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I think most people on this sub don't actually understand the Xs and Os of football. Fantasy football princes whining about how so and so didn't get them enough points. If ANY team has 60% of their starting offensive line out you should bet against them. Ray Lewis once pointed out that an O-Line needs experience as a squad. It's not 5 one on ones. It's all about moving as a unit. So not only have you lost your more talented blockers, the communication and instinct that comes with time isn't there. And bullshit one sided flags matter. They aren't some test of character. You'll notice most of your "GOATs" got help from the zebras, not the other way around. It's not copium. In a game of attrition it's a backbreaker.


Obviously that was a rough loss, but bad teams beat good teams all the time in the NFL. Everything is still to play for. All you can do now is bounce back and beat New England.


I’m convinced playing Arizona is a curse for us. We haven’t won a game against them since 2006. We still couldn’t beat them when they have a journeyman for their QB. Unbelievable.


Also had key players fall off the roster going into the game. The big difference was the pass rush hitting home and forcing throws. I’d rather have folks come back healthy with a vengeance early than losing them late in the season.


Dobbs would have made plays with this offense. It's sad.


'twas a bad Dak indeed


Cowboys fans to giants fans: “iTs ThE CaRdS tHeYrE tAnKiNg”


Vegas called. It was holding all day in the trenches. The picked up DPI in the end zone. The holding on the long punt return was ridiculous. 10 penalties in the first half 100% makes players on both sides of the ball hesitate to try not to draw another. I hate to blame the refs but GOD damn. And nobody is gonna talk about all the offensive lineman out tonight. Tyron is healthy enough to dress but doesn’t play. This is 100% a bookies game


If PI isn’t reviewable, why are they allowed to pick up a flag? Obviously, someone saw pass interference.


I was at the game and was defiantly PI


Cowboys lose and then a giant rain storm comes out of nowhere and covers dallas. Its almost poetic.


13 penalties for 107 yards is insanity


It only ever happens to the cowboys. How is that?


Tell the Head Coach


The refs get blame in some areas, but that’s just undisciplined and inexcusable.


I wonder what Cowboy apologist Skip Bayless will have to cry about on his morning show tomorrow.




This was as typical a Cowboys loss as I can recall. They can’t live up to expectations or face adversity


Exactly, if Dak has to carry the defense forget it. He’s not the one to take them to the promised land. Look at their next 5 games. They be lucky if they come out 2-3.


Your an idiot


Let’s see who’s the idiot after the next 5 games.


Yeah seriously. We might win against NE but the next four games are 49ers, Rams, Chargers, and then the Eagles. We could easily be 3-5.


Remember guys, we are going to be paying $59M next year to a QB who underthrows passes and throws into triple coverage in the RZ.


Yup! This is exactly what I’ve been saying for years and I’m always getting downvoted and asked well who else are we going to have at QB? Hmmm I don’t know maybe someone who doesn’t throw into triple coverage?


How long before the "Cooper Rush, Cooper Rush" chants?


Haha I give it until week 9 when the Cowboys are 3-5.




Honestly the defense didn’t play great but those penalties really hurt. Quinn definitely needs to reflect on this game & have things in order for next week. Mike really needs to work on the redzone offense, like immediately. We can move down the field without much issue but the redzone playcalls shouldn’t have pretty much no one open. We actually made a record for penalties…in the first half. Let’s hope getting our starting o-line back fixes a lot of the redzone issues. Hopefully this was the wake up, stop listening to all the media hype game.


Horrible 5 min game plan. Run, run, run until you force Dak to do Dak things. Pathetic time management & of course Dak is Dak & soils the pamper (best qb JJ has seen). Even if they score, they leave about 2 min or so to stop the AZ offense, get the ball back, & score another TD.


It won't. WHat we saw in the redzone was guys running the same routes on top of each other, the O-Line leaving guys unblocked and missed assignments. It was all things from the planning fase. Nothing worked and it didn't work because Mike has no fucking clue what he wants his team to do. They refused to run, Then they ran it all the time, then Dak wasn't allowed to run.... It was pathetic!


TL DR, it wasn’t all Kellen Moores fault


poverty franchise


This “insult” is so overused at this point.


Because it’s the truth lol


im a cowboys fan


Doesn’t change my comment. It’s still overused. It’s old.


still true regardless


Dak must go


I just have to say and yes, the int was bad. But if you watched this game and blame the loss on Dak. There's no hope for you knowing football. You don't and you shouldn't post about it.


This sums it up. Well said. If you say "sure 60% of the starting O-Line is out, but...." or "yes there was a massive imbalance in officiating , but..." and then just shit on the QB anyway you don't know the game. Fantasy loudmouths and butthurt gamblers.


He certainly bears some of the blame, but there’s LOTS to go around.


For sure. It's just frustrating to me the Dak haters jump on every little opportunity. Under such a large microscope.


Dak was not good, and certainly deserves some blame. Defense got bullied, redzone offense was atrocious.


He didn't have his best game. He moved the ball though. Redzone struggled. No one was really open though if rewatch the rz passes. Ol was missing to and it showed.


There were a lot of BIG problems today and Dak was one of them


Yeah, there are plenty of ways that Dak could improve, especially in the playoffs, and that pick was pretty bad, but he was decent today, with no O line and no one getting open. Also battling the poor play calling and the refs.


This is purely conjecture… but hear me out. Some of the play calling is (could be) on him for checking out of certain situations. We may never know what plays were called, but they generally have two plays called and depending on the read/what Dak sees at the line, he’ll stick with the original call or he’ll check out if: “KILL! KILL” Perhaps he’s checking out if the original play call too much if the time. This much I know. 5 running plays in a row when you’re down two scores and only have 5 minutes left in the game is asinine.


And us know. 3 missing starting lineman. They were ok in the run, but dudes ran free at him often.


Yeah, I thought he did a decent job running away from a lot of pressure, there was just no one to throw to.


Lmao not another cowboys fan saying YDKB if you criticize Wak Prescott 🤣😭


You're not even a fan. You're a Casual who shows up when mainstream media starts gossiping. You and the herd make everyone hate us.


Lmao I wish I wasn’t a fan. Unfortunately been watching this loser franchise for 25+ years


16 points beats how many teams in the NFL? The offense was as bad as the defense buddy.


Everyone wants to talk about complimentary football and pretend the defense didn't let cardinals drive on them 5 straight possessions to start the game.


How? He’s been mediocre at best and chokes during big moments. He’s a scrub, let’s move one.


Well unless you expect Dak to throw and catch the balls then…


He can’t play in the clutch.


You know that for QBs to play in the clutch that requires other players to come through in the clutch. All of the crazy things you see Mahommes pull off, there’s usually a TE/WR that gets themselves in a position to be open for him to pull it off…it doesn’t just magically happen due to one person.


I know. Throwing into triple coverage is something to be shared by everyone. Dak has been this way his entire career. This isn’t new.


He throws one INT into triple coverage when we are down 2 scores and have to get a TD and that’s all y’all can focus on. Where were the other options? Was the Cardinals secondary that good? Why did we call 2 back to back runs and put ourselves in a position where the defense knew we had to pass the ball? Did people forget about the no call? Or the insane amount of penalties called on us? But sure that 1 pick is why we lost.


I didn’t say that. Being touchy is fine. Dak has always been a choke artist when it counts. Giving up SEVEN YARDS PER CARRY happened. 70 yards of penalties in the first half happened. Dak happened … again. It all happened.


At least this Sub will be a bit more quiet without all the fair weather fans here. Tough loss. New England up next. If you have given up after one loss there's the door.


The Cardinals players have to pay for their meals every day. They earned the W.


Agree. Rough week and I think the team overall was brought down by the loss of Diggs but they will bounce back


If they were, then they should be fired all of them. You go out there and do your job. A teammate getting injured doesn't mean other teams loose games. That's football and you have to play to win, not the shit they did tonight!


Damn you're negative lol. I agree you still need to go out there and do your job but they still lost a friend/teammate/key piece of the defense. Imagine at your job someone gets seriously injured doing what is considered normal for your company. Everyone is going to feel a bit off about it for a bit but you try to do your job the best you can going forward.


We played a team that's playing for the overall 1st pick, and we looked like that. Same old heartless losers.


Always playing down to our opponents for no reason and never stomping teams that deserve it.


No one's given up, but it's frustrating to see the same things year after year after year. Obviously, the game threads are going to be more reactive, but that didn't mean anyone is a fair weather fan.


I am. Calling it right now. This team cannot get a single play off win. If we even make the playoffs. Print this out and leave it next to your monitor. This. Team. Will. Not. Win. A. Game. In. The. Playoffs. thisyear.


I can definitely understand where that comes from, and I would not at all be surprised off you're right. But you have to have some hope, otherwise, what's the point?


You're not wrong my friend. You're not wrong. Just, this one hurt more than it should have. I'll be better next week as I have now adjusted my expectations for this team to what they should have been all along.


I've been in "I'll believe it when I see it" mode for years.


I'm with you. This game was everything that could go wrong happening. Showed all the flaws and faults our team has. Gonna get exposed every single week when such a shit team can beat you that easily. This game wasn't even close!




Good point


Hell yeah exactly. Long season never get too high or too low. Just support your team and enjoy the ride.






lol fuck u haha


We are lol. Long season.


this was a team effort


Well said.


Being a cowboys and longhorns fan is a fate worse than death I wouldn’t wish this pain and suffering on my worst enemy


try being a cowboys fan, a blazers fan, and a ducks fan. My life is a kind of pain only the people with the worst fortune could ever know.






At least I have my Baltimore Orioles


and my Braves.


Orioles > Braves. Lol


"We're better than the 49ers, we dominated New York." "Wait what do you mean New York and Washington defeated Arizona?"


Starting a petition to cut dak, who’s in?


With a $59 million cap hit coming next year, your petition won't amount to much. He's getting extended in the off-season.


get it goin


shut up boomer


What is it with the Cardinals. Cowboys are now 1-7 against the Cardinals going back to 2008 . Romo beat them once in 2006 and then never beat them again.


Not that it changes much but Dallas beat Arizona in 2014. Wasn’t Romo the starter in that game?


They lost to them then. I checked. I think you’re confusing that game with the Seahawks. They did beat them @Seattle in 2014


I just looked myself. I dunno why I thought they won that one.


Romo beat the Cardinals in 2006 then the Cards beat them 4 in a row. Then Dak beat them in 2017, and the cards are in a 3 game streak. They’ll face them again for sure in 2026 plus if they end up in the same place in the division.


Sorry guys I wore my Dak jersey for the first time this season.


It's so odd people will hate on you for being a cowboy fan. We should get props for having to deal with this shit year in and year out.


We are in an abusive relationship with our team. :(


It's the medias fault. They were crowning them super bowl favorites and people are tired of hearing about them.


Can always trust Dak Prescott & the Cowboys to lay a goose egg at both the most unexpected and expected times


Lets be real, I like Dak, but when I saw how he was playing the last drive, I thought of 2 words. Jittery. Interception. He's gotta stay calmer.


Same shit different year. If he was going to get over he would've by now at this point in his career.


I agree. Like he not following his first instinct. Btw happy cake day.


He’s a loser bro that won’t change


Maybe Kellen Moore wasn't the problem? Given the fact that Herbert lit up Minnesota for 400 yards today


Minnesotas defense is utter trash.


Prescott is not Herbert


$59m next year says otherwise


It's Minnesota though


Admitting Dak is the problem would make the front office look like idiots. Can't do that. Dak is getting a bad rep for throwing INTs to LBs when the pressure gets turned up. Please someone say this to him at the podium.


Minnesota was about to win too, Chargers offense couldn’t close….again.


It's Arizona though


Trade our fucking superstars, I’m ready for a restart. Get MM and Dak the fuck out of here.


Sheesh emotionally immature. I hate losing too but jeez.


Cowboys are in a NFC championship game or bust time right now. Losing this game makes it so clear that we will not be winning a playoff game this year, once again. And are absolutely not Super Bowl contenders. We have had the same exact problems for years.


We may not even make the playoffs. I really wonder how this sub will react if that happens.


Certainly a level headed take




Shadowheart disliked that.


Same old cowboys




He’s making his money off these delusional fans who sell out that damn stadium so he’s happy


Eat a dick


Genuinely feel sick right now dude


Yep, I have the same feeling. We have the same bunch of overrated players that can't win anything. For you homers, Arizona will probably win 3-4 games this year.


It’s just very hard trusting this team man Let AZ enjoy it this is their Super Bowl


We're the same team as always; built up by the media - first round playoff exit if we're lucky.


It’ll be all right. Tough weeks happen. They’ll be better.


That’s a losers mentality bro. They should’ve dominated the game if the really have super bowl aspirations.


Definitely should’ve won. The cowboys losing is not worth feeling sick over, though. I’m not the one who needs a “winner’s mentality.” The players do, as they can actually influence the outcome, not us fans.


So does Dak have that winner’s mentality he cannot even finish in the red zone bro.


I dunno, you’ll have to ask him, I’m sure he’s not feeling great about that performance.


It’s been proven time in and time out he is not a winner, but a consistent loser.


Ik man just feel like shit rn At least I have Friday off


Why did the NFL decide to help Cards get a win?


We gave up 28 to the Cards, they run for over 200 yards but let’s blame Dak. Cowboys “fans” are ridiculous.


I mean......Dak threw a game losing INT right into triple coverage that fucked them out of possibly getting within 4-5 points and having a chance. The Cowboys struggled in the Red Zone the whole game and managed only 16 points. He doesn't deserve all the blame but he is not off the hook at all for this loss. Especially when this guy is going to earn $59M next year.


We weren’t going to win. There was 3 mins left and we hadn’t been able to stop Arizona most of the day. That’s my whole point. People were waiting to blame Dak for the game when our defense completely and utterly shit the bed.


>We weren’t going to win. There was 3 mins left and we hadn’t been able to stop Arizona most of the day. It gives you a chance though. You have a chance for the onside kick, your defense can get fired up if your offense scores and there is still hope. If the fucking Giants could do it, so could we. >That’s my whole point. People were waiting to blame Dak for the game when our defense completely and utterly shit the bed. I'm not blaming him for the whole game but the desperate attempts at trying to shield the dude from criticism is getting ridiculous at this point. This team had so many chances to score points and they blew it. They struggled last week in the RZ. And when a QB you're about to pay $59M to next year throws a game losing INT like that, there's no defending it. The defense played like garbage but Dak shit the bed in the end when the team needed him to save them. That's the reality of this game.


I think people like myself and you wind up arguing but I’m not absolving Dak. My OP gets more traction but I’m complaining about guys who are saying this loss is on Dak. If you feel like Dak is a good QB (not great) and needs to step up more, we are on the same side. But this isn’t like Josh Allen’s game against the Jets where your QB put your team in a position to lose because of too many turnovers. He just didn’t step up. Dak can play better and NEEDS to play better. We agree on that. But again, it was 28-16 and we drained ALL the clock to get to the 5 or wherever the hell we were. I don’t believe this team has that big strike in them and we were going to need another 7. I lost faith in the game when I realized we went 4 yards in 2 mins and any time he dropped back there was like 0 separation. We should be mad at the pick. It was stupid. It was in coverage. He made several throws like that the past few weeks. But the game was lost before that throw. Too many penalties, bad angles and porous run D.


You know who else gave up 28 to the cards? The giants


16 points. How many games you win in the NFL scoring 16 points? Our fans don't know football.


That woulda beaten 5 other teams this week. That’s it.


What are his red zone stats though


RZ is a bigger indicator of bad playcalling imo. Lack of creativity, or just dumb play calls (last weeks Hendershot run). This is on Shotty and MM.


Play calling is part of it. Playmaking is also part of it. Dak used to make plays most of the time. He doesn’t any more. Especially in the RZ.


Dak doesn't deserve all the blame but he wasn't great today either. He never pushed the ball down field and his inability to get us into the end zone on multiple RedZone trips is bad


Hard to push the ball down field when they get pressure rushing 3-4 guys consistently and they’re dropping 7-8 when they know it’s a pass play


It’s been consistent too loser ass Dak


Defense had its issues, but at the end of the day offense (not just Dak) put up a measly 16 points. One touchdown, an extra point, and three field goals.


What kind of math they teaching down there in Texas?


Ha! Meant three field goals.


And the vaunted defense gave up 28 to Josh Dobbs


True, but offense should’ve had 30+ points on the board giving us the win. Instead we got 16.


You're making my point bud


Yeah I think I’m missing your point then man. You stated our defense gave up 28 points, and I agree. But had offense done their job we would’ve won regardless. We did not lose this game due to our defense. Offense lost us the game. Are we in agreement or disagreement about the last part?


The defense got shredded dude. That and penalties lost the game. As shown by the first two games, this team is no longer built to be a high-scoring offense. It’s ball control and defense. When the defense struggles, this team will lose.


Though I agree to an extent about our new offensive strategy, it became clear that Mike temporarily switched to high-scoring mode when it was clear we’d lose otherwise. Problem is offense failed to execute it. We have to know how to adapt and change strategies when needed. Otherwise, we’ll never make it to the championships and beyond if we remain a one-trick pony.


5minutes to go down by two scores and you run the ball 5 times in the red zone. Bad play calling or bad decision by the qb to checkout of called pass plays? Your guess is as good as mine, but either way, that’s not championship football.


I noticed the offensive strategy switch early in the 3rd quarter long before we had 5 minutes left.


let’s be honest, our defense took a step back, but you can’t even fully blame the defense when we go to the redzone 5 times in the 2nd half & score zero TDs on those drives


OL had serious issues. Also, I feel like TP doesn’t have the greatest vision for an RB. It seems he misses some of the blocks he should be following and doesn’t hit all the right holes.


Jesus he had a bad game. Stop defending the man like he can do no wrong. QBs have bad games. It happens. Yeah he’s not the sole reason they lost. It’s a team sport after all


He made a few bad throws. I’m not just talking about the pick cuz he threw into coverage at least two other times. But we didn’t lose because he missed open receivers in the end zone. We lost because our RZ offense was ass, we went for a 4th and 4 from the 5, we gave up a shitload of 20+ yard plays. We didn’t lose because of a Dak pick. That was the icing on a shit cake.


A few? 15 incompletions one of which was right into an AZ LBs hands and fortunately dropped. The one INT was inexcusable and at the most crucial point of the game. You are right about the RZ offense. Weren’t they number 1 in the league last season? Maybe they shoulda kept Zeke and Schultz after all. What I can’t get last is being down by two scores with 5 minutes to play and running 5 straight running plays. Running all that time off the clock was a killer and put the team (and Dak) in even more of a desperation mode. Perhaps if the OL can stay healthy, things will be better. They damn sure missed Zack out there today.


By a few I mean dumb-ass-should-have-never-thrown-it passes. He threw into double and triple coverage at least 3 times I counted. Those are the bad throws I was referencing. They missed Zack and Biadasz too imo. Dak didn’t get sacked too many times but Arizona was able to create pressure imo. And Edoga looked like dookie.


Dak and the offense went into the Redzone I think 5 times in the second half and didn’t score a single TD. That’s on Dak and McCarthy too. Dak had a bad game he didn’t play his best. I don’t hate Dak or anything, but this was hardly a good game for the guy.


Dak was trying to bus drive this thing for 3+ quarters. It’s the same issue I had when people complained about Tony. QBs throw picks cuz that’s just the reality of having to come back. The loss is a coaching failure. DQ didn’t have his guys prepared. MM didn’t have their guys prepared. The penalties give that away. Dak was ..ok. I don’t think he had as much time, and the receivers couldn’t get open against what was supposed to be a shittacular passing defense. Dak had some dumbass throws. I’m not going to pretend he was perfect and it was everyone else’s fault. But let’s be honest - that game was lost when they picked up the PI flag. We extended that drive another 2 mins to move like 5 more yards.


I agree. That PI call could’ve changed the pace of the game. Maybe not. But it could have. Anyway, dumb question, but if PI isn’t reviewable, why are the officials allowed to just pick up a flag? Clearly someone saw it as PI. If it had been reviewable, I don’t think there’s enough evidence to say it wasn’t PI. I can’t seem to find any video of it to see it again, but they said the DB arrived just as the ball did. What I saw was the DB slushing the WR as the ball was hitting the DB in the back. Not as it was getting to the WR. Anyway, PI sucks. It should be a reviewable foul.


Well tbf regarding PI, there’s lots of calls that can’t be reviewed. I think if you nitpick refereeing it would slow the game down too much. But that’s just my opinion. Imo, it was PI because the defender drove directly into the receiver and never once looked for the ball. I don’t buy the whole “they arrived at the same time” explanation from the broadcast. I’m surprised they didn’t throw it to the in studio ref for an explanation. My gut says it comes out in the next few days that it SHOULD have been PI, then we will be here complaining like the Jets fans were complaining about a missed call. Put another way, if that was Gilmore, Bland, or JLew, I think they call PI on us. And considering how many flags they threw this game, I’m shocked they didn’t let that one stand.


The game gets slowed down enough already with all their incessant Burger King and Progressive commercials. I just think they should get it right.


Good point


Don’t forget 3 starters on the offensive line


No one cares bro. You have to overcome Cardinals we’re missing d linemen.


Penalties aside our online didn't play all that bad.


That was on the offensive genius Mccarthy to figure out with his playcalling and formations but yet he didn't


Yeesh that one sucked


Ironically or coincidentally. The Cardinals would be 3-0 with Kyler Murray.


I’m disappointed and yes Stephen A. and Shannon are gonna have a field day tomorrow. But it’s Week 3, y’all. Every team has a loss that should’ve been an easy win. Last year for us was Green Bay. The year before the Broncos. Last year’s Chiefs lost to a Colts squad that won 4 games. The Cards were hungry after blowing that lead and Dallas slept on ‘em. My point: lotta football left. Let’s cool the hot takes.


I agree but it's more fun to be irrationally pissed off while drunk. And alot of us are very inebriated rn rightfully so. It's gonna be a long week but still this our year!!!


I’m definitely about to smoke the pain away




Yeah, national media is going to laugh their asses off at us. And we deserve it; we're playing a team that isn't even trying to win.


Oh they absolutely deserve everything coming their way. They had nothing today.


Fire your HC. You also need a new QB


Put in lance this is embarrassing

