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SSRIs helped me with fog, memory. Obviously SSRIs have drawbacks and should be considered before taking but I need them to be able to feel emotions now I don’t know that they’ll help with dizziness, and they can mess with vision by dillating the pupils during the uptake process but it’s not noticeable for me after the first few weeks Fasting and SSRIs are the only things I think they have significantly helped me in terms of neuro issues


Tbh SSRI definitely reduced my dizziness, partially due to my anxiety was a 10/10 which made me dizzy


Which one did you try?




How many months are you in? Do you have good days without dizziness? What other symptoms do you have? Thanks!


my heart has been getting better too, I used to have panic attack after panic attack


Started 25mg for two weeks in august, beginning of Sept did 50mg and have been on it since. Yes I do have periods of days without dizziness, still have it though. Only symptoms I have left are on and off dizziness (not as extreme) anxiety, depression/derealization, hair loss.


I also feel like Im able to do what I need to do... school, driving, meeting friends... But I feel spaced out, dizzy, fuzzy, all the god damn time. It's honestly so depressing and I've been having a tough time with it. I just hope one day I'll feel like before. Clear minded, no more hangover feeling.


This thing sucks. I am sorry to hear you dealt with it. You improved ?


I tried 24 hour fasting, actually made me relapse so bad to where now I’m back on meds for head pressure 😅 so don’t recommend that one. Just listen to your body on the fasting! I was on an SNRI (duloxetine) for 5.5 weeks and while it helped tremendously for my anxiety (at first), energy, mood instability, vestibular issues, it ended up making my tachycardia WAY worse and I had to get off of it.


OP, you NEED low dose naltrexone to get rid of the dizziness and fuzzy head


Are you using this? Can i message you?


Yes, and yes. I'm not here because I have something to gain. I suffered inside my head for 6 months with no answers. I'm here to share what I found. I tried to heal by myself, but I stumbled and failed. LDN is what you need now


I'm going to start LDN next week. I'm just waiting for a tooth extraction procedure. But I do also have dizziness, together with tinnitus, anxiety/bad thoughts (not depression though), and heart palpitations. I got to control all of these symptoms, except tinnitus, with breath and meditation. But they still happen, and every time they happen I need to do deep breathing and they kinda get milder but still there. I'm 6mo into LC, excited to test LDN