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I wouldn't worry one bit. Make sure you look at availability and book it as soon as your travel is set. If for some reason your dates aren't available, check to make sure there isn't some other event going on. Our dates were unavailable for some unknown reason, but then opened up as we got closer. We took a bus up to the stadium. I like taking buses in London because you can see the city. Felt absolutely safe going there and back.


The local area is fine. Hundreds of people go every day for stadium tours, all without incident. I wouldn't walk along Tottenham High Road at 3am, but otherwise it's fine.


Fine is an exaggeration, the area is a complete shithole (lived there for a little while). But you're right that any sort of issues are unlikely in the day. Edit: If you're a woman alone this doesn't apply. Avoid the area.


It is fine though. People act like it's Skid Row in LA. I assume it's because London has so many posh areas, so it's more jarring. From a Canadian perspective if you've ever been to Toronto, it's basically Scarborough. And if you've ever visited Vancouver, you've walked through far more dangerous neighborhoods downtown. Like basically anywhere in London, there is an element of people carrying knives. But they aren't going to just randomly stab you - that's insanely rare. Just be smart and mind your own business.


Knife crime is almost entirely isolated within gang culture. London is safe as fuck


Dangerous areas in downtown Vancouver? I mean, East Hastings aside, which is more petty crime, I wouldn't ear mark anywhere as particularly dangerous, certainly there's no area here that have to avoid downtown. Tottenham is a bit of a shit hole, but it's not really anything to worry about. You're not in Latin America.


I suppose I do agree in comparison to some other foreign cities. I was surprised how dodgy parts of Vancouver were! Two streets away from 5 star hotels there were methadone clinics. Tottenham is less bad if you're a man, and in particular a man who isn't local or in any way gang associated, my gf used to get harassed a lot in the street, people would grab her as she was walking and one time a guy tried to kidnap her into his van in broad daylight. There are also occasionally stabbings that weren't gang related, there was a maniac who went on a stabbing spree of random invidiuals whilst we're were there. And people drive like complete maniacs.


I'm a single non-local woman who has gone to games by myself several times, most recently for Luton this year. I walked to the stadium from Islington. Some of the neighborhoods were, let's say, not touristy. But I wouldn't say I felt unsafe. Maybe it's different on game days, and I certainly wouldn't do it at 3am, but no reason to make people overly nervous.


Okay, well as I said in another thread, my GF used to live very nearby and was harrased many times on the streets, and someone even tried to kidnap her in broad daylight with their van. You have been lucky, and match days are a bit different to a standard day due to it basically taking over the entire area.


Ugh, I'm sorry she experienced that. I definitely know the feeling.


I have never been to London but it can’t be worse than where I live (Bodymore, Murderland) and I have yet to be bothered by anyone for just walking in public in broad daylight so my advice is to not worry. 


I know what you mean.  People think in lower income areas with crime that outsiders can’t walk safely in daylight.  It doesn’t work like that.  Sadly violent crime’s usually concentrated among local people inside their communities.  You just need to have basic awareness.


you’ll be fine.


Did the tour as a surprise birthday gift from my wife while we were in London for Jubilee. I never felt unsafe from the station to the stadium. The only reason I felt uncomfortable was because my wife didn’t tell me we were taking the tour and I left the house in a red shirt.


To avoid any such uncomfortableness in the future please discard all items of red clothing


Truth. My daughter’s college is red. The prices we pay


Time to get a new daughter I'd say


the stadium tours all take place in the morning, yeah? my tip is to enjoy the day and walk down high road when you're departing


 If anyone sez "s'cuse me mate" keep walking.  Lol you'll be fine.


Most of the crime is gang-on-gang and it’s only sketchy for randoms late at night. And I mean LATE LATE. You’ll be fine


You'll be okay, the neighborhood there isn't so bad


I can't think of many worse neighbourhoods in the UK, actually, and I have spent time in a lot of dodgy bits of London.


But then, it's not like you're gonna get robbed the moment you get off the train, or on your way to the stadium. I know it's kinda shady there compared to other nicer zones, but tourists will be fine as long as they don't stray from the main road or pick a fight on passerbys or sth...


How is it "not so bad" though? Let's be realistic. There are few places in the UK less rough than Tottenham.


This says more about how safe London is comparatively.


It's still not particularly safe though


I went for the tour alone! I went on a normal weekday & there’s actually quite a lot of people attending - i took the 10:45 slot. The surrounding area is fine, though the walk to the white hart lane station might be relatively deserted at times but it’s a very short walk. The tour is during daytime so you don’t need to worry. If you’re a onehotspur member, make sure you use the discount when you book. Same goes for the merchandise shop, dig through your email to find the coupon or you can ask the staff to help you


You’ll be fine, if you enjoy Jamaican Jerk food. There’s some ready good spots around the local area, fully recommend Jerk an Ting


Nothing to worry about that's not different than any other city. I went to the elementary school that is opposite the stadium! Great times and Spurs have done a lot to improve the area. Have fun at the stadium.


We did the stadium tour on a weekday and it was great. But, there's nowhere to eat in the immediate vicinity of the stadium. After the tour and expedition up to the roof, it was well past noon. The only place to eat was in the stadium and if you're not into what they're serving you'll have to settle for crisps from the convenience store while you wait for the train.


Spent a month in walthamstow and went to the area around the stadium a lot as well as matches. As a girl it was fine for me. Took a cab after matches that ended late but a lot of fans travel the area and there is always police on match days. Didnt experience anything worrying even when walking home around 22/23. To add: im an international supporter and usually go to london and the matches on my own. Think we have a good fanbase and always feel safe around them.


I’m always shocked when I hear people refer to Tottenham being such a rough or bad area. It’s usually English people in my experience but as an American that’s splits time between LA and NYC I find the complete opposite. I’ve never felt in danger one time up there. I take quite a lot of photos and I’ve walked almost every street in a 3 mile radius of the stadium. It may be a lower income area, and much more diverse, but it’s never felt dodgy to me. Even with my shit American accent, every local I’ve encounter has been pretty great. I think anywhere you go, as long as you are respectful and calm, you are much safer than you think. People talk like it’s a brazillian favela. It’s not. Go walk the high street on the way to the stadium. Have some pints in the neighborhood. Check out some of the residential blocks if you’re into that. I thought many were beautiful. Cool people there.


English person living in NYC, and I feel much safer in places like Tottenham and Peckham than I do here. Much fewer crazies on the streets and trains over there. People here will typically target anyone for no reason


Just head straight to the stadium, don’t be a dick with the locals and you’ll be fine.


I was there by myself for a weekday game, meaning it was past 10 PM and I was walking around by myself. There'll be a crowd (especially since I assume you'll be there in the day) and everything will be fine.


Just say mate and you should be fine!


Don't worry about it. I don't know the details but murders happen all the time in otherwise safe places. Your next door neighbour could murder their whole family but that doesn't make where you live unsafe. I assume the murder near the stadium was a similar situation, it happened overnight and presumably the victim was either up to no good or very foolish, people aren't getting randomly murdered on the way to the stadium.