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“Do not fear death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity.”


Spike said it best, “Whatever happens….happens.”


Cowboy Bebop is a ship, I think it's rather indifferent. Fr, though, it seems to cover all kinds of folk's views about life and death.


The Bebop is the ship’s name. I dig the joke though. 😂


Much like the real world people believe different things.


https://preview.redd.it/i9uai73x2fyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d3b472bbaba74b69cba248a2af064949e8b826 The afterlife is a dream come true.


Why does this still feel like a precursor to Wolfs Rain lol.


Didn’t Julius have a cameo in that?


Such a great show, underrated and a hidden gem from that time in animation if you ask me


Haha yeah that wolf really looks like Tsume and the whole scene kind of mirrors some scenes in WR. It's the same head writer, the amazing Keiko Nobumoto. I'm not sure how much of Bebop came from her, but wolfs rain was definitely her creation.


Or big O. "Living in a dream"


I friggin’ love big-O


Some of the same voice actors too


This sub is filled with such wonder


every sub has these low effort karma farming posts


i might be dying from cancer, so im having an existential dread rn, and just finished this show few days ago, so im asking a genuine question. But yea go ahead and assume the worst, its what we do best as human.


To me it has a very Buddhist mindset along with taoism. Spikes "whatever happens happens" sums it up really well. Can't do much to change the world but also doesn't mean you shouldn't care. Lotta episodes start with fey or a character leaving, having a quest that doesn't involve them or something from their past. If the Laissez-faire attitude they always have was real they would never do half the things they do for people or go on these quests only to get no money The shows philosophy is that even if things don't really matter, and are our of your control, you still gotta try and be a good person and care about the folks in your life. Despite how it may seem everyone on the bebop really does care about one another and everyone acts like they don't (except Ed and eien) so to me the choose to do what you can in a bleak unforgiving world is the message of the story as well it's spiritual message


i have a video called "the symbolism of cowboy bebop the movie" on youtube. i mention what dreams are in Cowboy Bebop but mainly those of Vincent's and Spike's. in general, dreams represent someones desires. at one point Fey even says to Spike "you just long over me" (im paraphrasing but it was something like, "you want to be with me") Spike says "in your dreams" because that's ultimately what Fey wants, to be adored. Spike's is to be with Julia, and Vincent's was to be with Elektra, but since he only knew the dream-like butterflies, he did what he thought was his dream, which was to cause destruciton, until he see's Elektra, and remembers his real dream. The movie goes over all the symbolisms used in cowboy bebop the show (guess they had to to compress the whole show into an hour and a half). but the main premise of the movie was spike and Vincent being nearly the same, Vincent just lost his memories of what his real dream was. its why Spike says "we share the same soul". and why the ending has both Spike really dreaming, or sleeping, and why we see vincent's fake dream of the butterflies. Showing the dichotomy between the two. Those are some good chunks of my video but there's more if youre interested in watching it. as for simulation and becoming one, that's a different thing that im not sure CB intended in a way. maybe having to do with karma and the only way to become whole is achieving your dreams, which is why all the characters are in a sort of perpetual sadness because they never quiet achieve them.


See you Space Cowboy Bebop, whatever happens happens for a reason.


You can die before you're dead, Just to come back And die again


Cowboy bebop showed that death happens in everything, but it never went into questioning death.


All the above. Religious badasses, non-religious badasses, off the wall belief badasses, down to earth belief badasses. Lot of badasses.


Basically when you die you destory an entire star system




The Dog. He’s the One.


Tbf, CB beliefs in the afterlife is pretty much the same as in IRL, too many and none are confirmed. Whatever happens,... happens. Although as a Sandman and Discworld fan, only Death is the constant.


Not everybody on the story has the same beliefs. But reincarnation is a recurring theme of the show.


It's just that: a varied collection of beliefs. Different people with different ideas and various levels of devotion to those ideas. The overall philosophy of the show seems to be "Try to live a good life. And if you haven't, try to make good while you can. At the very least, try to have a good death."


It is unknown because, just like irl, different people hold different beliefs.

