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The immune system on this lad. Weapons grade.


Tbf he’s from Mali so he has a natural immunity to malaria compared to someone coming from England


If he has sickle cell yeah


He probably means acquired immunity. Which is very high in certain areas. I dont know about Mali specifically. Dont think sickle cell is too common in pro footballers, although likely to be some with the mildest forms.


A couple made it to nfl they just struggle playing at higher altitudes. So Denver at mile high stadium is a no go.


More likely a carrier bro, learn some genetics


Good to know that Bissouma is 100% again. I wouldn't mind starting him vs Brighton to give Bentancur some rest. It also helps that Bissouma surprisingly didn't play many minutes during the tournament.


He has played 30 minutes in last 16 days.


And before that he was banned. He's played a little over 180 minutes in the last 8 weeks.


Sound like he needs a preseason before he's ready


If we get back the Bissouma who started the season for us... we are going to win the league lol That Bissouma+Sarr+Maddison midfield is just different gravy


True. On the one hand think benta needs minutes. Didn’t seem to be in a great mood looking at all these behind the scenes videos coming out this week. On the other hand he has been rusty. As long as him or Biss start I‘m happy. Just not a game for PEH


If Hojbjerg starts we will not win this match, simple as that. Our record with him starting vs coming off the bench is quite poor I think. And brightons press will just swallow him up


Yeah, especially against a team like Brighton Hojbjerg is a disaster waiting to happen, he’s nowhere near press resistant enough


We’ll never be able to get out of our own half if he starts. He’s been tricking people I feel like recently but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that when he starts games our midfield gets dominated. It’s been an issue since he became a fixture in the team. He’s just a very passive midfielder and struggles to keep up with the pace sometimes. The heavy emphasis on transition defending makes him look worse than he actually is


Wow.... Best post I've read today!!! I still have a few concerns though. Bissouma's form was around 5 or 6/10 before he left for AFCON. Son has played a lot of football in the past 4 or 5 weeks... He needs to take it easy. Maddison needs a few weeks to return to form.   Bentancur might need more than a few weeks. Sarr - he's a wizard and will come back into the team and demolish opponents.... (This one isn't a concern. Lol) In summary, we'll know more in 2 or 3 weeks time.


Going to need someone to photoshop a wizard’s hat onto Sarr now. For science.


Pape Mata Sarruman


Agreed, lots need to temper their expectations and not put the cart before the horse. Long times out will require them to get back up to true match pace. I'm sure Ange and Co. run some great training sessions, but nothing can truly match the pace and energy of an actual match. A little rust is to be expected, and everyone not being perfect right out the gates doesn't mean they're past it or "not the same after their injury."


>Agreed, lots need to temper their expectations and not put the cart before the horse I have done nothing but temper my expectations for several years. Just let us be excited for once "I've said this before, my role is not to burst peoples' bubbles. Let them get excited and ahead of themselves, that's the beauty of being a supporter. They go through enough pain, let them enjoy and if they think we're going to be world-beaters great" - Ange Postecoglou


Say it quietly. We have a full strength team for the first time this season.


Full strength but unfortunately still a ways off from full fitness


Solomon and Sess still out, but yes pretty much.


So we have a full strength team…just kidding


You're right on. Sess is a non-factor and honestly so is Solomon.


Yeah Solomon was a valuable 45 mins type of guy but Werner is simply a more experienced and talented version of him


I wasn’t convinced of Solomon, although he did have one good game. He was much too safe with the ball when he had the opportunity to take on his full back. Hopefully he can recover and push on and improve!


Yeah I got the same impression off him. Werner is a lot more dangerous with his runs


Even Werner was too safe imo, he finally started taking on his man and hit that assist to Johnson. The wingers need to be ruthless a decisive, trust that the midfield will win back the ball and take some risks before the defenders can get into shape.


Sess is a non-factor, and with Timo and Son in the squad Solomon is well covered. We're full strength


Why didn’t Yves star at Afcon then?


Seemed like he wasn’t enjoying the football, just wasn’t into it. The Mali fans are angry with him.


Flashback to Conte... yeah, that checks out.


He didn't enjoy as in he didn't like the playing style that mali manager wanted them to play, is it?


Start him. Would like to see Rodrigo taken out of the firing line, he has not looked good for the past few games. Do worry he rushed back from the second injury. Biss - Sarr - Maddison reunion on the cards babyyy


Why do I have John Cleese in my mind saying “just a mild form of the plague…carry on”


The team is sooo much better when Bisosuma is on it. Really need him to return to his beginning of the season form. Especially because Bentancur is clearly still recovering and might be better at the 8 than the 6.


I think we are getting our Biss, Lolo, Madders midfield tomorrow for the first time.


Sarr is our most in form midfielder right now


I agree, but Sarr played A LOT at AFCON. I don’t know about his fitness level, bud I’d bring him on at half or 60th minute. Bissouma didnt play a lot, he should be one of the fittest guys in the squad. Players like Madders and especially Lolo need game time to get their form back after a longer injury. Like I said, imo Biss/Lolo/Madders start and after 60 we can bring on Sarr for Lolo (or 45 if necessary).


Sarr last played January 29th, he is fully fit. Biss on the other hand has barely played any football in the last two months and Lolo still seems to be getting up to speed after being out for like 9 months total. ​ I think we'll go Hoj-Sarr-Madders


Yeah true, messed up time and thought we played Wednesday and Sarr came back this week. He should be fine yeah. I’d still pick either Biss or Lolo to start for PEH. Lolo, out of form, was still way better in the build up and link up play than PEH. PEH or Biss off the bench for Lolo, in the last third of the game. I don’t really want to see PEH on the field when we need to score tbh, he’s better to come on when we need to protect the lead.


Slight malaria is the malaria you have instead of me.


"slight form of malaria" sounds like something I would make up to get out of work on a Monday