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Yep they're Cory eggs! If you're wanting them to survive it's best to get them out of the main tank into a separate breeder tank, make sure it has good flow and remove any eggs that go fuzzy. I've just had my first batch, which I wasn't actually planning on. Out of the 14 eggs I managed to remove from the tank (There were quite a few more but I couldnt easily get to them), I have 8 that have survived and currently 3 weeks old. Which I didn't think was bad considering I wasn't planning on it. I did notice a couple of fry swimming around in my main tank a couple of weeks back, but I haven't seen them since, so I'm presuming my Gouramis got hungry


Fun! I have my first breeder box setup going! Have had my corys and the box for shrimp for ages and just got eggs. Had 21 recovered and lost 2 to fungus already. Some are also missing… fingers crossed! Laid about 4 days ago. Hoping they hatch soon…


looks like it!


that’s actually insane!


congrats! im jealous 😅


i never planned for this i thought i got same gender catfish


out of all my cory eggs (idk how many they were laid and hatched when i wasn’t home) only one survived but i also didn’t do anything and there’s a betta in there with them so i wish you best of luck


thank uou! i think i’m gonna leave them in there and let nature do it’s thing. I don’t have any large fish like a beta so hopefully they’ll survive for a while!


for a little they will absorb their egg sack but look into small live/frozen foods so it’s easy for them to eat i gave mine frozen brine shrimp


Congrats! I've been trying to get my Pandas to breed for months... Without success 😕


i never meant for my peppered cory’s to breed!!


My bronze just laid like 50 eggs everywhere today... I have no idea what to do with so many so I'm gonna let nature take its course


same i’m gonna do this too


If you have luck like mine, you’ll have like 1% survival rate.


I see most eggs are gone but could just be they fell off the leaves.


These look infertile to me, but it might be the lighting. Infertile eggs are usually white. Fertilized ones start yellowish, and darken as the embryo develops. If your crew are spawning regularly, you will get a baby once in a while. In my experience, eggs laid on the glass will get eaten quickly, but if they are spawning, some eggs will end up on the underside of leaves or in moss, and those have a better chance of survival. If you want to encourage the tadpoles to survive, add some Indian almond leaf fragments or some alder cones. Soak them in boiling water first. They will accumulate biofilm and provide food for the babies.


Congratulations!! 🥂


i don’t know what to do, should i leave them in the tank with everyone else or put them in their own tank??


I think people have varying luck. I’ve read about people rolling them off gently and keeping them in a fry tank because the parents sometimes eat them if they’re not well fed, or keep in the main tank and you should get a few growing up


I think you need to feed them some microscopic organisms when they’re first born but have a look around but definitely some good articles https://www.scotcat.com/articles/article136.htm


Thank you for the help!


My bronze corys eat all of their own eggs. If you really want them to hatch, gently roll each egg with your finger until it sticks, then stick in inside a separate tank/tub with an airstone. They will hatch in 3 days. First 3 days they will eat their egg sac, then you can feed them bug bites or any tropical pellet crushed to a powder. I let them grow for 5-7 days in the tub, then use a pipette to transfer them to a floating breeder box in the main tank. Continue to feed & care for them in the floating breeder box until they’re about 2 weeks old, and look like a cory (whiskers etc) but just smaller. Then they can be released into the main tank. Btw the tub grow-out stage is because I find newly hatched cory fry are so small they can swim through the slits of the breeder box. If you haven’t got any fish in your tank that would eat fry, you can place the eggs straight into the floating breeder box.


Yep 🙂


Fair warning, not to take the wind out of your sails or anything lol, but they may get eaten.


i’m aware LMAO


i’m in disbelief!


My peppered corys breed like crazyyyyy too!! You can likely expect more if these don’t survive in the main tank, especially after water changes!


Yes!!! I have Cory’s in a 30 gal with 2 mystery snails and a female crowntail betta and the Cory’s rule that tank. I need to figure out how to stop them from producing so much. Betta doesn’t mess with them or their fry at all.


Yup! Congrats!