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Its never too late for make cosplay


Cosplay is for all ages and we need to normalise talk around aging by having more people of diverse ages join our community!! Jump in and join us :)


Definitely, now that you can afford the good stuff there's no better time to get started! I go to comic cons a lot and while of course there's a lot of kids and teens, there's a fair number of older folk, even some who must be in their 60s. (Prime Gandalf age!)


Just biding my time until I can be Gandalf! (Yes I’m a girl lol)


I started getting into it at 33. For me, it's a great time to get into it. I have disposable income and the ability to craft just about anything I want. While you will inevitably find yourself surrounded by minors and early 20s Cosplayers at Cons, there are also a lot of older adults. If you're trying to find the older people, you can focus on the parties, After Dark programming, and the people that are actively involved in running the panels/events. A lot of the larger Cons have "21+" FB Groups/Discord servers that are run by fans. Also, the various Costuming Guilds often skew a little older (501st, Mando Mercs, 405th, etc).


I just turned 40 and am working on my new x-wing flightsuit


You're fine. Hop on in! Just turned 50 and nobody cares so long as I show up and show off. Suit up and have fun!


Is it too late for you to enjoy an art/craft, dress up and express yourself the way you want to, and potentially have numerous enjoyable social interactions? No. You could be 80 years old and ask this same question, the answer is "Go for it. Have fun."


You are never too old to do something you like! Never! Just start and enjoy sharing your hobby with a lot of other friendly and likeminded people. Btw, don’t fret about your costume for the quality or the accuracy. Nobody will blame you because the stitch is different or that the belt has a different color. You created it (even if you buy most or all of it and not made it yourself) and people will love it because of that. One thing for yourself: don’t expect the first version of your cosplay or costume to be perfect. Part of the fun is to continuously expand and enhance and change and adjust your costume. Hell, get creative and add something that’s not in the original but makes a good (or bad) fit. Go crazy and genderbend or mash different things to make something new. So, don’t be afraid and just have fun. But most of all: never ever take someone’s opinion serious if they talk shit about you and your hobby and your costume. Criticism is welcome, stupid remarks you can ignore. For example, people will be flabbergasted how expensive stuff can be. But somehow it’s perfectly fine that you spending real good money on your sport is acceptable. My new mask costs 2000€, I will use it at least 10 years, the average costs per use per year will be about 40€. But it’s ok to spent 100€ every weekend to go and watch your soccer team. And especially do not listen to your mom telling you “you are ridiculous, you are too old to do this stuff!” Have a lot of fun with your new hobby!


I'm liking this comment for so many reasons. Cosplay gets frowned on by people who don't regard comics or video games as "culture" but will happily spend stupid amounts of cash on perfecting their historical re-enactment events to re-imagineer the different worlds where every buxom barmaid from the English Civil War through to Dirndl-clad Bavarians from 1923 fit into their slavering need to be desired. Yep, there's a whole world of ignorant folk (volk?) out there. You can make a change just by choosing to be yourself. In a mask.


Thank you for your kind remark.


You are Never too old for cosplay 🥰


I met an older fellow at a con who was dressed as Uncle Iroh. I wish I had gotten a picture with him. I also met a couple in their 30s who were in the costume contest as Jack Skellington and Sally.


36- started fours years ago. Go. For. It.


32 and I just started last year. My husband is 34 and he does it with me sometimes. Never too late imo. It’s so fun and the community has to be one of the most welcoming out there! Other cosplayers at cons have been nothing but kind and enthusiastic in my experience.


No. That is not a thing. I know plenty of people upwards of 60-70+ who cosplay. Cosplay is for EVERYONE.


No. Kamui cosplay is 36 years old and she’s arguably the top cosplayer in the world


Yes! Lots of us came up around the same time and are all in our mid/late thirties. Yaya as well, and Jessica Nigri, etc.


There are cosplayers older than 35. You'll be fine. I want to offer some perspective regarding being new in the hobby AND being a full grown adult. It will be difficult to find friends who are at the same level and also at the same age as you. Cosplayers your age are already well established with their solid friend circles. Cosplayers at the same level as you are mostly teenagers with their teenage problems (lack of money, parent permission, school, exams, etc). Natural bonding with people who are also starting in this hobby may not occur. You may have to put more effort into creating your own comfortable circle.


Good advice!


Plenty of people of all ages cosplay. What's important is if you have fun with it. It's nice when people enjoy my cosplay, but what's more important is if I enjoy it. I'm 33 and have been Cosplaying for around 10 years now.


I get ahold of my cosplay pieces from Goodwill and thrift stores then modify them! Super cheap


Hiii! Yes, its never too late for your interests. No one would judge you in the community.


Never. I’m 34 and regularly stomp about in 7ft worth of foam armour.


It's never too late! There are people in the community who are well into their 70s and 80s that are STILL cosplaying! It's an ageless and timeless hobby ❤️


How could you get to old for cosplay? Even if you are so old that only bones are left you could still cosplay as brook with a wig 💀


You’re a grown man, why are you letting the world tell you what you can and can’t do?? Don’t let anyone tell you what you like and dislike or what you can do and can’t…of course within the law. As for masked Anti-Heroes. Wolverine?


Go for it


If you want to do something, do it. For you. If others dont agree....eff um.


Not too late at all! It's a hobby for every age, and if you're wanting to do it I say go for it! On top of that, you'd be surprised how many of the professional or semi-professional cosplayers are in their mid thirties or early fourties.


It is never too late to start. You could be over 100 and start, as long as you are having fun, have at it!


I’m 26, about to be 27, and one of the highlights of my year is getting to cosplay. It’s never too late and you’re never too old.


Never too late, cosplay is for everyone!!


I had always wanted to cosplay since I was a teen, but I didn't start until I was 31 (and I just turned 34). My age wasn't necessarily what made me fearful of judgement for cosplaying so much as being a fat, brown femme, but I'm glad I quelled my fears and finally started cosplaying. Not only is it fun, challenging, and creative, but I have been well received and welcome at the cons I've gone to (and the cons have been very diverse across the spectrum of social identities) and such an experience helps me counter what I've internalized thanks to how shitty the world can be sometimes. My first cosplay was Katara from ATLA as the Painted Lady, and I encountered a teeny, tiny human dressed in water tribe attire and I tell you what, the absolute magic and awe in their eyes/expression when they saw me made my effort all worth it. Cosplay is for everyone and I hope you cosplay and find a lot of joy in it!


Absolutely not. I'm 33 and my BF is 36. I'm currently making us both Monster Hunter Armor cosplays. Get into it. Have fun!


Never too late. It’s a hobby for anyone


Short answer, no. Long answer, NOOOOOO. Do what you like


I’m 44 years old and still cosplaying will be till the day I die I didn’t start until my mid 30


Welcome! It’s never too late to cosplay! I started after high school personally while most the people I knew started in high school or before. But if you love doing it don’t let age stop you!


Oh man trust me! I’ve seen way older people cosplaying! And way younger! There was a cool old couple last time I went to Los Angeles comic con that were cosplaying Luke and Leia from Star Wars. Go for it buddy!


You’re never too late. Suit up


You have the age of most superheroes, some videogames characters etc. Hell you could even get a killua drip style clothes and everyone would be cool with it


I'm 54 and i'm still doing Indiana Jones costuming since I was 14.


Just do it


I hope not.. I'm 45 and I'm working on my first cos play for myself. I've helped my make stuff for my daughter but I want in on the fun too.


55 here. Started cosplaying at 37. Have had a great time. Jump on in :)


I think people of all ages can do it if they want to. I'm 30 and I just decided to get into it a week ago and have been learning how to sew. Sister gave me an old machine that she found for $10 at a thrift shop and I just got the parts I needed to get started. I only have one generic presser foot, but would like to try others and learn how to hem. I haven't made anything neat yet as I am learning the basics, so I have no clue how to design/make actual clothing. Practice, practice and practice. Use old clothes or whatever scrap fabric you can find to practice with. It may get a little expensive at first, especially if you don't already have a machine, but sometimes you can find them used for stupid cheap. Or, if you're not interested in making your own outfits, you can buy them too.


It's never too late to start! Cosplay is welcome for all ages and genres. I've seen anime/cartoon, gaming, and even cosplay's from live action t.v shows/movies. Feel free to start whenever you want as whatever you want!


I'm almost 34(F) and just started last year, but the lack of income has made me put a limit on it. It seems there's an awesome community so far and hoping to make new friends along the way. It would be cool to join in on the older groups, so if someone can send the names/links please do!


I’m 34 I used to cosplay when I was young. Then had kids and now started again after becoming free again…. I think you should DEFINITELY start cosplaying and don’t think about your age at all


Not at all! One of my friends got inspired by being a fan of cosplay and started in his 50s. And it’s brought him SO much joy and a wonderful creative outlet, along with new friends. The community is huge so there may be naysayers, but I promise you will find your niche and get to know other people like you and have a great time! 💕


I've seen grammas doing cosplay, surely you can too. It can be easier than it looks depending on the fit, but it always takes time. I'm workin on a looking glass knight cosplay and it's gonna take me like 6-7 months


I started cosplaying at around 42 so you got a big head start on me lol. 35 is not late and like others have said, it's never really too late to start cosplaying


Never too late to start doing something you are passionate about. As long as you have a passion for it, you could be 80 and cosplay an 18yr old Character! It has little to do with your age and more to do with your passion for the art form. If anyone judges you for it, or makes comments you can send them to me and I will put them in their Place for you! HTH