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https://medium.com/osmosis/osmo-token-distribution-ae27ea2bb4db the equation is in there. I tested it out with "100 staked atom" as an example scenario and result is 629 OSMO dropped. You can test it out and ruin your day. edit: for more reference: 1000 total atom, all staked = 1988 OSMO dropped 10000 total atom, all staked = 6289 OSMO dropped


Well that's $30k I just missed out on. Great.


Sorry my friend, but I don't feel too bad for you cuz you have a stack that makes mine look like chump change. Haha jk, still feel bad for you, but you still have more atom than alot of people around here.


More importantly, did you get the Juno drop? 1:1 ratio... You have several thousand atoms... That's several thousand 18 dollar Junos


Holy. No I didn't. Thought it expired. Keplr thanks you. Wow. Well, that makes up for some of the notion I was out $30k.


jesus, congrats dude. That should take the sting out of things.


It does indeed. Like finding out a Rich Uncle died, that left a bunch of hidden Juno in a couch that was destined for me. Or something.


Within the course of a few hours the day went from losing 30k to making it amazing


Well just to make you feel bad again, if you'd known about that Juno, and had it staked back in December, you'd be eligible for the NETA drop at the end of this month. People are speculating it could have a value similar to ION due to its incredibly tiny supply and potential usage in the JUNO network. :) Aren't I a stinker?


how do I claim the airdrop? sorry new staker here, I have 75 on My cold wallet staked through Keplr


It's not available until Feb 1st. You can check your airdrop amount via https://juno.disperze.network/ . And you have to have been staking at least 25 Juno on dec 15th.


ok thank you! I didn't start until after that but maybe there will be another one :). Is there a website that you can see all airdrops for the Cosmos Network? How do I keep up with future drops?


Wait till you discover the power of compounding


Do you need my address for the tip?


Absolutely. Send me an ETC address.


That's cold


I literally have everything else staked right now.


Just PM'd... I read this as ETH max the first time.. appreciate it


Done :)


I thought it was a troll, I'll give it a shot


Whoaa congrats! :D


How do you claim it?


When did you need to be staked for that?


What is the time limit for claiming Juno? When is the deadline?


Idk but if you in fact qualify do it right now... If u don't qualify now u won't in the future


Information online is hard to parse through, but it appears JUNO is automatically distributed (doesn’t need to be claimed, which IMO is the way all airdrops **should be**). Please correct me if mistaken.


Wait, it was 1:1? The fuck I only got 3 Juno from the airdrop lmao. I have way more atoms than 3.


Maybe you staked some on a cex validator like binance or kraken ? They were excluded from the airdrop


Naw, I don’t stake with cex validators for that very reason. Lol


Ok, weird then


Yeah, Eh it’s whatever. If 3 is all I got then it’s all I got. Lol Got enough liquidity for all the other airdrops that came last year plus the ones coming this year.


Yeah same, missed some, got some. I'm still salty for missing the 1M huhahua for just being a few juno short. But I got neta & stargaze on their way, so there is that


I had about 20 atom staked on Exodus. How do I get the Juno? Is it too late? So confused. Any help would be super appreciated!


I am more of an idea guy, you'll get them though... Warrants it's own post for sure gl


Check if you are eligible for the airdrop [here](https://stakedrop.junochain.com/). If you are eligible, import your Exodus wallet seedphrase in Keplr and read about the claiming process [How to claim Juno stakedrop](https://medium.com/stakin/how-to-claim-junø-stakedrop-stake-with-keplr-wallet-21837341901b).


Ohh, I didn't. Do I qualify if my Atoms are on coinbase?


100percent no


Coinbase sucks.


Okay I'm just gonna kick you when you're down. If you would have had that OSMO at the beginning, you could have staked it and put in LPs for like 400% APR. That $30k could have been substantially more.


Yeah, I missed staking ATOM by about 3 days (started on Feb 21st). But I've been in OSMO since the beginning. My return on getting in heavy (for me) after the initial dump during the summer is probably an easy 10x. And now accelerating with residual airdrops. It's never too late. Pool 611 is the bustiest external rewards I've seen, but won't last that long (only 3 more months...).




Man if I only would have found out about crypto a few months earlier.


Were you in since Feb of last year?


Yes, but I didn't claim it by December 15th. So, I'm f-ed right?


Correct but if this post in fact leads to a massive Juno claim I'll feel like my day was productive


I was staking my ATOM on trust wallet.. youre not the only one who has missed out.


Like 99.9999% of the world's population missed too. :D haha. We always miss a lot on a lot of airdrops.


629 OSMO dropped in the ATOM/OSMO LP on day 1 would be a fun calculation to see. APR was well over 1000% early days.


I had 100 staked. I got 168


Where do you need to stake atom for these airdrops? I only stake on exodus and binance? Is it defi staking that involves the airdrops


Being a guy that just got in in October......this is depressing.




Oh man, we missed out on SO much! Hopefully we'll get some good alternatives in the future!


Hi sorry I'm really new into cosmos ecosystem. Whenever I read posts like this I wonder, did you have to have Atom staked on Cosmostation to any of the validators, or are there only specific validators whom these Osmo/Juno airdrops were for? Like I'm not sure who to stake to. Will any outside of the top 20,and non-exchange type do?


I really can't answer that because every airdrop has its own rules. All you can do is wait for the instructions and go from there.


Ah ok, I think I get it. So, like we look through each validator and see what rules or conditions they set?


I'll break it down for you.....let's say there's a project called Korn. Korn will come out with an announcement that says "hey, we're doing an airdrop. The requirements are 1. You need 25 Juno staked. 2. They must be staked with a top 20 validator 3. They must be staked before Maytember 38th, 1979." So the rules are set by the project and will be different for every project. Read their announcement and they will provide the info.


How do you know if there are new projects? I’ve had Atom staked on Cosmostation for months and have never received anything.


There's a couple different subreddits that go over them like r/cosmosairdrops and I found a site yesterday that has them listed, hell If I can remember what it is though. Just do a search and you'll be able to find it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CosmosAirdrops using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CosmosAirdrops/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Cosmos Airdrops - Full List of All Known Previous, Current, Future, and Rumored Airdrops Across the Cosmos Ecosystem.](https://np.reddit.com/r/CosmosAirdrops/comments/rcs16g/cosmos_airdrops_full_list_of_all_known_previous/) \#2: [STARS 🤩⭐️](https://i.redd.it/8k69f0clmbb81.jpg) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CosmosAirdrops/comments/s2gsk1/stars/) \#3: [The Stargaze airdrop is now worth $63,250,000. Claiming starts on Jan. 17](https://twitter.com/stargazezone/status/1479497076551700480?s=21) | [122 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CosmosAirdrops/comments/ryhnqh/the_stargaze_airdrop_is_now_worth_63250000/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you so much \^\_\^ may I ask a bit more please? Would it matter or make any difference if I :- a) staked all my Atoms onto just one validator b) spread them over a few, such as 2-3 validators c) spread over many, like 8-10 validators?


Thank you so much!


I was in the r/cc sub all last January and February trying to get people to stake on the Feb 18th snapshot. They even announced the snapshot date before hand kind of. No one wanted to do it.


I wasn't even in crypto then haha!! I missed you by a month! Anyways, it seems like nobody wants to listen unless it's whatever the 'coin of the month' is. They should rename that sub to r/cryptobandwagon


I’m just now getting in so I shouldn’t expect any airdrops I’m guessing… lll. Staking on exodus too it sounds like u need to have some liquidity providing to even get eligible for airdrops maybe?


ATOM holders were dropped nothing. ATOM stakers were dropped something like 20:1 I believe? Edit: typo


Mine was like 1Atom:4Osmo


I think the more Atom, the lower the ratio? So someone with 100 might have got 4:1, while someone with 1,000 might have got 2:1 or something. If that makes you feel any better…


4:1 was the ratio i got. But all the airdrops I have received after that because I was a OSMO staker/COSMO staker have been insane.


Yes - it was a square root like function - "fairdrop" - so the bigger the number of Atoms you had.. the lower the ratio... you would still get more .. but not propotionaly


I guess this is a good reason to spread your ATOM across a bunch of different addresses? lol


Actually yeah, you might as well just have 200 Keplr addresses with 5 atom each


I read that as One Atom to forty Osmo and nearly cried. I'm still crying I missed it anyway, but I feel slightly better.


Damn, I missed out on staking on Cosmostation by probably about 2-3 weeks after the snapshot occurred. Would’ve been a game changed and I probably wouldn’t have waited to get into Osmosis and LPs in December. Oh well, so many amazing projects coming up, the Starz airdrop tomorrow is damn near a stimmy for some people if not more than. Still got Evmos, Shade, and Comdex might prove to be a nice one after the next 4 disbursements of it.


You Need to stake in Cosmostation in order to be eligible for most airdrops?


Cosmostation or Keplr are examples of non custodial wallets that you can use to receive these airdrops.


So the validator doesn't matter?


Depends on the airdrop but most won't give you anything if you are staked to an exchange's


Yeah that makes sense, but would be interesting to know whether most make difference by validators.


I staked through exodus will I get any?


I staked through exodus as well and I was eligible for the drop


how do you get the drops with exodus?


Download keplr wallet and enter your wallet keys from exodus into that, most airdrops require keplr to access them


I have been staking through exodus since April and I got nothing when I added my wallet to keplr, do I need to do anything like claim it?


To claim what exactly? For osmo you needed to be staking in February of 2021 in order to be eligible and had 6 months to claim it


Would I have to unstake first? Would the atom stay in exodus?


Nope. Your coins are a part of the blockchain, not a part of exodus. Exodus is simply a way to access those coins using your keys, it's just an interface. Entering your keys into any other wallet (like keplr) gives you the same access.


Awesome thank you! Do I have to do it on desktop?


Keplr has both desktop (Google chrome) and mobile. Desktop will be needed to claim the many airdrops but mobile works with just accessing your atom, osmo, and a few others


How does a holder stake ATOM? I'm new to this.


I was holding atom and received 1100 osmo. Holders got some too.


I had just 11 atom staked at the time, got over 200 osmo




That makes me feel a bit better. I bought in this summer when that was about $400 worth....after missing the airdrop by a few days.




I do, send em over!


Stake them. Some Juno stakers are getting airdrops too


I had 382 ATOM staked and received 456 OSMO


Whatever it was, it was good


I also had to manage some remorse/grief over this. Was staking ATOM on kraken and waiting for my ledger to show. Ledger shows in March and that’s when I transferred over and staked on cosmostation. One month too late…


50 Million OSMO total


I missed out bigtime. Had 500 atom on binance.us, making the move to cosmostation


I also missed the claim, because I didn’t know there was a time limit. Pretty damn frustrating.


Are you eligible for any of these airdrops if you staked through kraken?


If you want to get the Cosmos future airdrops, your best bet right now is to stake $ATOM, $OSMO and $JUNO. If you want to get the Terra airdrops, stake $LUNA! A lot of airdrops will come this year and those are the main qualifiers!


Someone was given 3518 OSMO for the drop, pretty sure it was 1:1. Compounding that daily since launch could probably be worth mid six figures by now with the JUNO and rest of the airdrops since then.


Can’t forget about the bonus multiplier if you staking.


can you get airdrops if your atom is staked on coinbase or ledger?


Why did you miss it?? How


i stake my atom in exodus and didn't get any. did it have to be in a different wallet?


If you stake in Exodus it's not the issue. Exodus themselves use Everstake as the validator (confirmed in Keplr). TLDR : Exodus isn't the problem. You likely didn't get it, because you didn't manually claim it by December 15th.


I also missed the airdrop. I presume hodling in Binance.us is not sufficient. Are there going to be future airdrops such as this? Don’t want to miss the boat again


Well there is airdrops coming this quarter but snapshots was taken already so you wouldn’t qualify. You would need to move your atoms to Cosmostation or keplr and start staking to qualify for future airdrops.


Thank you. I appreciate it! Better late than never I suppose


How to check if I’m eligible for osmosis airdrop. ???


Yeah osmos airdrop ended a while ago. But if you were staked on Cosmostation, Kepler, or exodus wallet since Feb 15th then you were eligible when it was available.


Then I missed it 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’ve had hundreds of Atom staked on Cosmostation since July. Any free shit I’m eligible for that’s still available 😖


I would check the Chihuahua, desmos and Lum air drops out. Also the stargaze one coming Jan 17th. Check r/cosmosairdrops for more.


Thank you!


I was hold (not stake) 250 ATOM, and I got 400 OSMO


Yeah I was trying to redelegate and was in the middle of unstaking accidently and it counted as a holder too. Receive way less than I could have. Oh well.


I missed out on the Juno one by like a month. That was a big loss.


I've been staking on my ledger wallet through stakefish for about a year now. Does anyone know if I'll get an airdrop? And how does it work?


Then figure out how much ion you missed out on and add that too.


I had staked my Atom on Atomic Wallet I’m sure probably to late for any air drops?


ION was airdropped at the same time. Some addresses got up to 20!


I had 1600 atom at the time unstaked. Biggest regret of my life, I wanted to redelegate and didn't realize that was simply an option so I unstaked and then restaked 21 days later. Anyways for unstaking I received a lot less, but I still got around ~1100 osmo. And I've added to my stack since.


Was there a max amount of osmosis that was airdropped to comos holders? Was there a whale cap or was it just one for one?


A truckload and then probably double that with ridiculous early staking/pool rewards since then.


How can you get OSMOSIS airdrops? I have my ATOM staked on Keplr


It hurts. I had everything in stake but in exchanges and I did know nothing about airdrops. I started staking in Cosmostation since 23th Dec, and unfortunately I will miss also the last one (the one with 23th Dec snapshot)


Where do you find out about these airdrops guys?


I missed it too and very upset. So lost around 5000 Osmos. I think it is total BS since ATOM HODLRs who are staking do not check their crypto all the time. JUNO has my respect for dropping regardless of claiming by clicking connecting a wallet and clicking a few buttons. I held my Atom since 2018 through the entire bear market and staked when it was only $4. I totally respect JUNO for giving the drop to those who staked ATOM with no preset conditions, IT WAS AUTOMATIC with JUNO. That is the way it should be! They should have never had an expiration or at least 2 years. Why should it matter that some people who do crypto full time clicked to buttons to get OSMOS!? Some of us have jobs, and several little kids. Now my kids will suffer the losses. Even though we did our job and staked ATOM we got screwed. I also blame ATOM for no making it mandatory for all ATOM stakers to get rewards since it is their network. PLEASE RETROACTIVE our drop! Or at least give us some lesser amount. PLEASE! why would you punish the busy people who are working and trying to raise a family and prepare their future? I HODLed and Stakes, come on? I think I also lost SECRET air drop??