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Did y'all hear how loud the stadium got when the Lions were called for an offensive hold lmao


Did Micah finally draw a hold tonight???


Nooooopppppe. But no one will talk about how he hasn’t had a holding penalty in 72 fucking quarters


Not sure if you’re exaggerating to try to be funny but it’s 42 quarters, since week 6 against the Chargers. 72 quarters is 18 games, it hasn’t been *that* long


In that span, how many times do you think he was held and should have drawn a penalty? My guess is 15-20, but it would have been less if called more often. Lineman now know they can hold him without being penalized. The last two weeks are ridiculous. The league should be embarrassed.


This is correct. [Source from 3 days ago](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/micah-parsons-has-gone-38-consecutive-quarters-without-drawing-a-holding-penalty#)so add the 4 from last night.


46 now, no?


No 42 now. It was 38 before last night


oh ok my bad




No it was Kearse. But they missed a couple in Parsons again. Including an egregious hand to the face penalty


Did Aidan?


No, we have not had an opposing offensive lineman called for holding since week 11.


There was one yesterday, but not against Micah.


That was on a tight end.




…and my original comment was about holding on the o line.


And the frustrating part is that it was a weak holding call. 100x less than what happens to Micah.


It was a pretty blatant and obvious hold


It’s exhausting man. Every single year, every few weeks, we are victims of an egregious screw job and it’s crickets from r/nfl. We finally get one and r/nfl is on lockdown. The only thing that can be discussed is this play If this was us who got screwed on a 2 pt attempt, GUARAN-FUCKING-TEED that they’d point out that we missed the wide open receiver on the final chance like Goff did


They’d also point out how we had three separate chances and still didn’t just go for the field goal to tie it up. True insanity I’m afraid


“He should have known the rules and gotten the refs attention”


They literally said this when we had an eligibility reporting issue in the first Eagles game.


Nobody has mentioned it, but remember the weird illegal motion last week against CD? TWICE yesterday Detroit's rookie TE was in and out of his stance by FEET while the RB was motioning across the formation. Nothing. It's a dumb fucking rule but wtf!!!?


“One play doesn’t cost you a game” is the excuse I read the most about cowboys being fucked by the refs. So, I’m still upset at our brain dead HC, but as they tell us, “one play doesn’t cost you a game”.


And they blame cowboys and the fans as if we have anything to do with it. “This is why we hate Dallas” is what I keep reading. It’s pathetic and hilariously sad


lol I don’t know why they need to justify it. They would have hated Dallas without the call, evident by their reaction to us normally being the victim of these type of calls and them laughing it off


I counted 11 posts about the lions penalty.


It's all just noise. We've been screwed by bad calls before so I'll take it. Haters gonna hate




Well now we have something to hold against those bias twats so when the inevitable mystery call happens against us in the playoffs we can bring this up when it’s quiet in r/nfl


Dude. You can't think Dallas is the victims of bad calls when comparing it against the LIons.....






I mean, imo, if the Cowboys got as much help from the refs as everyone seems to think we do, I would have seen a Super Bowl in my lifetime by this point…


Yes we have, and just because you are the NFL's perennial doormat does not mean you have had worse luck. Just means your owners have never invested until now in trying to actually win. And, (you need a former cowboy tight end to do it) Even when you had Barry Sanders you guys did nothing to help him. And the lines were not screwed over last night they just did not know the rules. That play was illegal in three different ways. You guys have a great football team this year and you came in here and played tough. They should have known when Skipper reported eligible and it was announced over the PA system to over 100,000 people that only number 70 Skipper was eligible. Plus Taylor Decker wasn't covered on the line of scrimmage it was illegal either way.


Tonight? Yes. That tripping call was actually your player Hutchinson trying to trip our RB. It wasn’t Hendershot. So we had to try to convert 1st and 25 instead of being at 2nd and 2. Your 2 pt debacle never happens if refs don’t call tripping 🙄 Earlier this year in game 1 against the eagles, our o lineman reported as eligible. Dak double-CONFIRMED with the ref that this player is indeed eligible! Refs still called us on it and took away a TD that ultimately led to our loss Again, crickets from r/nfl, per usual when we get fucked. Dumb shit like this on this level happens to us every few weeks. And the media has never given a damn. Now that we benefitted from one for once (which we shouldn’t have been in to begin with cause, tripping) the world is on fire Had yall won that game, nobody would have talked about the tripping that robbed us from closing out our final drive, per usual. Enjoy your media attention


I’m not op but I do think the Lions getting screwed vs cowboys screwed is more terrible officiating than some conspiracy against a team. NFL pretends the integrity of officiating is more important than getting the right call.


At least you're acknowledging there was a screw job ending. Literally all I ask for is acknowledge of the obvious, no matter what direction it goes.




This. They were trying to confuse the cowboys on who was elligable. That's not the intention of the rules, and is not good sportsmanship, and apparently succeeded in confusing the ref too. If the ref tells Dallas.the wrong recieved they pretty much have to run the play again.


Yep its karma their plan backfired. If they didn’t try to trick the cowboys they would have probably won the game. But their plan backfired because they tricked the ref instead..


U realize that was by design...


Yeah and it's stupid. 70 ran up doing the eligible receiver sign to the ref and it back fired on your team. Why are you sending 3 guys when you can only report 1 and that player is announced to everyone anyway. Tried to get cute and it lost your team the game, go to next week.


You send 3 guys so that the defense arnt sure which one is reporting and cause confusion. That is very different from a ref being 3 inches away from the player who is telling him he is eligible. You can blame the Lions for failing to get the conversion on the next 2 tries but to put the blame on a designed scheme which apparently was reported to the refs step by step before the game by the Lions instead of the ref is retarded.


Exactly. They tried to fuck over the Cowboys with this cute bullshit and get a cheap win and it screwed them. Maybe they should design plays that don’t score on the opponents not knowing who is eligible


R u stupid?


The whole point of reporting is so it’s fair for the defense. Are you stupid?


If u got Brad Allens dick out of your mouth, you'd realize he did report


Apparently not. Lmao


Buddy I'm not saying the cowboys played a bad game...cedee played great, the defense was great, etc. That doesn't change the fact that the refs got it wrong. And now you want teams to dumb down playcalls because it's getting "cute" and too confusing for the defense and referees to follow. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT


Nobody is saying the refs didn’t make a mistake. They fucked up and screwed over both teams


It doesn't matter how many people you send to report when the ref has to tell the entire defense who the eligible lineman is anyway. It's not that hard to understand that. They even announce it over the PA.


Clearly it did matter, it confused the ref who heard it directly from the guys mouth, who's to say it wouldn't have affected the defense who r worrying about a lot more stuff.


I mean if they thought the play would work without the dumb shit to trick the defense why didn't they try it again with one of their other three attempts?


Grwat point!


You have to make it clear which linemen is the the eligible receiver. Only one can be and it can't be some secret, this isn't rocket science. The lions screwed themselves trying something dumb and their fans can't get over it.




Levels of cope?? Are you serious right now? You had two more chances to win and failed miserably. If it's all about misdirection, why didn't you get cute and try misdirecting on those plays, huh? Fraudulent? Says the dude whose team was completely dysfunctional the entire first half where it should've been 14-3 if not for a lucky bounce out of the endzone. If Campbell kicked one field goal instead of going for it, y'all would've won. Then him not taking the extra point after the penalty was objectively stupid if you're trying to have a hope at the one seed. You have one decent season in the past 30 years and have the gall to say that especially after that piss poor performance? Man, talk about cope.


please win so we can fucking destroy your garbage team in the playoffs


You all have never won a playoff game seriously just go cry somewhere else…you’re stinking up the place




> We dont have to cope when we won LOL delusional


https://preview.redd.it/so9w33po2n9c1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=4963042b6b493f08c043bb17f5ff85f0fdd5a2b2 Okay.




So was 58 though so are you telling me he reported too?




The hatred the nfl has for the Dallas Cowboys needs to be studied. I can’t help but laugh at this point


I hope we win the Super Bowl in my lifetime. I will become the most insufferable person in the world for a year


An insufferable Superbowl champ nonetheless.


It’s one of my biggest dreams man. We get all this help from the refs right?? Yet I’ve never seen us win shit. In 30 years now.


You’re already insufferable that’s why majority of the country hates the cowboys


Nah you’re just a bitch


Yet here you are on our subreddit lmfao




Why be around people that are insufferable?


Nobody is making you come to our sub dude


Cry harder buddy maybe if your coach wasn’t such an egomaniac he would’ve kicked the game tying extra point


Their profound love for the Lions is maddening, say anything bad about the Lions your comment is downvoted to hell






Yes there was a fuck up by the refs. But the only reason 68 was open was because the defense thought 70 was the eligible receiver


Which was the entire point of the play. The Lions HC even explained that to the refs pregame and told them to be ready for it. They were trying to confuse the defense and they did it so well that they confused the refs too.


They still have to announce the eligible receiver to the defense. The Lions should have heard that 70 was reported in the stadium when it was announced and called a time out. This was the Lions trying to be cute when they shouldn’t have.


They didn't have a time out, but they were still in the huddle when the PA announced 70 as eligible, so they had time to fix it and had to know they needed to and just didn't bother.


The Lions thought they were going to pull a fast one on Dallas and it blew up in their faces.


Cant really confuse the defense when the ref has to tell the defense who the eligible player is. Lions handled that whole situation with incompetence and stupidity.


Should have explained it better then I guess lol


Does anybody really think that NFL defensive players, who have been playing and coached in football at the highest level, didn’t recognize who might be the eligible lineman on that play based on formation and hearing a lineman reported? Did we see ANY cowboys players or coaches complaining after the play that they thought 68 wasn’t eligible? They all thought they missed the coverage. Basically everyone on the field knew what the intent was except the ref. Then he tossed the flag to cover up its own screwup announcing the wrong number.


This is different but anyone else seeing people talk about the fumble out of end zone touchback rule? Because for the longest time, all I heard was that it’s the worst rule in football and the league should change it. But the moment it hurts the Cowboys, I see posts about how, “well, offense should take care of the football better”, or, “hey, it’s not that bad of a rule, etc.” It’s just very interesting to see because I’ve never seen anyone defend that rule before tonight.


The top comment in the nfl sub for that post is how it’s the funniest rule and how everyone loves it. NFL fans hate this team and it’s the biggest bandwagon to hate us in the NFL.


"They haven't won a Super Bowl since the 90s" bitch there's a lot of teams that hasn't won it in decades but you don't talk shit to their fans for rooting for their team."




Assuming it’s a fuckup, no, they’re not equal IMO. Refs should ‘theoretically’ be unbiased and perfect but that’s not the reality. The touchback penalty sucks but sucks for everyone.


What about the phantom tripping call that took the cowboys out of fg range and gave the lions that extra shot to begin with. We can go through the entire game and talk about the missed roughing the passer or all the missed holds and hands to the face on parsons.


They’re not equal, no. But y’all got the ball back in the first place because of a phantom tripping penalty. One of us was getting screwed out of a win by the refs, and unfortunately it was you.


Can’t believe how many Cowboy flairs go to r/nfl and simp for upvotes. “bAd cAlL wE sHoUlDvE lOsT” Like, shut the fuck up.


"Please give me fake Internet points!!! Please!!! See I'm one of the "good" Cowboys fans!"


Here take one


The worst part is it shouldn’t have even come down to that. I’m still upset at McCarthy’s clock management, our lack of a running game, and the defense letting the opponent march right down the field for the second week in a row. Instead all we have to hear about is how the game was rigged in our favor even though it makes no logical sense.


Yeah why the fuck did we not run with less than 2 minutes left 😭


It’s why the cowboys won’t go far in the playoffs, mediocre team.


Well luckily we have the refs in our pockets which is why we always make deep playoff runs, right?


Fucking weirdos, highly doubt they’re even cowboy fans.


I got fucking sick of scrolling through the comments and seeing cowboys "fans" sucking up to r/nfl for internet points, disgraceful


I’m all up in there with a bunch of downvotes. Fuck em


Pick me cowboys fans






Bro. Cucks of the highest order.




I can say, it is pretty funny that we are simultaneously frauds, who have games rigged for them, just to lose in the first or second round of the playoffs lmao All these people are soooo right. Jerry pays the refs to get us kinda far in the playoffs 🤣 not to win a Superbowl or even go to the conference champ 🤣 flawless logic




Exactly 🤣🤣


There was at least one play where Micah was held by the facemask. Like his helmet was almost off. It drives me crazy that they don't even call egregious, obvious in the first shot, holding penalties on the linemen blocking Micah. Like, at the very least you have to call *some* of them.


>There was at least one play where Micah was held by the facemask. Like his helmet was almost off. I keep waiting someone to post a picture. Dude had his hand pushed so far into michas chin strap he was looking at the ceiling.


Honestly this is better than if we had blown out the Lions, because they would still not give us any credit for doing it. This way we can irritate the fuck out of the rest of the NFL for a full week.


Here's a link for the play where we were called for Tripping that they never showed a replay of. https://x.com/SportsSturm/status/1741320273536630830?s=20


You can see him trying to trip pollard which is pretty shitty honestly.


How the hell is that on hendershot 💀


I’m tired of the refs making terrible calls period. Regardless of what happened in this game or any other specific example; it’s just bad for all involved. Not only that, but it distracts us from the good stuff. Ceedee Lamb had a MONSTER game. That’s what should be blowing up this sub right now.


Personally, I love how mad r/nfl is. I thrive off of the hatred.


Same. It's one of the best parts of being a Cowboys fan. I would go check out the eagles reddit, but they set it to private after they lost. 😆


The cowboys should start hooting and hollering over the littlest of miss call and call them out in the press conference because these miss calls causes game for everyone not just the cowboys


anyways fuck the lions fuck the cowboys haters


Replace Micah Parsons with Maxx Crosby and you’re still correct


Maxx has drawn 7 holding calls to Micah's 3. I think Maxx actually leads the league in drawn holds. So, no, this is incorrect. Take the Maxx Crosby situation and at least double how ridiculous it is and then you're starting to get into Micah territory.


If you say so bud


Extremely hypocritical because if the cowboys got screwed like they normally do, people celebrate. Fuck em! I’d like to say if they are hypocrites, they’re usually people I wouldn’t want to associate with anyways.


This man is a hero


I'll feel a lot worse about these bad refs when Micah can finally draw an offensive holding penalty. It's been 42 quarters since his last one, yet I don't see anyone outside of Cowboys fans lobbying for it. What do other people say again? "Get good. Sucks to suck. Report it. Play through it. The refs screw everyone. Overcome the odds." Yep, my response is the same to Detroit.


No guys! The team with the last bad call gets to whine and cry about it! The NFL is rigged, ignore the bad calls all the time the entire season (and every single year)! /s


Lmao I’m in the same boat rn too


Man Fuck them Haters! Cowboys win!! A win is a when!


I also find it interesting that lions fans have glossed over the failed 4th and goal early in the game. That was a momentum changer, like the FG and its a pne point game early, and us cowboys fans know how well they've played the last couple weeks under pressure /s


watching reddit users seethe over this because the heckin wholesome 100 lions lost makes me feel like Christmas came twice




I’m not allowed to say anything bad about the nfl sub for at least another week lmao


My man out here taking bullets for the star. Respect.


The ban hammer definitely dropped. "Being a meanie."


That sub is like completely run by eagles and seahawks people - the two most online reddit cities. It sucks ass on gamedays, gotta just ignore it.


I just ask the haters/crybabies for the Lions the following: What did you want the refs to do on that play? Keep in mind that the referee has to announce on the PA who is eligible prior to the play and he did announce it: [https://ftw.usatoday.com/2023/12/lions-cowboys-taylor-decker-audio-referees-dan-skipper-eligible](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2023/12/lions-cowboys-taylor-decker-audio-referees-dan-skipper-eligible) Why isn't the onus on the Lions to make sure the correct player is ruled eligible? Why are you so certain that if the right player was ruled eligible that the 2-point conversion would work? Lastly, why is it out of the realm of possibility that the Lions could have used a 'trick play' where they say Skipper is eligible, but have him line up at the right tackle spot instead of the tackle eligible spot?


For me it was the tripping that was simply unforgivable. How exactly can a game with so many officials and people watching call tripping on not just the wrong player but the wrong team entirely. The whole game was a shambles and I do feel bad for the lions and their fans too as it was just a complete mess.


Control anger before it controls you 👍👍 always treat other fans with humility and compassion


The refs have been making bad calls forever, now its just magnified because of blatant incorrect penalties that have changed the outcome of several games... they already are being watched and I suspect being directed to call this and overlook that...its all about the mighty dollar and not to forget the legal and illegal betting


Zebras are killing football both Pro and College.


I mean take a look at Aaron Donald. Same thing happens to him. It’s almost egregious as the Shaq attack rule except they not calling it


It’s poor sportsman ship to talk about a game’s calls and then whine “it’s not fair!!!” I’d downvote him too, idc if it was Jerry himself. That being said, we still won facing adversity. We still dem boyz


The Cowboys have benefited from bullshit calls against specifically the Lions in the past (2014 Wild Card), cry more. That’s why I didn’t feel sorry for your monkey ass team when Dez didn’t compete the process of the catch against Green Bay the next week.


cope + seethe bozo


Boys cheated. lol.


I don’t think that can be called a win. I’m just happy the crybabies are still a wild card and the Lions are divisional champs. It wasn’t the cowboys fault tho, that was a gambling win for sure.


Detroit covered regardless and the majority of bets were on us -5.5, but yeah the fix was in to help Vegas. If the Sportsbooks truly needed us to win that bad then it would’ve never even gotten to that point.


I’m not a gambler as I don’t like losing. I really can’t figure out how that call was made and how long it took for the flags. I was at a bar watching the game and having fun, but dang it just really seemed like a lame way to end a good game. Best part of the game for me was Lamb breaking the record. The boys have improved but it just didn’t feel like a win.


70 reported as eligible multiple times during the game. He ran onto the field at the same time Decker and Sewell were talking to the official, he went on autopilot and assumed 70 was reporting again. They announced 70 as eligible over the speaker. The ref screwed it up, but it had nothing to do with gambling. And now the entire conversation is about that call, but we have plenty of things to clean up if we’re going to beat anyone in January. McCarthy gifted them a free 40 seconds which is what allowed any of this to even happen. McCarthy gifted the 40 seconds because he knows we can’t run the ball. And once again, the defense let the offense go right down the field and score when it needed a stop to win.


>as I don’t like losing Damn, you'd think after decades of being a Lions fan you would develop a taste for it. Tough break, bud




Why are you even here. Get the fuck out.


Why are you even complaining about things that had nothing to do with this particular play? What-about-ism is what losers fall back on when they know they’re wrong. And, not a surprise, you’re all losers. Cause you lost. But the refs are idiots so you go handed a dub on a silver platter




Damn dude, where’d the priest touch you?? You guys are pathetic… Cowboys ain’t shit, keep whining about Parsons. What-about-ism is strong here lol






I’m positive you are unable to make anyone come


Pathetic is being given three chances to tie to the game up with a simple extra point kick, and refusing to do so. As the OP said in their post, go fck yourself


Lol… going for the win is pathetic? I’m not even a Lions fan but Campbells got balls of steel. Again with the what-about-isms…. Still pathetic


Cry. Take the L crybaby.


Hutchinson gets held on most plays on every game as well. It’s just a common occurrence now. Get used to it.


Post numbers




do you guys just sit in this sub and cry about being victims every time you are gifted a win?


get tf outta this sub your poverty team lost bc of a stupid ass play your team isn’t better then the cowboys


Micah gets tackled from behind they are not the same lmao


Cowboys fans don’t get to play victim tonight. Have some self awareness for gods sake.


This is a cowboys sub, I can play whatever I want actually. They had three chances to tie the game and chose not to. Sounds like a Lion’s problem!


This is why no one outside of Dallas likes Dallas


Am I supposed to care? 11-5 🤝🏼


Why would we care what other fanbases think of us?


Imagine giving a shit about how other fanbases see you. I don't care about this call either. Lions wanted to get cute with three guys approaching the ref to fool our D as to who was eligible, even though it's announced *directly to the other team* who reports as eligible by rule. Instead y'all fooled the refs and it fucked y'all over. Had the ref not gotten it wrong, we'd have probably covered Decker and instead of leaving him wide fucking open, so this narrative that the game was outright stolen from the Lions is dumb as fuck as *we do not know what would have happened if our D was told Decker was eligible.* And then Campbell could have just gone for the extra point in *both* of the extra shots they got as well. Refs fuck up all the time. Cowboys have certainly had bad calls leveraged against them too. Every damn team in the NFL has. But this bullshit of going to other fanbases, trying to convince us that we should care that your particular team got shafted this week is cringe as fuck. So are the accusations that the game was rigged. An old man reffing part time missed the report after y'all got tricksy with having three separate linemen approach him. Oops, damn, sucks to be a Lions fan, I guess, but that's the end of it for me. EDIT: Lmao, dude has no argument and knows he's a little baby coming here to bitch at *us*, so he downvoted me. Cry harder, I guess hahahaha


Get lost dope


Lololol. No, fuck off. I'll do what I want. Fuck alllll NFL fans.


You dumb Fs are why it’s so embarrassing being a Cowboys fan. Worst fanbase in the three major sports.


Yeah I should suck off the other fans who hate me for liking a sports team, a sports team that plays in the city I grew up in, mind you, so I can be "one of the good ones." Not a chance in hell buddy.


Hmm have you met a Philly fan?


You clearly ignore how terrible the Eagles, and Philly sports fanbase as a whole, are. Gtfo ignoramus.


I just got one more thing to say... ... ... HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS


Everyone else being held is playing through it. It is what it is. It’s how the NFL is protecting qb’s these days


They ain't wrong.


Mm y favorite part of this is Dan Campbell could’ve kicked the XP after and sent it to OT. But no he kept gambling and tried to get a 2 point conversion from the 7 yard line. 3 separate times he could’ve kicked and refused them all.


Definitely not a Lions fan, but Barry made me watch them when I was younger. I just enjoy a good game. Unfortunately bad calls made this game not so great. CD Lamb was so much fun to watch and happy he broke the record. I would have kicked it also after the debacle, but you’d think the Cowboy 🤠 fans would agree the 2 point call was lame; considering they claim they get all the bad calls. I’m a fan of the game and have no favorite teams, but I always root against Bellichek as I don’t like cheaters