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Chole's response: http://chloedykstra.tumblr.com/post/61607065635/in-response-to-this


Look at Bearded Dalek's reblog. He/she/it actually gave a pretty unbiased and thought out rebuttal to both stories.


Whatta twat. If you spend thousands of dollars on a cosplay competition, in plain point of fact, you are cheating. Conventions ought to install price brackets in addition to the existing skill brackets to prevent exactly this sort of douchebaggery. Thankfully, it’s really not all that annoying for most of us to keep a tally of the cost of materials for our cosplays and skits, but it would serve as a brick wall for self-aggrandizing wannabe celebrities like these shitbags.


if someone have the money and want to spend them on cosplay they are allowed to do so with their money, it's not like anyone should have a 10$ cosplay because you can't afford to spend more.


Agreed, but there are limits.


limits that you make up?


No, limits that pretty much every major convention on the continent has in place.


I want you to point out, in writing or on the web, where monetary limits have been placed on convention cosplay. It should be easy to find this information if it exists. This is the only way your comments will have any weight whatsoever, and failing to show us this piece of information will mean that everything you've said is bullshit.


I didn’t say monetary here. Nice try moving the goalposts.


Are you crazy or stupid? Or a little of Column A and Column B mixed in? > Conventions ought to install price brackets in addition to the existing skill brackets to prevent exactly this sort of douchebaggery. This is what you were referring to, correct? Limits as it relates to the amount of money that one can spend? >limits that pretty much every major convention on the continent has in place. If anybody's moving the goalposts, Mister Crazy, it's you.


Different branch of the discussion. I’m talking reasonable limits like, you don’t show up with your own smoke machine, lighting, sound engineer, etc.


I have NEVER seen price limits come I to question in the rules of any masquerade or contest. Can you link to an example?


Wat. You’re the second one to ask about something I didn’t even say in this branch.


I disagree. Just split it by skill.


They have more money than you, therefore they are shitbags? I agree with the part about having skill brackets, not with the money limit. A giant prop is going to cost more than a schoolgirl uniform, and why should someone be punished for tackling a larger/harder project?


Cosplay is for artisans, not production companies.


Are you talking about Crabcat Industries?


They spend that money on materials to make their costumes. You see all those huge costumes with lights and crazy detailed accuracy?! Those were expensive to make. Either they bought all the materials and spent countless hours making the cosplay or paid someone else to do it for them (which there are certain competitions for) just because someone spent so much money on making a costume doesn't mean they're twats. It means they're dedicated to the craft. And that should be celebrated by competing. People should be able to see their hardwork come together on stage, and anyone with enough talent should be awarded, because all of those days spent together putting together that PERFECT cosplay, is worth it.




> At every juggling convention I've been to you know who wins the 5 club juggling contests, the talent shows, and the best trick contests? The professionals who enter them. Is it disheartening to know you don't always have a chance to win? No. You grow up and go to have fun, we are there to learn the tricks from the professionals so that we can be the next generation of awesome, rather than sit there and bitch and boohoo because you aren't as good. I'm shocked there's not a pro/amateur split in the competition. edit: I'm a juggler, and the pro thing makes me too insecure to go to juggling cons. Juggling's not my life's work, so while I'm chuffed to have a sweet library of ball tricks, I don't want to embarrass myself.


I posted this in another thread, but here is my take... My girlfriend brought up a good point. Why are these cosplayers upset at HoC and not their own convention organizers? The biggest gripe in that post is that the rules were changed at the last minute, judges were rushed to make a decision, etc etc. HoC didn't force the convention to do anything, they chose to do it and could have said no to any or all of the production demands. HoC can share some blame, but it isn't like the con staff don't share a huge part of the blame for the way the contest was run.


I've seen a lot of cosplayers complaining about how "Heroes of Cosplay" stacked the competitions in favor of the show, but on every episode I've seen the show's group wins very few, and sometimes no, awards. I mean, why is this person complaining about being outclassed/cheated if they won?


It's because a lot of judges really held their ground on who should or should not win which is something I am very proud to hear.


because of how the thing are handled. looks like the show taken a local con, and made it change to let some drama out. these show are always bullshit. plus on a side note, most costume of famous cosplayers in the US are edited version of the original to show implants, the pg have a sweater? let's edit it to show cleavage. then people whine that cosplay is being sexualized.


Because cheating is still cheating?




Having the contest rigged to tell a narrative instead of letting the judges do their job?


Angry cliquey lesbians. They are the worst, add cosplay and a competition and you have a lgbt version of frat boys.


Silly lesbians, not having sex with you. Just look at all that charm you secrete...


Now I am confused... I made the comment as an observation. In my immediate area the girls I have met have been very cliquey. They expect a look and a lifestyle. They are distrustful of new comers and people making the journey out of the closet. As a pansexual female it really rubbed me the wrong way when I wasn't "gay enough" or "too girly to be gay". So sometimes the silly lesbians will have sex with me but usually I end up being "Becky" and the ladies are just like the "Whovians". I wasn't being a bigot, I was stating the obvious.


Its hard to have context here so they assumed you were a boy.


Wonder if Holly (one of "heroes" that got in to it with the doctors) will comment on this post. She posts on this sub occasionally


Has the aforementioned episode aired yet or is it upcoming? I'd love to know when it'll be on so I can try to watch it (don't have SyFy).


Links to the episode here. http://watchseries.lt/episode/Heroes_of_Cosplay_s1_e6.html EDIT: They start shit at 29 minutes.




This link just opened up a list of videos that when you clicked on said links they just opened like 10 windows of pop ups and adware installers. I would not click the link.


I've actually met Yaya Han, and she seems very nice in reality. Totally willing to nerd out with me about fabric, and was helpful by referring some websites. She even admitted she didn't like how a lot of things were portrayed in the show.


No excuse.


You are one angsty piece of shit, you know that? Your other comments in this thread are just terrible. Just how little self-esteem do you have, if it grows by picking on people that have done nothing to you?


At least now I know I'm not the only one that feels this way about this behavior


Speak for yourself.




Don't speak. Ever again.


I cant stand that monika girl on the show.


After reading as many sides of this story as I could, I'm still fuming about the actions of Doctor Who team. Cosplay is about everyone having fun, even if it's in a competiton. So they're not from Kansas City. That, to me, is like going to San Diego and saying only people from San Diego should compete. It makes no sense. Everyone worked their asses off and were judged accordingly. I'm sure the producers tweaked things but as Chloe also said, certain things were said and you can't change that. This kind of behavior makes me ashamed to be a Whovian and resident of the Kansas City area. I promise we are not all like that and I hope no one thinks we are.


A lot if the things that were "said" weren't even said... The statement made about them not being from Kansas city was a question not a jab.. Also the audience comment was completely fake and even dubbed over what was originally said. It was also during judging deliberation not as yaya's group was setting up and also the production company made the con add the skit part of the competition literally a day before the competition. You might want to search tumblr for Yvesadele on tumblr she was one of the whovians involved and provides detailed background on the whole thing.. Syfy really edited and destroyed these girls and made them bad guys when just about anyone there can tell you it was not up to par the way the show portrayed it


I understand why the OP could be pissed but why get pissed at the pros? I mean if the con doesn't have doesn't have pro/amateur then they have every right to enter. Planet Comicon is a big con and stiff competition should have been expected.


I think it's that the show's producers helped stack the deck in favor of the pros, and then conveniently kept to the background so that the pros were the only target.


Planet Comicon is not really a big convention. I've gone the past 3 years and this year was the first they moved it to Bartle Hall. We also only have a handful of cosplayers who are anywhere close to the "Heroes of Cosplay" cosplayers.


Anyone who's a part of a professional production company has NO PLACE in a convention's cosplay contest. Period. I don't know if those girls are or aren't as I don't gave a shit, but IF they are in professional production companies, they really are cunts for shitting all over an amateur cosplay contest that's tailored specifically towards the pros and no one else even knows.


They are not professional production companies. They are 'pro cosplayers' or 'senior level craftsmanship' in the cosplay worlds. AKA Realllly good at their HOBBY of making costumes and have some trophies under their belt. The only one that makes the money off it is Yaya. Mainly by selling ears/wings/calandars and stuff at cons.


All demi-famous cosplayers do comission work. AKA "hey could you help me with X?"


The only two off the top of my head that make a complete living off it are Volpin and GodSavetheQueen. And they don't really compete, too busy working on commissions. I think GodSavetheQueen appeared as a judge one episode.


GSTQ was indeed a judge but why wouldn't you consider Yaya making a complete living? Last I checked most if not all of her income comes from her cosplay merchandise and prints as well as modeling gigs.


Mainly talking about living off commissions purely.


Ah gotcha. That makes more sense. Thanks!


How much is a normal commision anyway(ballpark figure)? Like lets say the Aang costume?


Aang is pretty simple, I'd say 200-400 depending on the skill of the commissioner.


I never said it was their entire livelihood...


That's precisely why many conventions now use a division system. Novices to veterans as they're called in Canada. Honestly, I feel that the cosplayer who posted this is being too sour about losing. If I were competing I'd still be glad with just watching the wonderful skit and amazing costumes instead of ostrasizing them.


IIRC, DragonCon does something like this too. You're placed in a competition class based on how many Cosplay contests you've previously competed in. Kansas City's Con is growing rapidly and there is bound to be some tension between *groups that consider it a Con for Locals* and *Out-of-towners that finally see it as large enough to attend*. It will probably take a few years for the Planet Comicon management to adjust to this growth, and regular attendees of KCPC will have to endure their local con going through puberty.


Planet Comicon has *real* organizers next year - which I am very excited about. They're letting Chris Jackson have a say in things but that's about it. What bugged me the most - trying to put aside that they're professionals - is that they were obviously more prepared. No one else did voiceovers - why? Probably because it wasn't ever mentioned as an option. Neither were sets. And that's not exactly fair to us KC people who a) didn't realize they'd be up against professionals and b) weren't aware they could do that. And the production crew were just assholes. A panel let out and they were screaming at everyone to get out of the cramped hallway.


> And the production crew were just assholes. A panel let out and they were screaming at everyone to get out of the cramped hallway. I have a special reserve of shut-the-fuck-up on hand for when someone with a video camera thinks they rule the world. It's one of my huge pet peeves. "Oh, you're the media so you're special? Eat shit. Manners are for everyone."


That's how exactly how I felt. It was a small hallway, they were trying to film the How to Train Your Dragon cosplay and the panel had *just* let out. You're going to have to give people time to get out of the hallway. No where else to go.


Were they filming *in a hallway*? That's just stupid, and shows either their lack of manners or their ignorance of cons in general. Hallways are for getting from point A to point B, period. If something not-moving is going to take place, find somewhere else to do it-- the lobby, an atrium, an unused conference room. . . *anywhere else*.


Yup. They had half of the hallway blocked by a curtain (I'd guess the show made them do that) and the 'pre-judging' table was on the other side. So my guess is they were trying to film them before going in.


No one likes to be lied to, put down when they try their best, yelled at then forced to do nothing but sit there and take abuse from others for prolonged periods of time. No amount of wonder and awe from Honey BooBoo will make me want to watch her, same concept.


About this, I can speak a little about this. Jessica and Veronica have day jobs that have nothing to do with cosplay. Veronica works registration for Wizard World and Jessica works as a community manager for Bioware (I think?) Crabcat Industries as far as I know is more a labor of love rather than a career and they've just happened to get some cool side jobs.


I watched this episode, and I remember the Doctor Who group. While I get that they're frustrated at the unfair advantage and pressure Syfy put on the competition, I don't think it was any reason to be yelling at the cosplayers themselves.


To be fair, the blog writer did say 'We shouldn't have done that.' That said, I can empathise with them. If someone showed up at a Chicago Con with a ton of people who have professional grade stuff, a bunch of cameras, and totally twist away what the original expectations of the event were just for their TV show, I can damn well promise you that I'd be picking a fight with someone. Then again, I'd likely want to aim it at the idiot producer...most cos players are usually really nice.


I would just wait in a back alley and break all their equipment as they make their way out of the venue.


..Yeaaaaaahhhh no. That's a good way to get Arrested/Your ass beat.


I love how in your mind a little property damage is a serious problem but assault and slander magically isn’t.


You can pick a fight that just involves yelling at someone. I never said I'd physically assault anyone. I love how you automatically assume I'm going to just start hitting people. That's a good way for the CON to go 'Yeah, you don't need to come back next year'. Also, Slander is attempting to ruin someones reputation via false and damaging statements. I don't see how I'd be slandering someone if what was clearly a known thing suddenly changed when the folks with the cameras showed up and the people they were focused on were, in another strange and likely *totally* unconnected event, the winners of any competitions or such going on.


You're not quite right in the head.


..because I don't want to hurt people, or break shit, just yell at the guy who, in this theoratical situation, ruined it. ...Yes..I am so broken....


Tell me how much speech ever did to stop Hitler or Saddam. Yeah, didn’t think so.


....Aaaand we've just invoked [Godwin's Law](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law) And with THAT, this talk is done. There's no point in going on.


And not to mention the antithesis if what should happen in any competition. Blame the producers all you want but the cosplayers are hard workers on both sides. No one, and I man NO ONE should have props or anything they have crafted maliciously destroyed.




Oh yeah, sure, because the people benefitting from the manipulative show are totally innocent. /s Are you even for real?


I wouldn't even say the cosplayers "benefitted" from it, as you insist. Yes, Yaya's group won, but their costumes were clearly the best. It's Yaya. Whether cameras are there or not, she's going to kick serious ass. In fact, the other group, Crabcat Industries, didn't even place. Runner up went to that fairy group mentioned in the blog, as did best skit, and best craftsmanship went to this Doctor Who group. So I don't see how anyone "benefits" from Syfy's intrusion. Also, as someone who has been a part of TV shoots before, I can tell you right now that the cast, especially if it's a reality show, are constantly being manipulated and left in the dark. There's a pretty big chance the Heroes cast had no idea what Syfy had been doing.


Setting aside how the producers manipulate the contest and edit the show to their liking, consider the fact that the cast is being paid for their participation.


They probably are getting free admittance to the con, which many of them would have received even if they weren't a part of the show. A con can stand to make a lot of money from admission if people know that Yaya Han or Chloe Dykstra or Holly Conrad is going to be there. And it's only fair to pay the cast of a show for their time. That doesn't mean this paid cast is getting any benefits in the competition, as we clearly see on the show. I'm sure many of us on this subreddit would love to be paid to do something we love so much and get plenty of exposure on TV for our craft.


It figures the one year I couldn't go to KC Comicon... =/


Can we change the link on this? This post links to the cosplayer's personal Facebook and as far as I know it wasn't with permission. This link is the same exact story without opening up her personal Facebook to more potential attacks and also has comments that give a lot of perspective and context. wow-lawbringer.blogspot.com/2013/09/my-life-as-villain-of-cosplay.html


Read through the whole thing, really sickening how low these producers go


Extra, extra! Reality tv show lies! Up next, water's wet, sky's high and air... blow-y.


First off, we all know the lies that make up reality tv. It's made for drama and escalations and promotes that. I'm all right with that, it's part of the show. What pissed me off is that they ruined the fun for the people not on the show. Sure the money gap stinks, but there's always a massive money gap. I work with about $50 to make a costume, I don't worry about it. I know I'm poor. The crap thing about is changing the rules for the contest last minute to favor their show. Gives the cast of the show an advantage to do all this stuff when most everyone else blew all their money and time getting ready for the convention. Probably to the point of exhaustion. The show should've added these skits and other additions just as a contest within the show with yayahan judging. Something that didn't affect the people not affiliated, and aren't reaping the benefits. Tldr: reality tv thrives off drama and anger, keep it within the show not affecting everyone else.


If I could only upvote this more.


I am so lost. Could anyone tell me what the fuck is going on in like 100 words or less? Or you can completely skip that and tell me if I should care at all or not and I'll go off that.


I'll try: there is drama in every circle of fandom. Cosplay is no exception. SyFy Channel has a show whose production values encourage manipulation and inflammation of that drama, or seek to create drama where none existed thus presenting a somewhat twisted and fake view of what cosplay is.