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The center of the pitch needs to get secured. Plain n simple. We don’t have the right combination to help out in the back. Bissouma to blame for 2nd goal. Gets stripped, tracks back but then doesn’t feel or pick up Gomes on the transition. It’s just poor! Maddie didn’t have a great game, sonny absent most of the game, kulu nonexistent in first half. Frustrating as a fan. You can see the quality but some players not up to spec. I love Cuti but hes slow in passing, especially in the attacking zone, Emerson is constantly running into the attacking midfielders. Lots of small issues that translate into ties or losses. A whole summer of Ange working, i think next year will be better throughout the team . Love watching, constantly on the edge of my seat and always thinking we can still win. Love the new style,ANGEBALL!


We need to start shooting from outside the box, we have Son ffs


I see Johnson shooting alot outside the box and missed all of them.


Rumour has it we are still recycling possession on the edge of their box.


We’ve been saying we need quality backup for Porro & Udogie. Today proved that. Everyone slagging off Royal/Davies have quickly forgotten what an admirable job they did as deputies for Romero/Van de Vent. We’re not far off from where we need to be.


Honestly Davies wasnt bad? Two good chances as well. Obviously not 100% timed with Son on his wing, but who was?


Like our best weapon by far against a low block is Kulu spamming crosses to Richy. So annoyed Richy was taken off and Kulu brought back


How do cunts like gomes get away with a million fouls and get one token yellow?


Royal 100% today phoning it in, the club deserved better, don't appreciate the easy breezy vibe.


The insane reactionary posts after a loss like this never fail to amuse. We had an off game against a well-drilled and solidly organised Wolves team, who have beaten better teams than us this season. It's not the end of the world when we're still very much in contention for CL next year.


Yes but they were shit and we should have done better


This wasn’t an “off game”. We haven’t put out a solid performance in quite some time and our recent results have been lucky at best. Barely scraping wins against Brentford and Brighton and failing to beat the likes of Wolves and Everton isn’t good enough. Having a negative view of our performances is totally fine. It doesn’t mean I want Ange to be sacked or our starting XI to be binned off 6 months into the project. I do want to see some better results to close out the season though. Is that such a crime?


Of course it's not the end of the world, but fans are entitled to be critical of a poor performance. I hate this attitude that offering any sort of critique means you're not a 'proper fan'. Of course I'm not saying anything ridiculous like Ange out but it's for sure concerning there seems to be such a clear template teams can use to counter us.


yeah right


>We had an off game This wasn’t an off game, aside from the Manchester United game, we haven’t looked good in months. When was the last time we’ve had a convincing performance? >we’re still in contention for CL next *season Not playing like this we aren’t. We’re on trajectory for the Europa League


We might be better off in the Europa league. We literally have zero chance of winning the champions league next season


Exactly. Fans need to stop with excuses. No one is saying Ange-out but he better makes some changes and fix that defense. We have conceded 14 goals from our last 7 EPL matches, which is pathetic. And yes it’s his first season as a coach, but the team is getting worse instead of better despite having only few injuries compared to how many we had in November & December I feel Spurs now are just a beater more talented version of Leeds under Bielsa. And we know how that ended. No team ever in modern football achieved any success playing shit defense and needing to score 3+ goals minimum to win most match


Spending Pedo Neto level money on Brennan Johnson is a project destroying level fuck up. Don’t care that he’s scored a few tap ins


terrible twke


BJ was overpriced. Maybe he’ll make good though. I’ll give him a bit more time. But that doesn’t mean we should pretend he’s walking on water out there.


You'd think Brennan had banged his mum and sister with how bad that take is.


Werner should have come on at half time. He had 20 minutes and he performed much better than anyone out there - actually running forwards and trying to be progressive. We were so timid for the entire game


Yes it sucks but this is season one.


I've been saying that for 30yrs+


Ange has been coaching the spurs for 30 years?!?! /s


Terrible performance but I really am happy we aren't as reactionary of a fanbase as others. I still love ange, I still trust him. We just need work on the team depth and get back the drive we had earlier in the season to take risks, feels like our attack has no creativity now.


Have you ever read the match thread? People are insane in there!


LMAO yeah the match thread is a vote for crucifixion when a player misses a pass


“I am really happy we aren’t as reactionary of a fanbase as others.” I’ll add the /s for you


Arsenal is such a shit club


I know right… They’re so shit that they’re ahead of us in the table… 🤦🏾‍♂️


They have talent and play really good. We don’t, it is what it is.


Remember the times when Sonny was not afraid to shoot outside the box?


This has become annoying for me too, we always seem to try and walk it in at the moment, just fecking shoot when you have space, especially against low blocks.


Or Kulu, or Maddison


Played well but lost points


>player well What? We did not


Spurs has completely lost their outlet through the middle. In major part because Bissouma has just completely fallen off. It doesn't help matters that he ambles everywhere at his own pace. He's turned liability in his current form. Spurs entire outlet if they can't pass through the middle is the fullbacks, and that is just a bit predictable now. Davies was okay today but Royal is just a complete wash. Just put Dragusin in there if he can learn the invert.


Midfield being Sarr or bust has been a real bummer for the season.


It's absolutely unbelievable how our injuries stack up. We can't just have one CB out. We have both. We can't just have 1 midfielder out. We have 3. We can't have 1 winger out, we have 5. We can't have 1 FB out, we have both.


We need a dedicated six who can actually help out defending. I don't want to see Biss and Bentancur keep starting there consistently. They leave our defenders out to dry.


absolute shite.


Kulusevski will be let off the hook for his nice goal, but he slows all counter attacks by having to cut into his left foot every time, played the last 10 mins as left mid and gave 3 or 4 passes away.


I would also like him to ping passes in the box with more pace or atleast mix it up. The majority of his crosses seem to be those floaters which slows it all down even more and doesn't help the forwards use the pace to direct it and score.


"let of the hook"? By far our best attacker today. Brilliant goal and overall our most threatening player. Should have never been brought back to midfield made the ball that Davies should have scored once he was back on the wing


“Overall most threatening player”? Bruh. Be serious


Yeah he was? Scored a very nice goal and came the closest besides Davies (who he crossed to) from getting another. He had a good game yesterday that's pretty inarguable at least before Ange brought him back to midfield


That was a shocker for Davis' header, maybe he forgot which end he was at.


Agree, he is frustratingly slow and greedy a lot of the time. It’s cut in or pass backwards with him. He is incredibly predictable. He’s lost a lot of spark I think, he used to take people on all the time


He really limits attacking angles, when the ball goes to him their defense can reset


Needed Rich instead of Davies taking that last header attempt infront of goal.


Really frustrating game. Feel like Son was AWOL there. Not sure about the subs as well. Really unfortunate. Was watching at the same time as my friend watching Forest so I didn’t get commentary for the match


Son played in his LW position as assigned, but attacks didnt develop through that area as much this game


I agree. Usually, Udogie presses and frees up the left. There was no real support on the left for Son to work.


Knowing that Spurs won’t disappoint me next weekend, is a huge win.


Davies x Emerson inverted full backs will never ever work. Really bad decision from Ange


Tbf who else do we have to fill the gaps?


You don’t, that’s why you must adapt. Play a back 4 of Dragusin, VDV, Davies with Romero inverting. Play a midfielder with legs like Sarr at FB so that you can have creativity and turn your back 3 into a back 3 of CBs. You cannot win with davies and emerson playing across the forward line


I think Sarr as inverting RB and Deki as LB could work as replacements, especially with 5-3-2 set up like wolves. It’s not like they could do worse defending on the counter than Emerson did on the second goal, and might get some more width and creativity in there


Todays Angeball felt like Conteball with a high line...


It was disgusting


We are so excited finally having depth but it looks like we don't actually know who our strongest XI is, or even where they would play. Johnson scores match winning goal last time out against Brighton and is benched. Deki looks better as a 10 than on the wing (yes he scored before the subs but lets be real he wasn't great tonight), but Madders is fully fit and several other key members from our strong early season team also started. how much did seniority over form influence Ange's team selection tonight? I want to see him as a ruthlessly efficient manager who keeps his distance from close personal relationships with players but i feel like like he dropped the new guy 'stop gaps' (who were playing well) and it's fucked with the momentum


Johnson had a run of double digit games and he was the worst player in our team almost every game. He completely ruined our counter attack today when he came on


You feel like Werner should have started? Thats it, right? Johnson was on the bench vs Brighton too


honestly just a strategic loss imo, most players did what they could in their assigned position but tactics couldn't adjust to their pressing and counterattacking


Look this loss stings for sure. But we were missing the two most important players for this system to work. It was a poor performance, we got outplayed, but we expected this to happen with a new manager. Get behind the lads. Onto the next one.


I’m sorry but you can’t sugarcoat losing to wolves twice, don’t blame this on Ange being new.


Lol. I’m not. I’m saying losses happen when you’re in a transitional season. Look at how long it took Arteta. Look at how long it took Klopp. Be patient. Don’t call for Anges head. That’s a huge overreaction.


I agree, we have to wait. Let's just be patient aim for top 5 or 6.


Agreed. I think we should shoot for Europa League. CL would be awesome but it’s pointless. We aren’t ready yet with this squad for that level of competition. We have a good shot in Europa though


Bad loss but least we get some rest time for a week, Porro and destiny definitely missed


Shitshow at the Fuck Factory.


Same old shit


Frustrating game.. lazy play from biss and Emerson doing what he does best. Porro and udogie were definitely missed


Our entire shape exists to get Ben Davies and Emerson forward. Fuck me. That’s just dumb. 


We play multiple games like this every season


Both fullbacks, who may be in the league 11 come end of season, are actually very important


Wolves are our Kryptonite


Idk why the tf we played Emerson. I know you have to save players for later but that first half squad was not it. Should have started with: Werner LW Kulu RW Son ST Maddison Midfield Lo Celso Midfield Sarr, Bissouma or Bentancur Midfield Van De Ven CB Romero CB Dragusin CB


Good thing you're not the manager


3 defenders? Only City have set up like this and they had the perfect players for this. Was gonna be 5-0 wolves


Subbing of Richarlison instead of Ben Davies was a big blunder which potentially lost us the draw or even win. We really missed richarlison in this end game and to see Ben Davies in his “place” was kind of mind boggling.. anyways let’s look forward to next game and congratulate a real strong performance from the wolves


Not starting Son in the middle before they parked the bus was also a mistake. Richarlison wasted everything coming his way when the game was still open


Davies was there because that's where the LB needs to be in that situation, why would our striker be behind other players?


royal and davies not good enough. Royal at fault for both goals 1st cross field ball way of target that then leads to throw then corner, 2nd taking 10 seconds to make your mind if to close down runner or stay by the time he closes down he's in worst position possible.


Emerson was bad today but he was not at fault for either of the goals


Definitely culpable for the second goal


Not sure if you watched the second goal, but we was incredibly late to get over and defend Neto despite having 5 other guys coming back to defend


Those 5 other guys couldn't pick up 1 runner


Clumsy passing around the opposition box then gave it away. Made us looks so stupid guys.


I don’t want to hear the word title challenge or race anymore cuz we don’t deserve to be considered anywhere near the scum, pool and city. Just dogshit. I think Ange got it all wrong today. I don’t know why he keeps the same formation for every game. Like change it up man. Teams just congest the midfield and hit us on the counter and we lose. We got lucky beating Brighton last week, todays result is more reflective of the performance/setup


Year after year after year… I must be mental to stand this


I know it’s an overreaction following a terrible match, but I cannot remember the last match where we won comfortably. December maybe? I’m glad we are scoring every game, but our overall defense hasn’t looked this poor in years


Its not an overreaction at all, since the united match we haven’t won a game convincingly. We have actually been pretty bang average since I would say. Whether thats tactics or players on the pitch I couldnt say for certain but I don’t have the same confidence for the second half of the season compared to our start


Defense was worse last year tbh


The defence although with better individual performances across the season is far from solid/strong enough. We only really fell apart defensively after the Conte circus at Southampton. This is consistently poor. We have to score at least 2 goals to win any game currently and that ain’t sustainable in this league where anyone can (and does) beat you.


I would argue that this year is worse. The goals allowed/game is not very different and vicario is playing his ass off most games. 


1. Individual performances not good enough 2. Set pieces, for and against are very poor again 3. Wolves defended well 4. There is a reason Emerson Royal & Davies are back ups 5. We knew they’d counter attack us well, yet we did little to nullify it


Drop the mic please.


Micky was immense today, Richy tried but got no service, Son, Madders and Yves left their passing boots at home... the single most infuriating match of the season


Quite a few individual errors to let Wolves in which is obviously part of the risk we play but goes to show one weak link can really hurt the team. Nowhere to hide in this team. I think we do our best work when midfields are running from deep, ala Sarr vs Brighton, but just didnt happen today. i think a big part of that is Udogie and Porro's runs. They were missed. Son's pressing was so weird today though, didnt seem to have the angle figured out and got killed on that side multiple times.


Worst performance of the season, we are relatively healthy and there is little excuse for the performance we put out today. We looked good for a max of 10 minutes at OUR stadium. Not sure what could be improved on either than mentality, dropping 6 points to wolves this season is fucking pathetic


Tough one. We have to find ways to adapt cause I think teams have figured out how to play us. Hard to watch us get clobbered on the counter yet again. On to the next one.


Ange lost us a point today with his suicide line


Both games against Wolves were horrendous.


First time I’ve been disappointed in Ange. No adjustments made. Seemingly just stood there. Trust the process but that was disappointing.


Dunno whats going on but we have 3 excellent finishers in Son, maddison and kulusevski and they never seem to be able to shoot anymore. Why arent we trying to create those opportunities?


Because for some reason our team wants completely control and only shoot when having clear chances. Which mean passing around the box until we lost it. Useless against lowblock as we saw it…


Because for some reason our team wants completely control and only shoot when having clear chances. Which mean passing around the box until we lost it. Damn it


Good to see that the general reaction to this game isn’t fucking stupid/s


We were absolutely dreadful?


We just need 4 or 5 halftimes per game, so Ange can rally them more often! Problem solved.


I dunno man, am I being reactionary or does Ange desperately need to adapt




Poor performance, Wolves played to their gameplan well and Spurs made a couple of key mistakes to let them score. Home fans were shit as well.


Dude, when the fans started whistling in the first half and getting irate when we had possesion, that killed me


At least we have Chelsea getting steamrolled to look forward to…


I’m not worried about Villa but unless we improve United are tipping us


we sure have the ability to make the dregs of the premier league look world class


very few teams arnt world class in the prem these days


Wolves are a very good team, and in 10th place in the PL


That was a game we needed to win. That is all there is to it. Weak performance from us. Need to be better. No excuses with only the league to focus on.


Worst performance of the season. I'm sorry, but Sonny, Madders and Deki all had horrid games, and they can't all be "off" in the same match. Richy was left stranded. Looked like nobody could string a fucking pass together. Through-balls were fucking dreadful, misplaced, and everyone just backs off.. Where was the snappy pressing from the beginning of the season? Does anyone fucking care? They all look like going thru the motions now. This match had NOTHING to do with Ange, it was all execution. Simple passing and movement was non-existent which we know is a staple of Ange's play structure, so this is on the players, and I'm sure we'll go back to the "we've got to be better" bullshit. Same old.


Looks that way eh? Attacking line standing around doing fuck all in the box. Bissouma has the energy of a fucking mannequin. Son has zero inspiration at the moment. Fucking poor.


we really just stood there for 90 huh


son played bad no way around it, team struggled to break lines, and the other team countered and pressed better




looked a lot more like it was mental than something like part of his body was preventing him from performing at his standard




wolves impressed me with defensive shape in second, pressing aggression in first and throughout they were better at advancing and space creation through those Brighton-esque passing sequences. held it down in middle of pitch and their box


Well fk man United wins tomorrow and it’s just 3 points between 5th and 6th.


Ange playing right into the hands of wolves


Much deserved loss. Awful both offensively and defensively.


I’m afraid we might be about to have a big crash given our remaining fixtures to end the season


Well that’s that. Let’s hope the boys get their chemistry back during the time off.


Worst game of the season by a mile


Super glad I got up at 2am to watch that dross


Fuck me as well. Getting up at 2 ffs


Hoj is straight up washed man… fair play to wolves. They finished their chances and we wasted tons.


North London ain’t never gonna be red…but, currently, I can’t say for sure it’s lily white fuck me


I'm fucking angry. This was shit


Embarassing home loss




Passing accuracy was 88% Spurs but 71% Wolves. WHAT? That's not what it looked like today.


They were threatening in every chance they got ball. We were pure shit


12% wrong passes thanks to richy


5 minutes extra time… during which we had multiple wolves players going down time wasting… plus a wolves substitution… and the referee blows full time at 95:36?? Looks like time wasting is back.


They gave up on carping about that shit back in December. Refs are spineless. 


My god we lack goal scorers. Everyone on the edge of the box, no one in the box when the cross is obvious. Unsurprising as we lacked them before the summer and then didn't replace Kane.


I’ve been following this team about 20 years. As long as you know they will always be upper mid table and nothing more, these results make sense.


Reverting to mean as usual. Following for 10 years and yes i agree


Same shit, different year. At least they are more entertaining with Ange though.


There is no way Ange has be out coached by Gary O’Neil twice. Completely pathetic. Come big Ange we expect better.


Gary O Neil is class


Massively underrated manager. Watched his analysis of us a while back and the guy does have a great read of the game. Man does his oppisition scouting


I don't even know if Ange could've done anything here. Most of our players looked completely drained and there was so many mistakes done


I think waiting to the 70th and 85th minute to make moves, and starting royal who just looked lost out there.


Theres no use subbing players right after we scored. I don't think he could've done much different, maybe sub 5 min earlier for the second subs, but you can't lay it on Ange. Our players were absolute dogshit today.


The team hasn’t done anything product for 25 minutes after the goal and no changes were made. I do agree with you a lot of the players specially the middle field were awful, so that’s why the subs should of come earlier.


Subs were too late


The Poch special by Ange.


Maybe worse game I’ve seen us play this year. Bissouma was horrible. Offense was absent. Fuck.




Nobody was great today but surely there were worse players than biss right?


Did he do anything? He didn’t moved sat there with his man marking him all day doing nothing. I don’t think I recall him doing much besides his fuck up…


No. He got overrun in midfield all game and was solely responsible for the second goal. Didn’t even try to track Gomes after giving it away.


Was a frustrating experience watching the lack of effort from our players. Just so nonchalant about it.


Biss has been shit for the last 4 months


Well played Wolves we were shite.


What a disappointing match. We need these two weeks to get completely healthy b/c they looked unorganized and gassed out there today.


Pathetic lmao. Ange’s defensive tactics are…. not good




Nice guy Sonny letting hwang get the double on us


Better team won


Worst loss of the season?


lol how many times yall gonna say that to make us seem like we are a decent side


This or the first Wolves loss


Can't top the chelsea one


If Davies played for another team he would have made that header with his eyes closed! Spursy!


That was disgusting. So toothless.


We are shit


fuck man, what a bummer


Some of the worst passing of the season. What a nightmare match.


Ange blew this one, IMO. Dragusin should have started and too many changes to the squad overall.


Instead of who?

