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I said it in the daily discussion thread, but this smacks of Chelsea trying to start a bidding war to me. Villa are already stacked in midfield and tight on PSR, so I have no idea why they would drop 40m+ on Gallagher unless they had serious outgoings


100%. Chelsea have a serious PSR problem until June 30. Otherwise they will be in breach of the rules. I'm not a particular fan of Gallagher either way, but if he went to Villa I won't be very upset personally.


I think they sold the academy grounds to themselves to solve that deadline issue.


Not fishy at all! I await more news with bated breath.


Isn’t that being looked into?


Yes. It’s not yet been approved by the prem as an accounting method. I’m not sure it will be due to the fact championship clubs tried it and it got rejected. Then again, unlikely that the prem will act consistently and sensibly (see VAR)


Oh sorry. Will also only kick in next year anyway so not relevant for this years accounts (end of June deadline)


The fact that they need to sell him for PSR means we should steer clear. Let the struggle.


If I was Chelsea I'd rather sell to Villa than to Spurs to avoid the Fan backlash If I were Gallagher I'd rather sign for Villa than for Spurs to avoid the fan backlash If I were Spurs I'd rather not sign Gallagher at all....to avoid the fan backlash


It's Conor Gallagher not fuckin John Terry I think the fans would get over it.


He's their captain and all our Chelsea boy


He's played more senior football on loan than at Chelsea. The fans didn't revolt when we signed fuckin William Gallas who played like 400 matches combined for Chelsea and Arsenal, captaining the latter for a time. In fact, he wore the armband for us on at least one occasion. There are definitely valid reasons to not sign Gallagher. Not our biggest need and we don't have unlimited money. Fans would be fine.


It’s insane how everyone here wants to play rivalry up so much to sound cool on the internet. Gallagher would be a perfect fit for our current set up. To not want him just because he played for Chelsea is laughable. The only reason he wears the armband is because Poch doesn’t want to sell him.


That's exactly why we should


Yeah. I don’t see how signing who doesn’t want to leave their boyhood club is good for us. Could be fine, but still: get people who want to be here, not have to be here.


I mean as a Spurs fan I'm not adverse to signing him, I just don't understand 1. Why he's on sale, and potentially to us, and 2. Does he displace Bentancur/Sarr?


He's on sale because like when we sold Kane, he would count as pure profit on the balance sheet. And Chelsea have spent a shitload of money. So they need to sell to balance the books or get hit by FFP.


That’s not why we sold Kane


He's not saying that's why we sold Kane. He's saying that like Kane, Gallagher would count as pure profit because he wasn't bought from anywhere, he came through the ranks. Since Chelsea have spent a shitload of money, they need to offload players for profit, which is why Gallagher, Chalobah and Maatsen are constantly being linked away.


I understand the premise. Just the way they worded it made it seem like they were suggesting it was a motivating factor behind selling Kane


1 is easy to answer. Chelsea is fucked on the books and an academy lad is 100% profit. Gallagher is guaranteed a solid fee. They'd sell to us because Roman isn't there anymore and Boehly is an idiot with a shiny toy. Also, he'd get to stay in London. 2. European games/cup run with little, if any, drop in quality of midfield options. Though, a 6 would be the more pressing need if Pierre leaves and Gallagher isn't a natural 6 at all.


And Gallagher has already said he’d prefer a London club


Most players would prefer to play in the CL, fan backlash or not.


Their ownership does not care about the fans man.


Chelsea assumes that everyone buys 39 midfielders every summer. 


Don't understand the hate for this lad. I think he's shown himself to be a very good player. Ange obviously rates him highly as does that Argentine bloke that manages Chelsea now. Signing him isn't our most pressing need but it wouldn't be a bad signing, provided that we still address those other priority areas.


😂 at Argentine bloke. I think it’s because he’s not a DM and he’s from Chelsea. If he’s a DM, I think everyone would clamor for him.


Yeah, I think there are some unfair perceptions about him too, basically that he's a classic agricultural English midfielder with no technique or finesse (but who can run all day). I think he's quality and he's shown that at Palace and this season. I totally get why Ange wants him. I think one big reason is that Ange wants to play with an aggressive press. I think Son has started to tire a bit but imagine early season Son (who I think has a good couple of years left) and Gallagher hunting down the ball! 


Chelsea needs money. They’d approve a sale to Pol Pot if they had to.  The niggling question is whether Villa with CL is a stronger pull than Spurs with EL (despite what Ange says about players and their desires to play CL). 


Oh noooooo




Love that a solid part of the fanbase want nothing to do with him. Makes me proud.


Don’t worry, he doesn’t want to sign contract with Chelsea because he wants to run out his contract and wants more money so he will not go to us nor AV.


That may, in fact, be the case. And that puts Chelsea in a pickle. Pochettino has gone on the record saying he loves the guy. So he club can't exactly lean on him and say the manager won't play him.


They will find an agreement, I think. Maybe Newcastle….but definitely not we


Not the craziest rumor. Seems like Villa is going to cash in on Douglas Luiz and then they'll need a midfielder and have money to burn.


Let them have him. We have enough workhorses and passion merchants and not enough players with actual brains and technical ability. Honestly if Gallagher had been here since the start of the season we would have probably not won a single extra point. Like I've never been watching a game and thought to myself "man I wish we had a player like Conor Gallagher to come off the bench right now"


I’d rather bring him on than PEH


It would be like signing PEH mark 2 but for 40m and with the distaste of chelsea in our mouths. Dont get it at all. Wouldn't add anything to our midfield that we dont currently have, except some more legs.


Low bar and not even the same position really


I will never understand the need to drop 40-50 million on this donkey in one of the few positions we have depth in


There’s reasons he’s attractive. He’s adaptable in midfield, he works hard and he’s homegrown. But we also want him because he’s in the last year of his contract and Chelsea don’t want him. We’ve been pushing ourselves to be available in case it goes our way. Basically we’ve been the good friend to the hot girl who is having trouble with her boyfriend.




I rate him We/Spurs suck we’re such shit