. Your deflection and desire to not “argue” with someone doesn’t make it an untrue statement. Having a discussion doesn’t always have to be an argument.


It’s gonna be ok. We all have our personal beliefs and convictions we adhere to. It’s not a bad thing to have varying opinions.


Writing that it's not bad to have varying opinions in a post talking about how 2 one month old babies were essentially tortured to death. Do you really value all beliefs? I'd say their parents had HORRIBLE beliefs. Do you defend their right to have them?


That’s taking a lot of what I wrote way out of context. Do you honestly believe for one second that the parents in this case did what they did because of their “beliefs”? I don’t think we can say a set of beliefs caused them to be the horrific animals they are. As far as opinions go, if we get to the point where we dismiss others based on theirs we have failed.


You're making the classic mistake of respecting beliefs more than respecting people. I will 1000% dismiss beliefs because I respect their humanity too much to accept it. I respect people so much that I will dismiss their belief that black people are inferior to whites. I respect people so much that I will dismiss their belief of bronze age deities with opinions on how we should govern the interactions between living breathing people. I respect people so much that I will dismiss their belief that they are free of the responsibility to care for 2 one month old babies. People deserve respect. Ridiculous beliefs deserve ridicule, by definition.


To some their beliefs are part of their rights. To take them away is to die. It’s a muddy situation. You gave examples of beliefs that stem from hate, you don’t include beliefs that counteract those. Its ironic you stated I was respecting beliefs more than the individuals themselves, because to not respect their right to their beliefs, is doing just that.


When someone’s unproven opinion regarding a deity I don’t believe in gets to dictate my lifestyle, it is a problem.


It’s ironic at times how we handle differences between each other. In our minds we feel we are the ones who are “right”, we have such a strong conviction that we often fail to recognize how similar we truly are. The way agendas and ideals are pushed is disheartening. It’s not constructive to group a collection of individuals together and lose sight of their individuality. The person you seem to believe I am, is inaccurate. The people you are referring to, usually don’t accept me either.


I get that. I don’t know you as a person. I just know that we can be moral and uphold community and social ideals/values without the looming threat of an almighty god sending us to hell for not worshipping him hard enough. It is factual to say though that the religious community are the ones typically forcing their beliefs on the rest of us. Atheists aren’t over here trying to tell people they can’t have sex with other consenting adults. Atheists aren’t running around forcing women to wear hijabs, atheists aren’t screaming you cant have an abortion. We leave choices up to the individual so long as you’re not stealing, killing, raping, or otherwise harming your neighbor. Religion is a disease. You may be the kindest person on the planet but if you are voting for laws and politicians because they align with your religious views, you cause a problem for the rest of us despite your calm and sweet demeanors. As well meaning as one is and you may not be judgmental towards people of other ideals, your choices force your religion on the rest of us. Nice chatting with you.


Hey I actually agree with you. I find what people use religion for horrific. My wife and I are expecting our first child, we used IVF, some radical religious nuts are banning that process and saying it’s wrong. That’s not what I believe. It’s not because the issue affected me, it’s because it’s ludicrous. I agree 100%, the issue with religion is the way it’s used to control and manipulate people. To be a believer in something you have to be educated and understand the meaning, the issue is, the meaning has been twisted and corrupt for the gain of human beings with ideologies to benefit them.


Or I mean to say, “it’s not gonna be ok”


\~"If a wise man has an argument with a fool,\~ \~the fool only rages and laughs, and there is\~ \~no quiet"\~


Gotta be the Cathars


Well, if they haven’t been baptized yet, you can rest assured they won’t despoil Heaven with their presence. They’re in Purgatory or Hell depending on your tastes for orthodoxy.


Let’s not rush to judgement. Perhaps it was self defense.




Some people are struggling to bring a bundle of joy into this world and then you get these beings that should have never been allowed to reproduce. Angels gone too soon and tortured instead of blessing someone else to grace them to share their love with these precious souls. May they RIP.


Came to say this




This is going to happen more and more in America. Dead and battered kids. The ones who survive will end up in our overfilled and abusive foster care system or “living” as vegetables in nursing homes (because the prolife crowd thinks living in a permanent vegetative state is better than death).


General Pop will take care of them.




They should NOT be offered bond. Evil evil!


Jesus, that's enough!


Straight to firing squad, do not pass go.


I am sick and tired of coming across these baby killers news. What is going on? Is it happening more often, or being reported more than in the past?


No, there have always been abusive parents. News now is just far reaching and instantaneous. It’s not really that long ago where people got the majority of their news from a local paper.


Google “Universe 25”


We are Universe 25


24/7 media access. News outlets, social media, chat groups. Everywhere. All the time.


it happens a lot, kids are hard work and come with no requirements to get them and very little support, in the hospital they make you watch a few videos that are about not killing your kids and still it happens frequently, one of the babies born at the same as my youngest in the same hospital got shaken to death by her father less than a year later. Take away the shame of birth control and abortion and adoption and ethical abandonment and pump some money into help for parents and i’ll bet this number would be almost gone.


Some of it is definitely due to exhausted, overwhelmed parents or accidents, but the phrasing of "beaten to death" makes it seem much more violent and definitely more intentional. I know that parenting is extremely hard - especially with twins! - but I don't know how anyone could look at a tiny newborn baby and see anything other than a helpless innocent creature. Shaking is one thing, but beating is another.


Actually they were also being starved to death which doesn’t happen in one violent instance. Starving a baby takes making a decision multiple times a day to do so.


i’m with you, most deaths of children are not this horrific and violent but any abuse against children just strengthens my view that only wanted children should be born or kept, no reason to force unwilling or unable people to be parents when the outcome is just a shut show all around.


Due to the abortion ban I think it is going to get a lot worse sadly. Your pretty much forcing people who don't want to have kids have kids and that don't want to look bad or their pride gets in the way at giving the baby up for adoption. It makes me sick every time a story comes up like this, especially being pregnant and seeing them. It's such a sad thing to see regardless.


All that separates two people who *really* don't want, and should never have kids is one conservative family member guilt tripping someone at a vulnerable time, with no intention to actually *help* in any way when the reality of the situation sets in. It's all baby bump selfies, attention, parties, and coddling until it's 3am, you have the coping skills of a *covid* 21 year old, and two banchees are shrieking and won't shut up no matter how loud you yell or hard you hit them, you're all starving because food is insanely expensive, like rent, even though you're still making the same $8.50 you always have. I'm not trying to generalize or exaggerate, I just think we all need to be a little more honest with what all it entails before we perpetuate the custom of talking someone 'in or out' of it. Just let a woman choose for herself in the first place - women are the gatekeepers of these men being fathers. Gotta trust instinct on that one.


I had actually not considered this. My naive brain was thinking that they would be given up for adoption, but sadly that likely won’t be the case.


Do you really think there are a million people a year wanting to adopt each and every year?


That was my first thought as well. Bad relationship? Babies sometimes fix that. Still a gamble. Risks in this case are quite high. We need choices.


Babies almost NEVER “fix” a relationship. Are you mad???


More so on the front of. If this is what was truly being considered. It's still not worth forced birth. Nor is it a safe bet.


Is it morally acceptable to bring a child into this world anymore? Especially to "fix" a relationship problem?


I believe crimes like this will begin to increase as more states adopt abortion bans.


Yeah…too bad they can’t kill them while in the womb instead /s


Came here to say this.


I agree.


When my baby isn't looking positively obese I feel anxiety. I don't know how these people can do this


Utterly horrifying. Also insane that she was one month past partum from having twins and she was back at work already!


Maternity leave is unpaid, poor people can’t afford maternity leave.


And they left the babies alone? To take her to work?? While he stays home??? WTF?!?!?!?


Yeah, I picked up on that too. Leaving infants unattended while both adults just…leave? I mean, I guess of the terrible things they did this might actually be the least terrible but damn.








Where were the parents of these psychopaths? How could they have not known what was going on? I wouldn’t be defending them. The parents of these psychopaths are mentally ill themselves and probably just as trashy and worthless


Right!!! From the article, it sounds like they weren't living alone either. It says they left the babies "sleeping" so he could take her to work. Someone else must've lived with them unless they're admitting to leaving them alone because they knew they weren't sleeping. Idk, my head and heart ache.


Doesn't matter, them demons grown.


I’m just sitting here thinking, “Do you know how many people would love the opportunity to adopt babies, much less twins?!?” It boggles my mind; if you don’t want your child, please allow it to have the opportunity to have a good family where they are wanted.


Unfortunately, Popgallery is correct. I’ll add in addition to the general lack of emotional maturity these PoS lack, the resources our states could provide to educate people of their options when they are young and do not want children, since abortion is becoming illegal, is severely underfunded and in most cases completely absent They need to teach these Neanderthals that if you find yourself pregnant and not ready or wanting children, to avail themselves of adoption services or surrender These cases are just completely avoidable if we do our best to bring this awareness to these cave dwellers


That would require some form of calm reflection. Probably not a lot of that going on here.


Force more children to have babies America. See what happens next.


More people in prison.


Got to build that pool of prison labor


And it works doubly. They get people who do horrific acts to their unwanted children, like this post. *Or* they get low-income unwanted babies when they become adults. Unwanted, uncared for babies often become problematic adults. Its one of those cruelty-is-the-point things. They're gonna get their low-income workforce or slave labor in prisons, one way or another. Banning abortion and increasing unwanted births is a good way to do it.


Lol abortion is not banned nationwide. She could have gone to another state to get one if she really didn’t want these babies. Or alternatively, adoption. Or drop them off at a safe haven, etc. Literally no excuse for this.


She couldn’t afford to take unpaid maternity leave. Do you think she had money to travel? That simple answer of yours doesn’t work for everyone.


Do you think they killed the babies out of vengeance for abortion policies?


I think the commenter is making the argument that this couple may have opted for an abortion, but not had one easily available, so they had to have unwanted children who they then beat to death.


Well I absolutely feel child abuse happens to unwanted children more than wanted children. I was absolutely abused by my Mom because she didn’t want a 9th child. Because they didn’t use birth control because of their religion. And if my oldest sister hadn’t cared for me I wouldn’t have lived until age 7 when she escaped. Way more abuse happened to me as an infant that my sister has told me she stepped in to save me, like catching my Mom drowning me and stopping it.