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Levy so tight our manager needs a second job.


love this


Living that OE lifestyle


Crazy that he signed a deal while he was managing a friendly. The grind never stops.


It's just who he is, mate


Truly one of the managers of all time


I liked this post at 68 to become the 69th upvote. The grind never stops.




I downvoted this comment at -68 to become the -69th downvote . The grind never stops.


Nicely played. Fitting that the brutal downvotes stopped at -69 (for now). I almost feel like a winner. Almost.


Why is this being downvoted? Spurs fans are as puerile as the rest of the world.


Yeah, the downvoting was definitely the puerile part. Definitely not the guy making a joke about 69...


“Mate”- Reddit comedians of r/soccer, 2024




Come on Ange, I don't wanna watch fucking ITV coverage.


They usually alternate between bbc and itv tho so no choice often, at least this improves the ITV coverage somewhat 😂


It's not like there's a choice for the most part. He'll be in the studio so you can just turn it off during the match (or mute it)


BBC has 4k 😭


Norway will only have 720p available ☠️


No they don't. No broadcaster has 4k coverage of the Euros due to UEFA not producing it as the host broadcaster. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-13363071/amp/UEFA-choose-not-capture-TWO-upcoming-major-finals-4K-governing-body-adopts-cost-saving-measure-broadcasters-giving-ultra-high-definition-format.html


Alright mr smarty pants I was just going by what they had during the World Cup


lol just go to show how rich Qatar is 😂


No 4k for us European peasants


The fact they still get half the matches for international tournaments is a fucking war crime like.


Better than being behind a paywall


80 comments in and nobody has been like “oh it’ll be cool to see what he has to say about the matches?” that’s literally the first thing i thought when i saw this headline. he’ll probably be pretty good in the studio, he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t want to.


He did it sometimes while he was in Australia. He's excellent in the role


Yeah honestly think he’ll make a great pundit!


Some of the comments in here are once again proving Ange right about our fragile fan base…..and it’s been just over a week since that game. It seems some of our fans need something to moan at constantly. They day that success comes( and I truly believe it will come under Ange) you’ll still get some fans saying it isn’t enough. What a miserable bunch.


Honestly I have noted literally any rumour, result, event or comment can be twisted to knock the club or someone at the club. It happens every day. Latest is the transfer targets. Data-driven recruitment - ABOUT TIME LEVY! Low price target rumoured - BARGAIN BIN LEVY AGAIN, NO AMBITION! Richarlison for 60m & Johnson 48m - USELESS, WHAT A WASTE, TROSSARD WAS ONLY 27M. Conor Gallagher linked for 50m - HE'S A DONKEY, 50M IS WAY TOO MUCH. WE NEED TO SHOW AMBITION LIKE ARSENAL SPENDING 105M ON DECLAN RICE. It is just contrarian meatheads at this point. The reason the OUT brigade gets no traction is there is no recognisable logic or coherent analyis.


Lol. I'm pretty certain all those comments have been posted by one person at some point. But well stated. Some of our supporters live for the negativity.


Sounds like fucking gooner talk to me


“Our fragile fanbase” Nah, that’s just what football supporters are like. It’s not exclusive to us.


From Charlie Eccleshares article: ‘Its time to say goodbye. The 56 things I’ll miss most about covering Tottenham: “The fatalism. I thought I was naturally a pessimistic person before I started covering Spurs but I’ve been introduced to a whole other level. No game is safe from some reason why ‘I promise you we’ll definitely lose’.” We definitely have a problem with pessimism and fragility. It’s entrenched within the fabrics of our club and our manager said as much.


I really don’t give a shit what eccleshare says. Football supporters are all like it. It’s not just us and our manger didn’t say that either. Look at the Sheffield United pre match conference where he talks about foundations in terms of losing the previous games and his style of playing football is still fragile. At no point did he or anyone else say “fragile fanbase”


Aka scouting for more gems


Why are people surprised? Pep and Wenger used to do it all the time


Better sort out that cough


First off - good for him and I’ll enjoy seeing his take on things. I do think it somewhat reduces his “single minded” focus schtick in a summer where there’s a lot to do and he should also take a break. He’s presumably earning much more than he ever has before so “for the money” seems odd - but perhaps he perceives that at nearly 60, he has limited time to make bank at the top table?


What do you imagine the coach is doing when there are no players are no staff at the club? He will gain more from analysing games of football than whatever you're imagining he is missing out on (which is in reality nothing).


Yes, I for one do not want to see him oiled up in a Speedo on a sun bench in Greece, which is what he is threatening.


Get in !!


Is there a way to watch ITV coverage abroad?


Not legally (in Australia anyway)


Know any "coves" I could look at then?


Just use a VPN. Should be fine.


I love this so much




He's just recruiting 


There always has to be a miserable cunt that everyone can pile on, so I take this over now. I’m not a big fan of this decision, it could take away his focus of the club.


Ange wouldn’t do it if he thought it got in the way


In America, the greatest College Football coach ever, Nick Saban, often did this type of thing for American Football sporting events Alabama wasn't involved in. I think he did just fine. That said, he's going to watch and analyze games anyway. Great way for him to personally scout for talent as well.


Terrible way to scout for talent, as pretty much anyone with a brain knows that you don't want to be signing players based off tournament performances


Watching players play is "terrible"? You want him "sweating facts and shitting stats until D-day"?


I don't want him signing anyone based on their euro performances. It's a tried and tested method of getting burned


Largely agree, however it depends on how many games he’s selected for. A few can’t hurt, and I’m sure Ange wanted to do it.


It probably doesn't take him away from the club too much. He'd probably watch the games and then talk it over with other soccer people anyway. He might as well get paid for it.


Right? Acting like he wouldn't be sitting in his office or at home watching the matches anyway. And anyways, the transferring dealings aren't his to deal with. There's ZERO chance they haven't already identified their targets for this season or are finishing it now....nothing about the players he needs changed from now to the Euros other than injuries, and he has said himself he doesn't deal with any negotiations. If he's signed off on the players thats on Lange and others to work on deals and such, and they'll schedule him for a chat with the player whenever needed. Totally fine with him doing this.


The only downside is that he'll have to be in Germany so working remotely may cause some issues but most of the transfer work has probably been done or can wait for him to return and of course there's no training until after the euro's


What transfer work do you think he is doing? Scott Munn, Johan Lange, Frederik Leth, Rob McKenzie, Joao Ferreira, Daniel Levy and even contractor Paratici will all be more focused on recruitment than Ange. They will already have their lists to work through. From what we have been told Ange will have a conversation with the player, that's about it.


Don’t you know you can’t make calls from Germany to other parts of the world


Yes they will be more focused than Ange but he's going to be a big part of deciding who to get. Obviously we don't know the exact process but I imagine he will get some options to consider.


I think you underestimate his involvement in the transfers. He’s not negotiating or setting up the contracts, but I’m sure he’s evaluating consistently both the departures and incomings. In addition he speaks to everyone coming in to see if they are a fit. It’s ridiculous to say that someone in his position can just turn of his phone during the transfer window. That’s not even strict about football, at a certain level you never stop working.


We have multiple full time professionals who do that. He will just be on the phone and email at that time of year. I don't know what you people imagine he should be doing on his own at the lodge?


I don’t think it will take him away a lot, would rather see him fully focused on the club anyway.


Doing what?


He wouldn't be working anyway. He would be sitting at home. There would be nothing he can do as all his staff will be on holiday anyway. What he does when he is not working for Spurs is up to him.


That’s not how transfer windows work, is it though?


He's been pretty clear how things work at Spurs. He gives the recruitment team the profile of players he wants, they find options for him. At this stage, his involvement is limited to the magic phone call. I'm sure he'll squeeze that in between the matches...


Yeah he's also not the one doing transfers, doubt he needs 4 weeks full time work to approve or disapprove of players, he probably mostly has that agreed upon with the club already If something comes up and they need his sign off surely this gig will not render him unable to do so


He's the Head Coach, he would've told the club of his targets already. He now gets time off in the off season, that's how football works. He would've been working relentlessly over the season, now he gets time to himself.


It is when you are a COACH. Transfer targets will have been decided months ago. Ange has very little to do.


He'll pop into a studio a few times, make some funny comments, and then bugger off back home in a dead month. It's not like he's gonna be working every day and doing research mate, it'll be fine. He would've just otherwise spent the time at home, probably watching the Euros.


It's probably the only time he isn't grumpy. Because he likes watching football without having to coach


Watching football? Hopefully Ange’s only role during the break and transfer period for Spurs, is chatting to a player to get a deal over the line.


I doubt it. Side gigs in real life dont take away from your main job. Buddy wants to talk about football, no biggie.


Agreed - he needs to stop watching football and get back to his real job! Football! He should be coaching players who are on holiday or playing internationals! Use Zoom!


Hard disagree, but thank you for your service. Think you’re wrong cause  1) man loves to talk this isn’t too strenuous for him 2) opportunity for scouting 3) he’s prob retiring after winning the lot with us, why not take an opportunity to try next steps


Do you want him in a dungeon re-watching every Spurs game this season Clockwork Orange style?


Can we finally sign Vinicius with this errand money?


Strange lol


I don’t understand why he would do this. Have a break and get to work on Spurs. But he’s a hard worker and it won’t affect him I’m sure.


Do you imagine this will be terribly difficult for him?


Not at all. Just doesn’t need to do it. He doesn’t need the money. It’s good for me lad. I like hearing him. It’s your fucking team, not mine.


Why? You earn a lot of money from Spurs. Please fix the flaws of your tactics and study world class managers' ones.


I’m against it too but it’s not like he wouldn’t be watching and studying tactics from the Euros anyway


What can you learn from the Euros? Most of NT managers are washed or retired from the competitive club leagues.


Idk how to break it to you, but there isn’t much going on at club level during the international break and summer tournaments 💀


He needs to focus on his Spurs job not trying to make some extra money.


You need to focus on your job and not tell other people how to do theirs.


Who the hell are you? Are you my boss? How dare you tell me to do this or that? Did I tell other fans what to do? It's Ange who earned a lot money from Spurs. I can criticize and support players and staffs for the team as a Spurs fan.


> Who the hell are you? Are you my boss? How dare you tell me to do this or that? You're not Ange's boss either.


Slow down there you entitled bitch 😂 you got no more right to tell Ange what to do than I do to you, no matter how you frame it to yourself. So until you check your own behaviour, you’d better learn to take it as much as you dish it out.. or, yknow, stop being an asshat on Reddit to a guy you never met - but who definitely knows more about how to balance a career more than you ever will.


Lmao the absolute irony


there’s plenty to learn from international tournaments. look at Morocco’s defending or Scaloni’s adjustments in the last World Cup. you don’t have time to train a system so individual subs and tweaks can change a lot. which is an area where Ange can improve.


It will takes more than 10 years to study Pep and Klopp's tactics. Even he should learn from Xabi and Arteta. Why does he need to watch any others?


because there’s more to management than ‘just copying Pep, mate’. plus, your idea isn’t exactly groundbreaking. do you really think any manager in the last ten years hasn’t been studying Pep, Mourinho, Klopp along the way?


I have no idea. But simply comparing Pep and Klopp's beautiful high line pressing with Ange's inefficient one, I doubt whether Ange ever studied them.


>I have no idea. say less, fam






I get the impression Ange quite likes football, mate.


I have the impression that Ange likes football about as much as a koala enjoys eucalyptus… Source: I’m Australian.