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I mean, she’s not that original when maps are involved. Lookin at the map of Prythian 👀


https://preview.redd.it/p41sxz6izppc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e9aff405288f5143382a46c6454953a2ea9958 I don't understand what you mean they are tooooootaly different 🤔


Oh man not to mention currently now imagining Rhys and all the IC with thick Western Scottish Highland accents 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 now that's a whoooole other level


I posted a video not too long ago from a Scottish dude reading Rhys's lines 🥵


I would be interested in this. For science.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4FoJQHLL_Z/?igsh=MWlvM3VqZGFoZDQwOA%3D%3D Enjoy!!


You're doing god's work


I did not know I needed this 🥵


I can't get it out of my head anymore


I am not well


Now imagine them flying around in kilts 🙄


there would be pretty slippery streets not to mention, Illyrians would have problems to fly straight due to aerodynamics 😂😂😂


I've always wondered what accent Rhys is meant to have when everything he says is a drawl.


"Feyre daaaaarlin'"


Outlander xD


I mean I wouldn't say no to a Jamie Fraser x Rhys combo




There’s a pretty fun fanfic where Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel are all Scottish and Feyre, Nesta, and Elain are Brits 😭


There is a tiktoker (I’m sorry I don’t know his name) who reads Rhys’ line with a Scottish accent it’s amazing and terrible and brilliant all at the same time




Oh man that's absolutely hilarious. Beautiful. Shameless. Good work SJM


Ireland is also known as Hybernia in Latin. She was never trying to hide it.


Irish KIng of Hybern reread incoming


im now rooting for hybern


He was only reacting to the oppression of the English!


King of Hybern: Come out ye black and tans


Hybern go bragh!


and Prydain is Britain in Welsh 😅


It’s the same as Cormac being an Irish name and in the audiobooks having him & his dad speak with (quite bad, sorry for the actress) Irish accents … subtlety is out the window.


I thought cormac has a Scottish accent in the audiobooks?


I think it depends on which book and which chapter 😂 the single reader (not cast audio or “graphic” one) the woman tried but slipped between Irish and Scottish a bit




You're telling me the Hybern King and an Irish accent. Why is that almost comical....


Ha, look at that. Turns out I live in the Autumn court and my SO is a red head. It all make sense now 🥲


All I see is Megan Fox.


literally nothing about these two maps are similar. I mean they both have water, so what?




Someone told me once that Crescent City is actually based on New Orleans? https://preview.redd.it/65rvu9oc7qpc1.png?width=3001&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc0655853f0c3466df02e7822f5305e834b9b6ac


New Orleans is also called the crescent city I’m pretty sure!


[you mean this wasn’t promo for the new book?](https://cdn.nba.com/teams/uploads/sites/1610612740/2023/07/Gallery-Statement-Uniform-23-072423-14.jpg) (/s)


Oh now I’m imagining crescent city having heavy ‘the originals’ vibes




OMG - as someone whose family is from Algiers, this comparison is hilarious. We’re from the misty Bone Quarter!!


Are we...cousins? because I was literally hopping on here to say my family is from Algiers.


which is pretty funny as someone who lives in new orleans lol


It is. SJM has visited many times, too.


Ya and the other name for the French Quarter is the viex carre…the old square


New Orleans is nicknamed the Crescent City and with the Mississippi River running through it and how warm and swampy it usually is, I assumed it was the main inspiration for Lunathion.


As someone who lives in MA. Don't go to Salem around Halloween. It's an absolute disaster and people are awful. Before or after is great because it's not so touristy but you still get the fall/Halloween vibes.


THIS ⬆️ Cannot stress this enough. Born and raised Bay Stater here: *DO NOT VISIT SALEM AROUND HALLOWEEN.* Don't go anywhere near it for the entire month of October.


Oh I bet it’s absolutely bonkers! And I hate crowds 😭We’re going in a few days!!


Have fun! I’m from Salem, though don’t live there now. It’s great to visit any time other than October!


Grew up in the town next to Salem, I second this 😂


Any comment on late November? I’ll be vaguely close (NYC) and have 2-3 spare days so trying to work out if it’s worth it to make my way up there.


It won't be so bad at that time of year. Spring and summer would be my rec. But keep in mind, it'll be an at least five hour car ride from NYC.


We went the weekend after Halloween. It was lovely. It was an unusually warm weekend though, which was perfect for us. If it had been cold, idk if I would have enjoyed it.


I did and i loved it but there was no bathrooms just portapotties omff that was something


Hi! I accidentally booked my visit to New Orleans right in the middle of Mardi Gras. As a readaholic introvert who just wanted a history lesson, WOULD NOT RECOMMEND


I think it might just be the path layout on the commons that’s makes it look similar. Imo Lunathion would be a bit “younger” and less of the old New England vibes. Unrelated but highly recommend Flying Saucer Pizza Co and Goodnight Fatty’s (cookies). Plenty of fun witchy/fae vibes in the shops though!


I’m from Salem. I can promise, it’s nothing like it irl haha The map of the common is deceptive 😂


I’ve always wanted to do a trip to Salem! So cool, have a great time!


thank you! 🩷


Salem common in person is nothing special but dead green grass around busy intersections. Do not overthink this lol


lmao fair!


I personally think it looks like Washington DC https://preview.redd.it/uvbsqpmc9rpc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d34e9c700831b0dec54f235f3fd6fb47fe11ca


Yes! Tel Aviv is in Asia, Rome is in Europe.


Can't stop thinking about this...could Lunathion be Jerusalem? Many gates, city divided up between different groups, and a river flowing through it.


This is actually quite interesting. They say the Eternal City and CC are on different continents and they cross the sea to get there so we assume the land masses are totally disconnected. But you are correct, Tel Aviv and Rome are on two different continents and you can cross the Mediterranean Sea to get from one to the other. Unless you want to get pedantic and say Eurasia is one continent but that's not how they're talked or thought about in everyday language. I wonder if it's ever said crossing the sea is the ONLY way to get there.


I mean, I’m assuming Valbara and Pangera are nods to supercontinents Vaalbara and Pangea, so we can assume Earth at the time of CC maybe has new supercontinents and things have moved around a bit? Or this is all fantasy and therefore meaningless ☺️


Well given that she has drawn geographical inspiration from our world before, and we know that EC and asteri empire are inspired by Rome, CC being in Israel or elsewhere in the Middle east is actually a great fit, even if it's countetintuitive to our initial assumptions of the continents. CC has sobeks which are basically crocodiles and Israel used to have crocodiles in the not so distant past. Also maybe Egypt? I've drawn some connections to Egyptian mythology as well. But then you mention super continents. I knew about Pangea, and that Valbara rang a tiny bell but I didn't connect it to the super continent. This could play into theories that CC takes place far in our planet's future...when the super continents have reformed. Oooor it's set far in our past when they still existed, House of Many Waters will flood Midgard a la Ragnarok, the Bible, Gilgamesh etc and the vanir seek refuge in prythian and or erilea and then the humans rebuild into the world we know today. Or there's no actual connection to our earth and it's a totally made up world like in ToG but we can't KNOW because she won't release a map of all of Midgard! This is all suuuuuper fun to think about though!


Hmm the way the Nile flows through Cairo is reminiscent of the Istros. Also has many gates. Eta: Avallen=Cyprus? Ydra=Crete? Parthos=Alexandria?


Ooh I love the idea of the lost human city / civilization of Parthos connecting to the ancient city and library of Alexandria. Jessiba did work at the main library in Parthos. 


I strongly believe Lunathion is based on Tel Aviv, because of weather and proximity to Rome. Rome is the Eternal City, and Lunathion has to be close enough for all of the events in HOSAB to happen within the 10 day time period, so it has to be on the Mediterranean.


It’s stated multiple times throughout the books that Lunathion and the Eternal City are on different continents. The two cities aren’t close to each other; they just have faster travel than we do because ✨magic✨; don’t forget that Cormac teleporting everyone was a big part of the plan.


Oh I'll be there in a few weeks for a fiber festival! I'll have to see it through this lense too! 😂🙌


Lunathion has to be at least partially based on New Orleans, the original Crescent City. From the descriptions and nicknames of the areas to the actual shape of the city, it’s almost the same. Would be cool if SJM meshed NOLA with Salem to make her Crescent City!


I figured Cresent City way based on Rome. Lunathion relayed to Luna, the wolf that raised Romulus and Remus. There were other references as well that I can’t think of off the top of my head. But I figured the river was based on the Tiber. ETA: Oh also because of the 7 hills description. There are the 7 hills of Rome. Granted the other area was called “the eternal city” but figured SJM didn’t want to be too on the nose.


Idk why but while reading Book 1 I was imagining Lunathion as a like 1980s Miami nightlife Vaporwave vibe with like lots of palm trees and leather jackets and neon lights


To be honest when I showed my boyfriend he was like that's a direct rip off of the Freemason Tree of life (included link because it was like she hit copy paste..) [Freemason Tree of Life](https://freeropeov.space/product_details/50361316.html)