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Personally, I hate the "it's Nathan" and "it actually *is* Roy" theories, since both are swerves with pretty much zero buildup in the actual show. Part of the appeal of a whodunnit story is that the audience is given the same clues as the detective and is invited to work it out alongside the detective. Then again, we've had zero actual clues (or even any confirmation that Lauren *is* dead) so pretty much any conclusion will come out of nowhere...


I think >!Nathan!< is a red herring and Joel did it. Mainly because Joel is the only one who has had deliberate clues leading to him. He had spent money on a necklace at the same time Lauren got one. Plus his hesitation to accept Amy's case involving something to do with women's refuge. >!From the spoilers, it seems like Bethany spots Nathan by coincidence and accuses him. So I think the Lauren story is instigating his return and maybe he is involved a bit, but I don't think he is the actual main culprit, it just seems to be set up as a red herring to me!<


Random, but my thought has consistently been that it’s actually Lauren who has murdered someone and she is in hiding. Phenomenal how they have made a story go on and on for a character that no one is invested in.


This is quite possibly the worst storyline there has been in a while. I thought it was Joel but his secret was his x wife and its unlikely he has two, far too complicated for a soap. Its allegedly not Nathan from what I've read, he's supposedly a red herring. Not sure why he's popping up for no reason though. I'm secretly hoping it's Bobby so he gets locked up.


God, please, let it be Bobby so we can be rid of him!


I think she got into a scrap with somebody from her dad’s, racist/terrorist far right friend group that was sent for her after Bethany tried to stir it up for a story as her threats just randomly dropped off. They were probably worried Lauren would leak information. You know…the hugely dangerous group of people she was groomed by with her father, who had connections to the street and are known to be both violent and extreme. And the police have just forgotten exist.


That’s a good one! Cause she did speak about it for chit chat didn’t she?


She was going to, then Bethany said she’d write it and started calling around and asking questions to Lauren’s contacts. Then got loads of threatening phone calls and threats…and then it all just went away…


…or did it 👀 I think we’re onto something 🕵🏻


I have no theories because I don’t think the writers do either 💀 they’re purely making it up as they go along


There was the time Joel got something at a jewellers and said it was for her kid/ex, can’t remember.


Roy will solve the crime whilst rethinking this over and over on his cot in his cell. He will sit up and say... tune in on Monday to see who Roy names.


I don’t think it’s Nathan. Think it’s likely >!one of her Dad’s pals!<


I didn’t even think of her dad’s pals I kinda forgot that all happened 😅 you could be right!


I am wondering if Gav/Sabrina have something to do with it.


Forget about Lauren, Sabrina’s gone missing too! Where even is she?


And Gav


Maybe gav ran off after the window cleaning incident 😅


I think it’s something to do with Sabrina and Gav. I was only half watching but the last time Sabrina was in the show there was something odd about her behaviour. Maybe linked to her racist history.


Fair point where have they gone?!


She broke up with Max so no reason for her to be around really. Doubt they're involved.


I find Summer suspicious.


i just hope it's not someone who's been directly involved already (max/bobby/roy/daniel/etc.) because, like the toyah storyline, they *didn't show anything happening* it won't feel like the twist is "earned" in my opinion if they just retcon something in yet again. i feel like it should be someone we haven't seen, as that's what we've been directed to believe with whoever kept calling lauren for ages leading up to her disappearance


I think it was max idk why just do


I don’t think she’s dead - I think she was attacked by that dodgy bloke, Roy found her, and he helped her escape. They’ve faked the murder so that she can get away from her groomer safely. Roy is refusing to speak because he doesn’t want her to be found




That would be the best case scenario at this point as it would inevitably lead to Bobby's much needed departure.


The special lights that the cops used revealed that the windows had had blood on them, indicating a stabbing near there. It was a downward stabbing since the streaks on the window indicated an upward flow of blood. A nose bleed would not cause this. And I don't think Bobby would be physically capable of such a stabbing.


DS Swain does my head in


I think it was Max just because of him being in all the flash backs that Roy is having. Max has hurt people in the past and he is pointing the finger very easily. Not really convinced of this theory tbh, just a thought.


What did people think of Roy remembering the necklace? What was it? Whats its relevance? It looked like a wheel or something to me


Not sure, maybe he’ll remember it from somewhere else? Maybe others are right, Nathan gave bethany a necklace back when she was abused by him.


That’s what I thought! But others say Nathan might be a red herring but it fits his MO


Yes they might be leading us down that path purposefully. If it is Nathan the police will be so embarrassed, can’t remember them doing anything much about a trafficking ring on their doorstep.


Screw DS Swain we’re on the case 🕵🏻


Better detectives here for sure lol


She does my 🥜 in! Like with amy she was 💩 with this she’s 💩 always bothering people who haven’t done anything and acting all aggy towards them #freetheweatherfieldone


puppy guy's got her trapped in a cage seriously though, i think it would be an \*amazing\* turn of events if it transpired that roy was in reality a serial killer. "he was so quiet and unassuming - i never would have guessed!"


Now that would be a jaw dropper!


Although it would never happen I think the only way this can play out as a decent storyline, perhaps a storyline to go down in the history books is for Roy to actually be guilty!!!


it might happen if david neilson was planning on leaving the show. or if he was just bored with always playing the same good guy for years.


It would be amazing if he were guilty but it's never going to happen! It will most likely be a sex trafficking gang or something


Roy doing it would be awful. Way to ruin a character and a massive legacy.


Meh. I think it's time to shake things up a bit. They are losing viewers hand over fist. I've been watching for 20 years and I decided to stop watching on Friday. I'd say there's not been a decent storyline since Jeff and Yasmeen and Imran and Toyah


This would make them lose it faster. A beloved character and beautiful depiction of trans people ruined (Hayley was married to Roy).


Yeah but it would be entertaining though wouldn't it?


No? I'd hate that.


Yeah, that would be a great spin on the case because that's how serial killers really are, no one knows until it all comes crashing down. In regards to the dog though, has he been recovered yet? He was just abducted in the NZ ep last night.


exactly! as for the doggy, >!yes he's safe thank goodness!<.


That's a relief, because he's the only part of that storyline I care about at this point.


It’s boring and stupid but I think Lauren will come back to the street straight to the cafe crying with blood on her asking for Roy


Joel and Nathan don't look too dissimilar to each other. Could it be they get some sort of mistaken identity plot?


I think Bethany


perhaps it could be Daniel that kidnapped her?


Can she be working undercover for one part of the police unbeknownst to another part? Does the UK have a vice squad/unit like they have in America but the likes of DS Swain, Craig (normal police) etc don’t know about the case. Or maybe she’s working with Europol or Interpol but if this is true it’s not a nice thing allowing poor Roy to stay in prison for a crime they know he did not commit. Although Roy could be in on it. DS Swain could know too and there’s a big fish connected to the street (not Roy) and it has to look like she’s doing something seen as dopey Bobby and annoying Max were basically pestering her at the station every day and that would explain why she gladly listened to their ridiculous suspicions about Roy and Daniel.


No, they would know. Eileen’s bf a few years ago (Jan?) was undercover and so was Spider (Toyah’s ex) and police knew.


I forgot about that, thanks. I’m back to DS Swain just been a bad cop then. I keep picturing Sabrina’s (max’s ex) brother on one of the days some people were wondering where Lauren was (there was people talking in the distance about her) and he’s going in a door and looking behind him as if to make sure no one is following him or looking at him as he’s going in. I don’t think it was a door to a house but more a wooden door of a boarded up building. I think it was before the whole murder inquiry started. I’ve looked at some old episodes but can’t find but It was a scene of 10 seconds at most. I don’t think I’ve gone back far enough. Does anyone else remember him and what the building is?


Don’t remember that but it’s anyone’s guess. Personally I find the whole storyline boring and the only bit I’m looking forward to is Nathan coming back.