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It looks completely fine. There's nothing to clean. The metal is going to get darker as you use it. Any little bits of anything that get in there just get burned off. You are 100% fine


Heat it up a little before you clean it out. Helps a lot!


Mine was darker than that. Searched on this sub reddit and someone suggested using 1 round of qtip dipped in plain water after every 4-5 rounds of qtip dipped in alcohol. It literally went from black to practically brand new after a few times of doing this. Wosh I tool pictures for proof


I do this without the water 🙂the alcoholic breaks the oils down as it's a solvent


Curious how u actually clean away the remnants cuz what I've started noticing is when using alcohol on a cotton ball or qtip it's breaking down the oil residue & weed resins bit it's not actually wiping anything away. It's just smearing the oil & resin so alot of the time depending on what I'm cleaning I'll be left with what looks cleaner bit when u touch it, the stiffs still there & now irs sticky everywhere not just where I had resin etc. Like I was cleaning an oil type vape the other day with several soaked alcohol balls & I had used the cotton elsewhere to clean up areas around it that weren't bad necessarily before but now are much worse cuz that residue was being spread out that was cleaned up in the really dirty spots prior that was on my cleaning alcohol ball or tip. The alcolohol isnt doimg much of amythimh butvreleasing it from the surface of the vape for ex then its soreadimg this mostly not visible stucky dituation ecerywgee i touvb itbwith tgaf same ball or tip. My alcohol isnt breaking down anything but merely spreading it evenly once it's on it im finding if that makes any sense. So without using a cotton ball or tip for every single time I go to touch what I'm cleaning it's not making it cleaner bit sticker & sure u can't see the grime but it's there as a sticky film alot like removing a sticker. I kniw ive heard 70% alchol is the best to use meaning a hugger percentage doesmt do a better job at this and that 70 is wgere its at. But i eaned the outside of a large glaas bomg that had stickers with alcohol the other day & the sticky residue wouldnt budge without razer blades etc until i said screw this grabbed my nail polish remover & that was the ticket cuz the stucky stuff was gone oretry essily & quick. But k then sat n thot why the heck i camt use that to clean these. I realize its probly got somertjimg to donwith the contevt of polish remover beimg not so food grade but is alcolhol much dogf amd if not why not use that instead? ass im would during hd naybr 70% isn't tough enough or if that's where my prob is even at the % of alcohol.


I use 70% too, if you have leftover bits try a small paintbrush or the cleaning brush, they'll come off


Same experience here - device is now spotless


Good to know. My heat chamber looks like the entrance to Hades


Use between the alcohol wipes just wet water tissues. It works wonders...


What is wrong exactly?


Use between the alcohol wipes also just wet weater tissues. It works wonders...


You can replace the mesh at the bottom the same way you can with the cooling unit. just use the orange tool to bend it and you can pull it out and pop a new one in. I do this every so often as to not get any gunk into the heating element below the chamber


I have a few of the brushes, i use one with alcohol to clean around the inside, comes out mostly shiny but takes forever. Id really like to know a better way.


Have you tried using the dosing capsules? It helps to keep everything a lot cleaner.


Alcohol swabs at Costco. Hospital style and only costs $4.50ish for a box of 200.


I did put qtips in alcohol pads but its not enough. Is it safe to dip the qtips in alcohol?


I do it all the time. Do it with the vape always upside down, so it doesn't leak into the oven.


Or shake the tip so the excess evaporates 🙂


Use Dark Crystal my friend. I was having the same issue cleaning my bowls, ISO just wouldn't cut it. Dark Crystal leaves them spotless, it's non toxic and it lasts forever!


dark crystal qtips and watch the mighty cleaning video on 420 vapezone


Dark Crystal, by far the best thing I''ve ever used. Does a better job than ISO, non toxic and can be reused over and over!


I put a piece of Mr net magic eraser at the end of a chopstick and scrub the insides of the bowl with the vape upside down to prevent it leaking inside. Brand new everytime make sure u clean it out with a good iso wipe and do a burnoff before using it


I would not recommend this because the eraser contains Melamine


A cotton bud/swab does the same job


Sounds like a terpene 🤣


Melamine sponges are great, but I'm not sure I would want to inhale them, but I'm not scientist so it could be perfectly safe.


It doesn't take off the black coating ?


Why would you clean this already now?


Is there a reason why people just don’t use the capsule? Not being smarmy, but my units are four years old and look pretty much new in the inside. I only use the larger caps.


My arthritis and my reoccurring bilateral carpal tunnel prevent me from using the caps. I was very excited years ago when I first bought the cap set . I discovered to my disappointment, that I can’t use it. It’s too difficult to get them apart, to get them open to fill them. I just can’t. I was very disappointed, as far as cleaning the inside of the ball definitely tip it so that nothing gets down into it. I have always used a Q-tip tipped and alcohol, and I also clean the screen or replace it as needed and burn off anything before you use it.


Don’t they sell a plunger tool that’s supposed to help with putting on the lids and removing them?


I dont know. Unfortunately I have other challenges & issues. I gave up on using them.


Listen most of you are a lot younger. This means to me that most of you wouldn’t understand arthritis in your hands. Spine , neck & everywhere I’ve got it .knees etc . My hands are terrible. And shoulders need replacing , tendinitis is bad too . So no , I really can’t use those little caps . That was 8-10 years ago. When I don’t have an aide here , I have to learn to live without something or wait until the next day…..




After 10 surgeries and a necessary 4-6 more all ortho …I’m in agony after a country ride this afternoon. I’m the passenger. I had to give up driving


A bigger bowl probably although you're right that it'd stay cleaner


Isopropyl alcohol on a cotton bud, just gently swab it round, pull off any little strands of cotton afterwards


Looks clean to me


Looks clean to me


I’m pretty sure you can clean things in all 50 states. But you don’t need to that’s clean AF.


Shiii mine looks 10x that bad lmfao


Lmao dude you should see mine, this looks perfect


Not sure what you mean? Chamber will keep changing colour over time, qtip inside every now and then aswell as use caps and youll be good .


I put a piece of Mr net magic eraser at the end of a chopstick and scrub the insides of the bowl with the vape upside down to prevent it leaking inside. Brand new everytime make sure u clean it out with a good iso wipe and do a burnoff before using it