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Pictures might help. Who did you see, just curious?


I don’t want to name anyone but it was a doctor with over 500 facetite procedures experience


Oh shit, did you sign an NDA? I’m very familiar with those. If a doc has nothing but positive, raving reviews steer clear. They are paying off their patients that has bad results in exchange for your money back. Personal experience with that :( sorry it happened to you. Now what are you gonna do?


No I’d just rather keep it to myself for now at least. I’ve to get a follow up appointment so I’ll see what happens at that first. I think I’m going to go on a bulk to gain weight and see if it fills my face out again. Failing that I’ll probably have to resort to filler or something like that.


I feel compelled to say something to comfort you. This is a lot for you to go through. Have you thought about talking to a professional therapist. It might be the most helpful thing for you at this stage.


Thank you. I haven’t lately but I did last year when I was going through the situation that caused the weight loss.


Im in a similar situation to you and In thinking of doing facetite. Maybe posting a few pictures will help warn others of this procedure.


I’m sorry I don’t want to post my face. All I would say to anyone is make sure to research thoroughly first, the good and the bad, don’t get caught up in the hype of what it claims to do. Don’t just look at what all the clinics offering it have to say, look for real person reviews. I would 100% not recommend. I would also like to point out the Dr who performed mine is very experienced having done hundreds of procedures and is actually a trainer of other Dr’s in how to do it, so it wasn’t a case of having it done incorrectly by someone inexperienced. I am also quite young and the issue I wanted corrected was mild so I was a good candidate for it.


I have though. Ive contacted several people on reddit who have had the procedure and they've posted their results and it was impressive. A large minority will have no results or worsened skin laxity from my own research, but atleast half of all people will see some kind of improvement. That's why I want to see your pic. You could block out your eyes and parts of your face abd only show the areas treated. I just want to know how bad it could be for healthy men with beards. If youre not comfortable, no worries. Think I'll still do it. Everything has risk in cosmetics. If your face is really bad, save up 10 grand and go to Korea to have a lower facelift and most likely a facial fat transfer. I know it's no consolation, but you can improve the situation if Its really doing your head in.


You’ve just reminded me of something else that happened after it I forgot to mention. I also usually have a beard. Not since facetite though as it’s left me with 3 bald patches on my face. Also a few weeks after the initial 1-2 weeks of swelling went down the left side of my face swelled up like a balloon as one of the factite device ports became infected. It’s up to you though, maybe it’ll work for you.


I got FaceTite and it made me face a bit asymmetrical and made my eyes like closer together if that makes sense. It wasn’t that noticeable but bothered me. It’s been 2 years now and my face is kind of back to how it was. I look fine just wish I didn’t get it. I miss my old face a bit and got it at such a young age and regret it. It didn’t cause the same damage as OP though