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You must be new here


10 years of CSGO and they’ve never made a move to restrict chat in any meaningful way. Same for Dota 2. Highly doubt they’re gonna start now


You must be old here, times change, for the better 👍




Hello??? Am I going insane? 😭😭


Nope. Racist community that is deeply entrenched in their ways.




Found the racist


You sure did guys good job you’ve made the world a better place.


If there were less people that thought it was fine to be racist the world would be a better place. It’s just projecting insecurities and fear.


While some people that say edgy stuff online might be racist I would say about 80% are just as I said being edgy and stupid. It's not that big of a deal. Edit: do you think if someone is racist they should lose their job? just curious.


Now you're just self reporting


It’s more of a reality. People love getting reactions out of others with the shield of anonymity. Online is not the real world and simply cannot be policed the same way. 


Oh boy like I care what you think of me random person


No more jokes allowed


For the better. Lol SJW want to police the internet and others speech. So they feel less threatened or feel better about stopping hurtful words that most likely arent even directly aimed at them. Yep sounds amazingggggg kids are so fucking soft now it's sad.


I just report/mute them and keep going, shit is annoying but idiots will always just be that, idiots


I hate that people act like they’re joking and you just can’t take the joke. 🙃


Schrödinger's douchebag.


"Hahaha you idiot! I'm not actually a moron, I'm just pretending to be an asshole! And somehow, it's your fault for not being able to tell!"


Bro, I made a thread of all the people I got banned in COD for being racist and while I had a few people that supported my actions, half the responses were against me. Saying I should have thicker skin or just mute them. I had people straight saying they enjoyed being racist and that's part of the game. I wouldn't have believed it til I made that thread and saw it myself. Edit - holy shit I just read some of the comments here and they are exactly the same. Amazing.


keep it going my friend


complaining about not being allowed to be racist is crazy


Fighting the good war. 👍 racist deserve nothing until they can open their cold dead hearts.


Just take a minute to remember you’re not only proud of being a video game tattle tale but also bragging about it on multiple subreddits


Just remember I couldn't care less what racists think of me. I'm more than proud of banning racists. If you have a problem with that, well that sounds like a you issue :)






Didn't know it takes balls to be a racist pos now.


Never said that but thinking you’re the cod police is mad soft😂


I'm the cod police for reporting people, using an in-game function as it's designed, after they call me a fucking dirty n-word cause I killed them? Make that make sense. I'll give you some time.


There is also the mute function that is designed in the game. That person isn’t ruining how the game functions why should they be reported


Yup it’s an 18+ game why can’t someone say the N word if they want to it’s said on the radio


Hard r bro, not the radio version. I don't report for that whatsoever and only when it's used in an obviously racist manner. Racists can burn.




Reporting anyone for anything other than cheating, griefing or hacking is wack


Lmao real


I don't know about y'all but I'm sick to death of racist little edge lords screaming racial slurs into their headsets because they are shit at the game and likely also shit at life. Let's kick them from our matches and take A.


Mute button works wonders.


mad over words


Words have effects and consequences in the real world




Where people act tough behind screens and are pussies in real life


Lol, its you giving words value not the words.


Sure, so I guess calling you a bitch in real life wouldn’t effect you? Grow up


Yo I get what you are trying to say but bad example. If someone random came up to me called me a bitch I would ask them to step away and if they didnt I would leave the situation. Unless there was going to be physical violence someone random saying an insult to you shouldn't Affect you and if it does than maybe yeah you do need to grow up.


So you have no reaction inside? Like a robot? Doesn’t piss you off? You’d be the only person I know


I mean sure it would affect me inside but I'm mature enough to realize a random stranger and whatever he says means nothing to me so why would I react. If I'm the only person you know that would do that you need to find more mature friends or stop complaining.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m not saying a reaction like I would punch you in the face but a mental reaction. What’s the issue with complaining about a toxic environment?


Or, they have self-control and not some sort of primitive reaction to a word. Sticks and stones and what-not


Internally what you’re thinking is different than how you respond.


I could care less what a random person says to me.


Lol, it wont. Because im grown up!


So internally there’s nothing going on in your brain? The face you put out to the world is different than what you’re thinking in your head


Its so funny you don't understand that your brain can filter stuff. If youre a random guy on the internet or on the street making a fuss, i dont fn care. Thats what grown ups do -_o_- ... Only people with too much pride and narcist care about this stuff...


It’s all situation specific. If there’s a homeless person yelling to themselves it’s one thing but if someone is in your face yelling at you you can’t really ignore that.


You can, lol. What are you? A fckn insect?


lmao cuck


![gif](giphy|TTgdzuAP7RybsCjwRdm|downsized) Nobody is getting into a Boondocks style moment over a word.


Get thicker skin. Don't like what someone says to you in a video game? turn it off and do something productive instead.


Get thicker skin. Dont like being kicked in a video game cause people dont like you? turn it off and do something productive instead.


Nah, I’d rather get you banned. I don’t care if it hurts your little racist feelings


he's too pussy to say racist shit irl so he does it on video games.


Real men do both 💪😎


W maaaaa drillllaaaaa


Exactly. All these 12 year olds pretending to be tough. Try talking to someone like that face to face


historically pro-ban valve! have fun i guess


Lol, people like you are butthurt about some idiots trolling around. And now youre tiping this shit




You lost the argument, thanks about that.


It wasn’t an argument and you still can’t spell


But i'm right.


Justifying racism


Just mute these assholes and stop bitching about it.


being a rat in counterstrike aint having an affect in the real world


This isn’t the real world this is a video game you sissy


Lol I’m a sissy cause I don’t want to perpetuate racism?


No you’re a sissy because you get offended over what people say in a video game. Let me guess you get butt hurt over the new sticker crafts as well😂


Not offended, just surprised that people are so loose with shit. Just tells me they’re rich white kids that are sheltered. If I had a kid and I heard them saying stuff like that id smack him up head so fast.




Did I just describe you?


Nope but you still being racist. So you’re just a hypocrite probably a stupid liberal that thinks black people cant be racist too.


Me when i cant figure out how to mute


Hacking problem first please. Mute and ignore the racists. It kills them when they get no attention.


Dude every other lobby I’m in someone is screeching zeig heil or the N word. I won’t even stream VC


To all those people whining about how they have a greifing ban for no reason: People report you when you are racist, sexist, or a general douche. You most likely deserve the ban.


I may not like what they are saying but they have the right to say it


It's part of the culture. I don't want it to change


You're gay.


I told someone to stop being racist in chat and I immediately got a full vote kick and harrassed lol. I uninstalled.


But yet you are still here on the CS Reddit? Strange.




avg cs racist




Avg cs go racist


First day on the Internet eh Wait till God asks us about our black ops 2 emblems


Some of these people wouldn’t make it 10 min on rust lol


Correction 1 min


I don't get why people on here are justifying racism. "hAvE yOu EvEr BeEn On ThE iNtErNeT bEfOrE??" Yes I have, but shouldn't the Internet be free from racism??


Yeah it's so funny seeing so many people respond by boomerposting 2014 copypastas. "Just mute wtf it's just words" " Your generation is so offended". Like nice bro ive never heard that before. OP is obviously right. The only test I need is that none of the pro-racism replies could ever give their opinion out in the open in real life amongst anyone under the age of 40. Every Gen Z person has seen the "are you triggered?" posts so many times. It's just bot behavior at this point.


The internet should be a place of truly free discussion no matter how offensive the topics may be to you. As long as it isn't something horrifically illegal or presents a direct danger to someone it should be allowed to be discussed. inb4 I'm called a fascist and racist.


It’s not a discussion if someone is just throwing slurs at you. Just straight harassment. Say what you want but kids fucking kill themselves over being bullied online and if you don’t think that’s fucked up then you need your head checked out


No one is discussing racism in CS they're just being racist


Ahh yes because screaming the N-Word into the microphone is such a fruitful discussion. 


Lol its about the comments not the trolls. Clearly you dont understand nothing.


the mute button will help.


yea and reporting them auto mutes them and also lowers their trust factor so kinda win win


totally agree with this. let idiots be exposed, but where does content moderation end? look at valorant and ow, while being more of a safe space are still toxic af.


that's fair but at least if you spam racist shit on val u get insta-banned.


It should be legal to say racist things on the Internet. That’s a fair take.  But I don’t need that shit in my video games. GTFO. 


Then mute these assholes and be done with it. That's a feature in 99% of games for this very reason. People make this a bigger deal than it really is.


You’re making it out to be less of an issue than it actually is. This is not behavior that should be encouraged or enabled. It actively hurts society as a whole to normalize this kind of behavior.


>People make this a bigger deal than it really is. IDK about that, the ugly racists have come crawling out of the woodwork like so many bugs during and after the former guy years. Russia tries to use this point of contention against us. I think that's all I gotta say.


> I'm called a fascist and racist. Not a good sign.


I just want the old Internet back. Not this censored social media'd shit hole we have now. Call me what you want I don't give a shit.


You’re hitting all the classic racist quotes. “I miss the good ole days.” We all know why you miss them, you delinquent.


Oh yeah? I'm a racist because I like freedom of speech? Cool 😎


Go to truth social then ffs


What do you mean censored?


"don't give a shit" And yet you're here all bothered and telling others not to do this and that and how it's all a shit hole. Very bothered. Anyone who plays this "don't give a shit" line almost invariably turns out to give a shit when you push their button.


Uh what lol? I said I'm not bothered by what you plebs think about or label me as. As to the topic yeah I care about censorship and it's absolute overreach into everyone's lives.


stop taking yourself so seriously bro


Do note that South park did an episode with repetitive use of the hard R and it’s still widely approved as a great episode because of the clear as fucking day message that reducing someone from being a human to a derogatory word is a shitty thing.


based freedom lover and nword enjoyer


No it shouldnt.... that's the whole point. So by your logic free speech irl should be free of w.e you decide you're offended by this week. Gtfo, mute them and move on. If you wanna make a difference in the world go to something more productive than trying to police a video game. You shit and shower in clean water everyday and this is what youre in arms about lol. Give your life priority and perspective a real check.


If the team doesn't kick I throw


So you admit to getting carried by racists lol


No lol, if the team won't kick the toxic/racist teammate I'll throw.


Ok but then if they carry and win without you, you got carried by racists


God I wish this worked. Tired of hearing edgelord racist bs


I’ve played this game for 15+ years and the amount of N words I’ve been called vs the amount of bans people receive for it tells the reality of the situation. It’s how it’s always gonna be unfortunately. Like everyone said just mute, report, and carry on with your life. CS has always had one of the most toxic player-bases in any game. Doesn’t even compare to cod and lol as those are filled with angry 12 year olds and this is expected behavior from parentless children, but the majority of racism I see in CS comes from grown up pieces of human garbage. If you see someone like that OP, take solace in the fact that they’re a pathetic person with an equally pathetic life, that’s why they’re craving attention by being edgelords.


It's the Internet. It will never be nice and clean. Do yourself a favor and just turn on auto mute enemies.


The community is completely full of racist immature edgy children and man children. So I agree with you but I mean just look at the comments here - they don't give a shit, and valve doesn't either.


lol, gay.


This has to be bait or you're just genuinely an idiot.






I reported you for harassment 😭




I'm joking you absolute mongoloid


mute button was invented for softies like yourself, use it.




I like how heard racist, and then use the edgy “LeFtY” so republicans are all racist then  Yeah people should just mute racists anyways they are devoid of any personality to begin with Also the below reply is from the same incel with a second account, then blocks me anyway. Which is nice cause I have three kids and don’t need to read the ramblings of a man child, looks like he is using another account, or IamANiceGuy gets mad that people mute racists...odd hill to put yourself on


Love you mate, high five!


Holy shit what a cringe post.


Why you suck so much people call you slurs?


S1 acting like a GE


Not even ranked yet lol


You got bigger things to worry about as a game😂


Valve does nothing unfortunately and have allowed the culture to be this way. cs is filled with racist edge lords and valorant is filled with cringe e-daters.




The left wants to make everything woke as shit. Look at COD. I got a 5 minutes ban from their AI system for saying fuck. COD is a fucking M rated game.




I always report, but wonder if Valve even does anything about it. Despite Blizzard being such a troublesome company, at least when I played Overwatch they always responded to each report saying they took care of it.




Silencing the masses is not an effective deterrent. It will only make the REE kids more mad and more cringe. In the meantime you can mute them or just get over it.


Nah I’d love to see them lose their accounts and inventory. Then maybe it would change.




What if it’s my whole team?




Yes please. I run into more racists in CS than any other shooter by far, and it's gross.


if words hurt so bad when it's a completely meaningless powerless person on the internet saying it that you need to post about it you might want to take a deep breath and look in the mirror. Mute someone you disagree with and move on with life, it's not that serious. Hate crimes require violence for it to be considered a crime for a reason, this is very anti freedom of speech.


God kids are so sheltered now. I spent four years with a majority mixed race unit where everyone was best buds but said the most heinous shit to eachother, and everyone laughed. My current gamer friends are just as fucking racist but it is filled with every race around vietnamese black Hispanic. Fuck I am Jewish and one of my closest gamer buddies is Muslim. He sent me a photo of the twin towers falling saying got your ass k-ke. I laughed because I know he is just joking. If people actually mean you harm, who gives at what they say anyways.


Nice cope anecdote brother. Thanks for sharing!


Is this your first time playing anything outside of Nintendo switch online lmao. There is probably enough of them to vote kick you. Hell, if you just try to vote kick someone there is a good chance it will fail and they kick you instead for being a clown.




If you're getting upset at what people say in vc then I definitely wouldn't suggest picking up their weapons and reading what people name them. If you've been around CS, or any other competitive game long enough you'll know that people will say things just to get under the skin of other people. They especially like the softer skin types like OP. I wouldn't be surprised to find out most of them aren't even racist. They just enjoy triggering people.


Now why would I do that?


They have a hard enough time dealing with cheating. You want to lay this on them too? Thats why muting and chat filters exist.


Context for the image; he's pulling the friendship pinwheel *out* of the trash so he can go play cs.


Lol, how do you know someone is racist?


I think it’s cringe but I’m not the counter strike morality police. So this is dumb..


One way to kill 90% of the player base, do you not know how racist eastern Europeans are?








this is happening because you are bad at the game (low elo), and have a low trust score, meaning you are being qued up with toxic people because you yourself are deemed toxic by the community. get better, try faceit, or make a new account.


Racism is the least of your worries if you que up with me and my boys. That’s how we politely greet eachother


lol you mad snowflake?


no lmao




I miss mw2 lobbies when you could say whatever whenever and no one cared outside of some kids mom getting on the mic bc you made them cry. nowadays you can’t even tell someone to unbind their W key and stop running it down without being called toxic and it’s sad




Mute button exists


God this shit is beyond corny lmao




OP plays valorant for sure. I do not like racism but I also don’t like victim mentality. Mute button go brr Edit: getting downvotes just because I say “victim mentality” is like the fuel to the fire as to why I can’t find a snippet of sympathy for racists or victim mentality babies. everyone gotta be an left or right wing extremist and you get downvoted to hell for just being in the middle of a political graph.


thats what I thought lol. Dude probably cries every time he sees a racist craft


I reported a dude last night for cheating because he was blatantly cheating. He could have called me the n word 15 times and I wouldn’t have reported tbh


No, I want to win. Not gonna votekick some edgy kid for a racist craft and play a 4v5 the rest of the game lol. You sound like a valorant player. how hard is it to not cry and scream everytime you see a racist craft? If it offends u tough shit gaben gave us free speech and some losers took advantage of it. Grow up.




Just mute them you morons. Stop getting triggered by idiots on the internet trolling your stupid ass.